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What ELSE (other than KUNG FU) has everyone been watching?

Guest kenichiku

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Oh, I was *so* disappointed with 300... Audio-visually it was real amazing and the action was OK and at times even excellent.

But why on earth didn't Spartans keep their mouths shut and their wives out of the picture? :mad:

I started to strongly sympathize with Persians very early on. I mean - the ideology was so profound and so nauseating that it pretty much spoilt the fun for me.

And I usually ain't that bothered about ideological overtones in movies, I'm not that kind of person to say "Star Wars saga is racist because Darth Vader wears black and is dubbed by a black guy" or things like that. But 300 made me quite sick.

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Guest Iron_Jinon

I watched this morning shaw production "enchanting ghost"...has been many years since last chinese ghost movie I saw..and I liked that one:).bought zoke culture bootleg from 2nd hand store for 3€ over 6 months ago.I am sometimes kinda slow of watching stuff...

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Guest Milkyway

Battle Royale - 8.5/10 - the story goes like this: the society of Japan have become somewhat weakened by the new generation... overlooking the most valueable things required in daily life and spoiling themselves, as well as ignoring adults and almost overcoming their power, as evidenced when school teacher Takeshi Kitano gets cut by a knife by a school kid (and how they talk back to him before they play the game). Kitano decides to teach the society an important lesson and suddently quits his job and disappears. meanwhile a school class of boys and girls, whom will start in 7th grade, are taking a trip to their new school, only to find out that their trip will be their worst moment ever when their teacher is murdered and Kitano reappearing nad taking over, making the school kids obey him by playing a game: to kill each other and proclaim the only survivor the winner. emotional character development, betrayal and ALOT of killings follows thereafter...

very intense, compelling and VIOLENT!!! and the story, while going a bit too far, was very fascinating and brought alot of good questions about how society could and should treat the so called "spoiled generation". but making them kill each other under one single adult isn't the answer so that alone brings the realism a bit to me. however, some of the kids' outcomes were executed excellently (like how a boy and a girl didn't want to kill each other and finally realized how spoiled and useless they were in life, resulting them committing suicide or how one of the girls fought individually because she was a bullied girl and only depended on herself and her actions and when she got murdered a message of hers ran "I just don't want to be alone anymore") so I believe the story is crucial for certain scenes carrying these little but important messages within each school kid (different from one another) about the meaning in life. overall, I liked it very much: the acting performances (especially Kitano, the main actor and the main survivor!), the direction, the script, the violence, the message... everything. don't miss it!

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Guest Milkyway

Kikujiro - 10/10 - Yusuke Sekiguchi is a boy who lives with his grandma (after her mother left him when he was a baby) and finally has summer vacation from school which means he can go out as much as he wants and play fotball with friends, only to find out that all of them have gone away spending the vacation with their families. one day though, he receives some photos of his mother that he didn't get to know and decides to go all way from home to see her but before he does so he bumps into spoiled adult Takeshi Kitano and his wife Kayoko Kishimoto and is adviced by the latter to go with someone. she then tells Kitano to watch the young boy's back on his trip; resulting many unusual/unexpected events, lots of emotions and bounding between them in various ways along the way.

at times the movie seemed quite sad, other times amusing, and occassionally bizarre yet fascinating! and if you know Kitano's style, then there's not much to complain about, in fact nothing at all! Yet another well created masterpiece from master filmmaker Takeshi Kitano! highly recommended!

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Guest will91XingYu

I just watched the whole World Shut your Mouth series with Dom Jolly really really enjoyed that, the last episode was brilliant becuase it reminded me more of the hillariouse moments of Trigger Happy Tv, this is some of britains best comedy i think.

Also watched Dead Silence by James Wan and the guys who made Saw, really cool creepy movie, i loved the tone and way the movie looked! My faviroute horror film i think.

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Guest Milkyway

A Scene At The Sea - 10/10 - Kuroudo Maki is a deaf garbage gatherer who is working hard and living a very depressed and boring life. One day while on duty, he sees a broken surfboard that catches his attention, and that will very soon lead to him developing a huge interest of it: to surf and becoming great at it. all of a sudden his life, that was once blank, becomes more and more lively and colored; with him going to the beach with his girlfriend every day and learn how to surf and with his skills improving each time he goes to surf, he eventually ends up entering a competition that will become his greatest moment... and his last for good...

As usual with Kitano's movies, there's less dialogue and more non-verbal interaction/communication between the characters (especially between Kuroudo Maki and his girlfriend as they both portray deaf characters) and... what a WONDERFUL presentation it was with such interaction/language while telling a story. it made the main performances very symbolic, harmonic and overall VERY touching (with the depressing music score, wonderfully composed by Joe Hisaishi, playing in the background giving the main scenes a strong effect to it) and masterful! the leading actor, Kuroudo Maki, was excellent in his portrayal as the deaf garbage gatherer undergoing different phases in his life; from being depressed, developing a huge interest for surfing, becoming very good and ambitious about it whilst learning every day, enter a competition and experiencing a great moment for once, and eventually ending his journey to where he started off (the ending made me think of several factors to what fate brought him to and while it's confusing, I thought it was rewarding to have these thoughts spinning around in you head and coming to a conclusion... or many) through different kinds of expressions for different phase/step. excellent guidance of acting there! the leading actress was equally great and also deserves some praise for what she gave the movie.

final verdict: Kitano has once again impressed me and with this masterpiece, he really proved that yakuza gangsters, crime and violence aren't only his strength in filmmaking. Do not miss it!

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Just watched Spirited Killer. It was supposed to "star" Tony Jaa when really all he had was a VERY minor role. The "blink and you miss it" kind of role. The acting was horrible and it looks like it was shot in someone's backyward. The action was barely decent in a couple of spots but overall it sucked. I would not recommend this even if you have time to waste, find something else to do.

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Lady in the Water

Felt like M. Night missed the mark here. He should have let us use our imagination more instead of showing us.

Rocky Balboa

You ruined it Sly. This film was nothing but painful to watch.

Mar's Villa

Lots of excellent action though the story started out a bit abrupt. Fantastic camerawork!

Abbott & Costello Meet the Keystone Kops

Hardly the best from the duo but it had a few decent moments.


Actually a very good popcorn flick. I was pleasantly surprised.

Die Hard 4

Entertaining, however, the original is still the best.

18 Bronzemen

Not bad though LKL's 36 Chambers is far superior.

The Family Man

Great holiday reworking of IAWL. Watch it every December.

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Been making my way through seasons 1,2 and 3 of the excellent show THE WILD, WILD WEST (1965-1969). Some great action scenes and seeing the show now after not having seen it since the early 90s, it's astonishingly violent for its time and the violence was the reason the show was canceled after its fourth season.

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I watched the Indonesian movies Jaka Sembung (1981) and Jaka Sembung vs Si Buta (1983) today, which was quite dull. I’m not a big fan of cheap gore or whatever else in these two movies, and the english dub is horrible.

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^I love those "warrior" movies:D,very entertaining trash.

Iron, if you enjoyed THE WARRIOR movies, you should see THE DEVIL'S SWORD and SPECIAL SILENCERS one of the nuttiest Prima Indonesia movies.

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Special Silencers I have seen it`s junk:D.ferocious female freedom fighters was as good:eek:.

The Devil`s Sword is unknown,have to take a look if available...

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THE BIG HOLD-UP (1975)-A powerful and dramatic crime drama from Chu Yuan and starring a massive cast of Chang Cheh regulars. Great movie. Chen Kuan Tai more or less plays himself.

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Morgoth Bauglir

War with Jet Li and Jason Statham-

I went into this with low expecations and I ended up liking it a lot. Nice twist in the story at the end that I didn't see coming and even though the action isn't done Hk style, I liked how it was intense and violent. Final fight has a sledgehammer used against a shovel. That's the kind of stuff I like to see:D There is a lot of editing in the fights but it flows together very smoothly.

rating- 3.5/5

The DVD that was relased yesterday has a bunch of cool special features.

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Righteous Master

Just finished watchng Snake and Crane: The Shaolin Arts. I would give this one a solid 4 out of 5. I liked the cocky/mouthy Jackie in this movie. I was kind of a nice change from the usual goofy stuff he does.

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THE CONDEMNED (1976)-Haven't finished it yet, but an interesting kung fu movie that I've heard nothing about from fans. Directed by David Chiang and a lead role for Tsai Hung...as a hero! Lu Feng is also here as well briefly during the first 20 minutes.

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Righteous Master

Just finished watching Jackie Chan's Project A. I am not really into Jackie's non period films, but I liked this one. Gotta love films that include Jackie, Samo and Yuen. BTW, who is the pirate captain in this film? Seems like I have seen this guy around before. I have Project A2 also which I will probably get to tomorrow night after work.

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