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The Hunger Games(2012): too violent for children?


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The Hunger Games: too violent for children?

Some parents have taken their children out of screenings of The Hunger Games, saying that they have been too distressed by the film.

Concerns have been raised about the violent content of The Hunger Games, after some parents have taken their children out of screenings saying that they have found the film too distressing.

Originally the BBFC gave the film a 15 rating but after producers agreed to a seven-second cut a 12A rating was given. This means that children aged 12 and over can see the film alone, and those under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

Based on the novel by Suzanne Collins, the film depicts a dystopia where children are forced to fight to death in the gladiator-style televised “Hunger Games” which are used as punishment for a past misdeed. Unexpectedly, given the storyline of its source material, it features many violent scenes where children are seen fatally injuring one another.

The film, which stars Jennifer Lawrence, Woody Harrelson and Donald Sutherland, has grossed £5million in its opening weekend – surpassing that of Twilight which, due to both films having a female protagonist, The Hunger Games is being regularly compared to.

However, concerns are growing about how young children may be affected by what they see. The BBFC has received a small number of complaints and some are calling for the certificate to be changed.

The BBFC say that they will not revise a theatrical classification once it has been issued. Local authorities do have the power to change classifications of films shown in cinemas in their own area, however this very rarely happens.



Have anyone watch this movies here already?

Is this movies about children killing children ?


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How anyone could take a child to see this and then decry it as "violent" wants their head examining. Any synopsis or review of this clearly states what the subject matter is.

Are they so dead set on blindly follwoing the herd that they don't even look at what it is they're going to see?

It should be a disturbing film, but it's shot so poorly and the characters are shown in such a bland fashion that it is totally neutered.

Seriously, over half the characters in the "games" portion of the film don't even have any lines before being offed.

It's a pretty awful film - that's what people should be upset about.

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Well, I'm disappointed to hear this. I was sort of looking forward to seeing it. I've heard such good things about the books, I guess I was buying into all the hype for the film. The trailers make it look good.

What age were these kids whose folks took them to see this, anyway? Karlos is right. This "herd" mentality some people seem to engage in is just idiotic.

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:xd: at all this to violent stuff, the mpaa's asshole has gotten so tight, it's a joke what they try to censor these days, and now you have a bunch of uptight(religious types I'm betting) parents that freak out if their kid sees a boob or blood.

Geez I don't know I seem to remember being a young lad and watching these violent Kung Fu movies on tv, I remember seeing RED blood spraying from Godzilla's neck, cusing, nudity(a special bonus for a young kid), I'm not getting this save the children mentality.

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Guest Markgway

I think the problem here is that if you give a film an 'R' kids seek that out on video with certain expectations of violence in mind. They know what they're gonna get. When a film is PG-13 most associate that rating with 'suitable for kids' and not all kids are capable of digesting stronger material (reading descriptions of child murder in a novel is less potent than seeing it visualised). It's the difference between a kid sneaking a cigarette behind the bike sheds and your parents handing you a pack before school.

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I wonder how long it is before the Daily Mail ( a UK tabloid famous in the 80's for stirring up moral panic over violent video's ), starts using the term "video nasty" to describe this movie.

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Guest Markgway

I'm not a Daily Mail hater... but they do love this moral panic shit.

Mind you it was The Sun who encouraged people to BURN Child's Play 3 tapes.

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Mind you it was The Sun who encouraged people to BURN Child's Play 3 tapes.

Aah. The good old days.....:tongue2:

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OK I just got back from seeing The Hunger Games and all honestly I wasn't all that impressed with it! It didn't tell you why the games were created in the 1st. place. And what they got when they won? As far as being to violent for Children there really wasn't all that much Killing and it was so quick I've seen worse on TV! This kind reminded me of The Running Man and Battle Royal all in one! Honestly I would wait for this on DVD!

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It didn't tell you why the games were created in the 1st. place. And what they got when they won?

Uh, yeah it did. Unless you mean it explains it in better detail in the book.

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@massa_yoda: No it really didn't explain it at all all it said it was a tribute but you never know why? I heard the book does explain everything in more detail...

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@massa_yoda: No it really didn't explain it at all all it said it was a tribute but you never know why? I heard the book does explain everything in more detail...

Okay, well I could be wrong but I thought it was explained in that video they watched near the beginning. The video stated that there was an uprising against the government, which the government crushed and the games were a punishment/reminder to not F with them again. The slant of the video was why it was called a 'tribute'.

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@massa_yoda: See I have to be honest with you I remember them showing the video and explaining about the War and the uprisings but I don't remember them saying that is why we have the games as part of punishment. I think in the book it does it tells more, of course the books always do anyway.

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Disappointing. Maybe if they had tied the camera to a sloth instead of a wild boar I could have made out what went down during the action bits. This fantasy dystopian plot has been done to death since 1776 and I'm excited for whoever manages to make a plausible one some day. Some good thrills and I like the wasp part.

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I have got to the point where I ignore these fools that examine every book, movie, and game for something to start an outcry over.This has been going on as far back as the complaints about Dungeons & Dragons to the more resent backlash againts "Harry Potter". We all know their allegations always end up being nonsense. I have not seen the film yet( I intend to as soon as it comes to DVD), but I am certain that it will be nowhere as bad as they claim it is. If they want a movie to complain about, they should start about he "Twilight saga", which has to have been proven to melt the brains of any person that watches them.

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@DarthKato: I have to say I was checking out some of your blog reviews very informative, I like how you broke down each movie into sections, keep up the good work!

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@DarthKato: I have to say I was checking out some of your blog reviews very informative, I like how you broke down each movie into sections, keep up the good work!

Thanks, I appreciate the positive feedback.:smile:

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Disappointing. Maybe if they had tied the camera to a sloth instead of a wild boar I could have made out what went down during the action bits. This fantasy dystopian plot has been done to death since 1776 and I'm excited for whoever manages to make a plausible one some day. Some good thrills and I like the wasp part.


But yes the camera was annoying me from the start where even for basic exposition scenes it is bouncing around all over the place.

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What I'm hearing about HG is that it wasn't violent enough. This, with the addition of SeizureCam cinematography eroded any interest I might have had in checking it out. If there's one thing that drives me crazy it's the sterilized approach to conflict movies take not just to make the MPAA happy, but because this is what people are accustomed to now. How am I supposed to care about the destruction and chaos if it isn't painful? This has contributed heftily to my interest in past pan-asian cinema and just cinema of yore in general. It's also why I roll my eyes at the question of "is this too violent for children". As if one size fits all. As if the violence alone is an all-important criterion for child-friendliness. The only thing more laughable than the insufficiency of ratings systems is how seriously some parents seem to take what I understand is more of an "art" than a science. If actually concerned, one would do well to just screen the film beforehand.

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If actually concerned, one would do well to just screen the film beforehand.

That's what a friend of mine used to do for any movie he considered taking his kids to see. Plus, for such cinematic fare as LOTR, it was a great excuse to see it twice on the big screen.:tongue:

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