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What ELSE (other than KUNG FU) has everyone been watching?

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movie time... I know it's not true horror...but still one of the most fun movies.  I have lost count how many times I've watched, and it's still fun every time







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The fast and the furious: tokyo drift

Part 3 of the popular series. Again a total standalone movie though at the very end we see the seeds that have been planted for the remainder of the franchise. I don’t know why I waited 2 decades to start watching these films because now I seem to be enjoying them thoroughly.

There is a lot of racing in here which makes it perhaps the most essential film in the street racing franchise.

Next week part 4 and a look at the cast seems the franchise will truly start there.

PS forgot to add MA legend Sonny Chiba is in this! 

Edited by WangYu
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On 10/7/2021 at 7:07 AM, nectarsis said:


right after the Wild Card game:


Have you seen "deadly manor"?Imo it`s lot better than Edge of axe which I found quite dull at times but end twist left quite ok impression of movie.

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Demons 2 – (1986) – The nights are getting longer the air is getting a little cooler. Halloween is just around the corner, so it’s time to re-visit a few Horror movies. This is one is Directed by Lamberto Bava. Who also worked on the script alongside famous fellow Italian director Dario Argento & Franco Ferrini. Quick fact, Argentos daughter Asia made her screen debut in this picture.
“We’ve gotta make weapons out of anything, its our only chance”
A peaceful evening in a ten-story Hamburg high rise turns into a bizarre chaotic bloodbath. Most of the tenants are watching a documentary, about a group of teenagers entering the forbidden zone. The location of the first films story. Unwittingly the thrill seekers manage to resurrect an old dried-up demon corpse. Starting of a freaky chain of events, where the ghoulish eyed fanged terrors start to morph out of peoples T.V sets.
Lucky for them, they only had small 80’s sized T.V screens back then. If they had a large 62-inch flat screen T.V, there would have been a whole army of flesh hungry demons invading the flats. On the down side, these possessed freaks, are faster than Usain Bolt and stronger than Eddie Hall. With some seriously disturbed cravings.
As you have probably already guessed, this doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s set up as a movie, within a movie. There’s a good dose of comedy, though not all of it is intentional. When a man tells his pregnant girlfriend he won’t leave her alone. He then proceeds to run off downstairs, leaving her very much alone.
That said, it’s still chock full of dark horror and jumpy scenes. The most complete version, was only released as part of a Region 1 Dario Argento DVD set many years ago. Argento and Lamberto Bava, had to tone the film down just to get a rating for its Italian release. Though you can’t go wrong with the current Directors Cut, that’s easy enough to find.
“Come on, I cant hold this pose all night”
It’s such an over, the top nightmare, which ever edition you choose to view. It’s not going to be dull, with a pacey one hour and thirty-minute runtime. Once the story is established, it never let up until the final scenes. Building on the same ideas featured in the original, and taking them to even further extremes.
Small group of people, trapped inside a building with no escape. The Spanish horror film Rec (2007), borrowed heavily from this plot idea too. It’s an old Horror trope, that goes back before the first Night of The Living Dead (1968) movie. The English dubbing only adds to the charm here. I know some Italian film purists, prefer the original language versions. With this film, the dubbing makes it more tongue in cheek.
The special effects and make-up artists all did an amazing job here. With the practical/physical effects, there’s no cartoon CGI gore in this one. Make-up artist Giacinto Bretti & special effects artist Danilo Bolletini, deserving special credit for their respective work. For 1986, it still holds up really well. It’s part of the body horror genre, that films such as American Werewolf in London (1983), made popular. The demons even have acidic blood, like the creatures in Alien (1979).
The cast do a fine job, with the limited script. The filmmakers knew this production was never going to sell tickets, with any Oscar/BAFTA worthy dialogue. Cult actor Bobby Rhodes, who is appeared in the original film playing a pimp. Returns as a new character, who pretty much steals the whole movie. Riffing on the 80’s Fitness boom, he plays a personal trainer.
“Keep pumping, otherwise you’ll never get any strength in those legs”
Some of his clients are so dedicated, they refuse to leave the apartment block gym, when the power gets cut out. Rhodes become the anti-hero, taking charge of the bad situation. That’s when he’s not kicking demons in the face, and yelling out classic one-liners. If you enjoy old school horror features, you really can’t go too wrong with this one.
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On 10/10/2021 at 12:59 AM, FightingFool said:

Have you seen "deadly manor"?Imo it`s lot better than Edge of axe which I found quite dull at times but end twist left quite ok impression of movie.

I have not, but looking into it now, thanks :)

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“The key to survival, is not just about running and hiding, it’s about taking out your enemy’s ability to hunt you”


Dog Soldiers – (2002) – Hairy, low budget Horror movie, with a mostly British cast. Directed & written by American Neil Marshall, and produced with American funding. In the early to mid-noughties the British horror genre had a big revival with 28-Days Later, The Descent, Creep, Death Watch, Graveyard of the Death etc. You might want to think twice about hiking or camping in the Scottish high lands, during a full moon. If this little story’s anything to go by.
“There was only supposed to be one”
Story Synopsis - ‘A band of British soldiers are sent to the Scottish Highlands, on special training manoeuvres. Their biggest worry – stuck in the middle of nowhere and missing a vital England VS Germany world cup qualifier. Things take a turn for the worse, when they stumble upon Captain Ryan – who appears to be the sole survivor if a Special Operations team that were literally torn to pieces. Help comes in the form of local girl Megan (Emma Cleasby), who shelters them in a house deep in the forest.’
This film oozes black humor, and is a fine example of how to make an effective horror film. On a limited budget with no thrills. The army squad played by Sean Pertwee, Kevin McKidd, Thomas Lockyer, Chris Robson, Darren Morfitt,  & Leslie Simpson. Have some great chemistry on-screen, and were put through a basic Army bootcamp. By the films Military advisor and ex member of the French foreign Legion Edwin Hunticur.
“You look like you fought Jack the Ripper, and lost”
Director Neil Marshall said there a few Military related bloopers, that he made while directing the film. Even though he strived for as much technical realism as possible. Many of the production crew were ex-soldiers, who also offered advice on how to stage scenes and use firearms. The term Dog Soldiers, come from an old term used to describe Native Americans, who fought in the American Civil War. Neil Marhsalls humorous script, is a step above your average horror dialogue. He wrote it as a reaction to the poorly received 1996 - American Werewolf in London sequel. Six years and eighteen drafts later the picture made it to cinema screens. Loaded with movie references, from Zulu (1964) to The Matrix (1999).
Veteran special effects artist Bob Keen (Hellraiser, Alien, The Dark Crystal). Did a fine job with a tight budget. With little money to spend on big budget SFX. The make-up and costumes were going to be limited. Here this works to the films advantage, as it leaves more to the viewers imaginations. Similar to how Steven Spielberg approached his use of the great white shark, in Jaws (1975).
“Did you ever wonder why superglue is best at sticking to your fingers, forget your Grandmas China cups, this stuff was developed during the Vietnam War, to patch up broken soldiers”
The tall leggy werewolves were all played by dancers. Which was done, so they would move in a more elegant way. Elegant not being a word, you would normally associate with a hair half man half wolf. Veteran Irish actor Liam Cunningham (The Guard), has the standout performance as the deceptive Captain Ryan. Stage actor Emma Cleasby does a fine job, holding her own as the only lady among the tiny cast. The soundtrack isn’t all that memorable, but musician Mark Thomas’s score works really well with the dark material it accompanies.
Easy enough to follow, Dog Soldiers is worth watching if you enjoy the werewolf sub-genre. Just keep your expectations in check, this one doesn’t quite reach the same heights some horror classics do. This was Neil Marhsalls debut as a director, and it’s a pretty decent one at that.
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The Brave [1997]- The is one of a handful of johnny depp horror related movies. Still have a few I need to see, that will probably end up on here sooner or later (this year or a following one). 

About an native american (depp) who hears of a place that will pay you to be tortured and killed as the victim of a snuff film. As you can imagine the victim would want the money to go to their family in any case since theyd be dead, still doesnt make it much more imaginable for me. 

I dont understand how anyone could think this premise was a good idea or remotely appropriate, then again Johnny Depp agreed to be apart of Kevin Smith’s disturbingly absurd Tusk movie. To make matters worse I dont even think this movie is categorized as a horror, but a drama rather and plays like a family film through a decent portion. Its a horror to me given the nature of the film. Of all companies, Touchstone Pictures, a distribution label of Disney picked up the film according to wikipedia! And the originally chosen director killed his wife and daughter before killing himself, ironic given the premise of the script. Killed himself not for his family’s benefit, but for the death of his entire family, strange.

And after all that, Depp and the producers still thought this morbid film idea was worthy of moving forward with. 

The film mostly chronicles the main character’s (depps) idiocy and obliviousness to his surroundings. You like him and see him as the good guy, but then consider his reckless behavior and horrible decision making. 

Its said they live beside a junkyard, but the movie shows them practically living inside of the junkyard with their trailers built inside of discarded scrap and other junk, what is this Waterworld? 

Surprisingly, you dont see any major problems in the community, theres a pimp noone likes but he comes across like the laughing stock of the community and noones seems to take him too seriously. Everyone seems to be having a good time in the community and the kids are playing and having fun, the relationships there seem strong. Despite all this Depp’s characters biggest priority is getting his family out of there, he apparently doesnt feel positively about the commune, and wants his kids to “be somebody”. 

Throughout the film we also consistently see how crucial the main character’s presence is to protecting and providing for his kids and wife in numerous ways, as well as just being there for them. I was almost certain the movie was making an obvious point to make the viewer and Depp’s character realize his importance to his family’s life, thereby making him realize he cant die, and would be doing them an obvious injustice rather than service. Theres even a preacher Depp goes to to confess the sin he’s going to commit to himself and you think theres no way he could go through with it now, heres his salvation. But sadly, theres still no avail. 

Makes you wonder where the sense is in this film, where the sense is in this character’s mind. Apparently, even more disturbingly in some way, the character in the book its based off of is brain damaged due to his alcoholism. We only see hints that he has an alcohol problem in the movie.

Marlin Brando has a brief scene that is extremely effective and philosophically disturbing, especially given the context. Read one review where they assumed Brando improvised the dialogue here, which top tier dialogue by any regards so thats harder for me to imagine. I also heard in an interview that Depp and Brando connected over a preface to the preface of a play, Ill have to read that later. Marshall Bell reminded me of Woody Harrelson, if not Jack Nicholson. Part of that is probably me just not being as familiar with him. His screen presence is also very bizarre, playing something of a gruff white collar guy. Theres a scene where he pops out of nowhere in front of Depp, reoccurring, and spits a very bizarre few lines I didnt understand about taking a sh*t earlier in the day and it cameout hard and shaped like a bell? Not to mention I happened to be eating a chocolate hoho cake at this time 😷😡.

Luckily doesnt show any shocking torture or murder of any sort, but your still left in disgust. Well, I was at least and Id be baffled by anyone that didnt have the same reaction to the premise. Still hard to believe this movie exists. 

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"The Booth(2005)": I really enjoyed this one. It had really good acting and some twists that I didn't see coming. I've been rather busy lately, so I haven't gotten to watch too many horror films this month sadly. But I'm glad I made time to watch this one. 

"Hellboy(2019)": Yeah, I can see now why most people didn't like this one. It was kind of meh, and didn't come anywhere near having the charm of the original movies staring Ron Perlman. This is an easy pass. Just go watch the original movies. I watched them here recently and they are still really fun films. 

"Believer(2018)": Very good crime movie. 

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Red Rage(2019): Man, this movie is weird. I find it ironic that a movie about drugs makes you feel like you're high. lol Its an alright movie though. I do wish they would have focused a little more on our "heroes" Oscar and Ella. They had really good chemistry and were far more interesting than any of the other characters. I'm also surprised by how tame it was. Just reading the back of the case, you would think it would be filled with nudity and blood. But that is not the case. There is some blood, and a few sexual situations, but nothing that bad. That's not a knock on the film tho, it just surprised me. So yeah, pretty good movie. 3/5 Average movie,  maybe check it out. 

The Raven(2012): Pretty good movie. I do love me a good mystery, and this one scratched that itch. 3/5 

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Fast & Furious 2009

Finally a true sequel to the first film but also a weird one. What's the deal with Letty dying completely out of the blue? I already saw her in trailers of later films so she will be back. So far the least of the sequels in my opinion. Very much liked the opening set piece but not so much the finale. The anticipation for the next 3 films is high though, they all got critical and commercial acclaim. Looking at the cast all the characters of the first 4 films will return one way or another, cool. I am curious...

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The Evil Dead – (1981) – Atmospheric Horror classic from director and writer Sam Raimi. This one makes the Exorcist (1973) look like a walk on the beach. A strange tape recording of some incantations, sets off a whole inferno of trouble. For a small group of teenagers, out for a weekend of fun in the lightly populated Tennessee woods.
“…The most furiously original Horror film of the year…” - Stephen King (1981)
Here we see the birth of a cult anti-hero for generations of horror fans. With Bruce Campells superb performance as Ashely J.Williams (Ash), the courageous well-mannered good guy. Who just wants to spend a weekend with his friends. The creepy cabin in the woods, is not the kind of place you would find on Trivago. Or any other online Holiday booking sites.
If you decide to go into these woods, make sure you take a chainsaw with a full tank of petrol. Creepy spirits roam, and the darkness emits an eerie groan. It looks like the only place on earth, that’s foggier than Yorkshire. Quick fact, the smoke seen in the cabin at the start of the movie. Was just the cigarette smoke of the crew members. The budget was so low, the crew couldn’t afford a smoke machine for every sequence they shot.
Bruce Campell not only suffered many injuries while making this movie. He even put up his family’s home as collateral, so director Sam Raimi could complete/release the picture. Allowing Raimi to finish shooting, and blow the film up onto 35mm. The format required to release the film in cinemas. That’s dedication on a whole other level, from Mr Campell.
He’s backed up by some equally, spirited supporting actors. With Betsy Baker, Ellen Sandwiess, & Richard Demanincor filling out the limited cast. Filming conditions were so bad, that many of the cast and crew fell ill during the making of the movie. Having to all sleep in the house, the story was set in.
“You bastards, why do you keep torturing me like this”
The Evil Dead is a first-rate lesson, in how to make a fantastic low budget horror flick. Sam Raimi really made the most of every movie making tool he had, at this point in his career. With possessed corpses, that ooze multi colored, blood from their severed limbs. Like they have hose pipes for veins. Along with the trippy looking camera angles and techniques. Enhanced greatly by Joel Cohen’s editing choices.
Tension just builds and builds, as things turn even uglier. The filmmakers somehow found ways to keep the shocks coming. With the black humor just adding another bizarre twist to everything. The film may look slightly dated now, but it still holds its power to shock audiences. Not bad for a movie that’s now over forty years old.
The first time I saw the movie, was via murky UNCUT third generation VHS bootleg. Borrowed to me by a friend. The film was heavily cut for its official U.K video releases. Before Anchor Bay released it UNCUT on DVD, in the early noughties. The films long history with the British censors, is a whole other story in itself.
Before I wrap up this long-winded ramble, I can’t forget to mention the ceative work of make-up artist Tom Sullivan. Who also had some help in the form of actor Bruce Campell. Keen eyed Horror fans, keep your eyes peeled for The Hill Have Eyes (1977) theatrical poster on the cellar wall.
Edited by DragonClaws
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5 hours ago, DragonClaws said:


The Evil Dead – (1981) – Atmospheric Horror classic from director and writer Sam Raimi. This one makes the Exorcist (1973) look like a walk on the beach. A strange tape recording of some incantations, sets off a whole inferno of trouble. For a small group of teenagers, out for a weekend of fun in the lightly populated Tennessee woods.
“…The most furiously original Horror film of the year…” - Stephen King (1981)
Here we see the birth of a cult anti-hero for generations of horror fans. With Bruce Campells superb performance as Ashely J.Williams (Ash), the courageous well-mannered good guy. Who just wants to spend a weekend with his friends. The creepy cabin in the woods, is not the kind of place you would find on Trivago. Or any other online Holiday booking sites.
If you decide to go into these woods, make sure you take a chainsaw with a full tank of petrol. Creepy spirits roam, and the darkness emits an eerie groan. It looks like the only place on earth, that’s foggier than Yorkshire. Quick fact, the smoke seen in the cabin at the start of the movie. Was just the cigarette smoke of the crew members. The budget was so low, the crew couldn’t afford a smoke machine for every sequence they shot.
Bruce Campell not only suffered many injuries while making this movie. He even put up his family’s home as collateral, so director Sam Raimi could complete/release the picture. Allowing Raimi to finish shooting, and blow the film up onto 35mm. The format required to release the film in cinemas. That’s dedication on a whole other level, from Mr Campell.
He’s backed up by some equally, spirited supporting actors. With Betsy Baker, Ellen Sandwiess, & Richard Demanincor filling out the limited cast. Filming conditions were so bad, that many of the cast and crew fell ill during the making of the movie. Having to all sleep in the house, the story was set in.
“You bastards, why do you keep torturing me like this”
The Evil Dead is a first-rate lesson, in how to make a fantastic low budget horror flick. Sam Raimi really made the most of every movie making tool he had, at this point in his career. With possessed corpses, that ooze multi colored, blood from their severed limbs. Like they have hose pipes for veins. Along with the trippy looking camera angles and techniques. Enhanced greatly by Joel Cohen’s editing choices.
Tension just builds and builds, as things turn even uglier. The filmmakers somehow found ways to keep the shocks coming. With the black humor just adding another bizarre twist to everything. The film may look slightly dated now, but it still holds its power to shock audiences. Not bad for a movie that’s now over forty years old.
The first time I saw the movie, was via murky UNCUT third generation VHS bootleg. Borrowed to me by a friend. The film was heavily cut for its official U.K video releases. Before Anchor Bay released it UNCUT on DVD, in the early noughties. The films long history with the British censors, is a whole other story in itself.
Before I wrap up this long-winded ramble, I can’t forget to mention the ceative work of make-up artist Tom Sullivan. Who also had some help in the form of actor Bruce Campell. Keen eyed Horror fans, keep your eyes peeled for The Hill Have Eyes (1977) theatrical poster on the cellar wall.

My favorite horror series of all time. I really appreciate all the stuff the cast and crew had to go through to bring us this horror classic. 

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Train to Busan (2016)  Solid entry into the zombieverse. While similar to World War Z, I found myself connecting more to the characters. The ending between father & daughter was gut-wrenching. Something that WWZ did not provide.

The Tomorrow War (2021)  Had potential but Alien ripoff ending.

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)  Thought this was the worst of the prequels (which overall is garbage) back in 2002 but decided to watch it again on Disney+, and while still not great, it had some good moments.

Escape from New York (1981)  A re-watch. Listened to the dual commentary by star and director. Always a fun flick to revisit.

The Dig (2021)  I dug it.

12 Years a Slave (2013) Really wanted to enjoy this one buuut it fell a little flat. The homecoming at the end was poignant.

The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)  Saw bits and parts over the years but finally watched it whole. Cool. Who doesn't like Clint?



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I'm probably going to watch Army of Darkness for the first time. I've seen the first two Evil Dead films and can't wait to watch this one!

Evil Dead Ash GIF

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