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What ELSE (other than KUNG FU) has everyone been watching?

Guest kenichiku

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- Lost In Time (2003) ★★★★★

- King of Comedy (1999) ★★★½

- My Heart Is That Eternal Rose (1989) ★★★½

- Magic Cop (1990) ★★★½

- Curry & Pepper (1990) ★★★

- The Royal Scoundrel (1991) ★★★

- Pom Pom Strikes Back (1986) ★★½

- Diary of a Big Man (1988) ★★½

- My Wife Is 18 (2002) ★★½

- Double Fattiness (1988) ★★½

- My Cousin, The Ghost (1987) ★★½

- The Happy Bigamist (1987) ★★

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My expanded thoughts on the film are in the pertinent thread, but I also really liked the film. I had much more fun with it then with the first (and got to see this one in the theater as well) and the direction was better too.

So much to watch this month :D.

Saw Argo last night. Might write a little about it later if I have time. Good film, probably not quite top 10 of this year, but still well made, energetic, suspenseful etc...

Good review. I agree with the points you made. It was much better than the first(which I also enjoyed) and I am really hoping for a third to come out. Didn't get to see it in theater, but I had fun watching it all the same. Also, Mel Gibson in the next one would be awsome.

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Secret Executioner

Godzilla vs The Sea Monster

Some Beavis and Butt-Head episodes:

Lightning Strikes



Plastic Surgery

Stewart Moves Away

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I've been watching a lot of Josh Hartnett movies lately:

Resurrecting The Champ

Sin City

Mozart and the Whale

40 days and 40 Nights

The Faculty

and others:





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Good review. I agree with the points you made. It was much better than the first(which I also enjoyed) and I am really hoping for a third to come out. Didn't get to see it in theater, but I had fun watching it all the same. Also, Mel Gibson in the next one would be awsome.

Have you had a chance to see Get the Gringo? I liked it a whole lot more than I thought I would. It's also been pretty popular with the people I lent it to as well (usually a good sign).

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Guest Markgway
Have you had a chance to see Get the Gringo? I liked it a whole lot more than I thought I would. It's also been pretty popular with the people I lent it to as well (usually a good sign).

I rented the Blu Ray. Wasn't bad. Actually got a limited cinema release in the UK under its original title 'How I Spent My Summer Vacation'.

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I rented the Blu Ray. Wasn't bad. Actually got a limited cinema release in the UK under its original title 'How I Spent My Summer Vacation'.

It did not get a release anywhere near where I live. I had first read about it (I think in Film Comment of all film magazines) and then it finally got a BD/DVD release here.

saw this over the weekend:

Moonrise Kingdom (2012: Wes Anderson) ***½/****

This is toward the top of the 2012 films so far (good chance of staying in top 10) and I am caught up with all of Anderson's full length films. I doubt it will top The Royal Tenenbaums as my favorite Wes Anderson film but it might come close after a future rewatch.

When watching each of his films you can always see an auteuristic approach from familiar crane shots on The Ladies Man/Tout va bien style architectural sets, to choice of actors, quirky characters and choice of material. But for me it is always the characters that you tend to remember most. Bill Murray has been seen in most of Anderson's films, but I went with some trepidation to Wes newcomers like Edward Norton (who did fine). I did not worry as much about Bruce Willis because he has done well with a variety of directors and has done understated (Unbreakable) effectively. He also does it here as well. There is milquetoast dolefulness with his character that does not just flirt with depression but lives with it in his mobile abode. It certainly is in contrast to the more "successful" Walt Bishop who uses deadpan humorous statements and killing trees to unsuccessfully mask his melancholy. Personally I should not be around sharp things when I am upset.

Top 10 Wes Anderson Influences

Will this be nominated for any Academy Awards?

So far my Supporting Actor nods (these will change):

Bruce Willis, Moonrise Kingdom

Christopher Walken, Seven Psychopaths

Bill Nighy, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Tom Hardy, The Dark Knight Rises

Tom Hiddleston, The Avengers

close: Tom Cruise, Rock of Ages; Matthew McConaughey, Magic Mike; Mark Ruffalo The Avengers;

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pretty sure there's five..... but I don't blame you if you skipped Dead Pool....

I always get a kick out of the young Liam Neeson and James Carrey. Actually it's hard for me not to laugh at Carrey's rock performance. I'm not the biggest fan of Sudden Impact either. Also not the biggest Sondra Locke fan.

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Sondra Locke is a plague.... I know Clint was banging her (oh the horror) but did she have to be in every fucking one of his movies at that time? Bronson did the same with Jill Ireland, though she was not too bad. You wonder if these women would have had any kind of career at all, if it wasn't for their men.

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Sondra Locke is a plague.... I know Clint was banging her (oh the horror) but did she have to be in every fucking one of his movies at that time? Bronson did the same with Jill Ireland, though she was not too bad. You wonder if these women would have had any kind of career at all, if it wasn't for their men.

The films they were in together: The Outlaw Josey Wales, The Gauntlet, Every Which Way But Loose, Bronco Billy, Any Which Way You Can, and Sudden Impact. I've seen all but Bronco Billy.

She did not do much post-Clint.

Bizarre relationship or at least what I read in Marc Eliot's biography of Clint Eastwood. On a side note, Eliot's next biography on Steve McQueen has many Eastwood references and he is even less referential to Steve.

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pretty sure there's five..... but I don't blame you if you skipped Dead Pool....

Oups! I forgot about Dead Pool. Don't have that one and it's been too long since I've seen it to remember much about it....

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Sudden Impact is too long and silly, but it's better than The Enforcer.

The first two are the only classics.

The first 2 are definitely the best ones.

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Secret Executioner

Lines Of Wellington (2012)

A movie about the failed Napoleonean invasion of Portugal in 1810. It focuses on the little people as we follow civilians forced to leave their home and all they owned to move towards Lisbon and the "lines" which are Wellington's plan to stop the French invasion (speaking of Wellington, he is played by John Malkovich). We also get to see some of the soldiers who come along and the interaction between Portugese and English is quite nice despite the language difference. And since the movie also has the French army as the "villain" (Maréchal Massena, the head of the French army, is so NOT likeable) you get 3 tongues spoken in one film. I'll stop here to avoid spoilers but it's a very good film, definitely in my top 5 of this year's releases.

Watched some Beavis and Butt-Head episodes today:

Close Encounters


Bus Trip


Lightning Strikes

Pregnant Pause

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Rocky (1976) - The story will remain a classic forever, even for its' simplicity. Great characterization, depth, set-ups. The boxing match at the end was just ok, it came off redundant after a while seeing Rocky receive hits very often before attacking and countering back. I guess that has pretty much been the style of the choreography in the series, which is understandable. Rating: 10/10

Rocky II (1979) - Good continuation on Rocky going back to the life he lived before the title shot, showing a great deal of depth of how he handles fame whilst struggling to get other things done and maintained. Things are balanced well and there's nothing rushed or unneeded, which is important for movie sequels. The rematch bout was like that of the first movie. Except more intense, shot more complexly and a bit longer. I think Stallone did a good job capitalizing that on the premise of the first movie by upping the ante a bit. Rating: 7.5/10

Rocky III (1982) - This was a new turn for the series as the focus is on Rocky being changed as a person since his victory and the fame that carries him from there. Another thing that drastically changed since the previous movies is the use of antagonists and the training scenes; with Mr. T delivering that premise and resulting in the best boxing match in the whole series technically and in general. The story itself also turned over a new leaf and made things more dramatic for the better (Mikey's refusing to train Rocky any more and his health problem, Adrian being more supportive). Rating: 8.5/10

Rocky IV (1985) - Not alot happens here but instead builds up the match-ups with Apollo Creed and Rocky against Ivan Drago and showcasing the villain in new ways. But you can't go wrong with the entrancing music that plays throughout the movie. That's also one of the best things about the Rocky series, and it was (like Survivor's "Eye Of The Tiger" did with Part 3) elevated here whilst featuring the classic scores from the first movie. Rating: 7/10

Rocky V (1990) - The reputation I can understand, and I actually think the trainer/rookie relationship - where loyalty is quickly rubbed off by greed and dignity - rather gave the series something different. Still, the movie ended disastrous and broke the tradition of having disputes taken place in the ring by having Rocky vs Gunn fight turned into a street fight (nice choreography at least but out of place still). Rating: 6/10

Rocky Balboa (2006) - Stallone is back showing Rocky living his life some 10-15 years later, now running his own restaurant and being a widower (shame Shire couldn't appear in the movie). The movie went back to the roots and there were lots of touching moments that nicely represented what the two earlier movies were all about. The premise is simple: aging people still having the edge/will to do what they once used to do. Stallone, being 60 at the time, seemed do wanna prove that he could still do demanding movies and that what he was capitalizing on here (and with the action movies that came out afterward). The boxing match was the same old multiplied-hits-on-face/beast-out-in-the-right-moments concept, but at least it kept close to what Stallone had in mind in the first place. Rating: 8.5/10

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Minbo, or the Art of Japanese Extortion - Juzo Itami's satire on the Yakuza, in which chaos ensues at a local hotel. A female lawyer, grown tired of the gangsters' methods of extortion (ranging from putting a fake roach in one of the molls' food to drugging the manager and pretending he slept with a minor), decides to rally the hotel staff against the gangsters. It's a pretty good satire but the Yakuza were none too pleased and even beat the hell out of Itami-san.

I Don't Want to Do Wrong - Tyler Perry's play revolving around a minister and his wife, who after many years of marriage can't stand each other and the ribbing can be quite funny...but it also involves their daughter, who is having an affair while her husband is deployed in Iraq. When he returns...you can guess!

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Guest Markgway

I liked that ROCKY V ended with a streetfight. It was unique for the series and it's not like we hadn't already been treated to some awesome ring fights in parts II-IV.

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Secret Executioner

More Beavis and Butt-Head episodes:

Half of the home video release Work Sucks:

Burger World

Customers Suck

The Butt-Head Experience

Be All You Can Be

Citizen Butt-Head

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Project X (2012: Nima Nourizadeh) ***/****

It’s not a party until the midget drives the Benz into the pool. This is the ultimate teenage party fantasy movie mixed in with the “found footage” subgenre. A good lesson for this is always have the party at somebody else’s house, something I luckily learned years ago. It saves on cleaning, stress, paper work and asking questions like “how do you get blood stains out of the carpet?”

Three kids, plus cameraman Dax who does not drink and mysteriously lives alone, put together a party led by overly obnoxious Costa (Oliver Cooper) to celebrate Thomas’s (Thomas Mann) birthday. At first they hope to have a successful party to improve their social standing at school. They give out invitations to people that do not even know who they are.

I love the moment when everything is perfect. The party is successful. Then everything starts to go higgledy-piggledy. That’s when the real fun begins -- for the viewer. The arch of the plot is pretty much known from the beginning. The surprises are in what happens.

I found this quite funny in its anarchist mayhem. The dwarf in the oven, the overanxious security, the older party-goer (that reminded me a bit of myself), and the ultimate destruction of the party were inspired. I am a little weary of its overuse of casual teenage drug use. I do not buy the argument of realism since so much of this film is fantasy, but the “party film” homages are incomplete without them. Teenagers are annoying as well, so it is easy to handle them on film.

One of the biggest non-reality events is when the cops do not shot the flame-throwing addict trying to get his gnome back. I was a little suspect on the quick forgiveness of Thomas by his friend and future girlfriend Kirby. Makes nice for the movie, but he screwed up big time.

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