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What ELSE (other than KUNG FU) has everyone been watching?

Guest kenichiku

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"Wanna wake-up wit' a ice pick in your eye?"


Dirty Deed's(2002) - 1960's set Australian crime flick written and directed with a unique style, by David Caeser. This movie tells the story of an ex solider Darcy(Sam Worthington), who come's home from Vietnam. Looking to work on his own term's. He ends up working for the local gangster Barry Ryan, played with gutso by veteran Aussie actor Bryan Brown. Only thing's get complicated, when Darcy falls for Mr Ryan's woman on the side Margeret(Kestie Morassi). It's a whizz bang hour and thirty-minute ride, that's got plenty of Aussie flavour and black humour.

This is a must see for fans of Australian cinema, with a storming supporting cast with Sam Neil, Toni Colletti, John Goodman and Andrew S.Gilbert to name a few. Yet it's actors Bryan and Colletti who end up stealing the show. Playing the crazed crime loving couple, with a family and illegal business to run. Barry Ryan is what Dirty Harry would have turned out lik,e had he been brought up different circumstances. He even sports the same 1950's style sideburns and clothes. For fans of Aussie music, will really dig the amazing soundtrack too.






"You don't recognize Edinburgh Castle?"

The Angel's Share(2012) - Unintentionally I've ended up watching two very different movies this weekend, Both of them about turning your life around for the better. In this Ken Loach directed film, it's about non educated delinquent and soon to be Dad Robbie(Paul Brannigan). Who's stuck on a rough Scottish house estate, with a criminal record and not much of a future. He meet's Harry(John Henshaw), who try to help out young offender's. It's through this connection that he gains an interest in Whisky production. It's also where he hatches a plan that might be able to save him, and his newly acquired friend's. If you are a Ken Loach fan, then you have to give this un-conventional crime/comedy caper a try. It's both a touching, funny and powerful film, with a brilliant and convincing performance from leading man Paul Brannigan. With some top acting talents in the supporting role's Siobhan Reilly, Jasmin Riggins, William Ruahne, the list goes on.


the angel's share: the amount of an alcoholic drink (such as cognac, brandy, or whiskey) that is lost to evaporation when the liquid is being aged in porous oak barrels



Edited by DragonClaws
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Mindhunter - Season2 - Binged all 9 episodes of Season2 over the weekend after it dropped on Netflix on the 16th August.

(I should maybe point out first that I'm possibly massively biased in digging on virtually everything David Fincher has ever directed / been attached to, but we really, really enjoyed this.)

No spoilers here (yet)as well aware some folks may not have had a chance to get into the series so far - but highly recommend both seasons.

In my very humble ( and as aforementioned, rather biased) view, its the strongest series Netflix has made thus far.

Really hoping viewing figures are good enough to allow us to get a S3.



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Predators. Revisit. Group of elite soldiers and few criminals are captured into another planet and they are prey for predators....Good cast and ok storyline, I think like this most of predators after original Big A flick. This should have been treated with sequel instead of latest garbage remake/reboot...

Hitcher(remake). Revisit...Not quite 1:1 remake of classic, 2 youngsters pick up hitcher which turns out to be very big mistake...Fairly good movie, Sean Bean is fine as psychopath, and rest of cast at least average. It`s just Rutger Hauer(RIP) was on completely another level and it made original such a masterpiece.

Creed. 1st view...Rocky 4 said it all, being imo best of movies, V was almost ok and started to lose interest towards concept. Rocky Balboa was not improvement so left watching this "spin off" to very late...Son of Apollo notices well paid office work is not for him and blood line calls him to ring, and Rocky coaches..It drags at times, some drama is added by cancer of Rocky but meh. It suffers from 2hours syndrome, hollywood makes often long movies while script would do better for 90 mins flick....Fight in the end against british boxer is pretty fine, not bad movie at all ultimately but nothing here to watch again. But need to see sequel eventually for return of Ivan Drago.

Grimm season 1. Gave up after 4 episodes. Bought seasons 1-3 from charity shop. Bit like Supernatural but nowhere as good. Tried to watch more but can`t force to like it...

Edited by Tex Killer
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I've been watching a lot of indie flicks lately:

Big Top Evil: A group of people heading to a town to learn about a legend of a slasher only to find themselves potential victims of a deadly circus full of cannibal clowns, with the circus owner played by Bill Moseley.

Bald Knobber: The story of the 1883-1889 vigilante movement that rocked Missouri. This one used actual research to craft the story and it was well acted, well thought out, and it got me interested as the film went on.

Between the Darkness: What starts out as a family vacation in the woods turns out to be something extremely sinister as a 13-year old girl begins to experience a monster in the woods and discovers a shocking revelation that changes her life forever.

Vendetta: Dean Cain and WWE's Big Show are two ticked off people, the former because Big Show killed his wife and the latter because Cain killed his brother with prison as the setting for their cat-and-mouse and eventual epic showdown. Brutally violent (fight choreography by Wu Assassins' Dan Rizzuto) and excellent direction by the Soska Sisters, who prove they can do action just as well as their trademark horror.

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Coneheads and Killer Klowns From Outer Space. Not sure which one was weirder and more offputting. The home territories of both the klowns and coneheads planet looked amazing and made for a fun watch onscreen. A couple similar oddballs to kick off the halloween season, both covers Ive always seen around videostores but never watched.

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Spider-Man: Far from Home - really enjoyed this sequel that is set post-Avengers: Endgame. Jake Gyllenhaal made a good Mysterio and the film was pretty open-ended with whether Spidey would continue any films in the MCU from his mid-credit sequence and the end-credit scene, which continues the MCU (safe to say Spider-Man is officially back at Sony and they are keeping Tom Holland for a third Spider-Man solo film)

3 from Hell - Rob Zombie's third film in the Firefly saga combines their brand of sadistic horror with actually some shocking unexpected action fights. Notably this comes in the finale which the trio in Mexico take on lucha-masked bounty hunters. Bill Moseley, Sheri Moon Zombie, and Richard Brake (replacing a cameo-appearing Sid Haig) were great IMO in the film.

Shakes the Clown - Bobcat Goldthwait's directorial debut has him playing a clown struggling with alcoholism, relationship issues, and worse...being the prime suspect for the murder of his manager. It felt like a relief for Goldthwait to get away from his 80's screechy-voice act and play a more straight-comical role with great support from the likes of Tom Kenny, Adam Sandler, Kathy Griffin, Blake Clark, and Julie Brown.

Hellmington - Canadian thriller about a detective who returns to her hometown (the titular town) and finds herself investigating a cold case involving a former classmate who disappeared 9 years ago. Things get very tense throughout the film with the detective already being flawed and even delving into a deeper downward spiral. Michael Ironside and Munro Chambers were excellent in their supporting roles as the detective's uncle, the town sheriff; and the missing woman's ex-boyfriend, who was a prime suspect at one point.

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Cut-Throats Nine (Spain/Italy, 1972) [VoD] - 4/5
Nihilist survival western with a sergeant and his daughter left alone with 7 chained killers in the middle of snowy mountains after they've been attacked by robbers. Brutal, unique and captivating if not quite masterclass in execution, unmistakably 70s. A grindhouse cousin to Il grande silenzio.

Silent Night, Deadly Night (USA, 1984) [DVD] - 3/5
A ridiculous Christmas trauma overkill followed by a much better second half with some inventive Christmas kills. The reindeer bit is easily the highlight. If you ever wanted to go postal after watching a slasher, this film is probably the best inspiration. "Naughty! Punish!"

Blade Runner: Final Cut (USA, 1982/2007) [IMAX / Digital] - 5/5
Finally Blade Runner on the big screen! A 35mm projection of the director’s cut is a life goal that I may never achieve, so this digital IMAX served as an acceptable compromise for now. One of the 10 best films ever made!


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Solstice. Group goes to countryside and there is vengeful spirit around...Fairly OK low budget horror with fair end twist which suffers from small budget. Actors are quite lame and f/x are mostly very minimal...Story is good enough to carry on but nothing for revisit there...

Prison. Another vengeful spirit movie, innocent man was put into electric chair long time ago and soon prison was shut down. Later it`s taken to use again and when during construction work execution chamber walls get hammered down and spirit gets loose. Have seen this quite many times in past and it`s probably my fav renny harlin flick(or tie with die hard 2). Love prison movies and combine it with horror genre works well here. F/x are still quite nice despite age of movie and likely budget was small...

Machete( Danny Trejo) is after mexican druglord(Steven Seagal) and there is senator around(Robert De Niro) who wants to build fence between usa and mexico...Hyperviolence, some hot women, black humor and some machoism is still quite enjoyable package although remember liking it lot more during 1st view years ago...Danny Trejo is better in small roles but is ok lead here, such a crude character as machete is does not require oscar winner acting talents...Seagal and De Niro are great, Don Johnson bit underused...

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On 9/17/2019 at 8:59 PM, Takuma said:

Cut-Throats Nine (Spain/Italy, 1972) [VoD] - 4/5

Silent Night, Deadly Night (USA, 1984) [DVD] - 3/5



Nine would likely work better with spanish audio and without those(later shot???) gore scenes as they really add nothing to film itself. Strong movie still and snowy locations are nice but would go for bit lower rating than 4.

Silent is the ultimate x-mas movie. I think best stuff happens in very end although that is some creative use for reindeer horns. Sequels are garbage in negative way but remake turned out to be great. Bit surprising actually.

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Secret Executioner

Let's see...

Apocalypse Now: the final cut

Supposedly the ultimate, definitive version that Coppola wanted to be shown - and I wasn't very impressed with this. I felt that much like Full Metal Jacket (a MUCH better movie about Nam if you ask me), the movie very clearly changes about halfway through, but whereas the Kubrick movie has two pretty solid parts, this one has a really great first part while the second part feels incredibly slow and drags - perhaps it's meant to represent something about the jungle like how it has barely changed since the dawn of times or that time passes slower, but I found it pretty boring and I was disappointed with Marlon Brando's character. For a character receiving such a buildup and all, he felt very hollow. He had a mystic and quite a lot of charisma though. Also of interest is the fact the scenes at Brando's "temple" supposedly had actual corpses in them. I think the story has since been debunked, but there was a time where it was widely believed.

Some stuff was edited out from the Redux version while some stuff seems to have been added. Sadly, the scene with the French family still feels overly long, but it goes well with my theory on the slow pace and the passage of time as these guys are clearly out of time, remaining there like France was still a colonial power and Indochina was under its control. One could however argue that they would probably be better off here than in mainland France (especially based on the experience of some French who left all they had in Algeria to return to mainland France and escape the violence that followed the country's independence). The conspiracy theories thrown in the conversation are interesting though, supposing the army got sabotaged by various people like commies and progressive groups gives the losses in Indochina - especially when you look at how things went in Dien Bien Phu - and Algeria a new look.

Overall, I still find it interesting to see such a staple of its genre on the big screen, though i wasn't that impressed with the supposedly incredible 7.0 sound. It's visually pretty nice though, the battle sequences and some elements of the cinematography were quite neat. Also worth a look is the character development, as the main characters evolve and even the most annoying of them actually becomes sympathetic and you feel sad when he bites it. They feel like the usual rag tag team of very different people that would normally have no business being together, but their own developments and subplots somehow give them a connection and their differences seem erased. I find the black kid who is all cool at first but slowly grows more and more nervous could belong in the aforementionned Full Metal Jacket, his descent into random violence being a bit similar to how Pyle becomes psychotic and ultimately gets out of control in the first half.


It (USA, 2017) and It Chapter Two (USA, 2019) 

A group of rejected, bullied kids unite to fight a terrible menace to their town, only to have to fight it again as adults 27 years later.

Saw this double feature at the local theater following the release of the second one. Definitely enjoyed the first (after a rough start) and the second one was interesting, though the final battle against It disappointed me a bit. More on this in a future, deeper review (in about a month or so). I definitely recommend checking these out though.


The She-Creature (USA, 1956)

An hypnotist is able to summon beings from his assistant's past lives, and uses a creature from the prehistoric ages for nefarious purposes.

A cheap monster movie that uses the then-popular subject of hypnosis - think Rocket Attack USA or The Undead for other titles of the kind, the latter even having a similar "past life" motive though done the opposite way as the modern woman is living the life of a Middle Ages woman while in The She-Creature the past incarnation speaks through the hypnotized modern woman. Ironically, all three were riffed on MST3K and it's thanks to this series that I have discovered them.. I'll be discussing this in more details in a couple of weeks, but the MST3K episode is pretty enjoyable.


Superman TAS - "Double Dose" (Season 2, Episode 10) (1997)


Supervillainess Livewire escapes from prison and is bent on taking revenge on Superman. And to defeat the Man of Steel permanently she decides to join forces with The Parasite. But he could have an agenda of his own.

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Secret Executioner

City of the Living Dead (Italy, 1980)

Anyone brave enough to come venture there can read more about it in the appropriate place.


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Tonight's viewing - Joe d'Amato's Beyond the Darkness (Italy, 1979). Not the best movie I'll have seen this month, but probably not the worst either.


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Secret Executioner

Looney Tunes - "Hyde and Hare" (1955)

Bugs Bunny lives in a hole in a park where a very kind man comes everyday to give him carrots. Bugs eventually convinces our good man to take him to his home... Where we find he is Doctor Jekyll. There, he goes to his lab and naturally takes the potion turning him into Hyde. The result is a lot of chase scenes, with Jekyll changing back and forth and Bugs trying to escape from Hyde while getting Jekyll to safety. Bugs eventually hides in the lab while Jekyll finally overcomes his demons and decides to throw away the rest of the ptoion, but find it's all gone. Bugs takes offense when asked if he drank it, and leaves the house. When arriving at the park he turns into a green, red-eyed rabbit monster.


An enjoyable little cartoon, as you'd expect a Bugs Bunny short to be. The animation and voice acting are great, Hyde has quite a design with green skin, long skinny hands, red eyes that look crazy and a mean expression on his face although his confused look when Bugs has him sit down and goes looking for Jekyll is hilarious. There are some great lines too, like Jekyll commenting on Bugs calling him "Doc" when he happens to be a doctor or some remarks by Bugs, though cultural referrences he makes might be hard to pick up. The short has some good music too, the titlecard has an appropriate theme (used in at least one other horror-oriented short) and Bugs plays a Chopin piece on the piano, which derails when Hyde creeps up behind him with Bugs having quite an expression before commenting the guy "[is] a mental case".

As I've mentionned in my review of the 1932 version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde I found it a bit strange to get this as a bonus on a horror DVD - actually it's only on the double-sided DVD release with the 1932 and 1941 versions called Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Double Feature - but Warner apparently likes putting such cartoons as bonus features on their DVDs as I have other movies with Looney Tunes shorts, such as the Errol Flynn Robin Hood that has two of them.

More on this: https://looneytunes.fandom.com/wiki/Hyde_and_Hare



Today's horror feature was The Exorcist II: The Heretic (USA, 1977)


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Some revisits and 1st views from  mainsteam side..

Ghost ship (2002 movie) 1st view. 40 years ago passengers of ocean liner were killed except one and since then ship has been gone awol until someone comes to salvage crew claiming to have information of it`s whereabouts..Soon after crew reach the ship strange things start to happen....It`s ok movie for most of time but last 15-20 mins are not that good. Only actor I am familiar from cast is Karl Urban but none are irrating at least not much.

Dog soldiers   1st view British military are training in the woods of Scotland and soon they are hunted by werewolves....skipped after 40 mins to end except took look here and there, probably missed nothing. Very low budget stuff going on there, probably less than 12 people in flick and last hour seemed to take in one place. Some f/x were ok tho but prefer werewolf movies only if Paul Naschy in them.

reservoir dogs. (maybe 15th view) After diamond outlet robbery goes wrong, remaining members of gang start to suspect there is mole among them.....Tarantino debut is his finest film and imo among top5 crime films ( excluding black&white film noir crime classics ). Stellar performances by Michael Madsen and Harvey Keitel.

ninja - shadow of a tear (3rd view) brilliant sequel to ninja, scott adkins hopefully will be in part 3 one day instead of making factory belt action flicks(not saying they are bad but ninja 3 or undisputed 5 would be something else). Kane Kosugi does well too.

1st(and likely last view) 2 males for alexa. Young and pretty woman marries old rich man for sake of his money but old timer finds out about her lover and sets up trap...it`s clever italian movie made in early 70s but there is nothing to watch it again. For some even good flicks once is enough. For fans of lead lady Rosalba Neri (there are many who like her although not likely in this site) there is LOT to see so I guess they revisit this often.



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