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What was the last classic martial-arts film you watched?


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Morgoth Bauglir

That's some good stuff Cold Bishop. Those words hit me right in the middle of my evil heart. The only thing I'll add to what you said is that Joseph Kuo knew how to make movies that catered specifically to the die hard kf fans. Movies like 36 Deadly Styles, Born Invincible and Chessboxing seemed to be made purely to showcase really awesome villains, and a lot of fight scenes. So basically, what you already said..:tongue:

I've added Butterfly Murders to my list of movies I need to get.

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I like them both a lot but it's an easy choice for me. Seasonal. It's my favorite film company. Quality over quantity.

Actually I take that back. I was thinking Little Superman was Seasonal. I was going to use Little Superman to put Seasonal slightly ahead of Shaws and Golden Harvest in my mind. Yes, Little Superman is that important.

Is Little Superman the one with the the balls-to-the-wall brawl between Leung Siu-Lung and James Nam at the end?

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To be honest I don't know that I'm the most qualified to discuss this, as I could stand to see more from both companies.

With that said, from what I have seen, I'd have to go with Seasonal. While Cold Bishop makes a good point, or really already stated the case for BOTH sides, I prefer the more "complete" feeling of the Seasonal movies. More than that though, I just like the best I've seen of Seasonal(Ninja in the Dragons Den, Legend of a Fighter, Dance of the Drunk Mantis) a LITTLE more than the best I've seen of Hong Hwa.(7 Grandmasters, Chessboxing, 8 Masters).

But still, if I really want to see some shapes, you can bet your ass I'm throwing on 7 Grandmasters!

I forgot about that release of Shanghai 13, damn you guys make it hard to decide which movies to buy.

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Morgoth Bauglir
Is Little Superman the one with the the balls-to-the-wall brawl between Leung Siu-Lung and James Nam at the end?

That's the one. Japanese colonel vs second class brothel inspector.

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Off topic away:smile: yeah that is a good episode. "My family! My family! My family!" That episode felt like a western.

I plan to watch Struggle soon. I've been meaning to get the Pagoda version for years and it's still at a good price. I didn't want to read your review until after I've seen the movie dragonclaws. I read a couple of lines and it sounds like a thumbs up. The part about John Liu not fighting until an hour in sounds interesting. I'm always looking for something different in kf movies these days. The standard teacher and student stories don't really do it for me anymore.

It not a must see like Legend Of A Fighter Morgoth, but if you are tired of the master/student theme its worth watching.

Only ever watched the finale of Little Superman which appears at the end of the Top Fighter documentary. Judging by the end fight it looks nuts to me.

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The Challenger

Starts out as a kung-fu comedy, with some above-average fighting for the first half of the movie, and seemingly not much of a story. The fighting and David Chiang's character and his shenanigans carry it to the better second half, where the story gets dark, and the action gets great. The action basically gets twice as good as soon as Phillip Ko fights for the first time. From here on out, the mood also goes from comedy to almost a thriller, as we get some back story on the characters. Phillip Ko yells like a mad man, chases, and kills people, and the settings and atmosphere that accompany help set the tone.

The fighting is solid at first, but great in the last 20 minutes. Two memorable scenes are David Chiang and Norman Chu fighting against a gang of people wielding staves, and then people with rings. The other is of course the finale, which is just some fantastic hand to hand between Norman Chu, David Chiang, and Phillip Ko. This may be the best fighting performance I have seen from Norman Chu, and while I'm not sure I'd say the same for David Chiang and Phillip Ko, they were great here too.

The plot is actually decent overall, there is just enough mystery surrounding the characters' intentions to make it better than the average fu fare. It definitely starts out seeming like another fight fest, but has slightly more to it than that. No it is nothing great, but I have seen far worse plots. David Chiangs character is great, as he plays a smart talking smug guy who fits him perfectly. Phillip Ko being slightly psychotic is also welcome. The comedy was pretty good to me, David Chiang's character cracked me up a couple times, as did the dub and some slap stick choreo.

The shift in tone of this, and really the feel of the movie overall reminded me of another (in my opinion superior) movie, Killer in White.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Yeah this one kinda reminds of Killer in White too because it'll quickly go from goofy to serious. What did you think of the finishing blow on Lily Li:xd:

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Yeah this one kinda reminds of Killer in White too because it'll quickly go from goofy to serious. What did you think of the finishing blow on Lily Li:xd:

It was hilarious, Philip Ko went from looking like a maniac to a temperamental toddler.. I also liked how he was like dying, and after she spoke her piece, he had enough left to get her ass! Hahaha! Honestly though, I was hoping she would get it in this one anyway, she had it coming!

Yes, that is exactly why it made me think of Killer In White.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Me too. After reading the review I feel the need to go back and give it a full investigation. You'll definitely remember the final fight. It's one of those fights where after the first time I watched it I asked myself- did I just watch the greatest fight scene of all time?

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Morgoth Bauglir
It not a must see like Legend Of A Fighter Morgoth, but if you are tired of the master/student theme its worth watching.

Only ever watched the finale of Little Superman which appears at the end of the Top Fighter documentary. Judging by the end fight it looks nuts to me.

The whole movie is filled with lots of screaming and lots of good fights. But the finale takes it to another level. It is definitely one of my top 10 fights.

"And is that in the samurai code, the famous Japanese Bushido?"

"Bushido, ha ha ha ha ha. First of all I gotta get those plans back, then I'll think about Bushido. AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"

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I just put it on and realised that I've seen this recently but still don't remember it lol. I must of been doing something with the movie just on in the background. I'm still going to watch it though.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I have it under Kung Fu Superman. It comes with Muscle of the Dragon. But that disc stopped working. It's one of those early Videoasia Double sided discs. A lot of them won't play. So then I got it in the Ultimate Dragon 10 pack. This version is much more reliable.

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Yeah I have heard good things about The Loot, and now that I know Kwan Yeong Moon is in it I'm going to have to track it down. There were some good dub quotes in The Challenger, but I can't remember any. I really liked how David Chiang played his character in this, its something I feel should have been utilized more.

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I just finished watching it, a lot better than I remember, first half is not so good but it picks up big time in the second half of the film, great end fight. Lily Li Li Li delivers in this as well.

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Morgoth Bauglir
Yeah I have heard good things about The Loot, and now that I know Kwan Yeong Moon is in it I'm going to have to track it down. There were some good dub quotes in The Challenger, but I can't remember any. I really liked how David Chiang played his character in this, its something I feel should have been utilized more.

Don't worry I got it covered.

"Want to kiss me? Have you cleaned your teeth?"

"I should have used my kung fu. he ha ho ha! That would have done him"

Nice to see his one again. I still can't believe Phillip Ko uses his penis to kill Lily Li. So fitting. And the silent movie scene always kills me.

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So fitting. And the silent movie scene always kills me.

Isn't the dual silent movie sequence the turning point where the film goes from comedy to something more serious? If so, then dang, that's a memorable transition.

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Ah hah! I forgot to mention the Charlie Chaplin like scene, it was pretty funny, and definitely caught me off guard. I agree, Lily Li was good, even in her couple fight scenes. I like how he lays on top of her and elbows her like an angry little kid too.

For the most part it is where the transition is made NGor, as that's where the backstory between Norman Chu and Phillip Ko is revealed. But the movie really takes a turn the first time Philip Ko goes after David Chiang, as he chases him through a dark forest and they fight.(I think that is before the reveal) I really liked that scene, not sure but I think there was cricket and nighttime sounds and no music at that time, which I thought was awesome... May have just been my imagination, the quality of it wasnt the greatest.

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I still can't believe Phillip Ko uses his penis to kill Lily Li.

Perhaps the greatest move I've ever seen.

I'm now watching 'Shaolin Kung Fu Master' aka 'The Five Invincible Guards' with Wong Tao & Champ Wang. Anybody else seen this?

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Morgoth Bauglir

I did a semi-review of it in the review section. Slightly above average. I love the silent staredown between Champ and Lung Fei at the start.

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