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What ELSE (other than KUNG FU) has everyone been watching?

Guest kenichiku

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Secret Executioner
- In The Mood For Love (2000) ★★ - What the fuck was all that about? Sure, it looked nice, but that's it....

Some movies make me feel that way (and they don't even look nice at times). :squigglemouth:

Watched a couple of Beavis and Butt-Head episodes from the Mike Judge Collection volume 2:

Lightning Strikes

Close Encounters

Alice Cooper - Brutally Live (live DVD filmed in London in 2000, great show)

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Secret Executioner

Savior Of The Earth (fun movie, worth the trouble trying to get that German DVD)

Some more Beavis and Butt-Head episodes off the first Mike Judge Collection set:

Washing The Dog

Lawn And Garden

Home Improvement

They're Coming To Take Me Away, Huh Huh

Madame Blavatsky

I watch a lot of Beavis and Butt-Head episodes because this show will be the subject of my upcoming oral report for a language class (and also because it's very fun).

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Secret Executioner

More Beavis and Butt-Head episodes:

The Final Judgement Of Beavis

Late Night With Butt-Head

No Laughing

Butt Is It Art ?

Pool Toys

I've seen there were (US) DVD releases of the old VHS compilations (Time-Life releaed these, the DVDs feature 2 VHS titles) and I'd be into some of them - especially the one that has There Goes The Neighborhood (as it has Mr Anderson episodes which are the most interesting for my previously mentionned report) and the one with Troubled Youth (as I have it on a UK VHS already but I no longer have a VHS player) - in case someone knows where to get them. :xd:

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Along Came a Spider and Kiss the Girls - Morgan Freeman as James Patterson's detective Alex Cross. I enjoyed both movies, but I am interested to see Tyler Perry's interpretation of the character.

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i have the last weeks been going through Marvel comics movies,

Hulk - Ang Lee version


Captain America

The Avengers

I have seen Iron Man 1 & 2 earlier but is not so fond of them, mostly because of the Tony Stark character. My favorite of the Marvel movies is Thor! and.. X-men but that is a different story!

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i have the last weeks been going through Marvel comics movies,

Hulk - Ang Lee version


Captain America

The Avengers

I have seen Iron Man 1 & 2 earlier but is not so fond of them, mostly because of the Tony Stark character. My favorite of the Marvel movies is Thor! and.. X-men but that is a different story!

Never been that big a fan of Iron Man either.

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Funny, but I thought the original IRON MAN was better than any of those titles mentioned. But then I'm NOT a comic book fan.

I'm in agreement there. I'm also more interested in how the movie works as opposed to being "faithful" to the comic, manga or other original source material. I thought Iron Man had a charistmatic performance from Robert Downey Jr., had enough character development that is often lacking from the superhero sub-genre and a plot that kept me interested throughout. It was one of my favorite films of 2008.

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Funny, but I thought the original IRON MAN was better than any of those titles mentioned. But then I'm NOT a comic book fan.[/quote

Considering that I don't really like Iron Man, I agree that it was a really good movie. I don't think they could have picked a better person for that part. I have yet to set down yet and watch Thor and Captain America, but they are two of my favorite Comic book heroes, so I will most likely like them. As for The Avenger's movie,it's my precious(said in Gollum's voice).

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Secret Executioner

Not that keen on most of the Marvel-based movies.

The 2003 Hulk film and Daredevil were okay but I wasn't too fond of the 2 Iron Man films (though I really enjoy the comics) and Thor didn't do much though it offered great visuals and I enjoyed the Hulk and Iron Man references. Wasn't interested in Captain America and Avengers.

Not a big fan of the Spidey movies either (this year's Amazing Spider Man was quite good I must say, better than the previous trilogy) and the Fantastic Four movies were just dreadful (and I love the FF comics... Hope the reboot - if it happens - will be better). However I love the X-Men films (well except for the Wolverine one, I think it could have been much better considering the characters involved).

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Secret Executioner

Watched a bunch of Looney Toons cartoons on youtube last night. Speedy Gonzales vs Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny vs Marvin the Martian, Road Runner vs Wile E. Coyote, Foghorn Leghorn,... Gotta love that stuff, I've watched this since I was a little kid and I haven't grown tired of it yet.

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- An Autumn's Tale (1987) ★★★★

- Forbidden City Cop (1996) ★★★★

- The Return of Pom Pom (1984) ★★★½

- Mr Vampire II (1986) ★★★½

- A Hearty Response (1986) ★★★

- The Champions (1983) ★★★

- Goodbye Mammie (1986) ★★★

- My Hero (1990) ★★★

- Final Justice (1988) ★★½

- The Inbetweeners Movie (2011) ★★

- Goon (2011) ★★

- Protege de la Rose Noire (2004) ★½

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Secret Executioner

This last week at the theater:


Winner of the Gold Palm at the last Cannes Festival, and I would say it diserved it. The movie (directed by Austrian director Michael Haneke) is peculiar (do you know many movies dealing with a man and his wife both in their 80s who have to face declining health and the trouble coming along ?) and very strong (saw it twice and I cried both times). Not sure how or when it is distributed overseas but I'd recommend it - especially if you can see it in its original French dub. The acting by Jean-Louis Trintignant is quite nice, you get to like the guy (and even feel sad for him in the very end) and the performance by Emanuelle Riva as the wife whose health keeps declining was so strong it made me cry). There is next to no music, except for 4 piano pieces and it's quite enough (there's actually no music during the end credits and I was amazed that BOTH times I saw it the theater remained dead silent for a minute or two when the film was over).

Probably my favorite movie released this year, though I may understand people not liking it as it's rather peculiar and the plot isn't very appealing.

A Royal Affair

A Danish historical film which deals with the Enlightenment's influence on Denmark's politics in the early 1770s as the new royal physician got King Christian VII to make laws in the spirit of the Enlightenment. As the title suggests, the physician would also have an affair with the Queen, something which would cause even more trouble at the Court. A quite good one, though I don't think I would want to watch it again.


A very bizarre Japanese movie from 1997 (the first one directed by Nobuhiro Suwa) which has been released in France only recently. It basically deals with a couple and their issues, their arguments and them getting back together to argue more. I stayed until the end only to find out what it would amount to.

One DVD also:

Juge Dredd (1995)

I found it much better than it is made out to be. I'm not too familiar with the original comic but this movie got me interested in knowing more.

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I love the Stallone 90's Dredd.... most everyone else seems to hate it. And yes, I was familiar with the comic before the film came out.

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I love the Stallone 90's Dredd.... most everyone else seems to hate it. And yes, I was familiar with the comic before the film came out.

Never seen it or the comic, but it looks like it would be a fun watch.

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MOONRISE KINGDOM - Wes Anderson's latest about a rebellious boy scout who ditches his troop to meet a girl he met a year ago. Funny dialogue and great cast, including Bill Murray and Edward Norton as the Scout leader.

TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN PART 2 - I actually liked it. The ending was a bit of a shock but the way they twisted it made it a memorable ending to the film series.

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN - 'Nuff said, the best Spider-Man film...clearly beats the Sam Raimi trilogy...all the elements meshed in together nicely and after my initial doubts, Andrew Garfield clearly is the real deal as Peter Parker.

THE EXPENDABLES 2 - I enjoyed the sequel, despite Jet Li only appearing in the opening battle scene. Van Damme truly made a good villain and thanks to Jason Statham, I'm using a new line...Going with the 'classic'! ;) If you have seen it, you know what I'm talking about :angel: Plus loved the two action star references on two of the cast members LOL...smart witty writing :)

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That’s My Boy (2012: Sean Anders) **/****

This is definitely toward the bottom of the 2012 films so far. This movie deserves more vitriol than Jack and Jill.

Why the rating is not lower is because of some hilarious gags in the later half of the film. When the film is more chaotic or bizarre in its gags it is funny (compare the not-so-funny bachelor party at the strip club to what happens afterwards). When Sander’s continues the trend of hilarious cameo appearances it is great. Vanilla Ice was weirdly a highpoint for the film. His byplay with Todd Bridges had me laughing as well as his explanation on what happens every time Ice Ice Baby plays. Though when Adam tries to mix his formulaic loser character with an obnoxious voice into a heavily influenced Todd Phillips meets the Farrelly Brothers style of raunchy comedy it fails badly. It fails because either Sean Anders and/or Adam Sandler confuse grossness with hilarity. I was cringing more often than laughing. Also sometimes it feels Sandler is spewing profanity just its own sake. He does not do it with rhyme or reason so it comes off as excess and makes his loser character even less appealing.

Sandler’s character in some ways reminds me of Ted in Ted. Both were popular once and both fell hard after their one characteristic failed to serve them. Both are drug addled adult-aged adolescents who are womanizing, rude, and annoying with bad voices. Ted was funnier though and, initially hard to believe, more sympathetic. Heck his previous character Jill was more sympathetic.

What was up with Nick Swardson’s character? He was unfunny throughout. This made me miss the usual Steve Buscemi cameo.

Hotel Transylvania is the best movie for Sandler this year.

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THE EXPENDABLES 2 - I enjoyed the sequel, despite Jet Li only appearing in the opening battle scene. Van Damme truly made a good villain and thanks to Jason Statham, I'm using a new line...Going with the 'classic'! ;) If you have seen it, you know what I'm talking about :angel: Plus loved the two action star references on two of the cast members LOL...smart witty writing :)

It really did suck that Jet was only in the first scene, but I still really liked this movie. The writing was great and the action was a specticle to watch. This is defiently one of my top films of the year. And yeah, the "Going with the 'classic'! " line and scenes were great.:wink:

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It really did suck that Jet was only in the first scene, but I still really liked this movie. The writing was great and the action was a specticle to watch. This is defiently one of my top films of the year. And yeah, the "Going with the 'classic'! " line and scenes were great.:wink:

My expanded thoughts on the film are in the pertinent thread, but I also really liked the film. I had much more fun with it then with the first (and got to see this one in the theater as well) and the direction was better too.

So much to watch this month :D.

Saw Argo last night. Might write a little about it later if I have time. Good film, probably not quite top 10 of this year, but still well made, energetic, suspenseful etc...

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