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What ELSE (other than KUNG FU) has everyone been watching?

Guest kenichiku

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Some quick thoughts on....

Secruity(2017) - Antonio Banderas(Desperado, Acts Of Vengeance), plays down on his luck secruity guard Eddie Deacon. The ex Military man takes a minimum wage job, as a secruity guard at a small shopping mall. Meanwhile, a sinister gangster played by Ben Kingsley is out to kill young girl, who plans to testfy against him in court. The girl ends up seeking shelter in a shopping mall, on the very night Eddie is starting his new job. To sum it all up, It's a small group of amateur mall cops versus a gang of proffessional guns for hire.

This Alain Desrochers(Wushu Warrior) directed actioner doesnt break any new ground, but its an entertaining old school style actioner. Relying more on practical effects, than excessive amounts of CGI. The film does suffer from some hyper editing and restless camera at times. There's a small supporting role from former MMA star Cung Le, playing an assassin called Dead Eyes. Cung Le's brutal one on one throwdown with Banderas is hampered a lot by the editing.  It looks like there was a good decent and well staged scuffle there, its just brought down by the quick cuts. If you can live with that, it's a fun and undemanding hour and thirty minutes.

Had this starred Steven Seagal, it could have easily been re-titled Under Siege 3:Security.



Cung Le, as Dead Eyes, in the finale of Security.


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Introduced the Mrs to the Rambo franchise. So gone through the first two films. Now she knows why her brothers and friends, were talking about this ‘Rambo’ and why they were wearing a stripe of red cloth around their heads, 😂 😂 😂 😂 

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Merchants of War (1989) - received my DVD yesterday and haven't watched this since I was 11 years old when my dad rented it for me. Truly an 80's B-movie gem that Cannon Films could have done themselves. The film revolves around Asher Brauner's mercenary Nick escaping after being kidnapped in a mission gone wrong. Nick also learns that his cohort Frank (veteran Jesse Vint) may be still alive and that's true, as he is held by the duo of Middle Eastern terrorist Musa (played by an 80's hair metal look-sporting Adrian Waldron) and Vaisal (played with such 80's overacting by Gerald Weir). Nick gets his old buddies Tom (John Barrett, also the film's stunt coordinator) and Harry (Robin Smith) to help him get Frank back. Overacting, 80's hair, and Cannon Films-style action sequences, plus one of the best theme songs in an 80's action film (seriously...I love the song)...what more can you ask for??? (The DVD is OOP now, I got it from eBay)


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Fast & Furious 6 (2013) - My reaction to the most recent xXx was essentially "What's the point" and that can be easily explained by watching this film immediately afterward (incidentally, this is the first Fast/Furious film I've ever seen from beginning to end). Yes, the plot is B-grade action movie McGuffin-driven nonsense; yes, some of the stunts are so implausible that the only reasonable reaction is to laugh out loud; yes, this movie exists in a world where Diplomatic Security Service agents are allowed to boss around foreign police departments as if they run the joint...BUT...the actors do well within the limits of the writing, the chemistry between the characters is genuine, and Toretto's sense of family values make the characters likable enough that you can't help but root for them. *That* is what separates this from the recent xXx's soulless attempt to be edgy. 

There's some brief MMA action from Gina Carano and Paul Walker and villain Luke Evans handle their onscreen fighting well, too.

This is pretty good brainless entertainment and I might have to rent the entire series on my next vacation to get myself up to date on it.

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Kingsman: Secret Service (2014) - This is essentially a 60s-era James Bond movie--or more to the point, a live-action film adaptation of the old James Bond Jr. cartoon--as written by a vulgar 14-year-old boy. All of the familiar tropes are there, but they're presented in the over-the-top way that an imaginative (if slightly perverted) adolescent might envision them. For example, instead of a henchman with steel teeth or a steel-brimmed cap, we get a henchwoman with stainless-steel prosthetic feet that are actually deadly blades. I do appreciate that this film actually gives some weight to the usually-abstract "doomsday device" problem by not only showing us the effects of it, but by putting both a child (and a child with a connection to the hero) in mortal danger because of it; one of my complaints of the recent xXx film is that a convoluted plot and a Pandora's Box McGuffin aren't compelling because the latter never feels like a genuine threat. There's also a blackly funny sequence where the heads of almost every major politician in the world explodes to the beat of classical music. And judging from this film, Billy Elliot, and Alien 3, I can only surmise that all British people swear non-stop like drunken sailors with no exception. And finally, this answers the question that pervy James Bond fans might've asked when they were in their teens and 20s: does 007 ever engage in "non-traditional" sexual acts? The obligatory "spy sleeps with girl at the very end" scene answers in the affirmative.

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One Armed Boxer
6 hours ago, DrNgor said:

And judging from this film, Billy Elliot, and Alien 3, I can only surmise that all British people swear non-stop like drunken sailors with no exception.

Only as much as Brazilians speak Spanish.:tongueout

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On 04/12/2017 at 2:54 PM, DrNgor said:

And judging from this film, Billy Elliot, and Alien 3, I can only surmise that all British people swear non-stop like drunken sailors with no exception.

From my experience, this is sadly true in many cases, if you watched Ben Kingsleys expletive laden monologue in Sexy Beast, it would only strengthen your opinion.

That said, not every one in the U.K, cant talk without swearing.

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I revisited The Spirit of '76. Directed by Lucas Reiner (brother of Rob, son of Carl) and co-written by Reiner and Roman Coppola (son of Francis), this was a time travel/nostalgia trip about three time travelers from the year 2176 who are tasked with bringing back the history of the United States by going to the year 1776. Unfortunately, a glitch in the time warp lands them in 1976. David Cassidy, Olivia D'Abo, and Geoff Hoyle play the time travelers named after a cop TV show (Adam-11), a perfume (Chanel-6), and ketchup (Heniz-57). Cassidy isn't the only 70's star to emerge in the film as there was Leif Garrett as Eddie Trojan, a self-proclaimed disco king who has eyes for Chanel; Tommy Chong in a cameo as a stoner (because why not LOL); Don Novello as a translator at a motivational seminar led by Rob Reiner in a cameo. Devo plays the Ministry of Knowledge, the McDonald Brothers of Redd Kross play best buds who befriend the time travelers and the Kipper Kids play CIA agents who think the trio are aliens. Lots of nostagia and comedy. Sofia Coppola designed the costumes for the film.

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Silent Running (USA, 1972) [DVD] - 3/5
The world's last surviving greenhouses float through the space (attached to a spaceship) in a thematically interesting, slow paced hippie sci-fi film. The human characters - all 4 of them - can be a bit frustrating at times, but the film gets better towards the end and saves the best for the last.

What Have You Done to Solange? (Italy, 1972) [BD] - 4/5
Excellent, moody giallo with a beautiful Morricone score, strong storyline and good characters. I'm not especially a giallo super fan, and I was concerned about this film leaning too much towards drama, but those fears turned out to be unwarranted as the film is terrific.

Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (USA, 1984) [VoD] - 2.5/5
One of the most popular films in the series, this is indeed quite watchable with passable characters, mostly decent pacing and plentiful nudity. The final act goes on a bit too long with Jason just walking around and killing people, though there are a couple effective moments.

Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI (USA, 1986) [DVD] - 2.5/5
Part 6 tries to pump more "fun" into the series, and occasionally succeeds at it (e.g. the sex scene, a very cool Alice Cooper theme song). Unfortunately the most painful moments tend to be those with humour rather than violence. But it could certainly be worse. Kevin Williamson has admitted the film('s self-aware approach to horror) as major influence for Scream.

Prince of Darkness (USA, 1987) [DVD] - 4/5
Atmospheric, under-rated John Carpenter film tackles satanic horror thru science. Not quite among his masterworks - the parts with possessed people taking out their victims in slasher fashion feel a bit lame considering Satan himself is lurking behind the corner - but it really is quite a good film.

Jason X (USA, 2001) [DVD] - 1.5/5
Friday the 13th meets Alien with a bit of Star Trek. Jason is the Alien. This actually has a pretty cool first 10 minutes. Gone are the usual teens, replaced by soldiers guarding the captured Jason on a space ship... which made me chuckle all the more when


they still found a way to introduce "space teens" a bit later

. Unfortunately it's downhill from there on with incredibly irritating characters you wish Jason would kill immediately and turn the film into a short movie. Visually the film looks like a mixture of late 90s low budget sci-fi TV series and a porn film. A couple of cool gore effects save the movie from being a complete waste of time.

And no, I'm not a  Friday the 13th fan. So far seen part 1, 4, 6, 10 and "remake", and the "remake" is the only good one. Hah!

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Once a Thief (Hong Kong, 1991) [DVD] - 3.5/5 
John Woo's fun and stylish caper where, surprisingly enough, Chow Yun Fat is the weakest link. I used to love the film but seeing it again now I must say Chow is more irritating than charming with his comedy act. He does have his moments though, and there are times when the dumb humour works in the "only in Hong Kong" sense. Otherwise the film is quite enjoyable with cool cinematography, fun action and occasional master class scenes, such as the encounter in front of a grocery store, and the wonderful dance scene which ranks among Woo's finest moments.

Exodus (Hong Kong, 2007) [DVD] - 4/5
A police officer (Simon Yam) begins to suspect women are conspiring to kill all men from the face of earth. Brilliant mixture of satire and paranoia thriller is mostly played straight, without underestimating the viewer, much in the sense of 70s cinema that could be playfully outrageous yet take itself seriously enough not to wink its eye at the viewer every bloody 10 seconds. The latter only happens a few times in Exodus, mainly the poor opening scene and some bits near the end in an otherwise excellent film. Watching the film kept thinking if Twitch Film's Todd Brown has seen the it and taken offence. He had, and he did. Oh, and the cinematography is lovely as well.

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Exposed (Sweden,1971) [DVD] - 2.5/5
Early Christina Lindberg film serves as a passable 70s Sweden zeitgeist, despite a lacklustre storyline and a 5 minute Tarzan movie clip seen during a movie theatre scene being the most exciting part of the film. What the film does have is Christina with her natural assets on display, a wonderfully ridiculous nudist hippie couple, and lots of 70s Sweden. That may not count to terribly much, but it's enough to justify a viewing, and certainly more than that one Nikkatsu Sweden Porno I saw had on offer. Speaking of Japan, this film was released in Japan in early 1972, followed by Maid in Sweden later the same year. Lindberg was later "scouted" by a Toei representative and brought to Japan in 1973 for Sex & Fury and Journey to Japan.

The Right Stuff (USA, 1983) [35mm] - 4.5/5
Terrific epic about the US aviation and space program in the 50s and 60s. Some of the effects are a bit dated, but the film is wonderfully written, directed and acted with loads of edge-of-your-seat moments. 193 minutes flies by.

Kong: Skull Island (USA, 2017) [Flight] - 3/5
Surprisingly decent monster island adventure is suitably violent (even with a Cannibal Holocaust reference) to create a sense of peril - the kind of film they used to make for sons and dads in the pre pg-13 era. There are two other things that help as well: setting the film in the aftermath of the Vietnam War in 1973, and casting people like John C. Reilly, John Goodman and Sam Jackson. Much better entertainment than the Marvel and D.C. boredom theatres are full of these days.

The Hitman's Bodyguard (USA, 2017) [Flight] - 3/5
A film so true to its title and casting (Samuel "Motherfucker" L. Jackson bodyguarded by Ryan "Deadpool" Reynolds on a road trip to court while targeted by killers) that any further plot summary is unnecessary. Moderately funny buddy action comedy with some unexpectedly good action and stunt sequences, as well as some unnecessary brutality and CGI bits that didn't need to be in the film at all. Salma Hayek has a great supporting role as a foul mouthed inmate.

This poster cracks me up


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Trancers (1984) - Not bad for a low-budget sci-fi actioner from the 80s. The Brazilian title is "O Exterminador do Século 23" (Terminator from the 23rd Century), a riff on the Brazilian title for The Terminator: "O Exterminador do Futuro." Both films deal with assassination plots from the future being carried out in the past, although this one uses psychic zombies instead of cyborgs. Helen Hunt is on deck for one of her earlier roles. Occasionally funny and runs only 77 minutes, so it never gets old. The climax is rushed, though.

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Dead Man's Card's(2006) - Dark, atmospheric, and brutally realistic look at life as a doorman, at a run down club in Britain. Directed and co-written by James Marquand(I Agains I). James McMartin(Going Off Big Time) is Tim, another wasted boxing talent, that gets dragged into the seedy crime underworld. He's offered a job at a nearby club owned by Billy The Cowboy, played convingly by veteran actor Tom Bell. Paul Barber(The Magnificent Eleven, The Long Good Friday, Only Fools &Horses), plays the veteran hard nut and ex soldier come doorman. He befriends Tim and introduces him to the world of a clubland peackeeper. Things get's out of hand when the Chongi, the head of the bigget local secruity firm, shows interest in the small time club Tim and Paul work at each night. Samantha Janus, plays Tim hard done to wife, who doesnt want him to get involved with the local club scene. If you like British cinema, this is a little gem of a movie, its nothing flash, but its features some great performances. Filmed on location in Merseyside, Liverpool, I'm not even sure they used any sets for this production?.



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Kick-Ass 2 -I caught the second half of this last night while wrestling with insomnia. It came across as thematically muddled, like there's a lot of talk of how super-heroes don't exist, how violence has its consequences and death is not something you can retcon like in comic books, and all that jazz. That is, this film is set in THE REAL WORLD and Kick-Ass's attempts to be a super hero in the real world only create more problems than it solves. But then you have a scene where Mother Russia kills almost a dozen cops with butane tanks and a lawn mower, or an over-the-top shoot-out with Hit-Girl atop a moving van where the fact that the guys could fire an AK-47 through the roof and not hit her stretches credibility quite well. In other words, you get the feeling this film wants to have its cake and eat it, too. Which in the end means that I really don't know what the movie is (or should be) about.

The Great Wall (2016) - It's not bad as a fantasy-action-adventure. The battle scenes needed more traditional Chinese sword n' spear choreography, but that's just me. The story is exceedingly simple, with a few kinks thrown in to complicate the main conflict. The major elephant in the room is inclusion of a couple of gwailos in an otherwise Asian story. The reason for their inclusion is sort of believable (European mercenaries chasing after stories of gunpowder in the East), although I'm not sure how things would pan out in real historical context. While Matt Damon is portrayed as being a better fighter than his Chinese compatriots, they Chinese soldiers occupy a higher moral platform than the Baak Gwai do, so I guess that evens the playing field. In the end, its his fighting bravado and the advanced Chinese military techniques that combine to save the day, so I think it's all together fair.

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Eastern Promises(2007) - Acclaimed director David Cronenbergs superb London set crime film, starring Viggo Mortensen(Apppaloosa), Naomi Watts and Vincent Cassel. Gripping and well paced ganster film, from the man behind Videodrome(1983) and 1980's The Fly re-make. This might move a little slow for some modern audiences, but I felt it was great to watch a movie, where the editing doesnt make you feel sick. Over ten years since I first watched this one, and the film still holds up very well. A nurse called nurse Anna(Naomi Watt), obtains the dairy of a dead patient. Who happens to be a fourteen year old girl, who gave birth to her child, before tragically dying in hospital. This bring the nurse into contact with an Eastern European crime family, run by the sinister, evil Seymon(Armin Mueller-Stahl). Stalh gives a really dark and convincing performance as the high ranking crime lord. Along the way, Anna befriends the mysterious and charismatic driver for Seymon, Nickolai(Viggo Mortensen). Mortensen is covered in symbolic tatoo's, which his character doesnt sort to be stylish or in fashion. Watts is great as the caring and driven nurse, pulled into a crazy situation through her job. If you enjoy the crime genre, then this is a movie you have to see. It's by means action packed, and unlike some movies, it never glamorises the violence, that takes place.


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The Commuter (Jaume Collet-Serra): Saw this on my birthday this past weekend. Liam Neeson is Michael, a former cop turned insurance agent who is fired from his current job after ten years on the job. That day, on his way home, he comes across a mysterious woman (Vera Farmiga) who asks him to do one simple thing: someone on the train (which is the Metro North Hudson Line...a train line I am personally familiar with...matter of fact, my hometown gets mentioned in the film) doesn't belong. He basically makes the choice of taking $25,000 to find the person and will be given $75,000 more if he finds the person...however, if he takes too long, people close to him get threatened or killed. People have called this Non-Stop on a Train, but for me, the story kept me intrigued and had me along with Neeson's character as he attempts to find this mysterious person.

There are a few fistacuffs in the film, including a one-take fight scene that lasts about 3-4 minutes between him and a passenger who is actually revealed to be working for Farmiga's character, there to make sure Neeson does his "job". And Neeson doesn't go as the invincible elder action hero type....far from it. He is clearly having not just a bad day...but an even worse afternoon and night.

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Bugs 3-D (2014) - Essentially a Made-for-SyFy crapfest produced by Mainland China. Women in bikinis and all manner of dorky men at a resort are threatened by a tsunami and ravenous insects. When the survivors from the first onslaught head out to sea to find a friend, they find a ship inhabited by a very large bug (a cross between an ant and one of those man-eating worm things from Peter Jackson's King Kong). So yeah, the plot (such as it is) is full of holes, the acting is subpar, and the CGI is atrocious. The smaller bugs are always filmed a distance, and it looks like people are getting attacked by sentient yellow marbles. This is no Them!, or They Nest, or even Empire of the Ants

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Charles Bronson Double Bill

Death Wish 2(1982) - Michael Winner's once controversial re-make/sequel to his box-office hit Death Wish. Still pretty raw and uncomfortable to watch in parts, and I was watching the cut version. Led Zeppelin guiatarist Jimmy Page who lived near Winner in London at the time, agreed to create a soundtrack for the film. This was during Page's heavy drug and drinking phase, and he delivered a late sub-par and in-complete score. The film is one of Charles Bronson's 70's classics, that feels like the closet he ever got the exploitation genre. Not in the same league as the original, but still better directed than the third and later installments. Look out for a young Laurence Fishburne among the leery and sexually perverse gang of hoodlums, who invade architect Paul Kerseys home. The craggy faced crime reducer's on screen love interest, is played by real life wife Jill Ireland.


"Do you believe in Jesus?" -PK

"Yes I do" - Thug

"Well your gonna meet him" -PK



Death Wish 3(1985) - The ace shot architect is back, and he's returned to New York The location of the first installment in the film series. The direction weaker, the budget even smaller, and they filmed some of the movie in London, to save on production costs. Though I never realized it was filmed mostly in the U.K, until finding out about it online. The film up the anti and is even more wild and over the top than the sequel. The sexual violence has thankfully been toned down here, and its more of a straight up action film. With one hell of a bullit riddled finale, that sees Bronsons on-screen chracter brandishing a M1919 Browning World War 2 sub machine gun. The ever reliable Ed Lauter is the local cop with a hate of cock roaches, both insect and human. Jimmy Page is credited for the score, even though he had no invovlment in the film. Winner, just re-used his Death Wish 2 music, in another attempt to reduce costs. Worth watching for Bronson fans, who's gives John Rambo a run for his money, when it comes to bodycounts.


"Its like killing roaches, you have to kill them all, or they come back" - P.Kersey


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Circus(2000) - Rob Walker directed British crime thriller, that manages to stand from the crowded genre, thanks to a really strong story. Featuring an interesting cast that includes John Hannah(Sliding Door's The Mummy), Famke Janssen(Goldeneye), Fred Ward(Tremors, Remo Williams) Peter Stormare(Fargo, Lockout), Tiny Lister(Posse, Barbed Wire) and British comedians Brian Conley and Eddie Izzard. Hannah and Janssen, play a con artist couple, who become the target of a local gangster, who wants them gone. Strong performances all round, and a plot that leaves you guessing right until the end. There's even a small supporting role from Amanda Donohoe. Also never thought I'd see a rampaging Tiny Zeus Lister, tearing from the streets of Bournemouth.


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