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Bruce Lee: In Pursuit of the Dragon


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The Game of Death outdoor footage DOES exist, i know people who have seen it.

Unfortunately it is in the hands of a Japanese collector who also has 8mm stuff shot on-set of Way of the Dragon.

I doubt if we will ever see it unfortunately, which is what pisses me off.

I too have become jaded, the only footage of Bruce i really want to see (apart from the above) is the TVB interviews and the Henry Wong Enter footage, apart from that there is nothing else as far as i know, the well has truly run dry after that.

Mate, if I tell you that I have all the rushes from Way of the Dragon does that make it true?

Until I see evidence that significant outdoor footage from GOD exists I'm a pessimist. I've been around this game (no pun intended) for too long to get a hardon over fantasy footage.

You have more chance of getting Cheryl Cole and Eva Longoria in a sex sandwich than seeing TVB or Henry Wong stuff.

Bad times mate.

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Have to agree with others on here and say i'm losing interest in Bruce Lee docs, for years I bought everything I could hoping to see something different but as has been said the "well has run dry". Listening to people talk who never met him is getting boring, at least the old docs interviewed his friends & people that worked with him, I still think the best documentary is "Bruce Lee The Legend".

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Son Of A Gun

sdog, the GOD outdoor footage was shot on film. They didn't do all that just for photos. In fact I bet some of the photos that we have and the ones certain rich collectors have were made from the original negative of that film. That's what was done with photos from the other films. They'd print out shots from the cells.

A lot of footage in the New Territories was shot in order for Bruce to then edit it down into a short demo film which would be screened for Bruce's character (Hai Tien). Like in John Little's movie based on the script notes, with korean actors.

Trust me, a bunch of footage was shot up there on that hill. They were even speaking of getting some of it shown at an event in the future.

But what I like about In Pursuit of the Dragon isn't totally focused on Bruce Lee. I'm a fan of HK movies in general and Bruce's movies as movies. Not just him. I like to see what the actors look like now. It was a surprise and a joy to see them still a live and kicking. Not a lot, I know, but still glad I've seen it. Better than nothing new at all.

George Tan won't show a screen grab to just anyone, because he doesn't want to be hounded or bothered by the estate. It's like the Big Boss uncut. Many people have it, but are sworn to secrecy because the way in which they obtained the print wasn't legal. xD

Silly I know. But what can ya do?! :squigglemouth:

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Give it some time. It'll probably end up on Bey Logan's youtube channel. =D

"What's it up there!"

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sdog, the GOD outdoor footage was shot on film. They didn't do all that just for photos. In fact I bet some of the photos that we have and the ones certain rich collectors have were made from the original negative of that film. That's what was done with photos from the other films. They'd print out shots from the cells.

A lot of footage in the New Territories was shot in order for Bruce to then edit it down into a short demo film which would be screened for Bruce's character (Hai Tien). Like in John Little's movie based on the script notes, with korean actors.

Trust me, a bunch of footage was shot up there on that hill. They were even speaking of getting some of it shown at an event in the future.

But what I like about In Pursuit of the Dragon isn't totally focused on Bruce Lee. I'm a fan of HK movies in general and Bruce's movies as movies. Not just him. I like to see what the actors look like now. It was a surprise and a joy to see them still a live and kicking. Not a lot, I know, but still glad I've seen it. Better than nothing new at all.

George Tan won't show a screen grab to just anyone, because he doesn't want to be hounded or bothered by the estate. It's like the Big Boss uncut. Many people have it, but are sworn to secrecy because the way in which they obtained the print wasn't legal. xD

Silly I know. But what can ya do?! :squigglemouth:

Okay, lets have a look at the logic bro.

The Big Boss

Multiple PHOTOS exist of Lee and stuntmen outside the Boss' layer, including flying side kicks and others of him on a cement monument performing techniques. None of that was shot on film - clearly a photo shoot.

Fist of Fury

Multiple PHOTOS exist of Lee fighting Bob Baker "inside" the Japanese school, as well as two stuntmen. Lee has his hair slicked back. None of that was shot on film - clearly a photo shoot.

Enter the Dragon

Multiple PHOTOS of Lee squaring off with Bolo and Wu Ngan. None of that was shot on film - clearly a photo shoot.

Lee's time in Rome was limited which probably explains why there isn't equivalent shots from The Way of the Dragon.

The bottom line is that three, out of four completed movies, had tons of combat photos that in no way are connected to what exists on film. Every shot I have seen of outdoor GOD looks like yep, a photo shoot, or choreography for footage we already have ie.) Bruce wearing shades, striking Wu Ngan with escrima sticks.

Also, when Lee meets Inosanto in the movie, his first words are; "Do you speak any English?" That type of dialogue does not support the notion that they have ever met before.

I've read Warrior's Journey and the "demo film" is exactly that, a demo of the guardians ONLY, which appears in The Legend.

Your theory on The Big Boss stuff is too bizarre to take seriously, dude. We're talking about a forty one year old kung fu movie, which was made a for buttons, not the truth on the JFK assassination.

The reason that this rumor mill exists is because new footage of Lee is tantamount to solid gold. Every asshole under the sun says they have this and they have that because they want to be important. That rumor then goes into a snowball effect and people believe it. It's not rocket science.

The bottom line is, in ten years, we'll still be having the same discussion and the best part of nothing will have shown itself.

I admire your cup is half full approach though and I understand it.

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Son Of A Gun

You seem to have misunderstood.

No one said anything about Bruce being in the outdoor training footage. He was there only to direct and get a few photos taken. The footage they were shooting was indeed the footage you said, of Dan and Whang In sik and Ji Han Jae fighting/sparring with the components. That's exactly what they were filming up there.

A whole lot would have been shot. For editing down later. Much more than those few seconds we see used on "Bruce Lee The Legend".

As David Rees says, he knows people that have seen it.

It is 'this' footage that exists and has recently been bought by a collector in Japan. Lots of out-takes without sound basically. No one said it had Bruce in it. Although I'd be surprised if he hasn't, considering he would have popped in front of the camera now and then to do some directing and demonstrating what he wanted to see them do.

Basically the rushes of that hill top shoot were stolen from Golden Harvest.

The other films you mentioned were indeed photo shoots on the set, yes. I know that.

You don't need to tell me that. You can't say anything that I haven't already thought of myself or discussed to death in some forum.

Don't use those scenarios as a comparison and way of deciding what the case with the New Territories shoot is. It's different.

And what I said about the Big Boss is not a theory. It's a fact. It was shown in 1979 at a UK convention and copies were made before and after from that print. Fact. And that wont be the only print that copies were made from. Prints got out. Copies on Beta tape exist. Trust me.


And that's not all thats out there either. Many people back then had 8mm and super 8 cameras. There was always at least one person filming. There are plenty of private 8mm movies out there in homes.

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You seem to have misunderstood.

No one said anything about Bruce being in the outdoor training footage. He was there only to direct and get a few photos taken. The footage they were shooting was indeed the footage you said, of Dan and Whang In sik and Ji Han Jae fighting/sparring with the components. That's exactly what they were filming up there.

A whole lot would have been shot. For editing down later. Much more than those few seconds we see used on "Bruce Lee The Legend".

As David Rees says, he knows people that have seen it.

It is 'this' footage that exists and has recently been bought by a collector in Japan. Lots of out-takes without sound basically. No one said it had Bruce in it. Although I'd be surprised if he hasn't, considering he would have popped in front of the camera now and then to do some directing and demonstrating what he wanted to see them do.

Basically the rushes of that hill top shoot were stolen from Golden Harvest.

The other films you mentioned were indeed photo shoots on the set, yes. I know that.

You don't need to tell me that. You can't say anything that I haven't already thought of myself or discussed to death in some forum.

Don't use those scenarios as a comparison and way of deciding what the case with the New Territories shoot is. It's different.

And what I said about the Big Boss is not a theory. It's a fact. It was shown in 1979 at a UK convention and copies were made before and after from that print. Fact. And that wont be the only print that copies were made from. Prints got out. Copies on Beta tape exist. Trust me.


And that's not all thats out there either. Many people back then had 8mm and super 8 cameras. There was always at least one person filming. There are plenty of private 8mm movies out there in homes.

If I misunderstood then it's because you said this;

"sdog, the GOD outdoor footage was shot on film. They didn't do all that just for photos. In fact I bet some of the photos that we have and the ones certain rich collectors have were made from the original negative of that film. That's what was done with photos from the other films. They'd print out shots from the cells."

What is "all that exactly"? Three guardians beating up stuntmen?

What are "some of the photos that we have"? Only photos of the guardians beating up stuntmen?

Said quote clearly indicates that you're talking about Bruce Lee fighting in the New Territories and now you're hedging your bets because your theory on it was easily exposed (see prior thread).

In regards to The Big Boss, please refer back to my prior contempt. I know all about the 1979 showing and all "the people" who say they "have seen it". It's just another part of fantasy history that you will never come across in your natural born life. You know why? Because, it never existed in the first place, merely rumor taken as fact and passed around the campfire.

All you have is he said, they said, Han from Enter the Dragon said. Beta tape lol? Even if anything like that did exist, by this time it is degraded to dog shit. What do you really think? That some guy has it in his attic and Dan Inosanto guards it? Hey, maybe that's what was at the top of the pagoda?

F*ck sake, with this debate we have actually uncovered the truth about Game of Death:tongue: Give it twenty years and someone will actually say they have the version of Game of Death where Bruce finds the uncut version of The Big Boss and that was the hidden treasure.

Give me a f*ckin break lol:tongue:

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I can understand you being jaded, i too am sick of so called "collectors" hiding there footage for themselves probably because they have nothing better to do and need to get a life or as stated they cannot release it because of the Lee estate, it happened when George Tan tried to release Big Boss with the original English dub. (Which has now finally become available via the fan circuit).

The 1979 uncut Big Boss does exist, i was there in 1979 when it was shown (yes i am an old git!) and it was all in the film apart from the saw in the head.

If someone made a copy is just guessing, video was a lot less common then.

Bruce did shoot test footage everywhere, not to use in the film but to see what certain things looked like. The GOD outdoor footage has him doing various things apparently. The person who has seen it, i trust, he would not lie to me , whats the point?...

Bruce shot stuff off-set on Enter The Dragon with Wu Ngan and others, there is a brief clip of this in one of the docs, Man and Legend i think so to say he would not shoot stuff off the cuff is wrong.

He did a lot of stuff on old videotape, i have seen a 5 minute clip of him in his garden instructing Dan Inosanto and Wu Ngan fighting with sticks, it has Bruce commenting on the moves, sadly hes not in it himself.

So footage is out there, it is sad that most of it won't be seen. I too am fed up with it and have more important things to worry about, if these collectors or the Lee estate want to keep it " for a future date" then so be it, i really don't care much anymore.

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Son Of A Gun

Agreed ^

sdog, you haven't researched as much or spoken to the right people is all.

I just told you facts and you chose to poo poo them. For one thing, Will (the prof) Johnston has the (almost )uncut big boss audio on audio tape because he recorded the audio of the screening in 1979.

Bruce shot much stuff like David said. There is a bunch more footage of what we see a small snippet of in The Man The Legend of a sort of screen test/mess around in Han's trophy room.

You see Bruce throwing a punch. There's more of that. Just the fact that this stuff popped up in that documentary shows that this kind of stuff was shot and existed. I don't see why it still wouldn't exist today, do you? People working at Golden Harvest most likely made snide copies of it to sell in private and/or even stole the original reels eventually. The only thing that would make this untrue is if all the film had deteriorated through lousy storage conditions. But the GOD reels survived for the most part, so why not this other footage? :wink:

And no, I wasn't meaning to indicate that Bruce was in the outdoor footage. The footage that was shot and exists is movie history and interests me greatly. And it'd be pretty silly to assume that Bruce wasn't in any of it, when it's pretty obvious that at some point he would have walked in front of the camera or have been filmed just to document the shoot.

I'm not saying we're gonna see it any time soon, but I am saying that it was caught on film.

I didn't know we were gonna get so into this on here. 'lol

And don't get my started on all the private 8mm footage from people's private cine cameras that's out there.

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Agreed ^

sdog, you haven't researched as much or spoken to the right people is all.

I just told you facts and you chose to poo poo them. For one thing, Will (the prof) Johnston has the (almost )uncut big boss audio on audio tape because he recorded the audio of the screening in 1979.

Bruce shot much stuff like David said. There is a bunch more footage of what we see a small snippet of in The Man The Legend of a sort of screen test/mess around in Han's trophy room.

You see Bruce throwing a punch. There's more of that. Just the fact that this stuff popped up in that documentary shows that this kind of stuff was shot and existed. I don't see why it still wouldn't exist today, do you? People working at Golden Harvest most likely made snide copies of it to sell in private and/or even stole the original reels eventually. The only thing that would make this untrue is if all the film had deteriorated through lousy storage conditions. But the GOD reels survived for the most part, so why not this other footage? :wink:

And no, I wasn't meaning to indicate that Bruce was in the outdoor footage. The footage that was shot and exists is movie history and interests me greatly. And it'd be pretty silly to assume that Bruce wasn't in any of it, when it's pretty obvious that at some point he would have walked in front of the camera or have been filmed just to document the shoot.

I'm not saying we're gonna see it any time soon, but I am saying that it was caught on film.

I didn't know we were gonna get so into this on here. 'lol

And don't get my started on all the private 8mm footage from people's private cine cameras that's out there.

I deal in reality and have no interest in what people "say" - Show me something!

You see Bruce throwing a punch. No shit. Yep, that doc was out in the seventies and not a snippet seen since?

People "most likely" made copies? More fantasy chat.

I won't get into your cine film chat.

Bell me when something real turns up!

All the best bud.

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Jeru the Damaja

I agree with sdog to an extent, although I do think there is more Bruce Lee material out there that hasn't been released. The problem is that the estate has been raping loyal fans for 40 years which is frustrating. Hell, I'm 30 years old, and was born in 1981. Fans that were originally inspired by Bruce are now in their 60's and 70's. I think my generation was the last one that actually gave a damn about who Bruce Lee was and what he inspired. My ex girlfriend that was 24 had no idea who Bruce even was. That is until I showed her a couple of his flicks. I have no problem with the estate trying to introduce Bruce to a new generation, but I can assure you that the majority of the younger crowd doesn't care. I just wish they would release it if they have it for the fans that will enjoy it. Why release it later to a generation that could care less. The greedy collectors are even worse, but I do realize sometimes this stuff is out of their hands. Anyway, I know for me personally the Big Boss uncut, and the Game of Death outdoor footage is number one on my want list, and I still hold out hope that I will one day be able to view it. Hopefully, before I'm in a nursing home.

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I can understand you being jaded, i too am sick of so called "collectors" hiding there footage for themselves probably because they have nothing better to do and need to get a life or as stated they cannot release it because of the Lee estate, it happened when George Tan tried to release Big Boss with the original English dub. (Which has now finally become available via the fan circuit).

The 1979 uncut Big Boss does exist, i was there in 1979 when it was shown (yes i am an old git!) and it was all in the film apart from the saw in the head.

If someone made a copy is just guessing, video was a lot less common then.

Bruce did shoot test footage everywhere, not to use in the film but to see what certain things looked like. The GOD outdoor footage has him doing various things apparently. The person who has seen it, i trust, he would not lie to me , whats the point?...

Bruce shot stuff off-set on Enter The Dragon with Wu Ngan and others, there is a brief clip of this in one of the docs, Man and Legend i think so to say he would not shoot stuff off the cuff is wrong.

He did a lot of stuff on old videotape, i have seen a 5 minute clip of him in his garden instructing Dan Inosanto and Wu Ngan fighting with sticks, it has Bruce commenting on the moves, sadly hes not in it himself.

So footage is out there, it is sad that most of it won't be seen. I too am fed up with it and have more important things to worry about, if these collectors or the Lee estate want to keep it " for a future date" then so be it, i really don't care much anymore.

Hi Dave

I've read about the showing of The Big Boss and if it was everything "except" the saw in the head, what does that leave? A visit to the hooker, most of which we have.? You want to shed some light? Also, that was shown 33 years ago so it will be degraded to shit and considering how much time has elapsed, never converted by anyone.

The original English dub of The Big Boss was a waste of time and was almost cut worse than the second Rank release, allegedly due to print damage.

The seconds of footage with Wu Ngan and Sheun-Leung Wong, on the Enter the Dragon set, is Bruce testing the latter for Game of Death. I don't have solid proof on that but it's clear that he is checking out how a Wing Chun duel looks on camera and he also has Wong selling strikes. Would make perfect sense right? Don't tell "Son of a Gun" that, he's been over all this in other forums and you can't tell him anything he doesn't already know :biggrin: BOLLOCKS!:xd:

Seen Ngan and Inosanto in the garden but only 3 seconds of it.

My main point is that most of which once existed is lost forever and the rest is made up in the minds of those who don't get laid enough.

Cheers Bro

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Most of the cut scenes have been discussed before and to be honest its not that great, nothing like the extra footage that was found for Game Of Death.

Its got a good explanation of the missing footage here....http://kaleidoscope.cultural-china.com/en/188K7063K12335.html

Cheers Mate

Never seen that site but have read all the info over the years.

Most of it turns up on the Mandarin trailer and as you suggest it's pretty non-descript.

The only scene I would like to see is the one featuring the burning cart. The rest of it really doesn't interest me.

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wong shun leung's student wan kam leung who responded to me said they were onset with bruce for 3 days re man, the legend doc so a lot more footages was shot. the other guy sparring v wu ngan was doing a screentest- he was from malaysia i think he said. some of the unseen boss scenes are in the original trailer so ofcourse there were extra scenes shot. i was given a few unseen one's of the 2nd prostitute scene from george tan (one where bruce picks her out on the bench). will johnson may be your best bet to try and get a copy of his audio recording of the 1979 uncut showing at the kung fu monthly bl convention in london.

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Son Of A Gun

Interesting Nick. ^

And sdog, why so miserable and pessimistic? :tinysmile_angry2_t:

I want to see my favorite film, the Big Boss in it's complete form. You said most of it doesn't interest you. Well that's the problem here. It all interests me. I want to see the fire cart scene (of course) , but also the Chiao Mei serving tea and seeing Bruce and 3rd Uncle off in the morning. And James Tien describing the fight they had the night before. And the uncut sawing up of the bodies and the 3rd visit to the brothel. How can you say "Most of which is in the mandarin trailer?" 'lol

It was like a 3 second clip at most. The actual scene will be much longer than 3 seconds.

There are the extended dialogue scenes which showed up in that original english dub print.

This all interests me and I hope to see it all in one uncut print one day.

I get the feeling you're only interested in Bruce Lee fighting scenes. ...where as for me, it's about the film as a whole. I am movie fan.

And you think much of the other footage is long gone/lost....but how does footage just go missing? Someone has it. It's in some old chinese guy's loft or something. Just waiting to be found. If it was not stored correctly or transferred to beta tape years ago, then sure, it would be in a terrible state now. :/ But I suspect people knew how valuable this footage was after Bruce's death and made transfers to other media to preserve it. I hope anyway.

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Interesting Nick. ^

And sdog, why so miserable and pessimistic? :tinysmile_angry2_t:

I want to see my favorite film, the Big Boss in it's complete form. You said most of it doesn't interest you. Well that's the problem here. It all interests me. I want to see the fire cart scene (of course) , but also the Chiao Mei serving tea and seeing Bruce and 3rd Uncle off in the morning. And James Tien describing the fight they had the night before. And the uncut sawing up of the bodies and the 3rd visit to the brothel. How can you say "Most of which is in the mandarin trailer?" 'lol

It was like a 3 second clip at most. The actual scene will be much longer than 3 seconds.

There are the extended dialogue scenes which showed up in that original english dub print.

This all interests me and I hope to see it all in one uncut print one day.

I get the feeling you're only interested in Bruce Lee fighting scenes. ...where as for me, it's about the film as a whole. I am movie fan.

And you think much of the other footage is long gone/lost....but how does footage just go missing? Someone has it. It's in some old chinese guy's loft or something. Just waiting to be found. If it was not stored correctly or transferred to beta tape years ago, then sure, it would be in a terrible state now. :/ But I suspect people knew how valuable this footage was after Bruce's death and made transfers to other media to preserve it. I hope anyway.


I'm not miserable my old China but I am certainly pessimistic and with good reason.

You're clearly younger than me and I've been around too long to believe that any of the this stuff exists. It's myth mixed with fact mixed with myth and what turns up in the end? Two fifths of jack shit :squigglemouth:

"I want to see the fire cart scene (of course) , but also the Chiao Mei serving tea and seeing Bruce and 3rd Uncle off in the morning. And James Tien describing the fight they had the night before. And the uncut sawing up of the bodies and the 3rd visit to the brothel. How can you say "Most of which is in the mandarin trailer? lol"

Fire Cart - I've seen a pic or two and that is all we'll be seeing

Tien describing the fight - On the Mandarin trailer and yep, that's all we'll be seeing

Uncut sawing up of bodies - See Fire Cart

Third visit to the brother - On International and Mandarin trailers

You have not got the monopoly on the truth with either my knowledge or how much my loyalty to the Bruce Lee franchise extends.

In the past when I finally got the lost pagoda scenes, or the full Ahna Capri footage I celebrated for weeks. I also funded a trip to Hong Kong when I was nineteen years old and toured the city because of the guy.

The difference here is there hasn't been a sniff of the stuff you're talking about for decades. Don't look for that to change and if it does then I'll eat my words and buy you the spirit of your choice :bigsmile:

Hennesey's cognac is it? Sorry, I had to! :bigsmile:

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Son Of A Gun

OK, Mr Psychic. 'lol

My age has nothing to do with it. I caught up pretty quickly and have been a fan since 1984. You knew that.

I talk about this stuff on a weekly basis. It always comes into the conversation somehow. Occasionally with new info given by different people.... But all of this aside.... I wasn't saying anything about us being able to get to own any of this stuff any time soon,...I was just telling you that some lucky people out there have this stuff. That's pretty obvious, for all the reasons I stated in my last post. You keep ignoring everything I type, every single time.

Are you even reading the posts?! :ooh:

I feel this is going round in circles.

Just because the lucky ones who knew people that worked in the business or worked in the business themselves don't want to share it with the masses, doesn't mean it doesn't exist any more.

Please read my words this time and take them in, before you respond. I beg you! 'lol :cry: I can't type all this stuff again.

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OK, Mr Psychic. 'lol

My age has nothing to do with it. I caught up pretty quickly and have been a fan since 1984. You knew that.

I talk about this shit on a daily basis and know people that have been around for decades and they tell me interesting facts, or alleged facts. But all of this aside.... I wasn't saying anything about us being able to get to own any of this stuff any time soon,...I was just telling you that some lucky people out there have this stuff. That's pretty obvious, for all the reasons I stated in my last post. You keep ignoring everything I type, every single time.

Are you even reading the posts?! :ooh:

I feel this is going round in circles.

Just because the lucky ones who knew people that worked in the business or worked in the business themselves don't want to share it with the masses, doesn't mean it doesn't exist any more.

Please read my words this time and take them in, before you respond. I beg you! 'lol :cry: I can't type all this stuff again.

Chill Winston!

I read your posts (just once) but you're right, we are going round in circles.

You're point is made when I see something real, until then you can fantasize about a two hour version of The Big Boss. I'll just watch my HKL "single disc" version or my Blu Ray, or for shits and giggles I might fire on the original Rank version from 1984 that is cut to bits.

PS - Nothing is obvious until it's there. Footage which was around decades back is more than likely dust or its covered in rat shit and rice crispies, making it irretrievable.

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Most of the cut scenes have been discussed before and to be honest its not that great, nothing like the extra footage that was found for Game Of Death.

Its got a good explanation of the missing footage here....http://kaleidoscope.cultural-china.com/en/188K7063K12335.html

If you drill down the content in this article then you will find Steve Kerridge has the uncut Big Boss!

David Rees is SK's Uncle and has said on this site that he was only making it up?

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Son Of A Gun

^ Yes, it was a rumour that someone made up, and he went with it for a laugh. That's all. Apparently.

PS - Nothing is obvious until it's there. Footage which was around decades back is more than likely dust or its covered in rat shit and rice crispies, making it irretrievable.

That would only be the case if the footage had been sitting there all this time and was still there. But I have a strong feeling that it was rescued decades ago. Stolen.

And one last thing....don't watch the single disc HKL Big Boss! :squigglemouth: It's rubbish quality. Really bad picture quality compared to the Fortune Star Joy Sales or HKL platinum prints.

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If you drill down the content in this article then you will find Steve Kerridge has the uncut Big Boss!

David Rees is SK's Uncle and has said on this site that he was only making it up?

Speak David.....this is a good thread for many to read...want to hear a wee bit more!

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If you drill down the content in this article then you will find Steve Kerridge has the uncut Big Boss!

David Rees is SK's Uncle and has said on this site that he was only making it up?

Someone made up that they saw something on Bruce Lee that doesn't exist? You're shitting me? :bigsmile:

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^ Yes, it was a rumour that someone made up, and he went with it for a laugh. That's all. Apparently.

That would only be the case if the footage had been sitting there all this time and was still there. But I have a strong feeling that it was rescued decades ago. Stolen.

And one last thing....don't watch the single disc HKL Big Boss! :squigglemouth: It's rubbish quality. Really bad picture quality compared to the Fortune Star Joy Sales or HKL platinum prints.


The only version of The Big Boss I watch is the English one so the Fortune Star and Joy Sales are no use to me. The Mandarin/ Cantonese versions are pish.

I didn't purchase the HKL Platinum because it shouldn't have been released in the first place. Moneymaking exercise and I wasn't interested. Did you get your free ice pick and Bruce Lee calendar with that?:xd:

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