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Talent Reels & Short Films


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Bourne style fight scene done for practice at our gym:


Very brutal. Cool. The editing was quick but didn't feel hyper. There were a few spots I wish the camera had hung back a bit. Solid effort though. Wish big budget films would take note of this. It skunks the majority of their endeavors.

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Thank you guys! I agree the editing is quick, and I purposely did that at the end to convey the sudden "jump" of Shawn's burst of techniques against Keith to knock him down and out. I have noticed that most major films (save for a basic few) tend to let the fights "linger" out their techniques too long, which make them look (to me) a bit staged and "fight demo" like. I completely understand if this is so that an actor can better convey the fight and "act" through it, as well as making it more "clear" for an audience, but I am sure that we all know which actors can clearly do fights well enough without too many tricks or camera edits, and smoothly at that. (Not very many, haha)

Of course, this is why I do a lot of short practice shoots like this to better refine where I'm coming from, and don't mind at all sharing it with people like yourselves. The audience is the key component, and you should cater that to really convey a story and fight to them, without having to build up something and then tear it to shreds with quick cuts and wonky camera angles that distort everything. There is a creative way to do it, and then just the lazy way. I'm sure you all have seen who is continuing to do it creatively, and who is purely lazy.

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I just found this on YouTube and while the fights are not spectacular I did find it entertaining and quite funny in places.


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the sequel to the short film in my previous post…

It's bigger, longer, funnier, sexier and has more fights…


okay the fights aren't great but parts of it were funny as hell in my opinion, an enjoyable 45 mins.:bigsmile:

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Both those clips are outta sight, bro! Really loved the team reel. That had some bits I don't think I've seen before. Can't wait for a finished product of Unlucky Stars.

I do believe you've found your calling as a choreographer, dude. Seems like you're spending more time behind the camera than in front of it. But I enjoy seeing you in action, too. (Hint, hint.):wink:

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Both those clips are outta sight, bro! Really loved the team reel. That had some bits I don't think I've seen before. Can't wait for a finished product of Unlucky Stars.

I do believe you've found your calling as a choreographer, dude. Seems like you're spending more time behind the camera than in front of it. But I enjoy seeing you in action, too. (Hint, hint.)

haha, thanks man! glad you enjoyed. If you want to see more of me, I guess you'll have to wait until Unlucky Stars drops! ;)

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An older fight that was taken off of Youtube, but re-edited and re-uploaded. Check out Brendon Huor's directorial debut. He also choreographed this piece:


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bummed out. So what do we have to do to get the movies WE want, Pool our money together to start our own movie company to give these new guys the shot they deserve??

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German martial arts action star Mike Moeller has a new demoreel online. He is best known for playing one of the breakdance fighters in Xiong Xin-Xin's COWEB.


Seeing these demo reels and short films makes me wonder...Is it time for the new generation to finally rise???

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Thanks, AV. This guy astounds me. Isn't he supposed to be in a MA film that should be out by now or soon to be released? I thought I remembered seeing that on here somewhere.

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I bet I am! Cool beans! Thanks, kokf2002.

(May have to wait a bit on this for the price to drop. As good as I think it'll be based on Moller's MA talent, I'm not sure I want to come off $30 for it.)

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Lunar Stunts from Longview, Washington made a road trip up north to throw down with me. I haven't trained in over a year and was not prepared for this .. shot this in 3 hrs, with no planning or rehearsals. Impromptu fight


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