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Total Recall Trailer


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Looks like it is going to be crap. I think I will go and watch the original instead.:smile:

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OK I went and seen the new Total Recall today and it was OK definitely not better than the original! Having Kate Beckinsale in it, with her crew reminded me of Underworld when you see it you'll know what I mean. And they did change up the story somewhat instead of the plot being about Air its about population overcrowding. Some of the scenes were taken right out the the original movie, and the robots looked like the Stormtroopers from the Clone Wars that's exactly what they reminded me of. The future remided me of Blade Runner where everything looked like Chinatown this was the samething. Overall it had some good action scenes but I could have waited for it on DVD.

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Don't mean to be a dick, or call anyone out, but people who go to see remakes, reboots, latter day sequels etc. lose all right to trash said phenomenon and the current unoriginality of Hollywood, in my book. As long as you pay em' they're gonna shovel you the same shit, and call it sugar.

Of course if you like remakes and the current state of Hollywood, by all means.... go nuts. I just see a lot of people who bitch about todays crappy output, and yet they are first in line for whatever 80's classic is being ass raped that opening weekend.

This of course pertains only to americans, as the domestic box office gross, and more or less only the takings of opening weekend is what matters to the studios.

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Don't mean to be a dick, or call anyone out, but people who go to see remakes, reboots, latter day sequels etc. lose all right to trash said phenomenon and the current unoriginality of Hollywood, in my book. As long as you pay em' they're gonna shovel you the same shit, and call it sugar.

WOW! TWC, shit don't hold back Bro! As far as this movie goes I didn't wait in line to see it myself, LOL but I do get your point. I was just curious how much they (Hollywood) were going to change the storyline around! And certain remakes are OK some reboots are Great, ex: Batman trilogy!

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Don't mean to be a dick, or call anyone out, but people who go to see remakes, reboots, latter day sequels etc. lose all right to trash said phenomenon and the current unoriginality of Hollywood, in my book.

I get your point about straight up Remakes, but reboots and 'latter day' sequels can sometimes be very good, like the aforementioned Batman, Star Trek, Casino Royale, X-Men First Class, etc. Sometimes these are lazy studio projects, but sometimes you get writers and directors that actually care. It just depends.

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That's cool, and I wasn't gunnin' for you in particular, just to be clear.

But if people could save their curiosity for halfass movies till the dvd release (as you yourself said) that would send those no talent hacks a message. All they care about is the opening weekend box office gross.

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You're right yoda, there are some good ones. My problem is with the rampant unoriginality and lack of artistic integrity and vision.

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@TWC: Don't worry about Bro, I learned never take anything that is said on here too serious! :tongue:

With that said yeah sometimes I hate to be the Movie Guinea Pig and see the movie 1st.! lol

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Drunken Monk

The "Total Recall" remake is mindless, sci-fi, action fun. It pilfers from a million films ("Blade Runner," "Minority Report" and "The Bourne Identity" to name but a few), has an intolerable amount of lens flares, but, all in all, it's an exciting little romp.

Don't go in expecting genius and you should actually enjoy it.

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The "Total Recall" remake is mindless, sci-fi, action fun. It pilfers from a million films ("Blade Runner," "Minority Report" and "The Bourne Identity" to name but a few), has an intolerable amount of lens flares, but, all in all, it's an exciting little romp.

Don't go in expecting genius and you should actually enjoy it.

I agree. I saw it last Thursday (preview screening). Very little plot but loaded with sci-fi action!

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Just watched the original TOTAL RECALL about a week ago on Blu-Ray, and it's still as enjoyable as ever.

Went in to the remake today with low expectations. Surprise! I enjoyed it a whole lot. While the 1990 version is like a big, colorful, ultra-violent cartoon/satire, this film has a completely different vibe. The remake is much more serious and straight forward in tone, with a similar look/feel as MINORITY REPORT/BLADE RUNNER. To me, there's nothing wrong with that. That vision of the future works for me. Go ahead and make another dozen films with different stories taking place in that future. I'll watch 'em.

I dug the look of the cities and thought the FX were excellent. Collin Farrell does a great job, as do the rest of the cast- very natural. The action includes frantic foot chases (over rooftops, dangerous transport tubes and elevators), hovering car chases, gun battles, explosions, neat hardware and "hand phones", and well filmed fisticuffs! Kate Beckinsale does a stand-out job in the fights, beating Colin (who's also impressive with his screen action) senseless, than eventually trading equal blows. And her match up against Jessica Biel blows away the original film's Sharon Stone vs Racael Ticotin fight.

My son and I were pleasantly surprised by this movie and both felt the action was really good- even after having just seeing THE EXPENDABLES 2.

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Guest Markgway

I just don't understand why they always remake movies that were GREAT in the first place.

Total Recall is a true classic.

Why not remake, um, Red Heat instead?

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I just don't understand why they always remake movies that were GREAT in the first place.

Total Recall is a true classic.

Why not remake, um, Red Heat instead?

I hear ya. But I think this was a good one to remake. The premise was worth another interpretation. It's a decent flick with exciting action.

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Do you really think a remake will save Red Heat? You can sugar coat a piece of shit, doesn't mean that you'll pop it into your mouth expecting tasty sweet candy. :tongue:

When it comes down to it, Hollywood is being stupid about all these remakes. Let's see... Robocop, Oldboy, Red Dawn, Carrie, Evil Dead, etc, etc, etc.

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I just don't understand why they always remake movies that were GREAT in the first place.

Total Recall is a true classic.

Why not remake, um, Red Heat instead?

You didnt like Red Heat? What s wrong with that movie?

I really like it, especially thx to Belushi :wink:

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"The "Total Recall" remake is mindless, sci-fi, action fun. It pilfers from a million films ("Blade Runner," "Minority Report" and "The Bourne Identity" to name but a few), but, all in all, it's an exciting little romp."

Damn I was going to say something right along those lines, esp the 3 movies mentioned. Action was really good in this. Jeff Imada brought the kali strong in this. Kate was a beast. The one-vs-many shootout with CF in the beginning was well done with what they did with the camera.

Great production values in this. The sets, and seamless spfx were great. The cars and how they operated and the car chase and crashes were something to see for spfx. Lots of running and jumping and fighting and, good stuff. Jeff Imada brought the kali strong. Kali transfers great to screening fighting based on its ranges and repertoire.

Movie did lose steam about 3/4 in. It played the suspense of the character very well, then dropped back into a lower gear. Fun stuff. Great looking.

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