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I just cant get into Liu Chia Liang's films


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I try and I try but I just cant do it. His choreography is always the best but as a director he just continues to dissapoint me with every film of his I see. The only exception of course being 36 Chambers. His style of filmmaking is just to bizarre and out there for me.

Heard great things about Legendary Weapons of China. Hated it unitl the last 30 minuets.

Executioners of Shaolin. Bored to tears.

8 Diagram Pole Fighter. The Fu Sheng parts were so bad and annoying I wish he had died in the opening battle. Didnt care to see Gordon desperatly wanting to become a monk again.

Wo Ping had the same problem. Great choragrapher but below average director.

Chang Cheh just spoiled me I guess. Hes in a league by his self.

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Isn't this very similar to a thread on the general board a few months back about someone not liking Yuen Biao / Sammo films or something? Everyone has different tastes and it's not really a problem at all if you don't like something, especially a film, song or work of art. It's down to personal taste. I love most of Lau Kar Leung's films, Sammo's too, but I like the choreography a lot and don't mind the humour (I even like it a lot of the time). I'm also a fan of the actors both directors used.

Some of Chang Cheh's films, I'm not fan of the fights as they are often less complex but I can still appreciate the casts and storyline. Actually, I also liked a lot how characters often didn't get killed in LKL's films, it wasn't about bloodshed all the time. I always skip Fu Sheng's bits in 8 Diagrams and Legendary Weapons. You can't force yourself to like something.

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I try and I try but I just cant do it. His choreography is always the best but as a director he just continues to dissapoint me with every film of his I see. The only exception of course being 36 Chambers. His style of filmmaking is just to bizarre and out there for me.

Have you given Heroes Of The East a try? Great story and fighting, and is probably more accessible overall, than his other films.

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As much as I want to be rational and understand, there has to be at least one Lau Kar Leung film out there for you to enjoy. It's just the way the world works, I'm afraid...haha.

I don't like the Fu Sheng moments in "8 Diagram Pole Fighter" but, good lord, I can look beyond them, in order to gain access to what is one of the greatest martial arts films ever. Granted, that's just me, but I'm saddened that such trivial things would prevent your enjoyment.

I would agree that his most accessible film is "Heroes of the East" and although "Dirty Ho" is bizarre, if you treat it lightheartedly, you should reap the benefits.

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Killer Meteor

CHALLENGE OF THE MASTERS was deathly dull. SPIRITUAL BOXER was OK fake haunting hijinks until the dull climatic ending.

Good thing HEROES OF THE EAST is so damn good.

I still think my fave Lau film is TIGER ON THE BEAT.

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Without Lau si-fu's work behind the camera....how dull would HK cinema be???

Would Yuen Woo Ping have directed Snake in Eagle's Shadow, if Lau's Spiritual Boxer hadn't proved Kung Fu comedy worked, or that Challenge of the Masters depiction of the si-fu/to-dai relationship (never better depicted than in Challenge) could resonate with an audience??

Would Sammo have felt confident enough to concentrate two movies solely on Wing Chun, Warriors Two and Prodigal Son, if Lau si-fu's Hung Gar based movies had flopped???

I personally despise Jet Li-onscreen and off-and I know I will hate each of his new movies, just coz he's in it, but now I try not to bother wasting energy hunting down the next one...

Anyway that is the simple solution to the question...dont like Lau si-fu's movies...dont watch them....sorted

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I try and I try but I just cant do it. His choreography is always the best but as a director he just continues to dissapoint me with every film of his I see. The only exception of course being 36 Chambers. His style of filmmaking is just to bizarre and out there for me.

Heard great things about Legendary Weapons of China. Hated it unitl the last 30 minuets.

Executioners of Shaolin. Bored to tears.

8 Diagram Pole Fighter. The Fu Sheng parts were so bad and annoying I wish he had died in the opening battle. Didnt care to see Gordon desperatly wanting to become a monk again.

Wo Ping had the same problem. Great choragrapher but below average director.

Chang Cheh just spoiled me I guess. Hes in a league by his self.

To each his own - I always thought Michael Jackson was a pedifile and never liked him. I think if you're drawn to a webpage like this it's because you like a certain type of film that most in the general public just don't pay much attention to - the kind of folks that think seeing a Jackie Chan movie qualifies as a foreign film experience on the level of "Raise the Red Lantern." As they say, "different strokes for different folks..."


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... the kind of folks that think seeing a Jackie Chan movie qualifies as a foreign film experience on the level of "Raise the Red Lantern." As they say, "different strokes for different folks..."


I believe fans of cinema should watch both Police Story as well as Zhang Yimou's To Live (of course Raise the Red Lantern is a must watch as well from Yimou).

I'm still a fan of Lau Kar-leung though. Not sure how you could be bored to tears with Executioners of Shaolin :).

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I believe fans of cinema should watch both Police Story as well as Zhang Yimou's To Live (of course Raise the Red Lantern is a must watch as well from Yimou).


I second that!

if Lau si-fu's Hung Gar based movies had flopped???

Why do you call him, Lau sifu? He's not your Master, or is he? :ooh:


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No he isnt my teacher but that is the correct way to address a kung fu teacher....Family name first, and then title. If he was MY si-fu I would address him as just "si-fu".

Hence why, in Ip Man 2-the laundry lady on the roof addresses Donnie's character as "Ip si-fu"...

In 2003 on a trip to HK my teacher and many of my si-hing-dai met up with Lau si-fu, and his to-dai Mark Houghton (a longtime friend of my teacher), for a dinner and a night of drinking at Mark's house-our kwoon was allowed to address pops as si-baak-gung...

But because pops is my inspiration for learning Hung Kuen...I have to call him Lau si-fu out of respect

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I believe fans of cinema should watch both Police Story as well as Zhang Yimou's To Live (of course Raise the Red Lantern is a must watch as well from Yimou).

It's all subjective, really. I've never been one to get all fussy at someone watching three Jet Li films and two Jackie Chan films and saying they like kung fu movies. Perhaps they do. If that's all they've been subjected to, then how am I to judge?

But there shouldn't be a qualifier for kung fu fanaticism. Granted, we are shocked when someone says, "I hate Lau Kar-leung" but it's all a matter of taste.

Look at me, I love kung fu cinema but don't care for Bruce Lee in the slightest. Hence I respect a fellow fan who says, "I haven't watched Bruce Lee's films. I don't like him."

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It's all subjective, really. I've never been one to get all fussy at someone watching three Jet Li films and two Jackie Chan films and saying they like kung fu movies. Perhaps they do. If that's all they've been subjected to, then how am I to judge?

But there shouldn't be a qualifier for kung fu fanaticism. Granted, we are shocked when someone says, "I hate Lau Kar-leung" but it's all a matter of taste.

Look at me, I love kung fu cinema but don't care for Bruce Lee in the slightest. Hence I respect a fellow fan who says, "I haven't watched Bruce Lee's films. I don't like him."

Everything is subjective to a certain extent. However when we discuss on the quality of films I don't quite agree on the opinion that all opinions are the same. But if someone can have a solid argument on say why Lau Kar-leung is not an auteur or Lau's work is lacking behind Chang Cheh because of ... then it is still interesting to hear that opinion. If we do not agree with it then we should state why. Hence we are involved in a dialectic that might improve our cinematic acumen. It's OK that we don't agree, but solid argumentative writing should improve our knowledge of kung fu/wuxia cinema.

It's seems a little strange to me to not like something you haven't seen. Watch it first and then complain :).

Where I get more upset (at other forums) is when writers eschew the genres of kung fu, wuxia or even many Asian films as a whole for sometimes asinine reasons.

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Where I get more upset (at other forums) is when writers eschew the genres of kung fu, wuxia or even many Asian films as a whole for sometimes asinine reasons.

Yeah I love when someone claims I only watch these movies because I want to be Asian:angel: It's like saying Asians that watch Hollywood want to be - insert any other race here. Fucking stupid people:neutral:

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Everything is subjective to a certain extent. However when we discuss on the quality of films I don't quite agree on the opinion that all opinions are the same. But if someone can have a solid argument on say why Lau Kar-leung is not an auteur or Lau's work is lacking behind Chang Cheh because of ... then it is still interesting to hear that opinion. If we do not agree with it then we should state why. Hence we are involved in a dialectic that might improve our cinematic acumen. It's OK that we don't agree, but solid argumentative writing should improve our knowledge of kung fu/wuxia cinema.

It's seems a little strange to me to not like something you haven't seen. Watch it first and then complain :).

Where I get more upset (at other forums) is when writers eschew the genres of kung fu, wuxia or even many Asian films as a whole for sometimes asinine reasons.

I always found it funny that quite a few groups of fans love Japanese films, actually almost any countries films, including arthouse Chinese stuff, but always seem to think HK action flicks and kung fu films lack any artistic merit. They even love JP soft porn stuff, which makes me laugh.

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I don't think I've ever not enjoyed any of Liu's Shaw films. Love them all. But he's not for everybody. They are very... Cantonese, I guess with humor and story usually (but not always) in place of blood soaked vengence. As a storyteller and martial arts choreographer, I thought he was about the best there was.

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Yeah I love when someone claims I only watch these movies because I want to be Asian:angel: It's like saying Asians that watch Hollywood want to be - insert any other race here. Fucking stupid people:neutral:

I can relate...

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As much as I want to be rational and understand, there has to be at least one Lau Kar Leung film out there for you to enjoy. It's just the way the world works, I'm afraid...haha.

Yeah probably so. I couldn't give a damn about John Woo films but Last Hurrah for Chivalry is the bee's knees.

I personally despise Jet Li-onscreen and off-and I know I will hate each of his new movies, just coz he's in it, but now I try not to bother wasting energy hunting down the next one...

I wouldn't say despise but I can't bring myself to care much about him either. I have a couple of his movies I've yet to see and I sort of want to see Fist of Legend to see what the fuss is about but who knows if I ever will with so much else to watch.

To each his own - I always thought Michael Jackson was a pedifile and never liked him.


You may think he was a pedophile and not be a fan but this applies to Micheal Jackson as well. It's almost impossible to not like at least a couple of his songs.

Yeah I love when someone claims I only watch these movies because I want to be Asian:angel:

Someone actually said that? Did you backhand them in the hopes of knocking some sense into them? That may be one of the dumbest things I ever heard.

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I try and I try but I just cant do it. His choreography is always the best but as a director he just continues to dissapoint me with every film of his I see. The only exception of course being 36 Chambers. His style of filmmaking is just to bizarre and out there for me.

Heard great things about Legendary Weapons of China. Hated it unitl the last 30 minuets.

Executioners of Shaolin. Bored to tears.

8 Diagram Pole Fighter. The Fu Sheng parts were so bad and annoying I wish he had died in the opening battle. Didnt care to see Gordon desperatly wanting to become a monk again.

Wo Ping had the same problem. Great choragrapher but below average director.

Chang Cheh just spoiled me I guess. Hes in a league by his self.

I almost thought i wrote this, had to look and see if it was Iron Boat or Iron Leopard, LKL's directing leaves me shaking my head at times to, actually wrote a couple of threads on the subject way back when.......but yeah Cheng Cheh has spoiled many of us, I think the need to be original, distinct from CC's style is what led to the weirdness (strange comedy) of some of LKL's films. The irony is that his best films like 36 Chambers, Pole Fighters, Executioners, are the ones most like a CC film.
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PopsJr's hatred of Jet Li borders on the ludicrous.

In your opinion.

Sits back and awaits the usual threats of violence...

Please don't bait people bro. :neutral:

You've seen Pops' films. What is your take on this thread's question?

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