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Tokyo Shock at Megacon


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I'm going to Megacon in Orlando tomorrow. Tokyo Shocks/ Media Blaster is supposed to be there. I plan on grilling them for answers concerning their Shaw Brothers releases or lack of releases. Also gonna check on Story of Ricky and posibility of Goyokin blu ray?


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The Silver Fox

Everything is delayed. I guess with a 60% staff reduction it's not that suprising. I really wanted a couple of the Asia Crush releases,mainly End Call but I'm on the verge of just getting the UK version. I've been snapping up all the available Tokyo Shock titles that I'm interested in getting 'cause the writing is on the wall and personally I think they're done.

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I'm going to Megacon in Orlando tomorrow. Tokyo Shocks/ Media Blaster is supposed to be there. I plan on grilling them for answers concerning their Shaw Brothers releases or lack of releases. Also gonna check on Story of Ricky and posibility of Goyokin blu ray?


Look forward to your report. Hope you have a good time at the con.

Everything is delayed. I guess with a 60% staff reduction it's not that suprising. I really wanted a couple of the Asia Crush releases,mainly End Call but I'm on the verge of just getting the UK version. I've been snapping up all the available Tokyo Shock titles that I'm interested in getting 'cause the writing is on the wall and personally I think they're done.

Geez, I hope not. Everyone of the people that I ever met or spoke to from there was really nice. Fingers crossed that no more of them lose their jobs. :squigglemouth:

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Killer Meteor

I know Stuart Galbraith, who provided the commentary for the still-to-be-released GODZILLA VS MEGALON dvd, is fuming over lack of payment.

I hope the Shaw releases get priority over the hentai personally, if they do continue.

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Well, that was an exhausting day. I have good news. I got copies of Five Element Ninja and The Story of Ricky. Both are 1080p blu-rays. I'm gonna watch Five Element Ninja tonight. Quite honestly, I was shocked when I got to their table, and they had all their Shaw titles (released so far) on the table. The guy said that the Story of Ricky had just arrived. Five Element Ninja appears to be on schedule for March (as I currently own it. Ha Ha! Very Happy!). They were sold out of Destroy All Monsters, but he did say they were having to push back the release on Godzilla vs Megalon. He said the next Shaw title on blu would be Kid With The Golden Arm (already known). I said several times that I felt Masked Avengers would sell great on blu-ray (hopefully, they take the bait).

P.S. Funimation had no Shaws at their table. If you want them better get them.


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James, thanks for all the info.

This is the first that I heard of Tokyo Shock releasing GODZILLA VS MEGALON. I know it's considered one of the weakest Big G films by most fans, but I dig it. Ever since I was a kid I've had a fascination with insects, so I love "bug monsters". When I first saw GODZILLA VS MEGALON I was in Heaven. I used to draw Megalon all the time with my Crayolas. :tongue:In fact, I just realized as I'm typing this- right here sitting on my modem is a very cool little four inch tall Megalon (thanks Karlos!!!! :nerd:). :bigsmile:

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I know Stuart Galbraith, who provided the commentary for the still-to-be-released GODZILLA VS MEGALON dvd, is fuming over lack of payment.

I hope the Shaw releases get priority over the hentai personally, if they do continue.

Word is he is probably paid (FINALLY). Hentai??...do you mean Kaiju?


Sadly Media Blasters is STILL dealing with Toho over their MASSIVE screwups on Destroy all Monsters, and still at a standstill with Megalon. :squigglemouth:

What has been announced (dvd AND blu) or their fu releases? I am losing faith we'll see to many more.

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Five Element Ninja looks pretty awesome. I got rid of my dvd, so I can't do a good comparison, but it looks sweet. I'm not sure when I'll watch Story of Ricky because Three Outlaw Samurai showed up in the mail yesterday, as well (Great day!).

P.S. The lion's share of titles on Media Blaster's table were Anime (including Hentai).


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Killer Meteor
Word is he is probably paid (FINALLY). Hentai??...do you mean Kaiju?


Sadly Media Blasters is STILL dealing with Toho over their MASSIVE screwups on Destroy all Monsters, and still at a standstill with Megalon. :squigglemouth:

What has been announced (dvd AND blu) or their fu releases? I am losing faith we'll see to many more.

I know the difference between hentai and kaiju lol...

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I know the difference between hentai and kaiju lol...

LOL sorry you kinda jumped from Godzilla, to Shaw to hentai....I just read wrong :nerd:

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Killer Meteor
LOL sorry you kinda jumped from Godzilla, to Shaw to hentai....I just read wrong :nerd:

LOL I'm actually not too fussed if MEGALON isn't released, since I have the R4 release, but I'll be miffed if CHINATOWN KID never gets released.

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Sadly Media Blasters is STILL dealing with Toho over their MASSIVE screwups on Destroy all Monsters, and still at a standstill with Megalon. :squigglemouth:

Can you please tell me, what were the screwups on DESTROY?

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Can you please tell me, what were the screwups on DESTROY?

What I have heard is that MB used extras on the disc without proper Toho approval (and they are notoriously anal on the IP rights). Megalon is on perpetual hold until MB/Toho irons everything out on the mishandling of Destroy all Monsters.

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Can you please tell me, what were the screwups on DESTROY?

This is from a Stuart Galbraith IV post on criterionforum.org that has some interesting information here:

I researched, wrote, and recorded an audio commentary track for Media Blasters with my pal Steve Ryfle, for that pantheon of cinematic art, GODZILLA VS MEGALON. We did some of our best work on this title, but in a flash of spectacular foolhardiness, they screwed up and now the disc and our hard work in all likelihood will never see the light of day, to say nothing of the generous contributions of members of the original cast and crew, who really made this track something special.

Media Blasters has also been making one meaningless promise after another to pay me for above-and-beyond work Steve and I delivered way back in October. (I’ve been hearing the wire/check’ll go out next week for the last nine weeks.) As some of you know, they recently laid-off 60% of their staff, and my own theory is that they’re simply out of cash, partly because of the financial mess they themselves created with these two Toho titles.

Regardless, I’ve been writing professionally for 23 years, and never in my experience have I encountered a more incompetent and dishonest home video label. It’s been one unbelievably lame excuse after another, unreturned voice-mails and unanswered emails, a refusal to own the problem and treat it with any sense of urgency. In short, a total lack of professionalism. A word to the wise: Media Blasters CANNOT BE TRUSTED to pay its bills.

And so, this week Steve Ryfle and I informed Media Blasters’ John Sirabella and Carl Morano that unless I am adequately compensated they cannot legally use our commentary track even if Toho finally approves every other extra feature on the disc. As with Toho and its unlicensed extras, I’ve not signed off on the commentary’s use. If necessary I’m prepared to fly to New York to get an injunction to block its release and/or have copies pulled from distribution a la DESTROY ALL MONSTERS.

If this statement seems harsh, you’ve probably never been ripped off like this. Steve and I spent the last two months quietly trying to resolve this issue with a minimum of fuss, but at every step Media Blasters made it clear they just can’t be bothered. So …

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I guess that's why they didn't have copies of Destroy All Monsters at the convention. It sounds like their juggling checks with their creditors. Not a good place to be.

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What I have heard is that MB used extras on the disc without proper Toho approval (and they are notoriously anal on the IP rights). Megalon is on perpetual hold until MB/Toho irons everything out on the mishandling of Destroy all Monsters.

Oh? :ooh: Yikes. Thanks for the info.

This is from a Stuart Galbraith IV post on criterionforum.org that has some interesting information here:

Man, that sucks. What a terrible situation. :squigglemouth:

I guess that's why they didn't have copies of Destroy All Monsters at the convention. It sounds like their juggling checks with their creditors. Not a good place to be.

Geez, I'm glad I picked this up as soon as it came out. I think it was this version... It came with the soundtrack disc? That's the Tokyo Shock release of DESTROY ALL MONSTERS right?

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If this is the version you have KFB, it's the old ADV version. The MB version blows it out of the water quality wise.

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If this is the version you have KFB, it's the old ADV version. The MB version blows it out of the water quality wise.

Ah... I think that I may have the ADV one. Not sure, and due to an injury I can't just walk into the cellar and quickly check. :tinysmile_angry2_t: Frustrating.

So, better how- image wise?

What were the extras (which they got into hot water over) on it?

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The older ADV:

was pretty muddy, Non-Anamorphic...transfer is cropped from both sides...(may even be full screen, it's been awhile), only had one of the dubbed version, NO extras

MB version:

full anamorphic, 2 separate English dubs, plus the Japanese version


Audio Commentary with Godzilla film experts Ed Godziszewski and Steve Ryfle

Poster Gallery

Theatrical Trailers

Image Gallery of production stills and behind-the-scenes photos

The MB blu ray has (of course) better picture,and more sound options...and IIRC may have a couple extras not found on the dvd.

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The older ADV:

was pretty muddy, Non-Anamorphic...transfer is cropped from both sides...(may even be full screen, it's been awhile), only had one of the dubbed version, NO extras

MB version:

full anamorphic, 2 separate English dubs, plus the Japanese version


Audio Commentary with Godzilla film experts Ed Godziszewski and Steve Ryfle

Poster Gallery

Theatrical Trailers

Image Gallery of production stills and behind-the-scenes photos

The MB blu ray has (of course) better picture,and more sound options...and IIRC may have a couple extras not found on the dvd.

That IS quite a difference! I think I would've remembered if the copy I have wasn't properly letterboxed though... :neutral: Hmmm... Once I can walk again I'll check which copy I have. So, I may have the discontinued TS version, or the poop ADV version... :squigglemouth:

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Any word from them about their delayed/MIA release of Magnificent Ruffians?

I've been very curious about this one as well. I don't wanna to hunt down the IVL if it IS coming out on R1.

Man I'm ordering Destroy all Monsters, it's been a while since I last seen it. How's Space Amoeba? never seen it.

Ameoba is solid fun IMO...though I am jaded as I usually like almost any Toho flick LOL

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P.S. Funimation had no Shaws at their table. If you want them better get them.


You think the Shaw line is going to be discontinued? After reading this post I picked up a couple titles just in case.

I guess that's why they didn't have copies of Destroy All Monsters at the convention. It sounds like their juggling checks with their creditors. Not a good place to be.

I still see copies of this online. I wonder if I should go ahead and order it quickly. I have a copy from the R2 disc but an original with the old English dub (I only have this on VHS) would be swell too. I used to have that ADV disc too but that thing is worthless.

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