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What ELSE (other than KUNG FU) has everyone been watching?

Guest kenichiku

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Freaky 2020

Teen horror comedy film with Vince Vaughn in the body of a teenage girl, he does a magnificent job, really like the roles he plays in the last couple of years and then especially the parts he did for the Craig S Zahler films. This film itself is quite funny and entertaining, I can see this be a cult film in years to come for younger people who saw this during their formative years. For middle aged men like me it is just fun diversion. 

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"Zack Snyder's Justice League"

Intro- Since I was young, I have always loved DC Comics. I have seen pretty much all the movies ever released about their characters: Which range from stinkers like Steel(1997) to classics like Superman(1978). I got plenty of these films over the years, but the one film that always seemed to be a pipedream, was one about the Justice League. Every time a new DC movie would come out, I would hope that maybe, just maybe, it would lead to a sequel that had my heroes teaming up for the first time on the big screen. That stayed a dream, until around 2013, when Man of Steel(2013) was first coming out. There was talk at the time that maybe this would lead to DC finally copying Marvel's successful Marvel Cinematic Universe line of movies and that we would get to see, for the first time, the likes of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman teaming up. Three years passed and I finally got a sampling of my dream with BatmanVSuperman: Dawn of Justice(2016). It was glorious to watch, even if public opinion on it was mixed. I didn't care, my dreams where coming true and I couldn't be happier. Then, in 2017, it finally happened, Justice League(2017) the live-action film I had waited years for, was finally here. The first time I watched it, my mind was blown, For the first time, after waiting many years,  I finally got to see all my heroes fighting together to save the world. The world never seemed more wonderful to me than on that day. 

But, after some time had passed and my mind could think clearly, it finally hit me that the movie wasn't all that it could have been. Sure, I still loved it. Like a mother still loves their baby no matter how ugly it might of came out. But I kind of wished that it could have been something better, more refined and coherent. Then, like my wish had been heard and answered, I heard around 2019-2020, that Zack Snyder was getting a chance to recreate Justice League into what he had originally planned. That he would fix the flaws, the lost opportunity, and we would finally get the movie that I and a lot of other people had always dreamed about, a truly great Justice League movie. So, in March 18, 2021, Zack Snyder's Justice League was finally released. The people went wild over it. Singing its praises to heaven. All, that is, but me. I didn't have HBO Max, so I wasn't able to see it at the time of its released. And my heart grew heavy over the months, as a DVD release date was never released. I was about to give up on it, when I finally saw on Amazon that the DVD was fixing to be released. Yes, I squealed like a little girl that had just got tickets to her favorite Boyband, and immediately preorder it. Yesterday I got it. Today, I finally watched it. And It was indeed glorious! 

Story- Watching the original and the Zach Snyder Cut is like night and day. The story in Snyder's version is far more coherent and entertaining. Flowing from scene to scene like a well-oiled machine. The longer run-time helps with this, allowing events to happen naturally, instead of at the breakneck pace of the original. Everything is better explained, better paced, there are better action scenes(That actually make more sense), and plot points are given the time they need to be fleshed out. We are also given time to get to know and love the characters more, and to see some old friends and foes that we missed the first time around. Which leads me to:

Characters- My God, the cast is stupendous! To say that this is easily the best superhero cast of all time would be an understatement of the decade. Every Single Person fits their roles and truly become the characters before our very eyes. Henry Cavil, as far as I'm concerned, is Superman. He embodies everything that we see Superman as. He is a beacon of hope, of goodness, of doing the right thing when no one else can or will. And all the good I can say about Henry Cavil, I can also say about the rest of the cast. Ben Affleck, a choice that I originally was kind of worried about, blew my mind in the role as Batman. He feels like the Batman from the pages of The Dark Night Returns brought to life( Tho he is a little more lighthearted than that incarnation). His outfit is also easily the best I have ever seen, being far closer to the comic. Gal Gadot is the one and only Wonder Woman(Sorry Lynda Carter. I love you too, but damn is Gal Gadot great in this role). She is everything that the Princess of Themyscira is and should be: Smart, Beautiful, Caring, and Powerful. Damn, Jason Momoa, you actually made Aquaman friggin cool! Seriously, they should model  Aquaman after this version from now on. He is that badass. Esra Miller's Barry Allen/The Flash was pretty good. I loved how he kept fanboying every time he meets another hero. He also had the best exchange with Batman/Bruce Wayne in the whole movie:

Barry: "What are your Superpower's again?" 

Bruce Wayne: "I'm Rich." 


Finally, Cyborg was far more interesting in this version. In the original he just seemed kind of there. But here he has a pretty big role in the plot and is a far more well-rounded character. Sure, I'm not the biggest fan of Cyborg being on the Justice League Team instead of the Teen Titans(There are far better choices to be on the team), but at least he is done well here. Oh, and on the villain side, Steppenwolf was far more interesting in this movie. I even felt kind of bad for him at points, even if he was a murdering dirtbag. There are also many surprise characters this time around, but I will let you watch the movie to see those. Defiantly watch the movie!

Production Values- The movie is very pretty to look at, with a lot of stuff being updated and fixed.  The superhero costumes are awesome: Wonder Woman's armor should be used from now on. Man, she is like a superpowered Xena! Batman, like I touched on before, has my favorite Batsuit of any of the movies. Superman "Maybe Spoiler" gets an awesome looing Black suit after he comes back to life  "Spoiler End". The Flash suit was alright, but its probably the weakest. It just seemed kind of busy to me. But it didn't bother me too much. Aquaman is a shirtless, badass dude through most of the movie. But he does get a pretty cool suit near the end. Did I mention that he is badass? lol I'm not sure, but Cyborg also looked a little better in this movie. I'm not sure, but it defiantly looked like they touched up his CGI body. Oh, and being a Zack Snyder film, we get plenty of points that songs play to set the mood and there is a generous amount of Slo-Mo. 

Ending Thoughts- This movie was truly everything I could ask for in a Justice League movie. It was fun, it was exciting, it had cool characters, an interesting plot, and it was all wrapped up in a beautiful package. I really couldn't be happier. One of my life-Long dreams has finally came to fruition and was done beautifully. I would love for this movie to get a sequel, but for now, the new Flash movie coming out next year will have to fill that void. Anyways, I would like to finally end this by saying: Check this movie out. Even if you didn't like the original version, this one will probably win you over. Thanks for reading. 

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Horizon Line 2020

Who greenlights and finances movies like this? Completely ridiculous disaster film where you keep smiling, ridiculing and rolling your eyes at the scenes. Yet you keep watching because it is that insane and when the film ends you just know you will remember this one for a long time. You could call it silly and stupid and you would be 100% right but you would be lying if you didn’t finish it…

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The Father (2020)

An acting tour de force starring Anthony Hopkins as a man struggling with dementia.  The film shows things through his perspective as he struggles to make sense of his world.  This means we see and share his confusion as objects and furniture in his flat suddenly change position, his daughter and son-in-law are sometimes portrayed by different actors. The timeline of events can also be non-linear. The result is a film that is both brilliant and quite tragic. Deserving of every award and accolade it received. It’ll stick with you…

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One of the few recent films that lives up to its hype! Haunting, searingly relevant and totally engrossing, up there with the best recent Oscar winners (think MOONLIGHT or 12 YEARS A SLAVE). Chloé Zhao is truly a director to watch out for in the future!

Edited by Sheng
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Great White 2021

If you make a best of list and start at the bottom this is the best movie of 2021. If you’re still interested in this I advice to watch the trailer, you would still waste time but only for 2 minutes instead of 90.

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Guv’nor- A man in a position of authority. Such as one’s employer, or father - “Wether he is kind, or he is cruel… The Guv’nor is the toughest man there is”
The Guv’nor – (2016) – Well-made Documentary about the life and times of notorious formidable unlicensed/bare knuckle boxer, doorman and former Kray’s debt collector the late Lenny McLean (Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels). Aged fourteen a friend of the family borrowed us Lenny McLean’s biography The Guv'nor, released in 1998. It was unlike anything I’d read at that time. A few years later I bought my own copy, and it’s one of those books I’ve gone back to again and again. It started a whole trend for former gangsters to tell their life stories to the public for the first time.
This documentary takes a slightly different look at Lenny MacLean, and the man behind the big criminal/street fighting image. Presented/narrated by his only son Jamie Mclean, who does a fine job of delving into his father’s past. To give viewers a much wider and in depth look at his tougher than tough father. Who suffered from OCD, and possibly even Bipolar. Which his daughter Kelly McLean mentioned in her 2018 Lenny McLean biography.
Mental Health problems just never got recognized back then, like they do in today’s more enlightened times. Mclean was brought up in the very poor and tough world of post war East End London. He never knew his father, and his step dad would beat him down both physically and mentally from the age of five. For those who didn’t get a good education at school, there was little for them to break the chain of poverty they lived in. Unless you had a talent for using your fists.
Writer and director Paul Van Carter presents an original and entertaining our and thirty minutes. Among the many crime- themed documentaries out there, this one well and truly stands out. With an array of interviews with friends, family, training partners and former rivals. Spliced with rare fight footage, training films and vintage interviews.
It’s said McLean had 2000 fights through out his life, up and down the country. With Gypsy’s, Martial Artists, Boxers and anyone looking to make a name for themselves. Despite the violent and unpredictable world, he made his living in. Mclean would never hit any of his children or family.
This is by no means an easy watch, there’s some really touching and disturbing stories of life in the London underworld. His son Jaimie points out, how he never slept until his father would return home, late in the early hours of the morning. After working the pub/club doors in Leicester Square.
McLean Preparing to face yet another opponent, in the no holds barred world of unlincensed boxing.
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Alone 2020

Survival thriller by John Hyams, the guy behind the great universal soldier sequel called “day of reckoning” featuring Van Damme and Scott Adkins. Pretty tense film with minimal backstory which I applaud but in the end it came up short, photography and acting is good but it is very straightforward. Bad no, memorable no.

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Hunter Hunter 2020

A family in the woods being stalked by a wolf is the synopsis more or less, better watch if for yourself if that line interests you. I’m not spoiling anything. Movie has a good build up but unsatisfying conclusion. Maybe I missed some stuff but I got a bit confused eventually to what really went on between some of the characters.

Sputnik 2020

Russian film about a kosmonaut returning from space with ET in his body. The army wants to use it as a weapon and the good doctor wants the patient saved. The general naturally doesn’t agree and wants to weaponize the alien ( cold war). Not quite a horror film nor action film but more of a slow burn sci fi drama (with nasty bits and body horror). Not bad overall but slightly boring perhaps.

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“His boots were filling with the blood of sixteen wounds”
Wild Bill – (1995) – He was a legend in his own time…and for all time. Jeff Bridges portrays Wild Bill Hickok, the hard drinking, quick shooting gunslinger who lived on the edge. Hickok’s amazing story is told with stunning visual style and lighting fast pace. – MGM Synopsis
Bill Hickckok’s death brought about a famous gambling term Dead Man’s Hand, two aces, a pair of black eights, and a fifth unknown card. This movie takes you on a whirl wind tour of his eventful life in the Old West. Covering most of the major events in the courageous, gambling, gun twirling genius’s life. All packed into an hour and a half runtime.
“In the Chinese section of Deadwood, there was a remedy for the restless spirit, Bill was susceptible to its application”
Ace director Walter Hill (The Warriors, Hard Times), is a life long Western expert. Jeff Bridges said in an interview, he was the perfect man for the job. Hill wrote the screenplay for the film in 1989. Using the stage play Father’s & Son’s by Thomas Babe, as an inspiration for the script.
With a stand-out supporting cast featuring Ellen Barkin, Bruce Dern, John Hurt, Christina Applegate, James Gammon, Keith Carradine and Diane Lane in a minor cameo role. With authentic looking sets and costumes, that bring the long-gone era of the Wild West back to life. The novel Deadwood was used to re-create the famous lawless gold rush town. The recreation of an Abilene Kansas in 1871, looks rougher than a nest of rats during feeding time.
“Never touch another man’s hat”
Jeff Bridges does a superb job of bringing both, the man and the myth alive on-screen. Complete with many of his real-life quirks, such as his dislike of people touching his hat. Coincidently his father Llyod Bridges, played the same character in an episode of the old 1964 Western series The Great Adventure.
Hikckoks family emigrated from England in 1635. His early life isn’t highlighted here, with the story starting during his young adult years. He left home at 17, and headed out West where he joined the Anti-Slavery Free State Army. Bill once stopped a man from beating an 11-year-old boy. Who would later grow up to be one of his closet-friends, Buffalo Bill Cody.
- “What kind of whiskey do you like?”
- “I like it in a glass, other than that, it’s all good”
The film shows flashbacks, in the form of hazy black and white footage. Shot in a dreamlike, almost surreal way. A striking and stark contrast to the full colour sequences. When Wild Bill gets set upon by a large gang of drunk soldiers in a bar. They don’t wait to take their turn at hitting him. They simply all jump in at the same time. A realistic touch that you often don’t see in movie fight sequences.
The gun fights still hold up well today, and were cutting edge back in the mid-90’s. There’s some excellent acting on display too, from John Hurt who also narrates the story. His narrating helps to hold the story that weaves between the past and the present. Ellen Barkin gives a spirited performance as the hard-hitting real life character Calamity Jane. Who doesn’t take nonsense from anyone. It would have been nice to see more of Diane Lane as Susannah Moore, who only gets a few short scenes.
“He fashioned himself as just an ordinary man, in no way special, but that of course was a deception, by luck or design, it had fallen upon him to play the heroes part, and to the very end he embraced it
It’s not all guns, whiskey and gambling, among the more  seriouse scenes there's some comedy. When Hickok tried to create his own Wild Bill Revue stage show. His acting never matches up to his gunslinging skills. Special mention goes to David Arquette, as the confused, inept and revenge driven Jack McCall. Wild Bill is more than worth checking out for fans of the Western genre. It might just be the best screen portrayal of his life story?.
Edited by DragonClaws
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Waterworld 1995

In the mid 90s many of those Hollywood blockbusters started to flop. Apparently indie films became the new thing. This is a very well made film though, spectacular set pieces, a pretty funny villain and great imagination, props and set building. Always liked it and still do despite the predictable plot. Another one of those big flops was Cutthroat Island, love that film as well.

The Graduate 1967

Don’t let the year put you off, this film feels very modern. It uses pop songs for the soundtrack, great editing and camerawork. Fun, quirky and daring plot for its time with some semi nudity here and there. Overall it feels like the film could have been made last year…

A Bout De Souffle 1960

Rewatched in honor of the recent passing of Jean-Paul Belmondo. Also feels very modern and ahead of its time, unlike the graduate though its full of boring characters and dialogue. The editing is awful imo. Might be blasphemy for some movie purists as it is considered a cinematic milestone. Not for me though.


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On 9/16/2021 at 6:56 PM, WangYu said:

Those cover art pics are so awesome, the movies not so much :coveredlaugh


 The 1st one is A-blast...losing The original actor hurt this one

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On 9/16/2021 at 4:19 AM, WangYu said:

Waterworld 1995

In the mid 90s many of those Hollywood blockbusters started to flop. Apparently indie films became the new thing. This is a very well made film though, spectacular set pieces, a pretty funny villain and great imagination, props and set building. Always liked it and still do despite the predictable plot. Another one of those big flops was Cutthroat Island, love that film as well.

The Graduate 1967

Don’t let the year put you off, this film feels very modern. It uses pop songs for the soundtrack, great editing and camerawork. Fun, quirky and daring plot for its time with some semi nudity here and there. Overall it feels like the film could have been made last year…

A Bout De Souffle 1960

Rewatched in honor of the recent passing of Jean-Paul Belmondo. Also feels very modern and ahead of its time, unlike the graduate though its full of boring characters and dialogue. The editing is awful imo. Might be blasphemy for some movie purists as it is considered a cinematic milestone. Not for me though.


I think you're the first person I've heard speaking nicely about Waterworld. I expected Mad Max 2 on water and got a disasterous post-apocalyptic pile of nothing. This is the first movie I think of when I hear someone say remake, think that concept has a lot more to offer, instead of remaking Asian horrors, Hollywood should try its luck with this little bomb.

Always glad to hear someone talk crap about Godard and French New Wave, yeah, not a fan. But I gotta ask isn't the editing one of the reasons why A Bout De Souffle is considered a cinematic milestone?

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17 hours ago, nectarsis said:

 The 1st one is A-blast...losing The original actor hurt this one

I have seen a bunch of these 80s rip off films myself but to be honest they all seem to flow into each other into one big mess. The generic titles don’t help much to help differentiate all the films in the genre either.

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2 hours ago, Super Ninja said:

I think you're the first person I've heard speaking nicely about Waterworld. I expected Mad Max 2 on water and got a disasterous post-apocalyptic pile of nothing. This is the first movie I think of when I hear someone say remake, think that concept has a lot more to offer, instead of remaking Asian horrors, Hollywood should try its luck with this little bomb.

Always glad to hear someone talk crap about Godard and French New Wave, yeah, not a fan. But I gotta ask isn't the editing one of the reasons why A Bout De Souffle is considered a cinematic milestone?

Waterworld: Yeah it doesn’t have a great reputation but I was impressed by the sets a lot, I think the action set pieces are very well handled as well and quite spectacular. There is a lot more in there in theory but it was kept light hearted with focus on the action which I think was a good decision. Most of critique to the film I bet lies in the fact that women and kids are handled badly (damsels in distress and only good for you know what …) but I am not sensitive on these aspects. I just want to be entertained and it worked for me.

A bout de souffle: I hope it isn’t a milestone for the editing lol. I would say it is a classic because of its edginess. There seems to be a lot of improvisation but it isn’t very inspired imo. It tries too hard to be cool and different and the movie never gets momentum. I’m sure it inspired a lot of filmmakers though.

Edited by WangYu
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Death becomes her 1992

This one I have always LOVED. It is very funny and the last couple of times I noticed all those references to the classic univeral horror films most notably Frankenstein. This is also by far my fave Bruce Willis film lol. Favorite scene is in the hospital no doubt. Hawn and Streep are also fabulous. 

Black Rain 1989

Extremely boring cop movie, I nodded of after about an hour of constantly belittling the Japanese officers by the Americans. It might have redeemed itself later on as I guess in the end there would be mutual respect but I slept through the second half of the film lol.


Team America: world police 2004

Well made puppet movie, technically impressive. Funny here and there but mostly this is aimed at kids despite various gore and sex scenes lol. The thing that makes it funny is just the puppets moving so wooden and emotionless ( duh lol) Make this film with real actors and nobody ever mentions it again.

Wrongfully accused 1998

This probably would have been more successful if it was rewritten as a naked gun film. When the jokes come at this speed it is only natural some work better than others. Ultimately pretty forgettable and too derivative of “ the naked gun”.

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2 more today, just for the record they’re not all watched in one day :nerd

Twins 1988

Arnold does a brilliant job in portraying Julius. It is such a simple but genius concept for a film and it has to be said Arnold knew perfectly well what films would be hits. His run of films from Conan till True Lies is pretty stellar. His acting is spot on and his interplay with De Vito ( who is a comedic giant) is perfectly executed. And then there is Kelly Preston… she looks so cute here. They’re going to make a “triplets” sequel but honestly nobody is waiting for that. Both actors are now basically grandfathers, that sure will get asses to the cinema seats… lol.

Parasite 2018

Great script and acting from all involved. It was impossible to guess what would happen next. The film also effortlessly goes from comedy to suspense to pretty shocking. It is all very far fetched but its a movie so it works, the more crazy the plot the more I like it. On the other hand I wouldn’t be surprised really to read about similar events in the newspaper one day :rofl

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The Meg 2018

In 1975 Spielberg made the first attempt at a shark attack movie. Dozens and dozens of shark movies later nobody has even attempted to equal his effort. I don’t know if this is out of respect or out of sheer incompetence. After watching the meg I’m afraid it is mostly incompetence.

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“Why Johnny Ringo, you look like somebody just walked over your grave" - Doc Holiday
Tombstone - (1993) – Famous real life Lawman Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell) and his two brothers Virgil Earp (Sam Elliot), Morgan Earp (Bill Paxton) and their wives. Come to then booming town of Tombstone Arizona, to make a new start. The population grew from 100 people, to over 7,000 in less than a year. With all kinds of people, drawn to the rapidly booming economy.
Long time Western fan George P. Cosmatos, does an outstanding job of directing. What might be the best film version of the famous Gunfight At the O.K Carrol?. Val Kilmer has been quoted as saying Kurt Russell was the man actually directing the film?. This, real-life story has inspired so many movies, dating back to the silent era. The story is set in 1881, just five years after the death of Wild Bill Hickok.
Lone cowboy- “The drunk piano player, your so drunk you couldn’t hit nothing”
Doc Holiday- “I’ve got two pistols, one for the each of ya”
Val Kilmer almost steals the whole movie, as the former dentist and expert gunman Doc Holiday. Who’s, terminal illness turned him into a gambler & drifter. With his charismatic sharply dressed on-screen girlfriend and partner in crime Kate, played by Joanna Pacula. If you get to watch the Directors Cut, there are number of extra scenes featuring the pair. That were removed from the theatrical and early Home Video/DVD releases. Kilmer spent hours working on his quick draw skills, to the look the part.
Battling it out with Val Kilmer and Joanna Pecula for best dressed actors. Are Power’s Booth (Curly Bill Brocius) & Michael Biehn (Johnny Ringo). No easy feat, when you consider the whole cast is dressed to the nines - ("To the nines" is an English idiom meaning "to perfection" or "to the highest degree").
Garbed in bright cowboy red, Curly Bill looks like a half devil half cowboy with his stylish mustache. In the scene where he’s shooting at the moon, while under the influence of opium. Biehn as Johnny Ringo, is certainly one of the best dressed outlaws. Adorned with references to his love of gambling & guns.
“It’s true, you’re a good woman, then again you might be the antichrist” – Doc Holiday
This is one of the most authentic Westerns ever filmed, from the wallpaper/furniture used on the bar sets. Down to the firearms and extras, who were mostly turned up with their own costumes. Many of them being a part of Western Reenactment Societies. Kurt Russell's character wields a SAA, with a 12-inch barrel. Created from scratch by the film’s chief armorer Thell Reed. It was an exact replica of a gun once owned by Wyatt Earp. Given to him by the people of Dodge City Kansas, as a thank you for his time as a lawman there.
There’s a who’s who of Hollywood performers here, with Dana Wheel Nicholson, Dana Delany, Michael Biehn, Joanna Pacula, Powers Booth, Michael Rooker, Stephen Lang, Charlton Heston, Billy Bob Thornton, Lisa Collins, Sam Elliot etc etc. Special mention goes to actress Dana Wheeler-Nicholson as Mattie Earp. She does a fine job of bringing her troubled character to life. Films geeks can look out for Frank Stallone, and John Ford’s son in small supporting roles. Not forgetting legendary Hollywood star Robert Mitchum, as the narrator.
Most screen versions of the Gunfight at the O.K Carroll, have the gunfight as the finale of the story. Here it plays as more of catalyst for the rest of the film. Most movies also exaggerate the length and scale of the famous faceoff. In real life it lasted all of thirty seconds. In this movie version, the scene was shot in real time. The Tombstone set, used for this specific shootout was only a few miles, from the actual location of the real fight.
“You tell them I’m coming, and hells coming with me”
Kurt Russell is on top form as fearless lawman Wyatt Earp. The first time we see his stand-up character, he stops a man from beating a horse with some rope. It’s a good scene, that really sets up his characters personality. In his later years, the real Wyatt Earp worked on early silent Hollywood Westerns as a technical advisor. He even used to referee boxing matches, some pictures from these fights still exist in books. One fighter said, Wyatt Earp pulled out his pistols when a crowd began to get angry over one of his decisions. Russel was so impressed by the man’s story he named his son after him.
Tombstone is not only one of the best Westerns ever, but one of the best movies of all time. Spectacular well staged gun battles and top rate performances all round. You can see how everyone who worked on this movie, brought their A-Game to it. From the stunt crew to the extras. In one early scene in Tombstone, as the Earp’s enter town on a wagon. You can see a tombstone with the words “Here lies Lester Moore, four slugs from a 44, no less no more”. Which was lifted from a real grave that existed in Tombstone. A testament to the research that was done for this 1993 production. Finally, hats off to composer Bruce Broughton & script writer Kevin Jarre.
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falcon and winter soldier. Quite dull one, surprisingly and unfortunately. Meh story about activists gotten some needles of super soldier serum, bringing in new captain america and some daily worries as being hero does not always pay off$.OK action but did not like it.

Loki.Other marvel serie (from disney+ which I plan to keep 2 months now, not into streaming that much but there has been lack of interesting physical hollywood releases for quite some time coz covid have affected productions) is far better. Good F/X, at times looks like big budget movie. Interesting story and decent cliffhanger and 2nd season was "promised".Not much humor there(which is fine thing) but croco-Loki was quite neat.

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On 9/22/2021 at 8:53 PM, DragonClaws said:


“Why Johnny Ringo, you look like somebody just walked over your grave" - Doc Holiday
Tombstone - (1993) – Famous real life Lawman Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell) and his two brothers Virgil Earp (Sam Elliot), Morgan Earp (Bill Paxton) and their wives. Come to then booming town of Tombstone Arizona, to make a new start. The population grew from 100 people, to over 7,000 in less than a year. With all kinds of people, drawn to the rapidly booming economy.
Long time Western fan George P. Cosmatos, does an outstanding job of directing. What might be the best film version of the famous Gunfight At the O.K Carrol?. Val Kilmer has been quoted as saying Kurt Russell was the man actually directing the film?. This, real-life story has inspired so many movies, dating back to the silent era. The story is set in 1881, just five years after the death of Wild Bill Hickok.
Lone cowboy- “The drunk piano player, your so drunk you couldn’t hit nothing”
Doc Holiday- “I’ve got two pistols, one for the each of ya”
Val Kilmer almost steals the whole movie, as the former dentist and expert gunman Doc Holiday. Who’s, terminal illness turned him into a gambler & drifter. With his charismatic sharply dressed on-screen girlfriend and partner in crime Kate, played by Joanna Pacula. If you get to watch the Directors Cut, there are number of extra scenes featuring the pair. That were removed from the theatrical and early Home Video/DVD releases. Kilmer spent hours working on his quick draw skills, to the look the part.
Battling it out with Val Kilmer and Joanna Pecula for best dressed actors. Are Power’s Booth (Curly Bill Brocius) & Michael Biehn (Johnny Ringo). No easy feat, when you consider the whole cast is dressed to the nines - ("To the nines" is an English idiom meaning "to perfection" or "to the highest degree").
Garbed in bright cowboy red, Curly Bill looks like a half devil half cowboy with his stylish mustache. In the scene where he’s shooting at the moon, while under the influence of opium. Biehn as Johnny Ringo, is certainly one of the best dressed outlaws. Adorned with references to his love of gambling & guns.
“It’s true, you’re a good woman, then again you might be the antichrist” – Doc Holiday
This is one of the most authentic Westerns ever filmed, from the wallpaper/furniture used on the bar sets. Down to the firearms and extras, who were mostly turned up with their own costumes. Many of them being a part of Western Reenactment Societies. Kurt Russell's character wields a SAA, with a 12-inch barrel. Created from scratch by the film’s chief armorer Thell Reed. It was an exact replica of a gun once owned by Wyatt Earp. Given to him by the people of Dodge City Kansas, as a thank you for his time as a lawman there.
There’s a who’s who of Hollywood performers here, with Dana Wheel Nicholson, Dana Delany, Michael Biehn, Joanna Pacula, Powers Booth, Michael Rooker, Stephen Lang, Charlton Heston, Billy Bob Thornton, Lisa Collins, Sam Elliot etc etc. Special mention goes to actress Dana Wheeler-Nicholson as Mattie Earp. She does a fine job of bringing her troubled character to life. Films geeks can look out for Frank Stallone, and John Ford’s son in small supporting roles. Not forgetting legendary Hollywood star Robert Mitchum, as the narrator.
Most screen versions of the Gunfight at the O.K Carroll, have the gunfight as the finale of the story. Here it plays as more of catalyst for the rest of the film. Most movies also exaggerate the length and scale of the famous faceoff. In real life it lasted all of thirty seconds. In this movie version, the scene was shot in real time. The Tombstone set, used for this specific shootout was only a few miles, from the actual location of the real fight.
“You tell them I’m coming, and hells coming with me”
Kurt Russell is on top form as fearless lawman Wyatt Earp. The first time we see his stand-up character, he stops a man from beating a horse with some rope. It’s a good scene, that really sets up his characters personality. In his later years, the real Wyatt Earp worked on early silent Hollywood Westerns as a technical advisor. He even used to referee boxing matches, some pictures from these fights still exist in books. One fighter said, Wyatt Earp pulled out his pistols when a crowd began to get angry over one of his decisions. Russel was so impressed by the man’s story he named his son after him.
Tombstone is not only one of the best Westerns ever, but one of the best movies of all time. Spectacular well staged gun battles and top rate performances all round. You can see how everyone who worked on this movie, brought their A-Game to it. From the stunt crew to the extras. In one early scene in Tombstone, as the Earp’s enter town on a wagon. You can see a tombstone with the words “Here lies Lester Moore, four slugs from a 44, no less no more”. Which was lifted from a real grave that existed in Tombstone. A testament to the research that was done for this 1993 production. Finally, hats off to composer Bruce Broughton & script writer Kevin Jarre.

One of my favorite Westerns and possibly the best Western of the 90's? Those characters, that script.. some of the dialogues are nothing short of brilliant.

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