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What ELSE (other than KUNG FU) has everyone been watching?

Guest kenichiku

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Stage Fright (1950)

A noir film from Alfred Hitchcock. It's one of those movies where the main characters get framed for a murder that was committed by someone else and goes into hiding while trying to clear his name with the help of people. This is a different take though because it blends murder with stage acting (hence the title pointing a bit to that). I think Hitchcock did a good job pulling of such a story because when you get into it, acting and murder have a bit something in common in that there's so much fascination that you start to think of things beneath the surface of them which adds a great deal of mysticism and possible logics behind their scenarios. But in the end, I felt something was a bit off. It's probably the way the story is structured. You get introduced to the main characters and then it goes on fleshing them out and moves from point to point (the whole process drags quite a bit) until the climax when all the things you have been questioning are explained, which came as a savior for me but also unexpectedly (typical Hitchcock trademark). Still, Stage Fright is one of his better movies that showcases his style and is worth checking out. Rating: 3.5/5

I Confess (1953)

Another noir film by Hitchcock and one that clicked for me more. What's remarkable about this one is that the story is about a priest who is suspected for a murder done by a close associate and, being a simple priest who sees sins as something that can be forgivable, he saves all trouble by not cooperating with the cops which gets him in big trouble for the sake of not revealing the truth and keep it to himself to try to "heel" the real murderer. Here is where morality gets questioned and how far one can go concerning murder and religion. At first, it may be easy to hate the actor who plays the priest because he refuses to say anything, drags the whole thing and saves the real person more face. But as the story progresses you will realize there's more to it, and when it ends you eventually get to see the priest's true intentions to his actions. There's something I felt that could've tensed the story more which was to let the murderer hang onto the priest's every move, considering that the priest kept in touch with the cops several times. It would seem as if the murderer didn't care of what the priest did or was just lazy to do anything until after the trial when things really picked up (again, Hitchcock saving the best for the last which he loved doing in his movies). But altogether, the movie plays out very well with Hitchcock employing heavy character development along with using thrilling and mystical touches to enhance and sell the story. Rating: 4/5

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Two of the lesser Hitch films of the 50s but still both enjoyable.

Re-watched I Confess few months back and it was better than I remembered.

Have to get back to watching some more Hitch.

Have them all minus Mountain Eagle .... the Tiger Boy of Hitch movies.:squigglemouth:

Stage Fright (1950)

I Confess (1953)

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Two of the lesser Hitch films of the 50s but still both enjoyable.

Re-watched I Confess few months back and it was better than I remembered.

Have to get back to watching some more Hitch.

Have them all minus Mountain Eagle .... the Tiger Boy of Hitch movies.:squigglemouth:

I think I Confess is a bit underrated out there. Montgomery Clift puts in quite a strong performance. Though it is funny that Hitchcock always puts a negative light into working with Clift. Hitchcock really didn't like method actors.

Hitchcock: "When an actor comes to me and wants to discuss his character, I say, ’It’s in the script.’ If he says, ’But what’s my motivation?, ’ I say, ’Your salary.’"

I just could not get into Stage Fright.

It would be great if someone finds Mountain Eagle in their attic or some shop in Argentina and with recent finding of John Ford silent films and extra footage of Metropolis (though that footage was in pretty bad shape; what really pisses me off and they do apologize about it in the extras was that they destroyed the original reel which would have been in much better condition years ago, but I digress).

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RED RIDING HOOD - Catherine Hardwicke's dark take on the legendary story, was not too bad. Amanda Seyfriend seemed perfect for the role and the love triangle was a bit iffy. However, Andy Cheng did some nice stunt coordination when it came to the werewolf being caught but tossing soldiers across the village with its brute force. Love the twist at the end (will not spoil it)

BEASTLY - A Modern Day "Beauty and the Beast" film with Alex Pettyfer (Operation Stormbreaker) as a rich spoiled teen who pissed off the wrong person, a witch played by Mary-Kate Olsen. As a result, he is disfigured and has one year to find someone who will love him...enter Vanessa Hudgens. Pretty decent film with Neil Patrick Harris nearly stealing all of his scenes as Pettyfer's blind tutor.

UNKNOWN - Liam Neeson as a doctor who on a business trip in Berlin ends up in a coma and learns that someone else has stolen his identity. It is a really great film that has such great tension that it leads to a great twist and a hell of an ending IMO.

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Song at Midnight (1937: Weibang Ma-Xu)

This is considered one of the first Chinese horror films with a retelling, not a remake, of The Phantom of the Opera. The direction is adroit and appears to be quite influenced by Universal horror in its cinematography and art direction. There are some direct references to Frankenstein (the villager chase and result of that chase) besides of course the obvious references to The Phantom of the Opera.

Its use of a KMT hero in Song Danping an accomplished singer/actor who had his face burnt with acid because of his love for a woman wanted by a local warlord is politically intriguing to me though it makes me wonder if that helped many copies of this to be destroyed later in China. The melodramatic songs do hurt the pace though the do help communicate the innermost thoughts of the actors. These songs seem to be quite commonplace in early Chinese sound cinema. Song finds a singer who visits the decrepit opera house where he resides whom he teaches to sing just like him. He wants him to be a proxy with his lost love whom pines away the time because she thinks her previous lover is dead.

The movie does overdo a political sentiment and makes an ending that is emotionally unsatisfying. Some of the acting is also overdone, but not atypical for its time. The direction and camera movement is much better than most of what I have seen from this time period. But for those interested in early Chinese sound cinema it is one of the better films.

Ma-Xu made a sequel to this in 1941. It was remade in 1962/1963 by the Shaw Brotherss released in two parts called The Mid-Nightmare (夜半歌聲/夜半歌聲續集.). This was also remade later in 1995 as The Phantom Lover directed by Ronny Yu (The Bride With White Hair, Fearless).

The Cinema Epoch release is pretty dreadful as apparently all the releases are. I know the source materials are bad to begin with but the transfer they use has added pixalization, some bizarre artifacts (colored pixalization a few times) and even one moment where the film skips and slightly rewinds (not an issue with the disc). The English subtitles are removable and decent. The release comes with a good digital essay by Andy Klein with some pertinent information on the film. Though the source I have found with the most information on this movie and the director comes from Stephen Teos book Hong Kong: The Extra Dimensions (1997). Teo states that the director had a particular fascination with disfigurement


HKFA has some pertinent information on The Mid-Nightmare releases.

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Heard the BFI was on the hunt for this.

Also looking forward to the restored prints of his silent flix.

It would be great if someone finds Mountain Eagle in their attic or some shop in Argentina and with recent finding of John Ford silent films and extra footage of Metropolis (though that footage was in pretty bad shape; what really pisses me off and they do apologize about it in the extras was that they destroyed the original reel which would have been in much better condition years ago, but I digress).

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Stake Land (2010).

one fine vampocalyptic b-movie. reminded me of whats that "cannibal western" movie called again ?

if u can dig the motives and melancholic vibes of the likes of i am legend, book of eli etc and wanna see a b-cast providing a-class performances, this road trip thru a vampire-infested post apocalyptic america will be right up your alley. 7/10

The Warring States (2011)

(aka "the movie that makes Mulan look like a gem")

ok it was crap, so dont bother. one totally uninspired mess. if it were a tv drama in 3 parts, it would still be just mediocre. at best!

every movie starts with a script. the one for WS must have been the piss poor kind.

as generic and witless as they could possibly get.

(partially) as a result, the screenplay is an inconsistent mess, supports bad pacing and comes across as exceptionally anticlimactic.

neither of the main or supporting cast could deliver a noteworthy performance. characters badly written, actors badly directed, nothing there to pull the viewer in or give em s/t or s/o to care for/sympathize with.

movin on to the cinematography, we get what looks like a 3rd rate recap of shots we know from period movies of the last 15 years.

other than that, too many things bout frames, angles, lighting etc that would bother me, so i leave it at that.

sets/props/costumes were sufficient, but far from great & the little (subpar) action there was doesnt warrant any comments on it.

the score deserves a mention tho- for being part bland, part annoying.

now, mulan is good, drunken monkey ace & the promise a masterpiece. all thanx to the warring states. that gets this crapper a 2/10 rating. well done, sucker.

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Stake Land (2010).

one fine vampocalyptic b-movie. reminded me of whats that "cannibal western" movie called again ?

Are you thinking of Ravenous?

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FANBOYS ---- starring Jay Baruchel, Dan Fogler, Kristen Bell, Sam Huntington, and a cast of cameos.

This is set in 1998 when a group of friends decide to make a trip to George Lucas' house to see a rough cut of the yet to be released "Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace" for a friend who is terminally ill. I found this movie to be really funny at times and it had me laughing out loud. The best parts were the antagonizing antics between Star Wars fans and Trekkies/Trekkers. Some of that was comedy gold! Definitely good for a rental or dvr it.

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I've been trying to get through my foreign Woody Allen box sets, I watched Radio Days the other day. I've also been watching a lot of silent comedy.

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My Man Godfrey (1936)

Cool screwball comedy featuring Carole Lombard and William Powell.

Both got Oscar noms for their roles. Not the best trailer but...


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Watched the movie version of "MASH" a few days ago. It was good, but I think the TV show

was better. It suprised me to learn that the name of the MASH theme was " Suicide is Painless". I was like :eek:

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Watched the movie version of "MASH" a few days ago. It was good, but I think the TV show

was better. It suprised me to learn that the name of the MASH theme was " Suicide is Painless". I was like :eek:

It might also surprise you to learn that Mike Altman, the son of the original film's director, Robert Altman, was 14 years old when he wrote the song's lyrics.

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It might also surprise you to learn that Mike Altman, the son of the original film's director, Robert Altman, was 14 years old when he wrote the song's lyrics.

Wow, that is a suprise. Doesn't seem like a song that a 14 year old would come up with.

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TAXI DRIVER - always seen only bits and pieces but have finally seen the full Scorsese/DeNiro classic this weekend and wow!!! It was a great film about one man's descent into violence and madness all because he has a sense of loneliness. Truly a great film!

9413 - If TAXI DRIVER lead DeNiro's Travis Bickle stayed insane and went to Hong Kong, the result would be Francis Ng's lead character of Smash-Head, a crazy policeman who has eyes for his psychiatrist while trying to figure out about a series of crimes yet he slowly sinks himself into madness. Pretty good film from Ng (who also made his directorial debut).

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I got to watch Broadway Danny Rose (1984) recently, it's a Woody Allen film and it's about a talent agent called Danny Rose (Woody Allen) the story is told through the words of other talent agents who remember him.

Basically he's managing a former popular crooner Lou Canova (Nick Apollo Forte) (similar to Dean Martin or someone of that type) who is just playing small clubs now and cheating on his wife with a lady named Tina Vitale (Mia Farrow), he's got one shot to get back in the spotlight with this big comeback show he's gonna do but there's one problem, he asks Danny to bring her to show as his date so his wife won't know. He won't sing without knowing she's in the audience and Danny is to be the "beard" as they say and bring her to the show. That goes about as well as can be expected when she thinks Lou is cheating on her and refuses to go and her mob family think Woody's character is stealing her away from a guy she's supposed to marry. A funny little comedy with nice exchanges like this,

Danny Rose: [asks about her ex-husband] What'd you do, you divorced him, or got a separation, or what?

Tina: They shot him in the eyes.

Danny: He's blind?

Tina: No, you idiot. He's dead.

Danny: Oh, right. Because the bullets go right through...

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HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 - saw this on Friday and was blown away!!! This is truly the best of the HP films IMO. It was mostly all action and less drama, but great film!

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LIMITLESS --- stars Bradley Cooper, Robert DeNiro, Abbie Cornish.

BC plays Eddie, a down on his luck writer. He gets turned onto a drug which will enhance the use of brain function. Not only does he get the best seller locked away in his mind written, he turns into a Wall Street wiz. Enter RD's smarmy Trump-like character.

This movie was really good. Loved the plot and pacing, the acting was top-notch. Not a lot of action though there was some. This really serves as a commentary on drug use: the initial effect seemingly beneficial; "the more I take, the more I can do" rationalization; association with less than desirable people; black-outs/loss of time; debilitating physical effects of missed dosages; panic; risk; etc......

This is definitely worth a rental if not a purchase.

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SUCKER PUNCH - This is clearly one of those movies that if you miss so much as a second, you will not figure out what the hell is going on. It's an interesting Zack Snyder flick about a young girl who is sent to a mental asylum and she has virtually "a dream within a dream" about rescue and redemption. Of course the main cast is total eye candy, and Damon Caro did craft some interesting fight sequences.

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ROAD TO PERDITION ---- stars Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Daniel Craig, Jude Law.

Splendid movie! This is something really different from Hanks (he plays a hitman) and I truly enjoyed him in this role. Absolutely worthy of a rental or dvr it.

CLASH OF THE TITANS ---- Sam Worthington, Liam Neesom, Ralph Fiennes.

This remake absolutely smokes the Harry Hamlin vehicle. Great f/x and good action though I could've done with a little more swordplay. I understand a sequel is in the works ("Wrath Of The Titans"). Looking forward to it.

THE TOWN ---- stars Ben Affleck (who also directs), Jeremy Renner, Jon Hamm.

Set in Boston. BA and JR live in Charlestown, an area in Boston which seems to breed bank robbers. The story, drama, and action are cool. This is only Affleck's 2nd foray into directing and he has a definite knack for it. Just a simply great movie. (Need to watch it again as some of the dialogue escaped me at times due to the Boston accents.:tongue:)

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SID & NANCY - pretty crazy biopic of Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious and girlfriend Nancy Spungen going through a doward spiral of drug abuse. Some parts were obviously fantasized but a young Gary Oldman gave an excellent performance as Vicious. Chloe Webb seemed at times too annoying to me and some of the faces she made reminded me of Hatchet Face from John Waters' CRY-BABY. Courtney Love makes an early appearance as one of Nancy's friends.

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Lately, I've been on a crime kick. Got all caught up on BREAKING BAD and some classic noir, but right now I have Donnie Yen's FLASH POINT in my player.

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