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Snowpiercer (2013) - from the director of THE HOST


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Maybe I just wasn't in the mood when I watched this but for me it started off well but it got less interesting as it went on, by the last 20 minutes or so I just wanted it to hurry up and end.

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I cant believe my friends and forum let me go so long without seeing this. Which I should probably take the blame for as two really good friends highly regard it. One of those friends holds it to such a high regard of being one of the few favorites he sticks to rewatching over and over, the other things being Fight Club, Equilibrium, and some philosophical anime about some islanders who reincarnate or something.

This was a gritty feature in the vein of Night Comes For Us, Raid, Oldboy, Battle Royale, Man From Nowhere, etc, that I think would hold a lot of promise for other fans of the ma genre. The fights in the movie were incredibly intense if not always killer in detail (typical camera flashing fights). I found myself more tense and invested watching this for a movie than I can remember, like the feeing of watching ip man back in 2010. Also found myself actually cheering and shouting in a couple different instances in those fight scenes the way someone like my dad would in a devoted sports game. Now Ive never been a sports fan so this was a strange phenomenon for me, as if my shouting was involuntary. Coincidentally I was at my parents house recently with my dad scrolling netflix and I said, “thats supposed to be pretty good” He watched a bit and said “pretty sure Ive already seen this . . . eh, its alright”.

The tomahawk throws are as engaging and satisfying when they hit as they would be in playing Call of Duty haha. Sorta spoiler but, gunpoint to the head scenes almost always, or indefinitely end with a bullet firing. The knifing is as brutal here as Ive seen it done in any other film. 

The movie is the literal meaning of the phrase ‘to give an arm and a leg’. When you hear what people used to eat before the gloopy brown jelly bars theyre fed, youd wonder how the main character could even find those bars so gross at the revelation of what goes into them. Hell Id give a bar of the brown jelly a taste out of sheer curiosity as many other would, nearly looking somewhat appetizing. 

Chris Evans does a terrific job. Appearing onscreen to me as a cross between Jake Gyllenhaal and Christian Bale. Felt I remembered Kang-Ho Songs face so distinctly still from watching the directors other movie, The Host, years ago. That being said Ill probably have to watch Parasite now after putting that off  so long as well now.

This movie impressed me up til the end which I felt was somewhat anticlimactic after the crash.

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Those I know who watched this movie either really liked it or really hated it. I liked it a lot, and never got bored. Chris Evans proved he can act beyond being Captain America. The ending did feel a bit anti-climatic, but I would definitely recommend it.

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