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What ELSE (other than KUNG FU) has everyone been watching?

Guest kenichiku

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watched movie Howl, was ok. all caught up on house of cards. Ash vs Evil dead was good, and weekly shows like law order DVU modern family walkind dead...etc..

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I actually thought John Carter was underrated.  It looked outstanding in the theater (loses a little on the small screen, but still a fun watch.)  I've already seen it a few times.  I thought the ending could have been tighter but overall an enjoyable romp.  Of course many actors look miscast if you think of Viggo Mortensen.  Now imagine Viggo in Battleship.  I had not read the source material so I am not biased from that perspective.  I've been debating on picking up those books though.




It would of been a good movie - if it was something else. John Carter is supposed to be a grisled civil war vet, but still a great looking guy that can get the beautiful princess of Mars to fall head over heels for him(and every other woman in the books), I just thought a scruffy(and older) Viggo would of been a perfect fit. 

Studio meddling screwed this movie from the getgo, start with the name change and go from there, there's a vibe they totally missed. Get the books, they're easy reads, from 1912 there's been some fantastic art for them over the years, here's a link to one of my favorite artist drawings for them -





Edited by Tosh
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Grasshopper Sage

Just watched 4got10, terrible B or C Film unsure which you'd call it. I also recently watched Pixels, Tomorrowland, Jurassic World, Terminator Genisys. I plan on watching Dope & Project Almanac at some point this weekend. Probably going to watch the Underworld Legacy Collection at some point too.

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Secret Executioner

Blade Runner: the final Cut (USA/HK/UK)




A gazillionth cut of the 1982 sci-fi classic by Ridley Scott, and this 2007 re-cut (that somehow was re-released theatrically this year, so it was a theater watch for this one) seems to be the ultimate thing.


I hadn't seen the film before (though I do have the 1992 Director's Cut on DVD), so I'm not sure how this cut feels compared to previous ones. However, reading on IMDb, this version seems to improve (storywise and in terms of visuals and effects) over the past versions - clearly the original version with its narration and the happy ending sounds really off the mark, but the differences with the 1992 Director's Cut seem very minor.


Before getting a headache over the differences (check IMDb for that - and there are differences even between the Euro and the American cuts), I'll rather stick to what I thought of all this.

- the visuals are great: the city looks dark and gritty (like pretty much every futuristic city in 1980s and 1990s sci-fi films BTW), there is little light (and where there's it comes usually from artificial sources like spots or cars) and when there is it's usually agressive and not pleasant (especially sunlight). The product placement is very obvious (the first thing I wanted after the film was to drink a Coke, no joke), but doesn't jump at you - the Atari signs are kinda funny in retrospect, considering Atari's long since dead and we're not in 2019 yet. I also enjoyed touches like the building called "The Bradbury".

- the characters are interesting. We're told there's both humans and androids that look and act perfectly like humans (the Replicants) in this world. And while the 1982 version established Deckard as a human, we can't help but wonder if he isn't a Replicant himself. Some stuff leaves a doubt on his true nature as he seems to know the made-up memories of Replicants, he seems NEVER to mistake humans and Replicants, he never clarifies whether he passed the test that allows to spot Replicants (nor what the result was) and the end leaves you scratching your head - he can climb up a building with a broken hand, he seems pretty strong at times (I could swear his neck takes a big hit when he fights the blonde Replicant) and the very ending seems to imply more business with the cop guy who kept coming at him throughout the film. The other important characters are the fugitive Replicant, and while they may seem bland at first (their functions aren't very developped and they seem to have very bland roles - soldier, prostitute...) two of them turn out interesting (the first two are very bland in the little we see them - they seem like psychopaths who go bananas as soon as Deckard or a blade runner appears - and they are relatively easily disposed of). Pris (the blonde "girl") is likeable and you're not even sure whether she's really bad - she also seems tough and can fight back with a lot of efficiency (Deckard taking a beating before taking her down). But my favorite is Roy, ths guy is impressive in how OTT (the final battle with Deckard where he messes around with our lead), scary (Tyrell's death) and moving (he ultimately appears to just be "someone" who's afraid to die and his death might be the best part of the film) he is. The performance by Rutger Hauer is top-notch, There's also Rachael, the "love interest" who was part of the "happy ending" from 1982. Here, the relation between her and Deckard is elaborated and she is the most perfected model, to the point she seems to ignore she's a Replicant. But much like the other Replicants, her character is one that makes you wonder what she'll do next - these guys are built up and written in such ways that you never know what to expect from them, though I often found myself expecting the worst.

- the score by Vangelis is (naturally) brilliant. The themes often reminded me of the first notes of the main theme from A Clockwork Orange at points (another iconic movie set in a dystopian future with synth-based music BTW) and sometimes, I could swear Dune had musical themes inspired from that film's score. The final theme though is the best known piece off the movie, and it was great staying through the end credits listening to it.  :cool



Throw in 3 nice trailers before (the new Star Wars and Spectre of course, but also a trailer for John Landis' classic The Blues Brothers as the theater will host a special screening in December) and a discussion over the film afterwards, and you get one fine evening at the theater. I don't get why people would download old movies when going out to the theater at special screenings is such a rich experience.


It's also pretty much the opposite of Scott's latest (the bright, light-hearted The Martian - opposite to the point you have just one guy on Mars through most of this one while Blade Runner is always very crowded as the city that's supposed to be L.A. - needless to say it's located on Earth - is obviously way over-populated) and it's also way superior.

No surprise I'd call Blade Runner my fav' Ridley Scott movie, but having seen only a handful of his material, it's probably not too hard to put it at the top over Kingdom of Heaven, The Martian and Gladiator.

Edited by Secret Executioner
Vangelis' music was required. 8)
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I've always wanted to see Blade Runner but for some reason haven't gotten to it yet. Is it really easily placed above Gladiator?!? Gladiator is pretty damn great.


You need to go watch Alien, like yesterday. (I'm sure the same could be said for me and Blade Runner!)

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Secret Executioner

I've always wanted to see Blade Runner but for some reason haven't gotten to it yet. Is it really easily placed above Gladiator?!? Gladiator is pretty damn great.


You need to go watch Alien, like yesterday. (I'm sure the same could be said for me and Blade Runner!)

To be fair, Gladiator is probably my least fav' Ridley Scott film. And I too took long before seeing Blade Runner - must have been like 5 or so years I've been considering taking a look at it someday.


I've been considering checking out the Alien franchise, but with money being tight sometimes and these movies being really easy to come by (I see them all the time in DVD stores) I keep pushing a purchase to get hard to find/unusual stuff (or simply material I'm more into ATM) instead. 

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I was bored to tears with Blade Runner as a kid, it looked badass like it was going to be another Escape From NY but it was all this drama and talking, the action scenes are few and far between, of course it all went well over my head. This should be a stand alone film, I really hope they don't make part 2, the beauty of the movie is you don't know if Deckard is human or not, I think the point is it doesn't matter - because in a futuristic dystopia, we're all nothing more than replicas anyways.

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Secret Executioner

I was bored to tears with Blade Runner as a kid, it looked badass like it was going to be another Escape From NY but it was all this drama and talking, the action scenes are few and far between, of course it all went well over my head. This should be a stand alone film, I really hope they don't make part 2, the beauty of the movie is you don't know if Deckard is human or not, I think the point is it doesn't matter - because in a futuristic dystopia, we're all nothing more than replicas anyways.

Yeah, definitely do NOT go in expecting it to be an action film - and don't be fooled by the fact it's a sci-fi film with Harrison Ford in it.  :tongueout  I heard of that project of a sequel, it's been in works for ages. And apparently Ridley Scott isn't even attached to it now. :squigglemouth: 


And I find your final sentence great. The way Deckard is often seen in crowds and never standing out (even when surrounded by Orientals or Asians), the fact the Replicants are programmed for specific tasks (like I mentionned earlier) - yeah, everybody is a replica in some way. And the continuous advertising for Coke, the "off-worlds" and their opportunity, as well as that Asian lady talking/singing on the giant screens (the Coke ad takes up a side of a building taking up a hird of your screen - so basically a third of the screen is dedicated to Coke advertisement) and on the advertising flying machine must be part of some kind of alienation process, as they seem to play on a permanent loop and they are shown a lot throughout the movie.



I also think there could be a sort of religious metaphor Somehow, the fact Replicants are obsessed with knowing how long they have left seems like a very human characteristic: fear of death. And the bitter conclusion when Roy finally meets with Tyrrel could be a loss of faith when you realize life blows for whatever reason and God can't help.

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I saw Blade Runner maybe 8 or 9 times when I was in junior high. I remember I was watching it for maybe 9th time and I turned it off because I could remember every single line and camera angle. Watched it again a few years ago from BD and yeah, still one of the greatest films ever made. Better than Alien. A lot better than Gladiator. I'm praying I'll get to see it in 35mm some day.


I'm excited for the sequel. After Prometheus I'm happy Scott isn't directing. Denis Villeneuve is set to direct, which sounds very interesting.

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I haven't heard of "The Conversation" till just now. I'll have to see it though, cause FF Coppola is the man. Another common criticism of the Godfather 3 that I don't think is completely justified is that its plot is convoluted... I think those claims are mainly brought by its subtle style of storytelling, something it has in common with the other two movies! It is not perfect but its biggest flaw is that it isn't as good as the other two, and as you said, not many movies are...


THE CONVERSATION is a fantastic film. It would make a great double-feature with the 2007 film THE LIVES OF OTHERS.

No surprise I'd call Blade Runner my fav' Ridley Scott movie, but having seen only a handful of his material, it's probably not too hard to put it at the top over Kingdom of Heaven, The Martian and Gladiator.


You have got to see ALIEN! It's a masterpiece.

I've always wanted to see Blade Runner but for some reason haven't gotten to it yet. Is it really easily placed above Gladiator?!? Gladiator is pretty damn great.


You need to go watch Alien, like yesterday. (I'm sure the same could be said for me and Blade Runner!)


BLADE RUNNER and GLADIATOR are such different films, so it's hard to compare them. But I'd choose BLADE RUNNER if I had to pick one.



I recently re-watched 1999's THE MATRIX (yet again) and my annual October 30th viewing of THE CROW (1994). These two films are solid 10's for me. Wouldn't change a thing about them.


Then my buddy sent me the UK DVD release of FLASH GORDON (1980) so I could check out the Brian Blessed (Prince Vultan, leader of the Hawkmen) audio commentary. It was pure bliss! Blessed is truly full of life, a fascinating guy, and was non-stop entertaining as he chatted throughout the film. Then, as if anyone could ever have their fill of this camp classic, I re-watched it again with director Mike Hodges audio commentary. Another good time with plenty of interesting tidbits, and some very direct and funny observations. At one point Hodges compares George W. Bush to Ming The Merciless!


I watched Criterion's Blu-ray releases of THE BLACK STALLION (1979, which I haven't seen in about 25 years I guess) and THE BROOD (1979). I first saw STALLION in the theater when it was released, and it hasn't lost any of its charm. A stunning film in every way. I give it a 10. THE BROOD is one of my favorite Cronenberg films. I still find it very scary, the story was very unique and disturbing, and the acting of Samantha Eggar and Oliver Reed is outstanding. I rate it a 8.5.


The Korean film A HARD DAY (2014) is a wild ride- a dramatic thriller with some pitch-black humor. What could be worse than going to bury your mother? Well, how about if you add an accidental murder, an IA investigation, black-mail, a dependent family, and nosy fellow officers? Definitely check it out- 8/10.


THE PYRAMID (2014) had a promising premise, but quickly became another dumb, been-there, seen-that, found footage flick with bad dialogue, characters with no reasonable motivation behind their actions, and poor CGI creatures. NEXT! 3.5/10.


CREEP (2014) is a bizarre little film. More intriguing than entertaining. You may find yourself watching until the end more to see what will happen than because you're actually enjoying it. 5.5/10


SOUTHPAW (2015) Damn this is a good movie! Excellent acting all around (including from a phenomenal child actress- Oona Laurence) in this dark drama about a boxer. Antoine Fuqua (TRAINING DAY, 2001) has made yet another great film, and the drama has just as much power as the riveting boxing scenes. Jake Gyllenhaal, Forest Whitaker, and Rachael McAdams are all wonderful here, with Gyllenhaal pulling a mind-blowing physical transformation into a believable boxer. Oh, and my little sister is in the film for about 30 seconds playing a constable, so that was neat. 8.5/10.


TRANSFORMERS: DARK SIDE OF THE MOON (2011) My work schedule has been insane, with late night and all-night painting sessions. Even when I'm exhausted I need a little something to take my mind out of 'work-mode' otherwise I continue 'working' in my sleep, and don't get decent rest. I watched this because I wanted something 'mindless'. I was not disappointed. Legend in his own mind Shia LeBouf returns to play his character for the third time in this sci-fi saga about alien robots that can transform into regular looking vehicles. Fortunately he's much more charming on-screen than he apparently is off. In a lot of ways the film is even dumber than the average giant-spectacle, action fantasy movie. But there are also some exciting (those often ludicrous) set pieces, like a scene with the human heroes sliding around inside a toppling skyscraper, and some of the robot battles. For the most part the special effects are brilliant looking, and I couldn't help wondering if I'd seen this as an eight year old, would my mind have simply melted? For what it is, 5.5/10.


ASH VS THE EVIL DEAD (2015) is a TV series continuation of the original EVIL DEAD films, with the irreplaceable Bruce Campbell returning as the human punching-bag for the 'deadites' that are intent on destroying the world and swallowing souls. Director Sam Raimi returned to direct the first of 10 episodes (aired Halloween night) and it was scary, goofy, exciting, and irreverent in just the right ways. The evil dead creatures looked as they should, and the special effects- mostly practical (thankfully!)- looked terrific... except for two absolutely awful shots. It's on Starz, which means there's no skimping on the kind of bloody mayhem that fans of the films have come to expect. Everyone here loved it. 8.0/10.


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Secret Executioner

The Brood is indeed a memorable Cronenberg film. It has suspense, scary parts, disturbing visuals and ideas... And Oliver Reed is actually not even that disturbing or creepy in this, something kinda unusual seeing other stuff this guy's been in. Probably my second fav' by Cronenberg behind his 1981 masterpiece Scanners.

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I recently re-watched 1999's THE MATRIX (yet again) and my annual October 30th viewing of THE CROW (1994). These two films are solid 10's for me. Wouldn't change a thing about them.


The Matrix is another movie I wish would of been a stand alone film, I hate the 2 other films.


Then my buddy sent me the UK DVD release of FLASH GORDON (1980) so I could check out the Brian Blessed (Prince Vultan, leader of the Hawkmen) audio commentary. It was pure bliss! Blessed is truly full of life, a fascinating guy, and was non-stop entertaining as he chatted throughout the film. Then, as if anyone could ever have their fill of this camp classic, I re-watched it again with director Mike Hodges audio commentary. Another good time with plenty of interesting tidbits, and some very direct and funny observations. At one point Hodges compares George W. Bush to Ming The Merciless!


You loony bird! Maybe I should pick this one up, I loved this movie after seeing it in the theater, had the soundtrack album from queen!


I watched Criterion's Blu-ray releases of THE BLACK STALLION (1979, which I haven't seen in about 25 years I guess) and THE BROOD (1979). I first sawSTALLION in the theater when it was released, and it hasn't lost any of its charm. A stunning film in every way. I give it a 10. THE BROOD is one of my favorite Cronenberg films. I still find it very scary, the story was very unique and disturbing, and the acting of Samantha Eggar and Oliver Reed is outstanding. I rate it a 8.5.

I saw Black Stallion in the theater and remember nothing about it(hard to believe 36 years ago), is it worth a watch? The Brood must have escaped me over the years, definitely on the list now., looks like it would of been a great one for Halloween. 





ASH VS THE EVIL DEAD (2015) is a TV series continuation of the original EVIL DEAD films, with the irreplaceable Bruce Campbell returning as the human punching-bag for the 'deadites' that are intent on destroying the world and swallowing souls. Director Sam Raimi returned to direct the first of 10 episodes (aired Halloween night) and it was scary, goofy, exciting, and irreverent in just the right ways. The evil dead creatures looked as they should, and the special effects- mostly practical (thankfully!)- looked terrific... except for two absolutely awful shots. It's on Starz, which means there's no skimping on the kind of bloody mayhem that fans of the films have come to expect. Everyone here loved it. 8.0/10

Was there ever a good Transformers movie? It's beyond me how these movie keep getting made. I'll have to wait for a the Ash series to come out on dvd, looking forward to it! 

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Wolf (2013) - Dutch film about Moroccan-born Majid, who has been released from prison. While deep down, he wants to go straight, the temptations of money and power as well as his anger issues, causes him to act out. However, he finds an outlet in kickboxing. But wait, this is not a martial arts movie because he attracts a Turkish mob boss who wants Majid as an enforcer. There are only two, maybe three kickboxing fights in total, but it's more at Majid making decisions that could change his life for the better or worse. I think the writer-director had some Scorsese-style influence with some certain aspects of the story. I liked it though. Saw it on Netflix.

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I've been watching the original TV series Dark Shadows (1966), for  months now, about 4 days per week... Don't judge me...:blush

That's pretty cool.  When I saw the whole series for sale I was tempted to get it. I just now do not have much time for TV series since I concentrate on movies.

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Grasshopper Sage

I'm currently on the last episode of Hannibal, getting caught up on Bob's Burgers, probably going to check out the second season of True Detective and next up is season two of Fargo. As for films, the only ones I can think of are Boyhood & Dope. I'm still debating whether or not I should watch Bone Tomahawk. I love Westerns and although I clearly enjoy some graphic violence (Hannibal), I'm not sure how I feel about this one.

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That's pretty cool.  When I saw the whole series for sale I was tempted to get it. I just now do not have much time for TV series since I concentrate on movies.

The first several, or at least a couple, seasons can be found in their entirety on You Tube, if you wanted to see just a few. But beware, it's weirdly addictive.

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Secret Executioner

That's pretty cool.  When I saw the whole series for sale I was tempted to get it. I just now do not have much time for TV series since I concentrate on movies.

I hear you on the last sentence. I tried to get into some series, but I'm more a movie guy (though I enjoy revisiting a few Beavis and Butt-Head or Simpsons episodes sometimes)

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Lady Jin Szu-Yi

There's been some tremendous television the past few years, but I'm definitely more of a movie viewer myself.. That said, how great to get through all of the Dark Shadows series. 


Last non-martial arts film I watched was Argento's Tenebre.  I can't wait for Synapse to release this on blu ray. The more I see it, the more I think it's his best story and his most interesting giallo killer. And the kills are crazy. 

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Vacation (2015) - the sequel/reboot of the original National Lampoon's Vacation now has an adult Rusty Griswold, played by Ed Helms, taking his family to Walley World and of course, in typical (yet more raunchy) Griwsold fashion, it's the vacation from hell. Chris Hemsworth was funny in his scenes. Great cameos from Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo returning as Clark and Ellen and there is a special cameo that was quite a shock. I liked it, it had some funny moments.


The Condemned 2 (2015) - Randy Orton headlines this thematic sequel to the 2007 Steve Austin film. He plays an ex-bounty hunter who learns that he has become involved in a game where his old team is forced to hunt him down all because of some botched mission. Of course this game is broadcast on the Internet for the high rollers from the partner of the target of said botched mission. Orton seriously needs to do better movies than this...the supporting characters with the exception of villain and Eric Roberts as his father were pretty much throwaway characters and the action wasn't that impressive compared to other WWE films.


The Three Stooges (2011) - I actually like this movie version from the Farrelly Brothers. Will Sasso was perfectly cast as Curly, Sean Hayes was funny as Larry, and Chris Diamantopoulos (who I found out not only played the late Robin Williams in a biopic about Mork and Mindy but is now the voice of Mickey Mouse after the death of voice actor Wayne Allwine) is funny as Moe. Those who can't stand the Jersey Shore crew will be happy to see them get theirs from Moe but the highlight IMO is Larry David as the appropriately named "Sister Mary Mengele" LOL. They are planning a sequel with the trio returning for I think 2017.

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Vacation (2015) - the sequel/reboot of the original National Lampoon's Vacation now has an adult Rusty Griswold, played by Ed Helms, taking his family to Walley World and of course, in typical (yet more raunchy) Griwsold fashion, it's the vacation from hell. Chris Hemsworth was funny in his scenes. Great cameos from Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo returning as Clark and Ellen and there is a special cameo that was quite a shock. I liked it, it had some funny moments.

I was wondering about this one, I love the Vacation franchise, the 3rd one being my favorite, was it as good as Vegas?

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I was wondering about this one, I love the Vacation franchise, the 3rd one being my favorite, was it as good as Vegas?

I think it was slightly better than Vegas. I liked the fact that they made Rusty now an adult and they did bring Audrey back in the form of Leslie Mann, who is married to Chris Hemsworth's very flirty weatherman. If you saw the teaser where Hemsworth is showing Rusty and his wife how to work the remote, it's pretty funny. It's not a full on-reboot per se, yes there's the trip to Walley World, but it's not like the original. As Rusty stated in the film, "The New Vacation stands on its own" and that it does. 

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