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New Stunt People Film "Rise And Fail" (prev. "Death Grip") Finishes Production


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My thoughts on Death Grip…

I have to say the movie didn't disappoint being a thoroughly enjoyable action flick but it certainly wasn't the film I was expecting. It was darker, more brutal, having more characterisation and story than The Stunt People's other movies I've seen (Contour and Immortal). However I found the story engaging and characters interesting adding to the overall enjoyment of the film, as much for the martial arts fights. Plenty of laugh out loud moments and "ouch" that's got to hurt, feeling for the character. But overall I was impressed with the huge step up in production values since Contour (does the new release look any better than the old one?), having a very professional look and feel to everything. While I wouldn't say the action blew me away, I was thrilled and riveted to the screen. I was also thinking why can't Hollywood make an action film like this? Then I was pondering over Hong Kong and while there's a smattering of very good movies, I can't think of any HK in recent years that has entertained me as much as when I first watched Contour and now Death Grip. The action wasn't as plentiful as I was expecting but was very good throughout the movie.

The knife fight with Kenny versus Johnny Yong Bosch's characters fight being among the highlights for me. Yet throughout there was a good intensity to the fight sequences with the soundtrack adding that extra omph as every kick and punch hit with a satisfying, bass filled thud… Maybe too much so but that's a tiny gripe.

I found the action contained within the "Kenny's vision" blurring reality, tended to keep the viewer (or at least myself) on their toes wondering what actually happened/is happening and is it real. But nevertheless I found this an interesting twist and often providing a good hearty laugh, either within the sequence or as reality flashes back. In fact the humour really disguised the darkness of the movie.

In the end I decided to opt for the DVD and can say that the picture quality was very good on my TV. The disc was jampacked full of extras and unlike most DVDs I actually watched all of them, or just about in the subsequent days after enjoying the movie.

It's been around three weeks since I saw the movie and my memory is pretty bad otherwise I would comment further, but overall it was a very enjoyable experience and one I'm looking forward to enjoying over the coming years every now and again. Eric, please make the next movie sooner!

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I wanted to like this movie a lot, but I only ended up liking it a little.


- good story, more polished movie budget wise

- choreography was good and it had JYB in it


- didn't like the dream shit at all. I literally have to explain it to my friends before they see the movie, so they don't end up disappointed like I was.

- needed a bigger end fight that was NON dream oriented

I know eric reads and responds on this board, so I'll talk to him directly...

Big fan of your guys work and I've ordered every movie from your site. Obviously Contour was your biggest movie up until Death Grip. You guys have crazy talent and you need to use it more when you make a movie like this. I should be seeing way more fighting and especially when you're able to get JYB involved. I'm glad the movie had a more serious tone than the goofy stuff. I think the Jackie/Sammo era of the 80's with goofy, plus good fighting just wouldn't be profitable in today's market. I personally would enjoy it as a fan, but it seems like nowadays everything that's popular and highly rated is typically more gritty and hardcore.

I know you guys must be trying to break into a market partially to get known and paid, but I'd let that talent speak for itself in your movies. A lot of the people on your team are not strong actors as far as dialogue goes imo so truthfully the dialogue should be limited and the action/fighting should be increased a la The Raid. I'm mostly referring to the formula of that movie only (realistic, not goofy, lots of hard hitting fighting, limited dialogue, plot is simple).

The director of The Raid commented on liking YOUR short movie Paperchasers I believe was the title. I mean you and I knew it was good before he said anything haha, but damn that's a compliment so you obviously can hang with them skills/creativity wise easily. You gotta understand I watched The Raid and then later watched Death Grip and I'm like "damn I wish this was better, I know these guys know how to do it". Especially being indie and having control over your movies. I'd personally settle for less or no more shorts and just wait for a full length flick with all that fighting in it instead. Thanks for reading when ever you do,. Again a big fan, just waiting on your breakout movie to hit!

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I know eric reads and responds on this board, so I'll talk to him directly...

Big fan of your guys work and I've ordered every movie from your site. Obviously Contour was your biggest movie up until Death Grip. You guys have crazy talent and you need to use it more when you make a movie like this. I should be seeing way more fighting and especially when you're able to get JYB involved. I'm glad the movie had a more serious tone than the goofy stuff. I think the Jackie/Sammo era of the 80's with goofy, plus good fighting just wouldn't be profitable in today's market. I personally would enjoy it as a fan, but it seems like nowadays everything that's popular and highly rated is typically more gritty and hardcore.

I know you guys must be trying to break into a market partially to get known and paid, but I'd let that talent speak for itself in your movies. A lot of the people on your team are not strong actors as far as dialogue goes imo so truthfully the dialogue should be limited and the action/fighting should be increased a la The Raid. I'm mostly referring to the formula of that movie only (realistic, not goofy, lots of hard hitting fighting, limited dialogue, plot is simple).

The director of The Raid commented on liking YOUR short movie Paperchasers I believe was the title. I mean you and I knew it was good before he said anything haha, but damn that's a compliment so you obviously can hang with them skills/creativity wise easily. You gotta understand I watched The Raid and then later watched Death Grip and I'm like "damn I wish this was better, I know these guys know how to do it". Especially being indie and having control over your movies. I'd personally settle for less or no more shorts and just wait for a full length flick with all that fighting in it instead. Thanks for reading when ever you do,. Again a big fan, just waiting on your breakout movie to hit!

I personally am a much bigger fan of the more serious ,gritty and hard-core martial arts movies, with tons of action. But I definitely think that The Stunt People shouldn't lose their comic elements even in a more serious and darker tone movie. I don't think there's anything wrong with having some goofy daft moments as long as you can find the right balance. I certainly found the plentiful laugh out loud moments in Contour and Death Grip, increased my pleasure of both movies substantially during the lulls in action. In fact I would say both those movies are far funnier than most Hollywood "comedies", so they must be doing something right!

While I didn't find the lower quotient of action and martial arts in Death Grip a problem I certainly wouldn't be adverse to a lot more.:bigsmile:

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See I think the humor should be sprinkled in, especially in a serious flick. Contour was just straight goofy off the wall goofy at that. However, to compare it to hollywood comedies and say it's better is cool, but come on. I don't want Stunt People to get props for being funnier than someone elses movie. I want them to get the props for all that hardwork they put in their fighting and choreography. To me it's just wasted in a movie like Contour. That had way more fighting than Death Grip and it was very good with a lot of different people and styles. Personally I'd take Contours fights and quantities, add in Death Grip's tone and polished budget, shake it up and have a good movie come out of it.

That Hand Over Fist short to me is their best work and it's a damn short! I saw that and I was like man WHY was this not saved for a movie and removed from my eye sight until I'm opening up a blu-ray package??? The whole tone, pacing and REALISM to that fight really can't be duplicated by too many people. Again, to me it's a waste if you're in the business of making movies, but come up short, literally.

It's so rare to have people from the U.S. actually capable of making a MA flick rivaling an asian country's best work in terms of fighting. They got the gift, I just hope they churn out at least one great one. The Raid is well-liked by people not even into martial arts movies. It's getting praise on horror websites and I can name a ton of people in the hood that love it just off the ass beating element alone haha. I'm telling you the realistic fighting and serious tone is better capable of getting universal fans versus just die hard MA fans. They deserve it, Death Grip was a step closer. Hope it happens soon.

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Good notes, always keeping my eyes peeled around here. Gracias

Eric, read YOU set high standards and you're never going to please everybody. If you fill it jampacked with action people will say there's no story, no characterisation etc. If you satisfy those components then there's not enough action. Too much comedy… Not enough comedy etc etc. You're a hard-core fan of martial arts, trust your own feelings! Being critical or otherwise you guys are one of the lighting lights in martial arts cinema right now.

There are few movies I would consider paying what I paid to import "Death Grip" to the UK, certainly no modern Hong Kong martial arts action movies worthy the expense. I can wait a year, two, 3 to see those movies… Let's face it Hong Kong isn't at it's best these days & isn't the superpower it once was. The Stunt People are doing to Hong Kong what they used to do to Hollywood. Keep it up Eric!

A note to Hollywood: Hire these guys for fight choreography/stunts please!!!!

NO, No, No! give these guys a modest budget, even miniscule by Hollywood terms. Fight choreography and stunts would be butchered by editing and postproduction… A waste of these guys talents.

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Hey all! Anyone who bought a Death Grip blu ray knows the 75-minute making of didn't get on the disc. But now you can see it via YouTube! Those who bought a BD can email their YouTube usernames to the store email and I'll share the making-of, which is in full 1080p. Send it to stuntpeoplestore@gmail.com, thanks!


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