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Remake 'Back to the Future'


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Guest Yi-Long

I honestly don't care. In this day and age, it would be a completely new movie anyway, so IF they just stick to the basic premise and are original in how they do it, I don't see a big problem with it.

When it comes to action movies we've all seen hundreds of those with basically the same plot, so why would it suddenly be a huge disaster when it's done with a fun time-travel movie!?

It won't take anything away from the original classic.

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Are there no original ideas left in hollywood? I recently watched the Fright Night remake. What a vapid, soulless film it turned out to be. No kind of dramatic build up to the reveal of the neighbour being the vampire, it was just in your face from the start. Why don't they try remaking some films that were crap first time round? At least then they have a chance of improving it. But I don't see the point of remaking something that was done properly first time out. Of course I know it's really all about money, and that it's almost impossible to get an original movie green lit in hollywood these days. But it still seems like a great waste to churn out these remakes. What the hell will they remake in another 20 years? Remake of the remake of the remake? It's madness I tell ya!

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Hollywood is starting to show their true colors. A bunch of rich, pampered idiots incapable of coming up with an original idea and making a good film. Seems all the want is to take the easy way out and recycle old ideas. This is why I prefer Asian films to American movies.....


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Starting to show their colors? They've showed these colors since the late 90's. It is a place completely devoid of artistic integrity and originality. I bet there are thousand of great writers with interesting scripts out there, but because HLWD is such douchy, snooty, private little club, where it's all about who you know more than what you know, most of these writers will never even get a foot in the door. And even if they do, the studios are sure to fuck up and water down any resemblance of an original idea, to pander to the lowest common demoninator! There are very few good directors left, no producers left with the balls to take chances anymore, and everything has to be pg-13 to sell more tickets. HLWD is dead, and has been for over a decade.

But really, the public shares a great deal of the blame here. They are the ones dictacting what movies get made, by what movies they go see. That's why Michael Bay has a career, why Twillight, Avatar and whatever faggy rom com starring Jennifer Aniston is raking in the dough!

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On 4/23/2012 at 8:53 AM, Guest Yi-Long said:

I honestly don't care. In this day and age, it would be a completely new movie anyway, so IF they just stick to the basic premise and are original in how they do it, I don't see a big problem with it.

Tomorrowland (2015) is the closest thing to a remake that we're getting.

Second to that is a 1997 Hong Kong movie called Those Were the Days.

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Nope. Back to the Future is damn near perfect. No remake needed. Lets just throw this idea out the door. 

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