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Animeigo announces the ‘Lone Wolf and Cub’ set on Blu-ray


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Ah damn I missed the huge price drop it is back up to 49 dollars now.

I will have to keep my eye out for them to drop in price again because 50 dollars is too much for me to spend on movies I already have on DVD.

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Yes, just had a look and the LW&C BD set is back up to $49. Shame. :sad:

The Shogun Assassin BD set is still $23 - although, If you're thinking of ordering it and you're in the UK, be careful - the price takes you just over the customs charge. :tinysmile_angry2_t:

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Amazon Link

Just checked and it is at $16.99 now (and temporarily out of stock). I ordered a set at this price. Even with the over-zealous DNR and audio issues, still a good deal (cheaper than the DVDs).

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Well I gave it a few days to see if the price would go back up, and it didn't.... so I ordered it :smile: I guess I'll be putting my current LWaC DVD's on eBay as soon as I get a shipping confirmation from Amazon.

I'll probably forget I ordered these and get all excited in a month or whenever I get the shipping confirmation haha.

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As far as I know Shogun Assassin 1 is LWaC 1 + 2 cut together into a single movie and dubbed in English to change the story around and make them into one movie. Then the other Shogun Assassin movies are the same way, edited LWaC movies dubbed in English.

I think.

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Interesting, it still on sale and they do come in individual slip cases.. I might have to pick this one up for my collection.. I already have the LWaC set back when it was $40...

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As far as I know Shogun Assassin 1 is LWaC 1 + 2 cut together into a single movie and dubbed in English to change the story around and make them into one movie. Then the other Shogun Assassin movies are the same way, edited LWaC movies dubbed in English.

I think.

I think you're right. But I seem to recall someone saying that there are bits from the third movie as well. Not sure if that's right or not. But I just rewatched all 6 LW&C movies on Blu-Ray, and I'm about to watch the 5 dubbed ones. So I'll let you guys know.

Interesting, it still on sale and they do come in individual slip cases.. I might have to pick this one up for my collection.. I already have the LWaC set back when it was $40...

Just to let you know- neither of the sets on Blu-Ray come with individual cases. Are you talking about the DVD sets?

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Just to let you know- neither of the sets on Blu-Ray come with individual cases. Are you talking about the DVD sets?

Oh crap!!!:squigglemouth: It's still a good deal I guess??

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It's now showing as back in stock - but at $58.85.

There's an offer from Amazon for $16.99 but this shows as out of stock.

I'd be interested to know if anyone who ordered it at $16 actually got it as I've got a feeling this price drop was a glitch.

Amazon do sometimes still honor the lower price but only when there's been a handful of orders.

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It's now showing as back in stock - but at $58.85.

There's an offer from Amazon for $16.99 but this shows as out of stock.

I'd be interested to know if anyone who ordered it at $16 actually got it as I've got a feeling this price drop was a glitch.

Amazon do sometimes still honor the lower price but only when there's been a handful of orders.

I haven't received an email saying mine has shipped yet so we will see.

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I ordered it on Amazon on December 27th for $16. Seem like Amazon doesn't want to ship it now even though they have it in stock.

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I ordered mine on December 25th when it was first put on sale and I just got it yesterday (January 8th). I assume they had high volumes of orders, so maybe yours will be shipped in the next wave. Either that or maybe they are having a nightmare due to a glitch.

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Well I got an email today from Amazon confirming that my boxset has shipped...BARGAIN!!! :tongue:

Me too!

Time to throw the Dvd's on Ebay unless someone here wants them :) I only have 1,2,3 and the last one I believe.

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Finally got mine this week too. I don't really understand all the quality bashing online. This is the best these 6 films have EVER looked. And I have Animeigo's previous DVD's. Is it the ideal scenario with each film on a separate Blu? Nope. But guess what. In this economic climate, this is the best Animeigo can do. And I think for the price right now it looks great! Besides, Lone Wolf and Cub never looked stellar on ANY format. It's an old set of 70's exploitation films!

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Mine arrived to me here in the UK today. I didn't realize it was all 6 films spread across 2 discs...I was expecting a nice big chunky boxset heading my way! :squigglemouth:

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I don't really understand all the quality bashing online. This is the best these 6 films have EVER looked. And I have Animeigo's previous DVD's. Is it the ideal scenario with each film on a separate Blu? Nope. But guess what. In this economic climate, this is the best Animeigo can do.

Jeffrey Kaufman of Bluray.com would agree:


Lone Wolf and Cub Complete is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of AnimEigo with AVC encoded 1080p transfers in 2.35:1. Some rabid fans of this series are going to be reciting that old adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," as the Shogun Assassin transfers, while occasionally problematic, generally looked pretty darned good, with a minimum of digital tweaking and good color and clarity. AnimEigo was evidently concerned with some of the visual noise and damage that were still apparent in the elements and evidently went back to the DNR drawing board with this new Lone Wolf and Cub set. There's been a lot of hand wringing over this decision, and while I'm the first to admit I am not as troubled down to the depths of my very soul about DNR as many videophiles seem to be (something that has repeatedly raised the ire of some reading my reviews, I might add), I have to say what really strikes me about these new transfers is how dark they are in comparison to the Shogun Assassin outings. This could be due to either new color grading or contrast tweaking (I personally suspect the latter), but for me, anyway, that difference was much more noticeable than the additional DNR. Despite the DNR, the image still retains a fair amount of fine object detail, and I frankly failed to see an overly waxy, smeary image in any consistent way throughout the six films. There's DNR, don't get me wrong, but there's also fine grain still easily visible, especially in the outdoor scenes with bright skies (see the screencap of Itto walking toward the sunset for a good example, an example which also includes some obvious ringing, by the way). The darker appearance of these transfers does mean that some fine object detail is now somewhat masked and shadow detail becomes a bit more problematic. Many who have an almost genetic abhorrence of DNR will no doubt be more fixated on that aspect of these transfers, but my initial response, which I freely admit is not as vehement as most who hate DNR, is that while these are far from optimal, they're not the complete botch job some are insisting they are.

Ian Jane would vomit:


A quick look at the screen caps accompanying this review shows that there’s some very serious noise reduction going on here and that with that noise reduction has come a pretty substantial loss in detail and texture. Colors look nice and black levels are fine but skin looks waxy and smeary, and more often than not no one really seems to have any pores. The image is generally pretty clean in terms of print damage and debris, but man oh man, somebody scrubbed this one hard - and just so it's perfectly clear, nothing has been done to the screen caps here save for some minor jpeg compression.

There's also a thread (http://www.avsforum.com/t/1421014/lone-wolf-and-cub-complete) where it is observed:

The Shogun Assassin BD was also billed as a reconstruction, from "our pristine masters of the original two Lone Wolf and Cub films." So either their pristine masters were somehow not available for the Lone Wolf set, or the masters previously described as "pristine" are actually ancient analog masters that they've DNRed for this release.

So, they set a relatively high bar and then lowered it while some of us weren't looking.

This is the best these 6 films have EVER looked.

Well, some of it is. There's pros and cons, and for you the pros outweigh the cons. Me, the DVDs were rad in 2004, they hold up well, I'm happy to wait for a nice French or Japanese disc.

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Killer Meteor

For one thing, DNR surely costs time and money! So sorry, the economy excuse (valid for quite a few things) doesn't wash here.

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