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What ELSE (other than KUNG FU) has everyone been watching?

Guest kenichiku

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Guest teako170

Here’s a few things I've been watching:

Shaw Bros:

King Boxer - Great film. Plenty of action but also an excellent story - even though this theme has been done a 100 times over. Lo Lieh rocks in this film and I highly recommend it.

Heroes Two - Two thumbs up; way up! Fu Sheng and Chen Kuan-tai are remarkable together. Wish I had gotten this one earlier


Lawrence of Arabia - Any cinema purists out there? Classic film. The first half is visually stunning and while the latter half dealt more with plot and character, the piece as a whole is phenomenal.

Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid - I prefer the Spaghetti Westerns by Sergio Leone but this is still a very enjoyable film. I've read the script and it has some of the best lines in cinema.

More recent stuff:

Jarhead - Not your typical war film. Matter of fact, I'll dare say it isn't a "war film" but a psychological drama set in a war environment. At first, I was a bit put off by this film because of my expectations of what a war film should entail. On second analysis, I began to understand the message the filmmaker was attempting to convey: waiting for that big payoff that never comes. If that was his intent, then he has definitely put the viewer in the actor/soldier's shoes.

Super Bowl XL - Yeah, I realize its baseball season (Go Mets!) but us die-hard Steelers fans are going to soak up every minute of this championship season :)

Waiting with bated breath:

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Loved the first film and I hope parts two and three are equally entertaining.

Battlestar Galactica - Thee best show on television! Cannot wait until October for Season 3!

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Guest beardy82
Super Bowl XL - Yeah, I realize its baseball season (Go Mets!) but us die-hard Steelers fans are going to soak up every minute of this championship season

lol...I watch highlights from the Super Bowl every 2 weaks. Cant go wrong re-watching the Steelers win the big one while puffing on a phatty!!! :hat Almost brings tears to my eyes :D

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Guest kenichiku

I 2nd X-Men III *** ...and other theatrical:

The DaVinci Code **.5 - Hype ruined it; better read.

Silent Hill ***.5 - great Clive Barker throwback

Jarrold, Kinky Boots ** - tired 'Full Monty' gimmick needs reworking

Abrams, MI3 *** - Tom who? It's Maggie Q who sold me.

Lee, Inside Man **.5 - too clever for its own good.

Reitman, Thank You for Smoking ***.5 - Eckhart is Good, anything w/Maria Bello

festival fare (mostly from Japan):

Inudo, Meson do Himiko ** - a cliched Japanese La Cage Aux Folle. Jo Odigiri mimics Tasanobu Ando.

Sokurov, Soltse ****.5 - lensed with an overcast, Issey Ogata makes this film hypnotic; a work of a master.

Subakawa, Utsushiki Tennen (Couds of Yesterday) ** - silent era Japan themes interesting, celebrates life & yearns the same way Fellini does; underwhelmed as a whole.

Kawasaki, Executive Kaola ** - I don't know why I thought of naive Indie one-liners like 'Maronnier' when watching this.

...other DVDs:

Oldman, Nil By Mouth **** - packs a whallop like a nite w/10 pints.

Altmann, Short Cuts ****.5 - Man, where have the 90s been?

Emmerich, Day After Tomorrow *** - Message valid, as an Emmerich film, likeable.

Norifumi Suzuki, Sex & Fury ***.5 - nothing beats Ginza Grindhouse B (& Reiko Ike)

Proyas, I, Robot **.5 - this stuff just feels so run of the mill now.

Goyokin **** - Fresh! Gosha's classic a sight for sore eyes.

Xiaogang, World Without Thieves **.5 - technically Chinese cinema has improved

Yukisada, Crying out Love at the Center of the World aka (Sekai no chûshin de, ai o sakebu) ***.5 - a collage for the eyes.

and of course the Shaw remasters:

Wong Jing, Mercenaries from HK ***.5 - Fun!

Chang, New Shaolin Boxers ***.5 - original trailer, yeah!

Chow Sze Loke, Female Prince **** - exquisite Huang Mei.

Yen Chun, That Man in Chang-An **.5 - a warhorse of a film but nice

Lo Chen, It's All In The Family **.5 - ok melodrama

Chang/Pao, Man of Iron *** - nostalgia played a big part but still very good!

Hu, Sons of the Good Earth *** - something's missing here but I can't pinpoint it - frame edited, speed, subtitling, something; I'm holding on to my vhs just in case.

Ho Meng Hua, Sinful Adultress (vcd) **.5 - hilarious take on Lady Chatterly & adultery noirs.

Hsu, Sword & the Lute *** - subtitles an improvement over Red Lotus

Chang, Naval Commandos *** - fun

Overall, the batches are getting better - artwork ok, more mono sound, english subs still much in need of universal crossover flair.

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  • Member

The bastard-light on action,but the story is most excellent,and

Lilly Li's best Imo 4/5

Some good sub quotes-"Bugger off" and the lady in charge of the brothel is refered to as "pimp"


Even after little Bastard finds out "pimp" is his aunt, he still

called her "pimp"-lol

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Guest DrunknMaster

Action Flicks

Desperado - Haven't seen in a while so decided to pop it in for a change. Shoot-out scenes are excellent especially the one at the start in the bar. The bit where him and the last guy alive are picking up guns and they're empty, and he eventually just breaks his neck and shouts "F*** Ya!"

Hard Boiled - Will never ever get tired of watching this. Great movie, great action, love the music. The warehouse shootout when Tequila zip lines into a room full of about 50 goons is genius. Also the hospital sequence must be the best shooutout ever filmed.

Saw 1 & 2, Hostel - Missed these when they first come out, thought they looked all rather unpleasant. Was very suprised to discover that I love all those squirmish wincing scenes. Some of the stuff that happens in these movies is just plain wrong.

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Guest shukocarl

Superman II (the Dick Donner cut...intresting, some of it is really good, but not different enough from Dick Lester's version)

Diamonds Are Forever (the camp started with this Connery entry - Ultimate edition)

Bowfinger (again...brilliant!)

Superman Returns ( pretty dark in places- especially when Luther and his mob give Supes a good kicking-) but Brian Singer does a good job.


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Guest Lei Kung

Just watched Shaolin Abbott tonight for the first time. I guess I missed this one back in the intro days. Good film all around.

Yesterday I watched Deadly Kick from a Brentwood 4-pack starring Lo Lieh, and...was that Charles Bronson?

Also watched Eunich of the Western Palace. I've been sick the past couple of days with a sinus infection. I heard that orange juice, wiskey, and kung fu movies were the way to beat it.

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Guest TheManInWhite

I've been watching a lot of Hollywood films lately. Here's some of what I've seen via DVD rentals:

Ultraviolet - I love this movie. I already liked her from the Resident Evil films, but I really enjoyed her here as the revengeful hemophage Violet Song jat Shariff from the comic book series. Assigned to retrieve a package under heavy guard, she realizes the package is not what she was told it was. I saw some of the commentary of this film and how she had to try in martial arts. This is a film I find myself watching over and over.

The Marine - I agree with morgoth. Nothing special. We've seen the formula before. John Cena (former wrestler?) as Ex-Marine who has trouble adjusting to civilian life. He and his wife decide to get away from it all, and they crosses paths with a band of dangerous thieves. Wife get kidnapped, and John attempts to hunts them down. Been there, done that!

Flyboys - I found this film better than I thought it'd be. James Franco (known from the Spiderman movies) as a troubled young man who joins an elite aerial unit in France during WWII. The aerial battles were terrific and very well done. Highly recommended.

United 93 - Excellent depiction of the events of 9/11 as it revolves around this fateful flight that went down in PA (done as a docu-drama). Highly recommended only if you can handle the subject matter.

Snakes on a Plane - Samuel L. Jackson as a FBI agent protecting a witness against a crime boss. Upon transferring the witness from Hawaii to Los Angeles via airplane, needless to say the crime boss doesn't want the witness to make it to the mainland alive. Enter the snakes, and boy do they take out people in some bizarre ways. Absolute fun fluff (if you're into this).

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Guest teako170

This is a great thread started by kenichiku and I wish more folks would post to show the diverse tastes in the cinema that we all have. Where is old Ken btw? Haven't seen him post in a while.

Anyway, I've been watching...

M: 1931 psychological thriller from Germany. Peter Lorre gave a fantastic performance. If you're a fan of true cinema, I recommend this.

Ol' Dirty Kung Fu: Chuckle-fu yarn which I highly enjoyed. Lots of nice fights and the Leone homage bit was a scream.

Layercake: Didn't do anything for me. I hope the Brit makes a more interesting Bond.

Roger Waters - In the Flash Live: Big fan of Pink Floyd. I prefer the production value of "Pulse" better but if you close your eyes and just listen, Roger has still got it.

The Guardian: Actually, not a bad popcorn flick.

The Magic Blade: Liked the "blade" itself but now thinking about the film, I can't remember any parts of it. Hmmm, not a good sign.

The DaVinci Code: I put this off for a while. I mean c'mon... Forrest Gump in the midst of a two-thousand-year-old international mystery?!? Surprise! It was quite good. Even ol' Forrest (haha).

Ok, so what have YOU been watching?

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Guest TheManInWhite

You're right, teako! It's a good thread, one which I ignored for quite some time. Since getting my PVP, I'm able to watch more films on the go. Anyhow, a couple more films I saw recently:

Man of the Year - comedy about a political satirist (Robin Williams) who throws himself into the presidential race. Thru a computer glitch (or by plot convenience), he wins the election. A bit of a return to the ol' Robin, albeit much older and not as manic. It also brings to light some issues that we're seeing now in the "preseason" '08 presidential election.

Moonlight Sword and Jade Lion - I usually pride myself with being able even this more confusing plot of a film, but I really struggled with this one. Angela Mao is sent on a mission to find an old master who I guess taught her father. She goes and all these characters come and in of the film like Wong Tao (who I still don't know his purpose in the film) and Wen Chiang Long (who was somehow poisoned and slowly given the antidote). Then it turns out to be a revenge film concerning Angela's parents. The fighting was OK, nothing special. Lung Chun Erh (a favorite of mine) is also in it as the leader of all female killer clan (although sometimes they looked male). Only recommended for Angela Mao fans although it's not a totally bad waste of 90 min. of your life.

Rebellious Reign - I've had this movie in my collection for a while. For reasons unbeknown to me, I've put off watching this despite numerous recommendations and seeing the trailer when I used to rent Ocean Shores movies. What was I thinking?? Film about a man (Jimmy Lee in a role meant for the legendary Bruce Lee) looking to make a difference who befriends an overly ambitious prince (Tsui Siu Keung). When this prince (thru treachery) becomes king, the guy rises in power so much that the king becomes paranoid and seeks to bring him down a peg or more. The action is top notch, especially from Lee. Also, standout performances from Kwan Yung Moon and Chu Ko (pre-SB). If you're a fan of Tsui Siu Keung and you're looking for fighting from him, you will be disappointed. This is the way you make a classic kung fu flick - a straight-forward plot with great action.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo

Been watching alot of MMA lately. Mostly watching Classic Pride FC (1-25, Bushido ect..) events. Also watched the last UFC and Pride PPV events. Pride 33 was off the chain. Gomi losing to Diaz, and Henderson KO'ing Wanderlei!! Hopefully Shogun will finally have a shot at the middleweight belt. Now Im completely convinced Pride is deffinitely a step above any other fighting organizations!! Used to be a UFC guy, now I see Pride has more top level fighters.

Been off old school KF flicks for a while. Got a little burned -

out below average classic kf. I think Ive seen most of the top notch old schoolers. Too much mediocre crap to sort through to find a decent hidden gem. Last films Ive watched:

-Boxers Omen- 2.5/5 Maybe my biggest letdown in recent memory. Nowhere near as good as I was led to believe.

-The Promise- 4/5 I liked this more than I thought I would. Nice to look at, an ok fairly tale story, enjoyable action. Maybe my low expectations made it better than it is.

-Choy lee Fat KF- 3/5 Decent, didnt fall asleep, but not one Ill watch again.

-Eagle Shooting Heroes- n/a havent finished this yet, but so far Ive had a few laughs...pretty low brow.

-Departed-4/5 Good stuff, I enjoyed the dialog and dark humor. Didnt like the ending. Overall I thought Infernal affairs was better.

-Saw 3 3.5/5 Entertaining, not as good as the first two.

-Breaking News-3/5 Disappointing film. read alot of good reviews only to find out it was barely average (imo).

-Borat 5/5 repulsive, offensive, genius, hilarious, ect...

-Infernal Affairs 3- 3/5 Too many flashbacks, plot twists and turns. didnt care much for it. Probably woulda enjoyed it more if I woulda seen it sooner when the first two were fresh in my head.

-Sister Street Fighter-4.5/5 Great old school action flick beautifully restored. I love this one. cant wait to pop in the rest of the series.

-Yakuza Demon- 3.5/5 Above average Miike yakuza flick.

-Undisputed 2- 4/5 High quality dtv release. I liked it. Good fights, decent acting, good production values.

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Guest teako170

Couple more I watched....

Breakfast at Tiffanys: First time watching this. I've seen the skit in "Seinfeld" a dozen times and always wondered if it was just a "chick-flick." Funny how a lot of young girls like this film but I wonder if they actually know what the "$50 for the powder room" really meant? And the A-Team colonel wasn't exactly living the life of a saint either. Pretty risqué material for 1961. Of course "Cat" was the best part of the film. I'm a sucker for the kitties!

The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada: Very slow paced film which tells me that upon repeated viewings, it will only get better. Lots of stuff to analyze in this film. While I feel for Tommy Lee Jones' pain for losing his friend, what he does though ... was it really ethical? If you look at the film as if it were taking place in the Old West, then you'd be rooting for the guy. But since its set in today's world, our perceptions of what's right and what's wrong have clearly changed. But is it for the better?

The Savage Five: Loved this film! Nice story with a good mix of action and depth of character. Felt like I was watching a Leone film. Definite rewatch.

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Guest TheManInWhite

OK, I'm back on kung fu flicks for now. A few I've watched recently:

Blind Fists of Bruce - A banker owner (Bruce Li) is taught kung fu by two nitwits. He come to realize that his skills are actually no good when he is challenged by a group of thugs (including perennial baddie Chiang Tao). When he realizes that a blind man in town (Simon Yuen) is a very good martial artist, he tries to become his pupil. He becomes very adept, but when the group's leader (Tiger Yang) comes into town, things really hit the fan. It's a good film once you can get past the ridiculous KF styles that was being taught to Bruce in the beginning. The action was good enough.

7 Commandments of Kung Fu - A apprentice of a pharmacist (Li Yi Min) who befriends a mantis-style expert (Chang Yi) who was injured in an ambush. He becomes a disciple of the martial artist who teaches him his 7 rules that he lives by. But of course, there's more to the expert than meets the eye. I saw this a long while ago, and I really enjoyed it on the 2nd viewing. The action was better than I originally remember. Highly recommended.

Drunken Arts and Crippled Fist - Another Li Yi Min movie where he plays a naive kung fu expert who was trained in the art at an early age. His father wants him to impose his will upon the town's people. Reluctant to do so, he tries to avoid fights but to no avail. He comes across a "guy" who latches on to Li (I use the term guy very loosely). A snake style expert (Lung Tien Hsiang, pre-SB fame) challenges Li which then proves he's not the "expert" he thinks he is. Also in the film is Simon Yuen and the guy who plays the translator in Bruce Lee's Fist of Fury (Chinese Connection) as a clan chief who's supposedly adept at kung fu. While I thought most of the action was pretty good IMO especially when Li fights in the gymnasium vs. the 3 Spears and his fights with Lung. But this film left me kind of empty and I don't know why. Maybe because I was a cut version. Maybe because I got sick of Li claiming he's a expert (he said it at least a dozen times). Nonetheless, I wouldn't call it a must-see unless you're a Li Yi Min fan or you like some solid fight sequences. You won't be disappointed overall.

Matching Escort (aka Fury of the Silver Fox) - I always wanted to see a Pearl Cheung Ling film since seeing a glimpse of her in the awful Inheritor of Kung Fu. This film is a totally acid trip since the same vein as movies like Holy Flame of the Martial World. It's about a girl brought up with leg weights (???) whose family is killed by some baddies seeking a piece of jade that is needed to rule the martial world. She escaped the massacre once she rids herself of those weights, giving her the ability to fly greater distance. As she tries to evade some killers, she falls into a hole where a weird dude with a vendetta who's been living for 20 years (yet when he says 20 years, he keeps putting up only 2 fingers - what's that about?). He then trains her in martial arts, particularly swordsplay. She then seek vengeance against those who killed her family. Also in the film is Meng Fei as a prince with his travelling sidekick Peanut (???). The 1st half of the film drags about, but the 2nd half becomes much more interesting. She has a Cheng Pei Pei-like feel to her, just a bit more new wave. The dubbing is absolutely hilarious. One beggar actually sounded like Minute Mouse from the Courageous Cat cartoons. LOL!! This film is supposedly a part of the Wolf Devil Woman series, and I heard this is the best of them. If you like HFOTMW and Heaven & Hell or those types of films, you'll enjoy this film.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo

Watched some Horror flix:

*Dead And Buried 4.5/5- great old school mystery/horror!

*Cannibal Holocost 2/5- pretty much a garbage film (content wise). Trashy even for an Italian filmaker. Gave it a 2 because of the excellent visuals shot on location. Interesting special features and commentaries on the disc. Seems nobody connected of the film is proud of that fact, at all!! It woulda woked a little better if you werent rooting for the cannibals to eat those pricks!

*Infection 4/5- creepy good lesser known j-horror.

*Of Unknown origin 3.5/5- entertaining 80's man v mutant rat

*Just Before Dawn 4/5- Very good indie horror film. Think Deliverance meets Hills Have Eyes.

*Altered 4/5- Suprisingly good alien scareflick from guys behind Blare Witch. Very entertaining.

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Guest peringaten
This film is supposedly a part of the Wolf Devil Woman series, and I heard this is the best of them.
Oh man - I think I'm in love with Pearl Cheung... Seriously, she's just the greatest. I'd say Matching Escort was my least favourite of the series though... But in saying that, they're all class. Miraculous Flower aka Pheonix The Ninja is my favourite, nice sets, story and action... whilst WDW is truly demented schlock wonderment. All well worth seeking out if you like OTT nuttiness!
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Guest TheManInWhite

Some more films (Hollywood & kung fu):

The Illusionist - A magician (Edward Norton) draws the ire of the scrupulous heir to the throne in Vienna. He also strikes the fancy of the heir's fiancee (Jessica Biel) who is in the high social class. The heir sends the police inspector (Paul Giamatti) to investigate the magician and the secrets of what he does so that he's seen as a fraud. A fascinating period piece. Good acting performances all around. It truly doesn't matter what turn of the century drab you throw on Biel because she'll still look like a babe regardless. Highly recommended.

Hollywoodland - A seedy private investigator (Adrien Brody) is hired to investigate the death of George Reeves, famously known for his role as TV's Superman (played surprisingly well by Ben Affleck). The movie flips between the PI's inquiries plus his personal life and the followings of George Reeves. You get to see a different side to him, including an affair he carried on with the wife (Diane Lane) of an influential Hollywood bigwig (Bob Hoskins). Good film although I wasn't thrilled with the ending.

Of Cooks and Kung Fu (aka Fists of Vengeance) - A young man (Jacky Chen) is being taught the art of kung fu as well as cooking by his grandfather (Chai Kai). The funny thing is the kung fu styles are named after Chinese dishes. Also, there's an assassin (Chang Shan) on the loose trying to find a man called the "King of Chefs". Yes, you probably know where this is headed. This film is a must-see. Excellent action and fighting from Chen, Kai and Shan. If it's not one of the top 10 indy films ever made, it's pretty close.

Dance of Death (aka Eternal Conflict) - With the latest thread around here re Angela Mao, I thought I'd watch it again. As I mentioned in that thread, it seems the version I have has placed the true beginning of the film at the 10 minute mark of this version. Some other scenes seem edited as well. Nonetheless, it's a film about a young man (yes, that's the part Mao played) who's orphaned who comes to the aid of a man on the run who is part of the 5 Styles Clan. He takes her in, but the baddies (led by Chai Kai and the dreaded Dean Shek Tin) eventually catch up to them with Mao escaping the carnage. She stumbles on to two old masters who she deceives into teaching her kung fu. There is a good share of comedy here. The two masters are actually pretty funny, especially when they all head to a brothel. Overall, I like it on a lot of levels. As I said before, it was refreshing to see a lighter side to her. I also thought she moves as well, if not better, than I've ever seen her. Chai Kai once again stands out as the leader of the Crazy Horse Clan with his horse-style fighting. If only I can get my hands on a complete, properly sequenced version...

Warrior from Shaolin - A monk (played by, of course, Gordon Liu) who stumble across a dying man who has a map to deliver. This map will supposedly foil the plans of the Japanese who is trying to take over China. Two boat drivers join Gordon in hopes of gaining access to a chest that Gordon is carrying which contains other valuables along with the map. The baddies (led by Lau Kar Wing and Lily Li) are dead on their trail in an effort to prevent Gordon from making his delivery. The film also has Chiang Tao as a high ranking Japanese official and a cameo appearance by Fung Hak On. When the action gets going, it's really good and well choreographed. But there is a good deal of comedy some of which was OK but not great. I'd recommend this.

Shaolin vs. Lama - another film I sat on for quite a while before I finally saw it. Again, I slept on another classic. A young man (Alexander Lo Rei) who is adept at kung fu is seeking a master who can help him perfect his skill. He crosses paths with a thieving Shaolin monk in training whose master has a penchant for food and wine (is it me or does that seem odd?). Alexander then tries to become the student of the master. The master refuses him many times because of the deception of a ruthless lama fighter (Chang Shan) who became a student of his only to steal a kung fu manual from Shaolin. Great film with a good performance from Alexander and a great one from Chang. A bit fast-paced but quite enjoyable. Also, I discovered some lines used by the Wu Tang Clan in this film. Again, a classic.

Long Step Mantis (aka Dynamite Trio) - A secret kung fu manual is stolen from a mantis style master by his two nephews. The baddies (one of which is Lung Fei in a great looking villain role actionwise) want this book badly. One of the nephews escape but is badly injured. The injured nephew stumbles into a pharmacy where the son of the pharmacist (Mark Long) is minded the store. The son desires to learn kung fu against his father's wishes. The nephew pays the son not in money but with this manual. The rest is history as the son finally get his wish by learning the mantis fist style. Also, the mantis master sends his pupil to try and find the book as well. A really slept-on classic with some comedy that seems to work. Mark Long looks great as well as the guy playing the mantis master. Another film I consider to be in the upper echelon of great indie films.

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Guest teako170

Further films from the teako170 vault:

Shaolin Red Master: Chi Kuan Chun vs Tommy Lee. Like they use to say in the ol' Marvel mags.... "nuff said!" Only wish this sucker was in widescreen as some action is lost off screen.

Wind: Any fans of the "old-nose" Jennifer Grey? This is the last pic she did before the infamous plastic surgery which she admits (as do I) was a big mistake. Decent date flick with Matthew Modine.

Four Riders: What can I say? I liked this one. Hardly a great output by CC but always fun to see the Shaw cast outside of the Shaw walls and in a foreign locale. Thought the opening/ending was well done. The ending reminded me of Bergman's "Seventh Seal" where vague characters walk off into the afterlife.

Superman Returns: Sorry but he should have stayed where he was. Big bomb if you want my true opinion. Kevin Spacey was a terrible Lex Luthor. Matter of fact, no one in the cast outdid their counterparts from the '78 film. Christopher Reeve was and will always be... the man.

Fight Among the Supers: Silly flick but fun to see Lu Feng & Chiang Sheng having a good time together. Had to FF the last 30 minutes as the comedy got a bit overbearing.

Deliverance: I'd like to bend some AMC execs over and make 'em squeal like a pig for broadcasting this film in fullscreen and not wide. What a shame.

Ladyhawke: OK 13th century epic piece except for the ridiculous disco-symphonic music that plagued this picture. A young Matthew Broderick was quite funny and a young Michelle Pfeiffer was quite scrumptious.

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Guest jmungus
Superman Returns: Sorry but he should have stayed where he was. Big bomb if you want my true opinion. Kevin Spacey was a terrible Lex Luthor. Matter of fact, no one in the cast outdid their counterparts from the '78 film. Christopher Reeve was and will always be... the man.

true true true. its totally beyond me how anyone can dig this sorry piece of crap.

dont ppl have ANY bit of taste left ? this movie is one tired joke in every way imaginable.

acting was sub par overall, action was ridiculous wack for a movie like that- lame and generic, s/t oddly staged, plot was BLEEEEH and the screenplay fell horribly flat.

on top of it all, this was the project bryan singer left my fave hollywood superhero franchise (x-men) for, to make room for brett rattner to destroy my near-unconditional love for the x-men by screwing up the last stand big time.

burn hollywood burn.

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Guest pressureworld

Prince of the City

Death of a President

Ganja & Hess

Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed

Taste the Blood of Dracula

Stoked: The Rise and Fall of Gator


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The Betrayal - Ichkawa Razio is just outstanding in this. That ending:eek

Tears of the Black Tiger - Take a old 40's western and merge it with Hard Boiled, then make it Thai. A strange cross between genres and time, definitely worth a watch if your looking for something different and unique.

Devil's Mirror - I wish I could have watched this back in the 80's, perfect Saturday afternoon/late night flick that would of went well with a Godzilla double feature.

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Guest stormybman

I just finished Shaolin Abbot, and am going right into Masked Avengers. Also on deck, Fearless Hyena, Man from Hong Kong, and Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan.

For the rest of my vacation, I must catch up on:

Battle of wits


The Shadow Whip

Flying Dagger

Rendezvous With Death

Clan Feuds

The Weird Man

.....for starters. I'm really behind, however, it's great having so much good cinema to look forward to. What do you think?


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Guest Beat TG

Being a longtime registered user for like 4-5 years now (and changing usernames 4 times during the periods), I haven't even touched this section so I'll add the movies I've seen from december last year:

-Exiled: 5/5

-Long Arm Of The Law: 5/5

-Long Arm Of The Law 2: 4/5

-Confession Of Pain: 2/5

-Protégé: 5/5

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