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What was the last classic martial-arts film you watched?


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Secret Executioner

This kind of stuff happens some times with sets like these. But honestly, I know what to expect from a set that has 4 movies on one DVD. I was just pointing it out here because it was kinda bad, though it adds to the enjoyment cause there's a crossdresser in that film (who's only seen in the first third and then completely disappears) that I mistook for an actual woman because I couldn't clearly see him/her - a crossdresser whose kung fu is pretty good and who offers some nice action BTW.

Naturally, I was puzzled that CKC and his sidekick kept wondering about this person's gender (especially when he looks more convincing as a woman than the usual crossdressers you have in KF films do - and yup, it's a guy playing that character according to hkcinemagic, which is even weirder) as it seemed obvious to me it was a woman. The best part was when Hon Gwok Choi insulted this character and I went "wait, did he just call a chick a son of a bitch ?!".

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Being a fan of Kung Fu cinema I'm used to the odd dud release. A few of the Vengeance Video releases had the same problems. Still when it occurs during the build up to the Heroes Of Shaolin finale its very annoying.

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I don't remember pixilation when I watched it, although I'm sure it was present. It was probably just overshadowed to missing what seemed to be like a big fight scene just before the final fight.. Actually, you said the pixilation happens when Yuen Biao shows up, so you probably turned it off right before it seemingly skips a few minutes of fighting.

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I don't remember pixilation when I watched it, although I'm sure it was present. It was probably just overshadowed to missing what seemed to be like a big fight scene just before the final fight.. Actually, you said the pixilation happens when Yuen Biao shows up, so you probably turned it off right before it seemingly skips a few minutes of fighting.

I turned it off during the final fight, the image was so bad you couldn't watch the film. I kept fast forwarding through sections right up to the final fight. The picture quality just stays the same until the end of the film.

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Damn, it was at least watchable on the 50 movie mill creek set I have.

I'll have to check it out again soon, good movie anyway.

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Damn, it was at least watchable on the 50 movie mill creek set I have.

I'll have to check it out again soon, good movie anyway.

I did consider bashing the DVD player into small pieces. Using the Jimmy Wang Yu one armed boxer technique. Id been looking forward to the big showdown with Hwang Jang Lee.

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DragonClaws, what movie is your pic from? That's Chen Sing right?

Yes it is Chen Sing, Im not 100% sure but I think its taken from Kung Fu The Invisible Fist paimefist. He wears that outfit in one of the opening scenes. I have a copy of this recorded from T.V that a friend gave me. Its your typical 70s basher set during WW2 with Yasuaki Kurata. The film is re-titled Tiger VS Dragon for the copy I have.

Here's the IMDB page.

Link- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0186982/

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Morgoth Bauglir

Dragonclaws you should get a different DVD for Heroes of Shaolin. It is definitely worth having in your collection. "Your skill is so poor, I can't imagine how you got your reputation. You're a useless fighter. Out! Get out!"

Speaking of cheap DVDs that don't work. I watched Deadly Strike, released here in America in the Kung Fu Theater line. The same company that put out Secret Rivals with Stephen Chow on the cover. Best Film & Video Inc. The movie was good. Bruce Li, Choi Wang, Lung Fei and others are on a kung fu mission. Awesome to see Lung Fei as one of the lead actors. And the final fight is a doozy. I'm gonna have to find a better copy. This is your standard watchable VHS full screen version. It froze up in the second half of the movie, but luckily I was able to skip chapters and I only missed around 10 minutes.

Also, rewatched Iron Swallow and Boxer's Adventure. I watch Boxer's Adventure a lot, but it's been a long time for Iron Swallow. Both great movies.

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Dragonclaws you should get a different DVD for Heroes of Shaolin. It is definitely worth having in your collection. "Your skill is so poor, I can't imagine how you got your reputation. You're a useless fighter. Out! Get out!"

Speaking of cheap DVDs that don't work. I watched Deadly Strike, released here in America in the Kung Fu Theater line. The same company that put out Secret Rivals with Stephen Chow on the cover. Best Film & Video Inc. The movie was good. Bruce Li, Choi Wang, Lung Fei and others are on a kung fu mission. Awesome to see Lung Fei as one of the lead actors. And the final fight is a doozy. I'm gonna have to find a better copy. This is your standard watchable VHS full screen version. It froze up in the second half of the movie, but luckily I was able to skip chapters and I only missed around 10 minutes.

Also, rewatched Iron Swallow and Boxer's Adventure. I watch Boxer's Adventure a lot, but it's been a long time for Iron Swallow. Both great movies.

Ill get round to buying a copy Morgorth:smile:. Deadly Strike is a classic, I have this one on DVD,sadly its sourced from an old censored VHS print. The cuts don't damage the film too much as I caught the UNCUT print on Youtube. Love to see this one in widescreen. Chan Sing puts in a great performance as the substance sniffing villain.

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The Club - Classic HK triad film from 1981 about a Triad/club owner who refuses to sell out to one of his rivals. Instead, he's looking to get out of crime business and get into real estate. Unfortunately, both of his potential buyers team up to have him offed. So his chief enforcer (played by Michael Chan) gets bloody revenge on them all. The action consists of quick, powerful punches and kicks and chopper action, which is directed as if it were a chambara film. It has the rhythm and speed of a modern-day action movie, despite being made two years before Sammo and Jackie revolutionized the genre. Norman Tsui shows up as Chan's former partner who gets up in on the action during the final reel.

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Nice review DrNgor

Ive been wanting to watch The Club for year's now. Yet to hear any negative comments about this movie.

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Thanks, DragonClaws. I caught in on Youtube (just put "The Club Wu Ting" in the search engine there.

The now defunct website Wasted Life had the finale in their top 100 fight scenes of all time.

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Thanks, DragonClaws. I caught in on Youtube (just put "The Club Wu Ting" in the search engine there.

The now defunct website Wasted Life had the finale in their top 100 fight scenes of all time.

Thanks for the link DrNgor:smile:

I remember seeing this film a lot on video in shops, back in the days of VHS. Before the days of the internet buying Asian films could be a bit of a gamble.

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It sounds like a pretty awesome movie, I need to get my triad fix in myself.

I know I have asked before, but I didn't get a solid answer, or don't remember.. Is there any release of Heoes of the Wild where the fight scene BEFORE THE FINALE (with Yuen Biao and co.) isn't cut?

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It sounds like a pretty awesome movie, I need to get my triad fix in myself.

I know I have asked before, but I didn't get a solid answer, or don't remember.. Is there any release of Heoes of the Wild where the fight scene BEFORE THE FINALE (with Yuen Biao and co.) isn't cut?

I posted this link before and I'll do it again!


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Secret Executioner

Tiger At Top (Taiwan, 1975), from the Flying Fists Of Kung Fu 12-movie set


An 80-minute movie with about 75% of the running time devoted to fighting. The story is very confused though the plot itself is very simple: a guy is put in charge of transporting a cargo of gold, but a bunch of bandits want to rob him. On the way, two people get involved and try helping him. But the story is so badly told that it gets convoluted as you don't get why everyone wants to kill this guy nor have a clue on next to anything. There's also some guy showing up and helping the good guys - his random appearances and the lack of exposition makes this point hard to understand, but at least he delivers in terms of action.

Speaking of which, this movie has a huge part of it devoted to fighting (as I said) but the fight scenes are boring. No shapes or anything that stands out (except some weird stuff with the villain that produces psychedelic effects and seems to make him stronger).

Also, the copy featured in the set is pretty bad. Some grain at points, washed out colors at others, some scenes get too dark, other times the sound gets off... There's even a big mess up at a point when the screen looks as though the VHS it's ripped from crashes. Probably the worst of the set so far in terms of quality and as far as the movie itself goes, I'm not sure which between this and Mantis Under Falcon's Claws is the worse - I recall Mantis... having a funny character and I think it ACTUALLY had Animal styles in it, so I guess maybe Tiger (or Tigers ?) At Top takes the cake, if we may say so.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I need to see The Pier. Is there a non bootleg version? I'm not familiar with the releases.

The Bone Crushing Kid- it's been a long long time since I've watched this. Just as good as I remember. It's kind of a bad movie, but stays interesting with its constant fight scenes. Lots of talent on hand, and they squeeze out all they can from all the actors. Chang Chi Ping and Suen Shu Pao get cameo fights. Wong Chi Sang gives his best performance of his career. James Tien gives his full effort as the main villain. Tsang Ming Cheong gets a rare large role. He's not a very good fighter, but this movie makes me wish he had more big roles in his career because of his acting. He's great as the teacher/master. And he's not a bad fighter, he's just not that good compared to guys like Wong Chi Sang. In a couple scenes he actually does some of his own acrobatics. You've seen Tsang Ming Cheong as thug #4 in a lot of movies, and I think he's mainly a stuntman. But you never hear about him because he's probably the oldest stuntman on whatever movie he's working on.

The main attraction is seeing Chin Lung in a lead role. He takes this opportunity to show that he is an elite screen fighter. Even Jackie Chan would be in awe of his physical performance. And his acting is good too. There is a warmth in this idiot that makes you want to root for him.

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I need to see The Pier. Is there a non bootleg version? I'm not familiar with the releases.

You do NOT need to see The Pier. I reviewed it a couple of weeks ago (check back a few pages). It has nothing going for it.

But, if you really think you do, you can check it out here.

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Secret Executioner

Revisited Phantom Kung Fu (Taiwan, 1979) this morning. :nerd:

Man, this one went from being one in many rather funny yet kinda bizarre fu flicks (when I first saw it last summer) to now being one of my very favorite films ever. I love just everything here: the characters, the action, the comedy, the supernatural stuff... I can't seem to find a flaw here and it's a movie I find myself loving more and more every time I revisit it. Who would have thought a set with 12 movies crammed on 3 DVDs would turn out featuring one of my very favorite movies ever ?! :bigsmile:

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Revisited Phantom Kung Fu (Taiwan, 1979) this morning. :nerd:

Man, this one went from being one in many rather funny yet kinda bizarre fu flicks (when I first saw it last summer) to now being one of my very favorite films ever.

That basically goes without saying at this point, seems like you post about this movie all the time! Haha, I don't agree with you on the movie, but I dig your opinion still, unique favorites are way more interesting than the common ones.

Being that you liked this, you should really check out Fatal Needles vs Fatal Fists. I am pretty sure I am in the minority with this, but I like it more than Phantom Kung Fu! It's more focused and less crazy. It's one weak point is a big one, the ending. Which is somethig I really like about Phantom Kung Fu, it's ridiculous ending is great to me, lol. Chang Yi is again awesome as a somewhat sympathetic bad guy.

Edit: sorry I'm doing it again, suggesting more movies to you :P

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Secret Executioner

I often refer to this one as it's a fine example of great Taiwanese MA cinema IMO - unlike Tiger At Top which was so boring I nearly fell asleep watching it. My most recent post on this film was a thread I created 'cause I'd love to see this wonderful little film in its original Mandarin dub, but it seems like it will be hard to find. Too bad. :sad:

I usually tend to like stuff people aren't too fond of for the most part, and the stuff that's widely popular I usually don't like that much, so no surprise here. :tongue:

I think I read about Fatal Needles vs Fatal Fists on here, will need to refresh my memory about this one.

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Tiger At Top (Taiwan, 1975), from the Flying Fists Of Kung Fu 12-movie set


An 80-minute movie with about 75% of the running time devoted to fighting. The story is very confused though the plot itself is very simple: a guy is put in charge of transporting a cargo of gold, but a bunch of bandits want to rob him. On the way, two people get involved and try helping him. But the story is so badly told that it gets convoluted as you don't get why everyone wants to kill this guy nor have a clue on next to anything. There's also some guy showing up and helping the good guys - his random appearances and the lack of exposition makes this point hard to understand, but at least he delivers in terms of action.

Speaking of which, this movie has a huge part of it devoted to fighting (as I said) but the fight scenes are boring. No shapes or anything that stands out (except some weird stuff with the villain that produces psychedelic effects and seems to make him stronger).

Also, the copy featured in the set is pretty bad. Some grain at points, washed out colors at others, some scenes get too dark, other times the sound gets off... There's even a big mess up at a point when the screen looks as though the VHS it's ripped from crashes. Probably the worst of the set so far in terms of quality and as far as the movie itself goes, I'm not sure which between this and Mantis Under Falcon's Claws is the worse - I recall Mantis... having a funny character and I think it ACTUALLY had Animal styles in it, so I guess maybe Tiger (or Tigers ?) At Top takes the cake, if we may say so.

I picked up Mantis Under Falcon Claws very cheap on a single disc DVD last year. I didn't think much off it either, very poor. I gave the film away to someone. The film has popped up again in the 100-moive Mill Creek set I got:sad:.

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