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Will Jet Li ever make good action films again?


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You worked as a bodyguard??? For like famous people, Jet Li is a pretty big deal... So you do stunts for movies too, and if so, They're hiring??

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This is really interest as - and I probably should be ashamed to say this - I had no idea Jet Li used doubles in so many movies. Especially in films like "Fist of Legend!"

Does anyone have ant stills from his movies that show the doubles, like that one dude did with all of Jackie's double moments?

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I know it sounds sad...but check out OUATIC and watch Jet Li's forehead as it changes shape from one double to another...one of the doubles is Hung Yan Yan/Clubfoot, someone once told me that the guy who plays Leung Foon in Fist From Shaolin is another Li double...Walter Mak doubled Li in Martial arts of Shaolin for flips etc (which is fair enough). If you watch Fist of Legend or Black Mask closely you can see when it aint Li also...

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pops my fellow "bodyguard"

it was a special day for us eh? i did security for Jet Li also with Ricks Nephew n yourself .. was pretty cool. he just looked at me when i spoke a lil bit of Mandarin to him,,, Charming,his acne was exploding of his neck man!!

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Reel Power Stunts
one of the doubles is Hung Yan Yan/Clubfoot, someone once told me that the guy who plays Leung Foon in Fist From Shaolin is another Li double...Walter Mak doubled Li in Martial arts of Shaolin for flips etc (which is fair enough). If you watch Fist of Legend or Black Mask closely you can see when it aint Li also...

Hung Yan Yan definitely did double Jet. Tony "Monkey" Mak Wai-cheung doubled him in "Martial Arts of Shaolin" for flips as you say (never knew he was known as "Walter":xd::).

In the late 90's and early 00's two of Jet's main doubles were Kok Chien-hu and Sam Wong kai shum.

Kok (aka Deedee) doubled Jet on a lot of the Yuen Woo-ping movies, Sam on Corey Yuen ones (althought they were no means exclusive. Facially, Deedee isn't that close to Li...but they were very similair in height, build and head size. When you are wearing a mask (as in "Black Mask") that's a great double.

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So although we know why Jet was doubled in some films, the exact reaosn as to why he was doubled on so called "simple" films like "Fist of Legend" is unknown? How peculiar! I feel like some of my dreams have been shattered today, haha.

Is there a martial arts star who never used doubles?

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Reel Power Stunts
So although we know why Jet was doubled in some films, the exact reaosn as to why he was doubled on so called "simple" films like "Fist of Legend" is unknown?

He was doubled for the reason most actors get doubled. Reasons actors get doubled include:

1) They can't do a move at all, or as well as a double - see JC doubled by Chin Kar-lok in "Dragons Forever", or Jet for certain kicking techniques in "Fist of Legend".

2) They need to pace themselves. Shooting fights for days on end is exhausting, and can wear out the body, so sometimes it makes sense to let the star rest for shots when their face isn't going to be clearly seen.

3) Safety concerns.

4) The star may be shooting on another unit, or preparing to do a different shot, so get a double to do it while the actor puts on pads, or gets into a wire harness.

5) Scheduling. The actor may be working on several projects simultaneously, or even out of the country, so a double has to be employed to "fill in the gaps".

6) The actor may be suffering from injury (Michelle Yeoh in "Wing Chun"), JC in "Thunderbolt", Jet in "OUATIC".

7) The actor may be super skilled, but for whatever reason, their timing, style etc doesn't "match" their opponent. JC loves to fight his own stuntguys, so it's not unusual for them to double stuntmen. Yu Wing-kwong is extensively doubled in the end of "My Father is a Hero" by Kwan Yung due to style issues...

8) Some actors can't be arsed...:bigsmile:

Is there a martial arts star who never used doubles?

Not that I can think of. Even the great stuntmen-turned actors like Chin Kar-lok and Yuen Wah get doubled. Doubles are a reality of the business..

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So although we know why Jet was doubled in some films, the exact reaosn as to why he was doubled on so called "simple" films like "Fist of Legend" is unknown? How peculiar! I feel like some of my dreams have been shattered today, haha.

Is there a martial arts star who never used doubles?

It's safe to say that everyone gets doubled in martial art films more or less. I don't think action films would survive without people that are specifically trained for professional stunts or the like. Stunt doubles are part of action films and their jobs is to realize spectacles/marvels that actors or even other stuntmen are incapable of doing. The reason for someone being doubled varies beside incapability in some performers. Someone already said injuries, time constraints can be another, as are long and harsh conditions onset.

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Thanks for the information guys. Though a huge fan, I guess I've avoided the true "inner workings" of the business and find myself a little ignorant in regards to doubling and other aspects of martial arts films.

So does that mean it won't be long before someone spots Tony Jaa being doubled?

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Is there a martial arts star who never used doubles?

Not sure about this but I would put my money on guys like Yuen Biao and Yuen Wah who spent the first half of their careers doubling other people due to their acrobatic skills. A lot of doubling was done because an actor lacked certain skills the action director wanted the character to have. Many of the old school fighters were real martial artists with a specific skill set who needed doubles with an acrobatic background to perform tumbling and flips. I'd imagine the three Chinese opera-trained Venoms stars did most of their own stunts as well. Even fewer stars after 1985 had the wide range of physical skills that classically trained Chinese opera performers had.

Regarding Jet Li's lack of quality martial arts output of late, it should not be surprising. He stated that FEARLESS would be his last wushu movie because he had nothing left to say on the subject. Reading between the lines, what he seemed to be saying back in 2006 is that he was ready to put that part of his career behind him. Jackie Chan did the same thing after DRUNKEN MASTER 2. What I appreciate about these guys is that they knew their limits as their bodies aged and at least made the effort to pump out one final serious kung fu movie each before they accepted middle age and the need to transition to less physically demanding roles.

Edit: Reel Power Stunts did a better job of addressing the stunt double question. A lot the doubling seems to have come down to a matter of convenience in order to quickly and safely get the scene shot. My favorite doubling remains the male stuntmen poorly dressed up as Cynthia Rothrock in BLONDE FURY. You don't even need to slow down or pause the action to see the gender swap.

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My favorite doubling remains the male stuntmen poorly dressed up as Cynthia Rothrock in BLONDE FURY. You don't even need to slow down or pause the action to see the gender swap.

That occurred in her opening fight scene in Yuen Biao's Righting Wrongs, too. And it's painfully obvious!:tongue:

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Reel Power Stunts
Not sure about this but I would put my money on guys like Yuen Biao and Yuen Wah who spent the first half of their careers doubling other people due to their acrobatic skills.

They are stunt gods. And they have been doubled. In "The Iceman Cometh"...which they are both in, Yuen Wah's double is a bit too obvious at times. As Popsjr said, Chin Kar-lok can be seen (without much difficulty) doubling Biao in "Dragons Forever".

On the Jet Li double thing...he's pics of a couple more of his doubles: Sam Wong Kai Shum

acting in "Hitman"


doubling in "Cradle 2 the Grave"


Sam Wong & Kwan Yung in "My Father is a Hero":


Kwok gin-yung (frequent Corey Yuen collaborator and Jet's "Fong Sai Yuk" double) in "Cradle to the Grave":


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Yo Tigerstyles

yeah I remember all that...but the next day I had to do it again on my own...Jet didnt say one word to me...all I wanted was for someone to attack him I would have let him get right to him....

Let me know when your next in London and we will hook up for a beer....

Yo reel power I think Walter was the name given to him in the credits of the German version of Deadly China Dolls....great name eh??

Just coz Yuen Biao uses a double in Dragons Forever doesnt mean anything...he may have had an injury....you can blatantly see Chin Kar Lok doing a backwards handstand over what looks like a red ladder lying flat, filmed from below and the following shot too during the finale....

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That's sad about Jet Li behaving that way when you guys met him. Everyone has a bad day sometimes, but to just say 'hello' isn't that hard... Regarding Biao, wasn't he heavily doubled for Hero of Swallow due to injuries? Maybe when Chin Kar Lok and others became stars perhaps they liked the idea of being doubled, like it's a luxury?

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Jet Li is never making another action film again based on his interview for Fearless where he stated that those days are over. I don't think he'll complete put them behind him because it's his bread and butter, but old injuries and age have put him close to retirement as far as that genre is concerned....you can include Jackie Chan as well. All his latest films are just repeated stunts of his old films, without much originality. He'll probably be joining Jet Li behind the camera unless he's able to make the switch to dramatic films. At least Jet proved he could act - I personally loved Warlords.


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So is this a cleverly disguised Jet Li is a douche and overrated thread??? Is Donnie Yen next to be bad mouthed and disgusted???

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Reel Power Stunts

I'm a Jet Li fan. I like a lot of his films, and I think several are classics. I watched him (again) in "Martial Arts of Shaolin" recently, and there's no denying he was world-class. I think his duel with Donnie Yen in "Hero" is up there with the some of the best weapons fights ever. I also think he's underrated as an actor.

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So is this a cleverly disguised Jet Li is a douche and overrated thread???

Certainly wasn't the intention but if some people feel that way about Jet then that's their problem. Still, I'm not going to deny that many here have brought lots of valid points, even for the few off-topic subjects brought up in some posts.

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Certainly wasn't the intention but if some people feel that way about Jet then that's their problem. Still, I'm not going to deny that many here have brought lots of valid points, even for the few off-topic subjects brought up in some posts.

I'm with you man, again in the movie business especially in Action, stunt doubles or whatever comes with the territory and I've known that since I was a little kid... That sure as heck isn't going to deteriorate my viewing pleasures... If the movie is badass that's all I care, what happens outside of filming I could give too shits about it... So will Jet Li make another decent action movie??? In America, probably not, but would I would love to see him do something else like Producer/fight choreography/dramatic acting in the same way Sammo Hung is still doing work... You betcha... Oh and Cradle 2 The Grave was a piece of shit, one of the worst action movies I've ever seen.. DMX and Tom Arnold????

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Well since Bey Logan posts here, PopsJr had to find some other big shot to take, ahem, shots at.


I wish I was big enough to be a bodyguard for movie stars, that way I can bad mouth them on public forums too...

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So is this a cleverly disguised Jet Li is a douche and overrated thread??? Is Donnie Yen next to be bad mouthed and disgusted???

I wouldn't call this a hate Jet Li thread. I think most people here are aware of his skills and don't think he's been putting them to good use of late. I don't mind stunt doubles but when you get doubled for every move thats not a close up it sort of takes you out of the movie. That was an exaggeration but I just don't see the passion in him anymore. Its getting to the point where I don't even look forward to his movies anymore. My dream was always to see him square of with Donnie Yen, hand to hand. Sadly that is just fantasy. As for Donnie Yen, I could never bad mouth him because he always seems to come up with something fresh and his choreography skills are ever improving.

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Thanks for the information guys. Though a huge fan, I guess I've avoided the true "inner workings" of the business and find myself a little ignorant in regards to doubling and other aspects of martial arts films.

So does that mean it won't be long before someone spots Tony Jaa being doubled?

Tony was doubled for that big fall in ong bak 2, he was doubled for one of the stunts with nathan jones too i believe.

edit: this guy is his double


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Maybe Jet Li was injured when the guys here met him and his double was supposed to do the talking??? You never know, just throwing that out there. I'm a fan too, I think he played a great Wong Fei Hung, I might be the only person here who likes the third film more than the second. Although none of the original trilogy had much hand to hand stuff for the endings.

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