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What was the last classic martial-arts film you watched?


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Ninja Kids AKA Ninja Death AKA Venom Of The Ninja (Taiwan, 1982)


An 85 minutes version of what seems to be a nearly 5 hours movie. Can you spot a problem ? Lots of obscure stuff or things that don't make sense. Strangely enough and in spite of being cut, this version still has a lot of dialogue and exposition. But when it gets down to action, it goes insane - the fights are sped up, lots of acrobatics and there is a lot of OTT stuff like explosions whatever the leader of the Ninja clan does, a mysterious and nearly invincible Ninja wearing a metal mask....

Not that bad of a film (I really enjoyed it TBH), but the uncut version would have a clearer plot and have a better pacing cause this one goes from insane fights to a moving scene back to insane fighting. :squigglemouth:

Nice bonus: when you play the movie, the Bach Films DVD release actually begins with a trailer for the film - the same occurs on others of their releases such as Chinese Godfather (a really bad Bruceploitation) or Incredible Kung Fu Mission. For those interested, here's said trailer:


Like my version has yours got some nude and sex scenes in it too? I'm not sure most people can endure a 5 hour version haha. But I quite enjoyed it too. Alexander Lo Rei is great in everything he's in. As I recall Jack Long (7 Grandmasters, born invincible) plays the lead bad guy Ninja.

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Secret Executioner
Like my version has yours got some nude and sex scenes in it too? I'm not sure most people can endure a 5 hour version haha. But I quite enjoyed it too. Alexander Lo Rei is great in everything he's in. As I recall Jack Long (7 Grandmasters, born invincible) plays the lead bad guy Ninja.

Yeah, there are several of those - Ninjas (during a flashback) kill a guy while he's doing a lady and you get a couple of scenes involving Alexander Lo.

Speaking of Alex, he's tons of fun in this film. I'm not sure who the lead bad guy is, but he sure is fun to watch too - I thought it was Alan Lee (the main villain from Ninja The Final Duel), but hkcinemagic seems to say otherwise.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I remember Lee Hoi Hing best as the bow and arrow man from Ninja vs Shaolin Guards. I also know him as Lucifer Lee. I hadn't heard of the Alan Lee aka until now. He plays Lo Rei's brother in Ninja Death aka Ninja Kids. Lu Feng plays the main villain. Mark Long plays Lo Rei's master.

I love the scene where Lo Rei has to get some medicine for his master and he notices a weird skin colored mask that his master has been hiding. It's so goofy but also weird and cool at the same time.

"Strange, how come master has these things?"

"Hey Tiger, how come it takes you so long to get the bottle for me?"

Does your version have a lot of training scenes with Lo Rei and Mark Long? Not counting fantasies, I think Ninja Death part 1 has the most extreme training scenes (although you can definitely argue that it is a fantasy movie). I love this movie for so many reasons, especially the mysterious invincible man with the metal mask. It's a shame the story didn't turn out that well in parts 2 and 3. These movies definitely have a TV series feel. I still say that one thing that would have made it better is if they would have said "last time on Ninja Death" before they showed clips from the last movie.

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Secret Executioner

Yeah, the skin-colored mask is pretty weird - a Ninja is already masked, but here, he has TWO masks then ?! WTF ?! :ooh: BTW, I think some parts with the Ninja wearing that mask seen in the trailer are NOT in the actual film (the 85 minute edit). These parts (happens twice) are very short and one of them essentially has Lo Rei's master figuring out the identity of the guy with the metal mask and trying to bring him back to his senses (only for the masked guy to beat him badly).

The training scenes in the version I have essentially involve Lo Rei's master kicking his ass and Lo Rei fighting a lady in red with a black hat and a veil hiding her face (SPOILER: she's his mother). Both occur a couple of times - I think there's also a scene with Lo Rei training on his own, but I'm not 100% sure.

Other training scenes one can see have the Ninja with the metal mask fighting two other Ninjas while the villain plays some sort of flute (the sound of which makes the masked Ninja go nuts and he beats the crap out of everyone around him) and scenes of the villain practicing his hammer techniques. Some nice stuff - the guy with the metal mask is actually pretty awesome. :tongue:

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Great review. I'll have to check this out.

I've had the FS DVD for some time. Good to know its a decent film. I believe Nora Miao is in this film, so that's always a plus!

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Great review. I'll have to check this out.

I've had the FS DVD for some time. Good to know its a decent film. I believe Nora Miao is in this film, so that's always a plus!

Thanks. Now she does not get to do much. And at some points in the film you will forget she is in it or what exactly is her point in the film (other than superfluous expositional relative character for possible love interest but that fact is ignored later in the film), but she still helps gives the film The Big Boss vibe. I was also wondering how to put in that Whang looks a little like a homeless Roy Horan, but I digress.

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Heroes of Shaolin. Good indie, with some big names. HJL, Lo Lieh, Yuen Biao, Chen Sing, all who gave good performance, of varying sizes. Good use of locations, and a funny dub. "He'll smash your mouth!" was used often, and it was hilarious. It seemed like part of the movie was missing near the end.. The masked fighter was about to fight 3 people, it showed him fight one, than skipped forward. Can anyone confirm this?

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Morgoth Bauglir

GH Worshipper I think you are probably missing some training scenes. It gets crazy. There's a scene where Mark Long skins a very long snake (a real one I'm pretty sure), cuts it open to drain the blood, and talks about how this is special blood, and then spits the blood all over Lo Rei's body. And then he smashes him in the stomach (to force the blood into the body?). I just rewatched it and this scene still freaks me out.

paimeifist I'm 100% on board with you on Heroes of Shaolin. It is a great one. I always wondered about that scene myself but I had forgotten about it. My version in the 50 pack is the same. I know there is a version from Crash called Heroes of the Wild and it cuts out the dog killing scene. I doubt it, but maybe that version has the deleted scene and shows what happens to Yuen Biao and Corey Yuen in that scene.

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Secret Executioner
GH Worshipper I think you are probably missing some training scenes. It gets crazy. There's a scene where Mark Long skins a very long snake (a real one I'm pretty sure), cuts it open to drain the blood, and talks about how this is special blood, and then spits the blood all over Lo Rei's body. And then he smashes him in the stomach (to force the blood into the body?). I just rewatched it and this scene still freaks me out.

Nope, that scene is definitely not on there - BTW, who's Mark Long ? Lo Rei's master who poses as a beggar ? This guy has few scenes with Lo Rei in the short edit, though there is the part you mention where Lo Rei finds his mask while looking for his medicine.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Yeah Mark Long plays his master. He plays Ghostface Killer in Ninja Checkmate. Tons of great performances in his career.

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GH Worshipper I think you are probably missing some training scenes. It gets crazy. There's a scene where Mark Long skins a very long snake (a real one I'm pretty sure), cuts it open to drain the blood, and talks about how this is special blood, and then spits the blood all over Lo Rei's body. And then he smashes him in the stomach (to force the blood into the body?). I just rewatched it and this scene still freaks me out.

paimeifist I'm 100% on board with you on Heroes of Shaolin. It is a great one. I always wondered about that scene myself but I had forgotten about it. My version in the 50 pack is the same. I know there is a version from Crash called Heroes of the Wild and it cuts out the dog killing scene. I doubt it, but maybe that version has the deleted scene and shows what happens to Yuen Biao and Corey Yuen in that scene.

Yeah I was let down that it skipped that, any Yuen Biao action can only improve a movie! I have it in the 50 pack as well. Surprisingly, I have yet to find a complete dud in either of the two 50 packs, but It must be the luck of the draw, lol.

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Lol, it was actually a gift. But I am whiddling my way through them. I generally watch one from these when I'm tired or short on time, or just really trying to kick back. Still, I have found some decent movies and good performances from great actors I wouldn't have watched otherwise.

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Secret Executioner
I have both that come in the 100 pack, lol. But Heroes of Shaolin is included in the one simply titled "Martial Arts"

You have this set, right ?


Yeah, it's essentially a repackaging of the old 50 pack and of the newer Iron Fist Frenzy 50 pack - still has some nice titles though.

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No, that is exactly what it is, lol. What you see there is just a cardboard sleeve around those two older sets. I didn't have either, so it was good for me.

Yeah so far I have seen some above-average movies in this, some really good (Heroes of Shaolin) and some great (7 Steps)

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Secret Executioner
No, that is exactly what it is, lol. What you see there is just a cardboard sleeve around those two older sets. I didn't have either, so it was good for me.

Yeah so far I have seen some above-average movies in this, some really good (Heroes of Shaolin) and some great (7 Steps)

Very simple packaging indeed LMAO. :xd:

I have one of these Mill Creek sets (the 12-movie set Flying Fists Of Kung Fu) - most of the films from this one also appear in the one(s) you have actually - and it's true they have some good (sometimes even great) material on there. Not a bit disappointed in the set so far. :bigsmile:

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Last night watched two classic swordplay movie.

Both were awesome.

Have not seen them in years.

From the box set Flicks with Kicks.

The Lost Swordship


And A Sword named Revenge.



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Cold Wind Hands, 1972

I will be brief, as, well, it is a pretty slight movie. As a historical curio, it is a kung fu comedy, something that westerners are lead to believe was invented by Jackie Chang or Sammo, but it isn't really funny, and the kung fu sucks for the most part. I looked everyone up on the HKMDB, and for a lot of the leads, this was one of their few credits in a martial arts movie, and you can see why. I will admit, it starts with a decent ambush scene, but it goes downhill fast and was a long 85 minutes. The lead actress was cute, but I think this was her only credit as well. Not exceptionally bad, it just seemed like most of the actors were misplaced, etc.

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Morgoth Bauglir
Cold Wind Hands, 1972

I will be brief, as, well, it is a pretty slight movie. As a historical curio, it is a kung fu comedy, something that westerners are lead to believe was invented by Jackie Chang or Sammo, but it isn't really funny, and the kung fu sucks for the most part. I looked everyone up on the HKMDB, and for a lot of the leads, this was one of their few credits in a martial arts movie, and you can see why. I will admit, it starts with a decent ambush scene, but it goes downhill fast and was a long 85 minutes. The lead actress was cute, but I think this was her only credit as well. Not exceptionally bad, it just seemed like most of the actors were misplaced, etc.

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Yet another review from you on a movie I haven't seen, and I appreciate it. It's good to know I always have more to learn:smile:

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Rikisha Kuri 1974 is one of several, it would seem, of Joseph Kuo's movies about bad ass rikisha drivers. This one seems like Kuo channeled Fist of Fury and basically said, what if the Bruce Lee disguise was an actual character. Like the Lee film Man's character leaves bodies of his victims where his enemies can see them. Unlike the Lee film, Man is a mediocre martial artist at this point in his career. I've said this before, but some of these guys had to up there game once Bruce Lee hit the screen. No more fake fu! The film is ok, though I preferred Triangular duel to this one.

His favorite techniques- wild jump kicks, chops, elbows and the ability to stomp guys through the floor boards as well as some crazy eyes. The end does deliver a fight that goes on for a solid 15 minutes, and man hits the bad guy with enough blows to kill 3 villains, but he never seems to die until the bitter end. I would say, if you liked Kung Fu, the Invisible Fist, you would like this one.

Check it out!

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On The Verge of Death-

Well, if you like Yuen brothers madness, you'll like this. The movie has the kitchen sink- We have a One Armed Boxer/Swordsman, Roided up Bruce Lee clone, a deft Kung fu artist, a Young woman looking for revenge for her missing dad and her loyal servant. And that's just the good guys. For Bad guys we have thugs dressed as Zombies, a real zombie with super kung fu power and fangs, Japanese Mercenaries, and a slutty vixen who is a kung fu expert. From what I can tell, the writer/director only made a few movies, so he must have said "fuck it, I'll make a whole bunch of movies in one- horror, comedy, drama, revenge, and titillation, among other things". Oh, and the two main heroes are students of Huo Yuan Chia and Wang Wu, the Iron Body Guard, respectively. Joe Bob Briggs would have loved this movie, though it lacks a lot of gore.

The subtitles are hilarious, btw!

PS, the movie stars Hong Hoi, Tang Long and real life future Kung fu master Louis Linn, who is highly regarded in Europe. It also stars that guy from Fearless Hyena that teaches Jackie Chan the emotional fist.

You can get it from BigRogie at Ioffer or Jamal, and it is well worth the $8 to see this oddity .

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Moonlight Sword and Jade Lion (1977: Karl Liao: Taiwan):

Not many comments on this film on this site. A couple of notables is Morgoth calling this “a real stinker” (which it is) and Golden Dragon Yin-Yang considering it a masterpiece (not even close.) Mark Pollard wrote a review on it. He also is not a fan of it (he gets the year of the film wrong.)

There are good films with meandering plots like The Big Sleep and To Have and Have Not. They keys are to keep things interesting. When this Taiwanese film is at its best is when there is exploding weaponry, fancy knives that shoot and Angela Mao’s elongating and shortening spear (could there be a Freudian context, nah.) There is two scenes I did like: one involves a showdown early between Mao and Don Wong Tao (this one is particularly aggravating because it teases you that you might see more shapes and you might get more action than you do; it is also a little goofy which does not fit the tone of most of the film, notice that Mao works with Don Wong on several films in 1977) and the other between Mao and the Doris Lung led

which are ugly guys who are supposed to be girls. But with too many new characters in a scriptless film, no budget, an obvious bad guy and an obvious ruse with not enough action this is as Mo would call it “a real stinker.” This movie is a real good example of make-it-up-as-you-go-along.

HKFA entry (synopsis is wrong)

NOTE: mod should really make this a stickie thread.

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Morgoth Bauglir
Rikisha Kuri 1974 is one of several, it would seem, of Joseph Kuo's movies about bad ass rikisha drivers. This one seems like Kuo channeled Fist of Fury and basically said, what if the Bruce Lee disguise was an actual character. Like the Lee film Man's character leaves bodies of his victims where his enemies can see them. Unlike the Lee film, Man is a mediocre martial artist at this point in his career. I've said this before, but some of these guys had to up there game once Bruce Lee hit the screen. No more fake fu! The film is ok, though I preferred Triangular duel to this one.

His favorite techniques- wild jump kicks, chops, elbows and the ability to stomp guys through the floor boards as well as some crazy eyes. The end does deliver a fight that goes on for a solid 15 minutes, and man hits the bad guy with enough blows to kill 3 villains, but he never seems to die until the bitter end. I would say, if you liked Kung Fu, the Invisible Fist, you would like this one.

Check it out!

Is this the one where Yee Yuen is on a boat at the end and Man Kong Lung jumps out of the water to strike? I've tried to watch this a few times but I finally forced myself to sit through it after your review. I'd put this as a middle of the road basher, not good, but not bad. There was definitely some effort put into this movie at times. I like the fight where they are climbing and fighting on the hills. The small boulder being knocked down the hill was a nice effect.

I saw it as Shaolin Kung Fu. Weird title because they don't even mention Shaolin. The English dub was bad, but there was some funny lines. "Wanna fight? I kill ya!"

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