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What was the last classic martial-arts film you watched?


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Secret Executioner

With everyone mentionning it, I watched 7 Steps Of Kung Fu as well. :tongue:

My copy is on the Flying Fists Of Kung Fu 12-movie set. It began with a German card and the opening credits are cut, there's some tape damage early in the film and the movie briefly switches from English to Mandarin Chinese around the hour mark.

Nice film, the main character is likeable and delivers some funny comedy in the first third, while the last one has lots of nice action. The training scenes are pretty fun to watch and the white haired villain sets the bar really high for a great finale. Didn't catch the part with a guy doubling for a girl that paimeifist mentionned though.

Still another nice little film from a set that I like more and more each time I see one of the films on it.

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With everyone mentionning it, I watched 7 Steps Of Kung Fu as well. :tongue:

My copy is on the Flying Fists Of Kung Fu 12-movie set. It began with a German card and the opening credits are cut, there's some tape damage early in the film and the movie briefly switches from English to Mandarin Chinese around the hour mark.

Nice film, the main character is likeable and delivers some funny comedy in the first third, while the last one has lots of nice action. The training scenes are pretty fun to watch and the white haired villain sets the bar really high for a great finale. Didn't catch the part with a guy doubling for a girl that paimeifist mentionned though.

Still another nice little film from a set that I like more and more each time I see one of the films on it.

Good old skool movie. I like the way Li Yi Min really showcases his acrobatic skills in this movie - top notch.

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Morgoth Bauglir
Good old skool movie. I like the way Li Yi Min really showcases his acrobatic skills in this movie - top notch.

Close. It's Ricky Cheng from Chinese Super Ninjas.

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Secret Executioner
Close. It's Ricky Cheng from Chinese Super Ninjas.

Ricky Cheng also was in that hilarious film known as Incredible Kung Fu Mission. :nerd:

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Method Man (Avenging Boxer) - watched my old vengeance video dvd of this for the first time in years and really enjoyed it. I don't think i've seen Peter Chen in anything else, does anybody know of any other movies of his similar to this that are worth looking at?

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Morgoth Bauglir

Fight Among the Supers is decent. I don't think he was the lead in any others. Bu he does get honored with a role in Shanghai 13.

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Ill Wind 1970James Nam

Just a really good, low budget wu xia, with tons of atmosphere. I was just really impressed with the acting and the story, on a very low budget without a lot of big stars. The dialogue is sparse and relies on the actors expressions to convey a lot of what is going on. They are up to the task. If you're looking for great fights, the choreography is nothing special, but the fights are involving as the characters are likable, so you root for them. Very few jumps or flying in the movie. The color on the copy I saw was very good in most parts, but there are a few washed out scenes.The story is probably cribbed from an old western, probably Italian, but who knows? The music is mostly Ennio Morricone, but well used.Shaws films are usually more polished, but I just really liked this one for what it is. Interestingly, like Black Tavern, most of the good guys are played by actors well known for playing heavies. Check it out!

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I finally got the chance to properly introduce my 7-year old son to the genre this past weekend. I started him out with:

Snake in the Monkey's Shadow - John Cheung as a fishmongor who combines the drunken style and the monkey style to defeat the two snake fist experts who killed his masters. Nice comic relief, excellent action courtesy of Wilson Tong (who played one of the villains).

That was Saturday evening...he got tired but promised him we would watch another Sunday morning and we watched...

Crystal Fist - Billy Chong as a young man who learned "the Shadow Claw" to avenge the death of his father years ago by an evil master of the "Double Phoenix" and his two henchmen, one blind and one deaf. Simon Yuen was great as the eccentric old master. Chu Tiet Wo made for a good villain while Addy Sung and Brandy Yuen played the henchmen quite well...great choreography by the Yuen Clan and Ching Yuet-San.

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I finally got the chance to properly introduce my 7-year old son to the genre this past weekend. I started him out with:

Snake in the Monkey's Shadow

Crystal Fist

That's awesome! Great choices to show him too. You're doing your job as a kung fu movie fanatic Dad. Did he dig them? :smile: Was he pulling shapes afterwards? :nerd:

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sifu iron perm

fearless hyena, last night. one of my pers fav- early JC films. I love james tien in it, humble grandpa!

Yen Chuen Wong the villain is one scary due, had me shook up when i was a kid. Great movie!

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That's awesome! Great choices to show him too. You're doing your job as a kung fu movie fanatic Dad. Did he dig them? :smile: Was he pulling shapes afterwards? :nerd:

Hahaha....yeah he attempted as trying "snake fist" on me against my "drunken monkey" style :tongue:

Gonna browse through my collection this weekend and have him enjoy more :xd:

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Morgoth Bauglir

Albert don't get too rough, you look pretty crazy in your picture. I've found that little kids can't handle the roughhousing like the big people can. But seriously, when I was a kid I always thought that parrots were pretty cool. Show him Bloody Parrot.

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Albert don't get too rough, you look pretty crazy in your picture. I've found that little kids can't handle the roughhousing like the big people can. But seriously, when I was a kid I always thought that parrots were pretty cool. Show him Bloody Parrot.

LOL....oh believe me, he can handle it....sometimes, he initiates it...but don't worry, I always go easy on him...even if it means a swift punch from him to the nards LOL

I might actually show him The Sleeping Fist this weekend, so he can someone who had no formal training pick it up quick plus, he's becoming a fan of Simon Yuen. He loved his comic fight against Dean Shek in Master with Cracked Fingers and liked him in Crystal Fist. He got used to Jackie Chan so I'm trying to help him expand his mind with the genre.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Master with Cracked Fingers- me and my dad would not be friends if he showed me this. I'm glad to hear your son survived the viewing. I don't remember the movie (thank god) but a fight with Dean Shek? Really Albert? I think maybe your son didn't want to hurt your feelings.

Sleeping Fist- if I had this movie when I was little I would have never left the house ever again. I don't remember any serious violence or anything but I haven't seen it in awhile. Fun fun movie. I'm looking forward to hearing if he liked it.

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Secret Executioner

The discussion between Albert and Morgoth is raising an interesting point. I'm sure the subject of MA movies you'd show/you show your kids (or nephews or whatever) would be interesting.

Not sure what people think, but I found Fist Of The Golden Monkey could be suitable for a kid - in spite of having absolutely ZERO Monkey fist in it.

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...Sleeping Fist- if I had this movie when I was little I would have never left the house ever again. I don't remember any serious violence or anything but I haven't seen it in awhile. Fun fun movie. I'm looking forward to hearing if he liked it.

Though probably not a good idea to see the similar Beardy film with a young one: Thundering Mantis. "What is he doing to Eddy Ko daddy?"

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Master with Cracked Fingers- me and my dad would not be friends if he showed me this. I'm glad to hear your son survived the viewing. I don't remember the movie (thank god) but a fight with Dean Shek? Really Albert? I think maybe your son didn't want to hurt your feelings.

Sleeping Fist- if I had this movie when I was little I would have never left the house ever again. I don't remember any serious violence or anything but I haven't seen it in awhile. Fun fun movie. I'm looking forward to hearing if he liked it.

No, he actually was cracking up at hearing the Popeye theme song and then he lost it when Dean grabs Simon's rear and Simon retaliates by farting on Dean's hands...he was cracking up like there was no tomorrow...he's 7, so I expected it LOL

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Okay, last night...I saw a 1984 American martial arts movie that starts out as a typical martial arts film...then somewhere, it just gets freaking weird!!!

The movie? FURIOUS....the stars? Simon Rhee, the late kickboxing champion Howard Jackson, and Phillip Rhee. The film features, in their film debuts in small roles, Peter Malota and Loren Avedon.

The movie is on Youtube, and I did write the review during the site's downage. Am going to post it right after I hit "submit" on this.

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Secret Executioner
No, he actually was cracking up at hearing the Popeye theme song and then he lost it when Dean grabs Simon's rear and Simon retaliates by farting on Dean's hands...he was cracking up like there was no tomorrow...he's 7, so I expected it LOL

A MA film has the Popeye theme in it ? OMG, that gotta be hilarious. :bigsmile:

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Secret Executioner
Okay, last night...I saw a 1984 American martial arts movie that starts out as a typical martial arts film...then somewhere, it just gets freaking weird!!!

The movie? FURIOUS....the stars? Simon Rhee, the late kickboxing champion Howard Jackson, and Phillip Rhee. The film features, in their film debuts in small roles, Peter Malota and Loren Avedon.

The movie is on Youtube, and I did write the review during the site's downage. Am going to post it right after I hit "submit" on this.

That review sure got me into seeing this one. Looks like a lot of fun. :tongue:

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Secret Executioner

Ninja Kids AKA Ninja Death AKA Venom Of The Ninja (Taiwan, 1982)


An 85 minutes version of what seems to be a nearly 5 hours movie. Can you spot a problem ? Lots of obscure stuff or things that don't make sense. Strangely enough and in spite of being cut, this version still has a lot of dialogue and exposition. But when it gets down to action, it goes insane - the fights are sped up, lots of acrobatics and there is a lot of OTT stuff like explosions whatever the leader of the Ninja clan does, a mysterious and nearly invincible Ninja wearing a metal mask....

Not that bad of a film (I really enjoyed it TBH), but the uncut version would have a clearer plot and have a better pacing cause this one goes from insane fights to a moving scene back to insane fighting. :squigglemouth:

Nice bonus: when you play the movie, the Bach Films DVD release actually begins with a trailer for the film - the same occurs on others of their releases such as Chinese Godfather (a really bad Bruceploitation) or Incredible Kung Fu Mission. For those interested, here's said trailer:


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