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Will Jet Li ever make good action films again?


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I don't claim myself as the biggest fan of Jet Li (not as much as I used to be anyway). But seeing films like the Shaolin Temple films, Once Upon A Time In China trilogy, My Father Is A Hero, Hitman, Danny The Dog and Fearless makes you wanna go back to the time his real talent was put to great use. These days, he's just wasting time.

Sure, he's turning 50 soon but that's no excuse to take on roles in heavily acting-oriented films and supporting roles in crap films - like The Expendables and The Sorcerer & The White Snake - for the rest of the remaining years. Some veterans have been going the same route as well though there are exceptions of course which is always a good thing. Donnie is as old as Jet but maintains a great balance shifting between focusing on acting and setting new goals in action choreography in his new films. And now he's going back to modern action films and the use of real and experienced MA actors with his next film Special Identity. Hell, just throw in Jackie who is setting to prove all of us wrong (hopefully) with his new Armour Of God film and we have two veterans trying to push themselves forward physically for as long as they can.

What do you guys think? Does Jet still have what it takes or has he lost the edge making action films?

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I can't cite exactly why I think this but, to me, it seems Jet Li lost interest a long time ago. It feels, if anything, like he's lost interest in choreography...and by that, I mean shapes. If you watch the majority of his recent films, including the good ones, there isn't as much style in them. Perhaps that's why "Fearless" was his last foray into epic martial arts films.

There's a sense that he's just doing it for the paycheck these days. It's a shame. I genuinely prefer martial arts actors to respect what on screen fighting looks like. If you watch Jet Li's fight versus Dolph Lundgren in "The Expendables," half of it is obscured and pointless.

While Jackie Chan has sold out and Sammo Hung seems less intricate, both still know how they want a fight to look on screen. Granted, Jet Li isn't a choreographer but I just wish he would want it again.

As sad as I am to say it, I don't have faith in Jet Li making another solid action film. Not one that we, the martial arts fans, will pour over anyway.

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What's the one where he plays a dad and his son has like Alzheimer disease or something??? You want to talk about range, that some range right there.. No Kung Fu or nothing.. Just straight up Dramatic acting from Li...

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The film is called Ocean Heaven.

I appreciate that Jet wants to get into deep acting and take time to grow. One or few times doesn't hurt but he has his audience to consider as well, and it seems that he has gotten way too deep with acting that he has forgotten that people in general aren't really interested in watching him in such films. The roles he has taken outside the acting hasn't been helpful either.

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I don't know what happened to Jet Li. He used to be my favorite but now Donnie Yen holds that spot. I think Jet lost his martial arts soul or something. Maybe its a mid-life crisis? :tongue:

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I don't think we'll ever see a great jet Li movie ever again. His role in the expendables was just completely pointless and seemed as has been mentioned like he was only in it for the paycheque.

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It may be the Hollywood money, didn't John Woo get more for Hard Target than he ever made in HK during his early days, or something like that? Jet Li had quite a few injuries already and making millions has probably made him want to sit back and not work too hard. With Jackie Chan, I think deep down he always wanted Hollywood's acceptance, watch some of his interviews and he comes across as desperate for approval... Maybe that's why JC doesn't care how much his recent films have sucked.

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This thread is so depressing but so true. At least i'll always have Kiss of The Dragon to remind me of the Jet I once idolized. :cry:

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This thread is so depressing but so true. At least i'll always have Kiss of The Dragon to remind me of the Jet I once idolized. :cry:

Absolutely. I think it's sad seeing these once great on-screen martial arts stars fade into oblivion. I wish they would go out gracefully, instead of hanging on to their star status take a backseat for the next generation by taking supporting roles.

With Jackie Chan, I think deep down he always wanted Hollywood's acceptance, watch some of his interviews and he comes across as desperate for approval... Maybe that's why JC doesn't care how much his recent films have sucked.

that to me seems pretty sad as while he's getting big paydays Hollywood and the mainstream aren't going to remember his American movies in 10, 20, 30 or 40 years time. His legacy will always be his movies outside of Hollywood in Hong Kong.

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that to me seems pretty sad as while he's getting big paydays Hollywood and the mainstream aren't going to remember his American movies in 10, 20, 30 or 40 years time. His legacy will always be his movies outside of Hollywood in Hong Kong.

Yeah sad that Jackie Chan has not made one decent Hollywood movie compared to like John Woo??? John Woo's American efforts don't get enough credit and kind of under the radar in terms of good or even great quality action films.. Just look at these list of films??

Broken Arrow

Hard Target





Not once have I sat through a John Woo film in a theater and thought it was boring... Those were some really good theater going experience... Is he going to make more films in the U.S or what's next for Woo.. Sorry for hijacking this thread into another Woo factor, lol...

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"Paycheck" was painful to watch.

As for Jet Li, he doesn't have the same ethic towards his genre as, say, Jackie Chan. Obviously Jackie has been in some terrible films recently, but, every once in a while, he seems to want to give fans of the genre what they're craving. Whether it's "New Police Story," "Drunken Master 2" or "Chinese Zodiac." He still likes to cater to true martial arts fans.

Jet Li doesn't have that mindset, it seems. I don't know whether he's just tired or solely interested in the money, but he doesn't seem to want that martial arts glory he once had.

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The last time I saw Jet Li performing realy nice was in the drama Ocean Heaven, the rest is just a pile of stinking manure since Fearless.

And maybe in The Warlords - but again it was a movie which put a stress on the drama, not the action. Expendables for me was pretty watchable, however in it Jet was just thrown in for a greater appeal and some flavour, rather than a significant role...

Which is a shame really, but as I see his upcoming movies I do not know what shall I think - Flying Swords of Dragon Gate & the Expendables 2, some serious business on martial arts side point of view :)

I hope that he didn't lose his sence for a good movie or a good martial arts action - it's just a pure shame that he is kinda bored with even starring in a decent movie, which will make fans go wild once again :)

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Maybe one of the things Jet Li needs to do to upgrade his action movies is to re-employ all those guys who used to double for him...get Hung Yan Yan back as Li's double, look how good Hung was at pretending to be Jet Li in Once Upon a Time in China!!

Also I hope Jet fights Scott Adkins in Expendables 2.....coz if Adkins can make Chan look under pressure, in the only decent scene in the absolute stinker Medallion....how easily would he blow Li off screen in a half decent movie...Lundgren managed it in part 1!!!

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Maybe one of the things Jet Li needs to do to upgrade his action movies is to re-employ all those guys who used to double for him...get Hung Yan Yan back as Li's double, look how good Hung was at pretending to be Jet Li in Once Upon a Time in China!!

Also I hope Jet fights Scott Adkins in Expendables 2.....coz if Adkins can make Chan look under pressure, in the only decent scene in the absolute stinker Medallion....how easily would he blow Li off screen in a half decent movie...Lundgren managed it in part 1!!!

Yeah, yeah, we get it...You have an irrational hatred of Jet Li yawn.gif

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Lundgren managed it in part 1!!!

I couldn't even make out what happened in that scene.. Everything was shot in shaky/quick edits... Is the extended version any different??

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"Paycheck" was painful to watch.

As for Jet Li, he doesn't have the same ethic towards his genre as, say, Jackie Chan. Obviously Jackie has been in some terrible films recently, but, every once in a while, he seems to want to give fans of the genre what they're craving. Whether it's "New Police Story," "Drunken Master 2" or "Chinese Zodiac." He still likes to cater to true martial arts fans.

Jet Li doesn't have that mindset, it seems. I don't know whether he's just tired or solely interested in the money, but he doesn't seem to want that martial arts glory he once had.

Jackie has a stronger creative drive and vision than jet, jackie cared a lot more about his movies than jet i believe. Jackie basically did everything in his movies where as jet just acted. I think it tells in the quality of their output, jet has been in lots of great movies obviously but didnt really release consistently great movies like jackie did.

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Maybe one of the things Jet Li needs to do to upgrade his action movies is to re-employ all those guys who used to double for him...get Hung Yan Yan back as Li's double, look how good Hung was at pretending to be Jet Li in Once Upon a Time in China!!

Also I hope Jet fights Scott Adkins in Expendables 2.....coz if Adkins can make Chan look under pressure, in the only decent scene in the absolute stinker Medallion....how easily would he blow Li off screen in a half decent movie...Lundgren managed it in part 1!!!

Watch martial arts shaolin bro, jet was a fuckin beast back then. His talents were wasted in those wire fu movies i believe, when lkl was working him he really lived up to his potential.

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You're right about Martial Arts of Shaolin he is excellent, although there were clashes between Pops and Li (shades of Drunken 2). I enjoy Kids from Shaolin too (not sure bout the singing though....). I thought the fighting in Born to Defend was wicked, The Master had superb choreography, and Li does most of it himself-this is after the injury that supposed to have caused him to use so many doubles?? Then along comes OUATIC and he's doubled massively throughout.....OUATIC 2 is a different story, more or less all Li!!!

So I always wonder why sometimes Li does a large proportion of the action, and other movies does very little himself??

As for hating Jet Li, KingofKung....I wouldnt say that. I still see his fims when they come out....although I did turn off that Green Snake remake....I can say having met Jet Li, that I dont like him personally...

I have the extended Expendables and couldnt see a longer fight in there...couldnt really see the fight at all.....but my money is on Lundgren.

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He got injured on the first ouatic movie, dont know what the deal is with his other movies. Fist of Legend had a ton of doubling even for super basic stuff, maybe he ceased to care or it was ywp insisting on it? The annoying thing is that he was more than capable of performing moves he was doubled for.

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I can say having met Jet Li, that I dont like him personally..

Having met Jet Li myself, I found him to be one of the nicest, most humble guys you could ever wish to meet :angel:

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aberudder There were rumours he badly damaged his back on Born to Defend also, as you can see he genuinely is doing those stunts...

But it aint stunts I am interested in, I cant understand (as you point out) why he is doubled so blatantly for very basic kung fu movements??? As for OUATIC and his injury there, he went on to part 2 and does nearly everything in that movie??

It doesnt make sense...hell I know everyone in HK movies is doubled...I noticed that both Jackie AND Yuen Biao (??) being visibly doubled by Chin Kar Lok during the finale of Dragons Forever...but why for things like sidekicks etc as Li is doubled for in Fist of Legend!???!

Kingofkung I am glad you met Jet Li and he was cool etc, I had to "bodyguard" him in London in 1996 in Chinatown....and he didnt say a word to me even when I spoke Mandarin to him....maybe it was his time of the month!!

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i agree popsjnr always felt that some basic movies jet was doubled but that last once upon a time in china movie he did some complicated moves all in one take, makes no sense, his near death experience in tsunami might have had something to do with his lack of interest now , that kind of thing can effect people in different ways i mean who doesnt get tired of their job.

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Reel Power Stunts
Then along comes OUATIC and he's doubled massively throughout.....OUATIC 2 is a different story, more or less all Li!!!

Jet Li has used doubles more than most action stars, but for OUATIC pt 1 he had a legit excuse - he busted his leg during filming.

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