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What ELSE (other than KUNG FU) has everyone been watching?

Guest kenichiku

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Secret Executioner

Started watching some Filmation Aquaman shorts off the DVD set. So far I watched:

Menace of the Black Manta/The Rampaging Reptile-Men

The Return of Nepto/The Fiery Invaders

It's 4 different shorts but if you want to watch the shorts individually, you actually get pairs of episodes (the Black Manta and the Reptile-Men episodes aren't related but they are paired together, same with the Nepto and Fiery Invaders ones). Basically, instead of the 36 cartoons it makes "only" 18 cartoons. Besides this nitpick, the cartoon is really nice. Great animation, the characters are enjoyable (Aquaman and Aqualad act close to Batman and Robin in the 1960s series and I gotta admit I love Tusky the walrus), the series offer solid villains (I think Black Manta is the only character that comes from the original comic) and the voice acting is enjoyable (the narration is epic). For 7-8 minutes long material, it is quite rich and the stories are very good (the writers were also involved in comics, which I guess helps).

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sifu iron perm
Mama - I heard mostly negative stuff about this, but my wife and I decided to check it out. I actually liked it and the ending alone was just shocking to me.

will be watching it later tonight or tomorrow..

i recently watched..



the magic christian

Shanks (william castle).

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sifu iron perm
Dr. Terror's House Of Horrors (1965)

A very nice horror movie. It has its clichees but also offers unexpected twists. This one started the trend of horror movies with several little stories linked to one narrative and it does it really well. The onlyother of these movies I have is The Monster Club (1981) and frankly, the scenes in the Monster Club are better than the 3 stories narrated by Vincent Price in his only appearance as a vampire.

I love this anthology..Amicus productions. Amicus gave us many lovely and chilling anthology flicks with some of the Hammer studio casts..I loved the last story with the vampire.

I recommend the other films; vault of horror, tales from the crypt, from beyond the grave and asylum.

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Bunohan (2012: Dain Said: Malaysia) ***/****

To use a Thai analogy, the director Dain Said is much more similar to Apichatpong Weerasethakul than Prachya Pinkaew meaning this movie is more art-house fare than an action film. It is probably best to avoid the trailer unless you have actually seen this film as it is misleading. There are a couple of Muay Thai action scenes while important to the plot are not long and not impressive. But what is impressive is the cinematography with its use of local, framing and slow movement to create atmosphere and dread.

The film centers on three estranged half-brothers and their return and collision in Bunohan (means murder in Malay; the director says this is a real border town with Thailand). Said uses these three as a way to discuss homosocial relationships and also as an allegory for modern day Malaysia. There is Adil Bunga Lalang, a not-so-good Muay Thai boxer who was losing a death match over the border, but was rescued by his friends when he was about to be defeated. This leads to a gangster hiring Ilham to find and kill Adil. He later finds out that it is his half-brother but he states that does not matter he will kill him anyways. Meanwhile a third brother Bakar (the actors performance reminds me of Francis Ng's demeanor in Infernal Affairs II), a school teacher, comes home to take care of his Dad, but also to try to obtain the land so he can sell it. All the sons suffer from the sins of the father.

Surprisingly the fight scenes are the least interesting aspect of the film. The cinematography is beautiful. The characters could have been defined more and they feel more like archetypes than actual humans. Their actions are predefined, though this is not uncommon in a tragedy. But there are plenty of reflexive scenes, ghost-imagery, metaphorical content and sublime scenery to make this a worthwhile movie for those who like contemplative cinema.

While technically the earliest release of this came out in 2011, most theatrical releases were in 2012 as well as some DVD releases. I got the 2013 R1 release from Oscillscope which has a commentary and the following extras (I like the Making of, but the In Conversation one is way too long for the information you gain).

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A lot of Blaxploitation, and a long overdue re-visit to one of my all time faves... Carwash! An undying feel-good classic that always puts a smile on my face.

The Fly flies again.... bzzzzz.....

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A lot of Blaxploitation, and a long overdue re-visit to one of my all time faves... Carwash! An undying feel-good classic that always puts a smile on my face.

The Fly flies again.... bzzzzz.....

:bigsmile: we gotta hang out sometime!!!

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Lee Chandong’s meditation on Korea’s christian comfort zones and a truly haunting film with a phenomenal performance by Jeon Do-Yeon. She just owns the screen, her crying attacks and outbursts are so intense that they appear almost beyond acting. In a way she’s as unforgettable as Moon So-ri playing the girl with cerebral palsy in OASIS.

Criterion’s BD is impeccable, the director’s interview is quite revealing and the detailed liners by Dennis Lim are simply brilliant.

MOTHER (2009)

Another film anchored on a powerhouse female presence, this time by veteran TV actress Kim Hye-ja. Korean beau Won Bin is casted as her retarded son here and also excels. Its an eerie, slowly enveloping, but intense murder mystery, incredibly well edited and staged. Might not be quite up there with the director’s MEMORIES OF MURDER, but very few films are.

UK Blu is recommendable but a bit thin on extras.


Loved this film even more than its box-office busting sequel LOVE IN A BUFF. Its just so much of a Hong Kong movie – a dying breed, innit? - , so full of local references, in-jokes, Canto street jive and wisecracks that apparently nobody bothered licensing it for Europe or America.

Miriam Yeung is genuinely affecting here, never seen her in a better role. The tone and inflection, the whole character of her voice alone can floor you. I noted that none of this came across in the Mandarin dub, they should have really gotten her a better voice double.

Films like this once again confirm that Pang Ho Cheung is by far the smartest, wittiest and most stylish of the younger set of directors working in HK today!

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Yes. I was scared shitless of zombies when I saw Night of the Living Dead for the first time at the age of 7. I couldn't watch it alone until I was a Junior in high school, and that was only during the day. Nevertheless....that first screening picked at my morbid curiosity of all things zombie, whether i was frightened to death or not. When I saw Dawn of the Dead at age 11, I needed a fix....alot. God bless the fact that I discovered Fulci and so on. Then came the REALLY obscure stuff.....like "Devil's Story" from France. I had to see them all.

I witnessed the arrival of a new zombie with the brilliant 28 Days Later. While some argue they were not in fact zombies and cried because the ran and were not slow, I still regarded the film belonging to the genre. A brilliant interpretation that pushed the remake of Dawn of the Dead, which I protested like hell at first, but had so much fun watching.

Of course Hollywood finally accepted Romero and let him go to town. Many were tingling with anticipation with "Land of the Dead, and most were left gasping for air. It was the first zombie movie my mother came with us to see. so much fun.

A slew of zombie movies came faster than any video revolution could churn out, thanks to digital cameras, cheap editing equipment, direct to dvd drek, and any fanboy with a couple hundred bucks and a buttload of fake blood. It didn't matter. I had to see them all. What made it worse was I was at the cusp of it, like a heroin addict in a poppy field, seeing I ran a chain of brick and mortar video stores.. Good or bad....mostly bad.....it didn't matter.

Then things changed. Romero slipped, according to some, because gone were the cultural taboos and rights of passage that went along with seeing his films. Could it be because Romero went Hollywood? I doubt it. While never known for his aesthetics, his social criticism, visceral imagery, and fast editing were his mainstay. But many contended that he just was not cutting the mustard anymore. I will admit, "Survival" was rather tame, even though I enjoyed it upon second viewing. Whatever the case may be. I never strayed.

It was not risky business to make a gory zombie movie with a social conscious anymore. And to be precise, you didn't need any conscious. It was all done. Over and over. To the point were PG-13 was a possibility for some. Hollywood came and took our dead. Remakes and Sequels meant dollars and dumbasses. "Unrated" meant nothing to me anymore. Little Fucking Miss Sunshine was shooting flesh eating ghouls... But it didn't stop there. And neither would I.

Soccer moms have bumper stickers that say "My Zombie Ate Your Honor Student" (or something to that effect). Cartoons are ripe with the walking dead, and now even the prom queen owns a copy of "House By The Cemetery". I will admit, I felt like separating myself from popular culture even more, just so I could still say "At least I have Zombies, since you took my ninjas away." But I just couldn't do it. I WANTED TO, but I couldn't jump ship just yet.......

I know for a fact that what I type after this next small paragraph will have you wanting to shoot me in the head. Something came to restore my faith in God/Odin/Buddha/Satan. What fell in my lap was not a polished turd, but rather a flower growing from a pile of pure shite. And no.....not a rose. A dandelion. Why am I so happy about a dandelion than a rose? Well, for starters it was better than looking at actual shite. Second, I didn't expect it, simply because of who was defecating. I really don't want to say "last", so I won't. I will say that all it took was a country shaped like a boot to remind me that there was still hope.

Now, here is the part where you say "NO! NO Mom! I am NOT going to Boy's Town tonight!" I watched an Uwe Boll film. And I really loved it.

I can say many things to try and sway you to see this film, but I know in the end it won't do you or me any good, so I guess just me mentioning a few small facts will pique your interest enough to taste the poison. Hey...i didn't say I was going to review the damn thing for you.

For starters, EATERS was made in Italy. It marks the RETURN OF THE ITALIAN ZOMBIE FILM. Finally. A movie mad in Italy that rips off a genre that has been done to death. We raved for decades about how great those films were, yet none of those guys felt it necessary to try and make one in the past 12 years? I didn't understand why for so long. The ball was in their court ages ago. Maybe it just wasn't "EuroChic" to rip off American movies and run them in to the ground like they used to. Maybe they felt like "The Son of the Pink Panther" followed by "Life Is Beautiful" was not punishment enough.. But they finally did it.

That being said, keep it in your pants if you think you are about to witness Fulci or Argento, or even D'Amato. Remember I DID say Uwe Boll was attached to this film. It is as if to say I am giving you Seka and you received only Misty Dawn. But either way, you are still rubbing one out.

Uwe Boll only produces this film. What you are getting is pure oven baked lasagna. Only your drink is MeisterBrau.

The entire cast speaks Italian, and it is subtitled. Gone is the feel of the earlier epics where the dubbing was never as bad as our kung fu counterparts, but you wondered why Americans from Louisiana waived their hands around so goddamned much. What we have is a real Italian film not made for international export to cash in on a global market, but a genre film made in Italy by the genre's fans. And pretty crafty fans at that. They even go as far as to mix two genres (much like the Italian films we loved before). The zombie setting is now in a post apocalyptic world filled with gut munching flesh eaters, neo-nazis, neo-nazi midgets that look like hitler, and a couple of badass military dudes with cool guns that go boom.

Nothing here is new, though. What makes it fun is that, if you really love the genre, you will notice every nod, every poke, and even every blunt slap in the face with it's characteristics. Two Italian badasses are in a military bunker after the zombie plague takes over the world. They protect what is considered the last refuge for humanity, as a doctor tries to find a cure using dead counterparts (sound familiar?). Occasionally they have to find specimens for the doctor. Occasionally they fight nazis. Most of the time they are really just killing zombies in somewhat inventive ways. Oh and there is a subplot about a girl and a lady doctor as well......that too.

This was FUN. Plain and simple. The acting was good enough to convince me that they were capable, even though I don't speak much Italian. The gore was great, and the CGI was mostly limited to explosions. There could have been more gore, but what they had sufficed.

To be honest, had this film been made by an English speaking country, I would pass it off like I did so many others. But the fact that it is an Italian zombie film somehow makes me feel that we really are going to see another Fulci or D'Amato. Is that so bad? I know. I know. Delusions of grandeur. Sue me. I want to be thrilled again.

In closing, I guess I should have mentioned Uwe Boll. I see that he is attatched to some other BS zombie movie that he wrote and directed. Whatever. Avoid that one, and have fun with Eaters. You won't become a born again Christian, but at least you will think there is SOMETHING up there that is looking down at you.

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Secret Executioner
MOTHER (2009)

Another film anchored on a powerhouse female presence, this time by veteran TV actress Kim Hye-ja. Korean beau Won Bin is casted as her retarded son here and also excels. Its an eerie, slowly enveloping, but intense murder mystery, incredibly well edited and staged. Might not be quite up there with the director’s MEMORIES OF MURDER, but very few films are.

UK Blu is recommendable but a bit thin on extras.

Read a lot of positive reviews on this one. I guess I really should give this one a shot, as I haven't seen it yet.

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Read a lot of positive reviews on this one. I guess I really should give this one a shot, as I haven't seen it yet.

If you're digging MEMORIES OF MURDER then MOTHER is definitely a film worth owning! You're guaranteed to play it more than once...

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A lot of Blaxploitation, and a long overdue re-visit to one of my all time faves... Carwash! An undying feel-good classic that always puts a smile on my face.

The Fly flies again.... bzzzzz.....

You totally rock!!! I have stashed some of MGM Soul Cinema VHS tapes that I picked up at the Dollar Tree when I was in PA.

Shaft, Bucktown, Friday Foster, Black Caesar to name a few...at my job, I've checked out the DVDs of the Soul Cinema collection (I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, Coffy, Foxy Brown, Hell Up in Harlem, Cooley High)

I take it you saw some of these titles in your return to watching the genre :D

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Secret Executioner
If you're digging MEMORIES OF MURDER then MOTHER is definitely a film worth owning! You're guaranteed to play it more than once...

Never heard of this one but it looks interesting. I'll try and check these out.

Saw the first part of Penance today. The movie is based on a Japanese series in 5 episodes called Shokuzai (Japanese for Penance) and based on a novel by the same title. It deals with 4 women who were there 15 years ago when a girl from their elementary school was murdered but who never talked and the murderer was never arrested. However, the mother of the murdered girl made them promise that they would in a way or the other have to "pay" if they can't help identify the murderer. The first part explains the backstory and deals with 2 of the women, the two having their adult life influenced in a way by what happened that day.

I'm very curious as to the story of the other 2 girls and if the killer will ever be found (and who he is... I read an article in a movie magazine that revealed spoilers on who he was and his close link to one of the 5 women involved but I don't remember it well).

I didn't think it was that great but I enjoyed the suspense and the very dark atmosphere. Actually, I felt it was really dark and even creepy at times.

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Guest Markgway

Saw that years ago.

All I remember is the bit where he puts glass in the guy's mouth.

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Saw that years ago.

All I remember is the bit where he puts glass in the guy's mouth.

yeah man. made me cringe. very well done. it almost came together like a spaghetti western. even the quote from the beginning was like "Duck, You Sucker!" Some notable british actors in there too. I think the doctor in the film was the fellow from "The Gods Must Be Crazy", but I could be wrong. Just looked like him

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Last time I saw that was... 20 years ago? :smile:But I remember it fondly. Did you ever see McBAIN, which also stars Walken? Good, low budget stuff. :nerd:

I recently watched...

THE BEYOND (1981, aka. The Seven Doors of Death) A creepy, supernatural horror flick centered on a haunted house with ravenous tarantulas, zombies, a possessed animal, ghosts, a mysterious blind psychic woman, and more. I've watched this Lucio Fulci gorefest many, many times before. But this time it was on Blu-Ray (thanks Karlos! :bigsmile:)- a release from the UK company Arrow- and it looked fantastic. There's a shitload of great extras on this 3 disc set as well, so I've been devouring those. 8.5

PHENOMENA (1985, aka. Creepers) Dario Argento, Jennifer Connelly, serial killers, a mad monkey with a straight razor, a savage little mutant (kind of... don't want to write a spoiler), and swarms of insects equal a fun movie! 8.0

PINOCCHIO 964 (1991) After I watched this film I wrote to a friend about it. I'm going to include that description here... I watched PINOCCHIO 964 (or 964 PINOCCHIO according to some sources) to get a feel for the film I will be doing cover art for (BTW, the company is called Elektrocity Label, and they are based in Switzerland). I've got to say, of all the sub-divisions of Asian cinema, Japanese art/indie films are not among my favorites. I really have to be in just the right mood for them. But based on the exciting synopsis for this film- "Pinocchio 964, lobotomized cyborg sex slave, is thrown out onto the street by his owners because of his inability to maintain an erection. He is befriended by a criminally insane, memory-wiped, homeless girl. Meanwhile, the corporate entity who manufactured and sold him plots to kill him because of his malfunction." - I knew I was in for a treat. WRONG! Despite a moment or two of inspired lunacy, this film was more like an incredibly annoying endurance test than a piece of entertainment. I honestly can't imagine why anyone would enjoy this film, sit through it, or not attempt to assassinate it's makers... Let alone want to distribute it, or for that matter... why anyone would ever buy it. I pretty much hated it. In one scene a character runs endlessly through the streets screaming... for about ten minutes. You don't know where they are going, why they are running, why they are screaming... and you don't care. You just want it to stop. But this was not nearly as bad as the 7 or 8 minute scene where a girl stumbles up and down some subway steps while continuously vomiting thick, nasty, chunky bile. Eventually she falls to her hands and knees and expels a pile the size of a torso. Then she falls in it and rolls around in it making horrible noises. Still, it was much better than (the reality TV show) THE HOUSEWIVES OF ATLANTA (a show about spoiled, childish, screeching, petty, hyper negative banshees/women cursing at and fighting one another over absolutely nothing)... So I guess that's... something? 1.5

THE DEAD (2010) Zombie apocalypse in Africa. A decent entry in the walking dead genre. I loved how the characters had to worry every second, and they never forgot about the cannibalistic threat that was forever creeping on them. Too many films where the zombies seem to conveniently disappear for long stretches while characters talk and talk and talk without ever looking around nervously. 7.0

SUSHI GIRL (2012) Interesting cast (Tony Todd, Mark Hamill, Noah Hathaway- who played Boxey, the little kid on the original BATTLESTAR GALACTICA) and premise- an old crew of misfits gets together to try to figure out who has the money from a heist they pulled years before. Sometimes extremely amusing. Sometimes too been-there-seen-that-before. Sonny Chiba is in it for about two minutes. 6.0

SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK (2012) A drama/comedy about a guy with mental problems coming home (Philly) to his dysfunctional, football crazy family and meeting another socially awkward person that's trying to get her life together. Powerful film with outstanding acting. 9.0

CONTAGION (2011) This a great dramatic thriller about a deadly outbreak. I've seen it a few times now, as my wife watches it nearly every weekend. :tongue: 9.0

JOHNNY SOKKO AND HIS FLYING ROBOT- The TV Series (1967) A little boy controls a Giant Robot, and they help an organization to fight an evil alien and a variety of enormous monsters. I watched a few episodes of this show, which I have oved since childhood. Thanks to Shout Factory! for finally putting this series out legally. :bigsmile:

THE SIMPSONS- Watched a few episodes from season 3. Still funny. :wink:

BREAKING BAD- We're all caught up on this killer TV series. The second half of the fifth (and final) season starts on August 11th. We can't wait! 9.5

PARKER (2013) Jason Statham stars in this drama, which features some great action as a "good" thief who wants his cut after his fellow thieves double-cross him. Jennifer Lopez co-stars, but her part feels like it was a tiny role that was unnecessarily expanded to include a big female star. Jason's character pretends to be from Texas at one point, and his accent... :smile: 7.0

ROLLING THUNDER (1977) Had to revisit this classic Vietnam veteran seeks revenge on his tormentors flick. 8.0

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Secret Executioner

Lot of stuff there, Kung Fu Bob. Pinocchio 964 looks really weird, I might be into checking this out just out of morbid curiosity. :tongue:

Didn't get what was so extraordinary with Silver Linings Playbook (nor why it won Oscars). I felt it was no different than the other gazillion of basic romantic comedies that get released every year.

Finished DVD 1 of the Aquaman set (18 shorts) and the cartoon holds up quite well. Some episodes here and there aren't that great but overall, it's pretty nice material. I'll have to check out DVD 2 which contains 18 other shorts and a bonus featurette on Aquaman.

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THE SIMPSONS- Watched a few episodes from season 3. Still funny. :wink:

Nothing beats the prime years of this show. Still funny and relevant today. I'd say the first nine years are all great. Didn't watch it as much after that.

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Lot of stuff there, Kung Fu Bob. Pinocchio 964 looks really weird, I might be into checking this out just out of morbid curiosity. :tongue:

Don't do it!

Didn't get what was so extraordinary with Silver Linings Playbook (nor why it won Oscars). I felt it was no different than the other gazillion of basic romantic comedies that get released every year.

I know you're not alone on that. It has had a very mixed reception.

Finished DVD 1 of the Aquaman set (18 shorts) and the cartoon holds up quite well. Some episodes here and there aren't that great but overall, it's pretty nice material. I'll have to check out DVD 2 which contains 18 other shorts and a bonus featurette on Aquaman.

The only Aquaman cartoons I ever saw were the SUPER FRIENDS (1973) episodes. So it's been a while! I'd be curious to see what these new shorts look like.


Nothing beats the prime years of this show. Still funny and relevant today. I'd say the first nine years are all great. Didn't watch it as much after that.

Same here. I watched a few more episodes last night when I couldn't sleep. Great stuff.

TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (2013)- This is another reboot. The film actually starts with footage from the 1974 original, and then starts seconds after the original's ending. Great idea! But this film's director can't match the magic of Tobe Hooper's film, and everything falls flat pretty quick. There's a jump or two, and the lead actresses are nice to look at, but there's nothing much worth seeing here. 4.5

THAT'S MY BOY (2012)- This Adam Sandler film is incredibly stupid. No shock there, right? But it's stupid in a rather harmless and entertaining way. Andy Samberg plays Sandler's estranged son. 5.5

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Secret Executioner

The only Aquaman cartoons I ever saw were the SUPER FRIENDS (1973) episodes. So it's been a while! I'd be curious to see what these new shorts look like.

Haven't seen much of the Super Friends. I guess I should get my butt out there and order some of the DVD sets but there's just so much stuff and so many variations I don't know where to start.

Concerning the "new" Aquaman shorts, they aren't that new. They're from 1967 and aired on TV along with some Superman, Superboy and "guest" superheroes shorts in the Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure vehicule. When the Batman cartoon appeared in 1968, Aquaman and the "guests" were aired as a separate program and you had a Superman/Batman program.

The guest superheroes also have their own DVD release called The Filmation DC Superheroes or something like that. It's actually shorts (7-8 minute long, just like the Aquaman ones) starring each of these superheroes or groups of superheroes:

- Hawkman

- Green Lantern

- The Atom

- The Flash (2 episodes feature Kid Flash)

- JLA (Superman, Hawkman, Green Lantern, The Atom and The Flash but no Aquaman though he's mentionned in the opening)

- the Teen Titans (Speedy, Kid Flash, Aqualad and Wonder Girl)

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...THAT'S MY BOY (2012)- This Adam Sandler film is incredibly stupid. No shock there, right? But it's stupid in a rather harmless and entertaining way. Andy Samberg plays Sandler's estranged son. 5.5

Funniest for me by far was the Vanilla Ice scenes.

Silver Linings Playbook was one of my favorite films last year. So I got to give some love for that film. Not only was it great to see De Niro in a superb role (some scenes reminded me of Buffalo '66; I did like De Niro in Red Lights but I thought this was a better performed role) same with Jackie Weaver, but I thought Lawrence and Cooper did fine with their roles as well. Sure the ending was predictable, but I really liked the characters by that point.

Who doesn't want to toss Hemingway out of a window?

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Since last weekend I've been watching classic Clint Eastwood's westerns! A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Good the Bad and The Ugly, Hang 'Em High, Joe Kidd. Hadn't seen them in over 20 years!

Tonight High Plains Drifter.& Pale Rider.

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Double Team...... have actually never managed to watch this movie all the way through, untill now. It was on tv and I forced myself to watch the whole thing. This has to be the movie that destroyed Van Damme's career. Well, his ego and coke habit had something to do with it as well. But seriously... what an absolute piece of shit. And worse than that, what a tragic case of wasted potential. If they had tweaked the script, axed Rodman, dialed down the atrocious production and costume design and axed the tiger, this could've have been a decent VD flick.

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