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Iceman / Iceman 3D (2014)


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News reports has surfaced concerning financial problems from Hong Kong-based One Dollar Production Lt. (run by Stephen Siu Jr) leading up to him as well as his father Stephen Shiu (producer and writer of the original Iceman Cometh) backing out from the production.

Turns out they ran into trouble with Mainland investors who showed lack of approval. Because of this, the production was halted for half a month while the Sius' tried their best to co-operate with the Mainland parties and resulting their withdrawal. Mainland-based Zhongmeng Century Media purchased shares from the Sius' and are now providing full finance for the movie which has now continued production, as of January 25th.




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And im sure they gave away every shred of artistic integrity and freedom for that mainland money too....

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Donnie Yen’s “The Iceman Cometh 3D” Filming at a Snail’s Pace

It appears that Wong Kar Wai (王家衛) has finally found a successor to emulate his slow-paced shooting style! It has been nearly four months since Donnie Yen’s (甄子丹) The Iceman Cometh 3D <3D冰封俠> has begun production, but the action flick is not even halfway done. Co-star Eva Huang (黄圣依) compared Donnie to Wong Kar Wai, exclaiming, “We haven’t filmed much. I don’t even know when we’re going to be done. I feel like I’m doing a Wong Kar Wai film!”

The Iceman Cometh 3D is a loose remake of the 1989 film of the same name, which starred Yuen Biao (元彪), Maggie Cheung (張曼玉), and Yuen Wah (元華). Featuring Donnie as a Ming Dynasty general, the 3D remake tells the story of Donnie’s accidental travel to the future as he is trying to run away from a royal guard, portrayed by Lost in Thailand <人再囧途之泰囧> star Wang Baoqiang (王宝强). Both Donnie and Baoqiang end up in present-day Hong Kong, where Donnie meets Eva Huang’s character, who eventually becomes his love interest. The comedy action film is directed by Law Wing Cheong (羅永昌) and produced by Wong Kin Sun (黄建新).

Donnie, who is also serving as the film’s action choreographer, revealed that the crew had just completed a seven-minute fight scene that took ten days to film. “I have high demands and the director has many demands. That is why the scene took so long to film,” Donnie justified.

The mentioned scene involved Donnie smashing a table while he was in an argument with Eva. The scene ends with Eva crying and storming out of the apartment.

As Donnie was busy preparing for the stunt and the props, Eva had to practice her tearful scene with director Law. Law requested Eva to shed out a tear in the shortest possible time, in which she managed to do in less than three seconds. Eva did not stop crying until Law yelled cut. Eva’s crying scene was completed within three takes, impressing the production crew and Donnie, who cried out, “Amazing!”

According to Eva, a significant chunk of the movie would be shooting on location in Beijing, but the crew is not even near to completing the Hong Kong scenes. Previous actions scenes that were filmed in the Tsing Ma Bridge and Central also had to be re-shot. At the film’s current shooting pace, the film may end up exceeding its initial $100 million HKD production budget.


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Noelle Shadow Kick
Looks like Donnie is bringing back the DTG-style with this one.

And with a dash of Edward Scissorhands? Haha

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Donnie Yen’s “The Iceman Cometh 3D” Soars to $200 Million Production Costs

Directed by Law Wing Cheong <羅永昌>, Donnie Yen’s (甄子丹) The Iceman Cometh 3D < 3D冰封俠> is currently shooting in Hong Kong. Starring Donnie Yen, Wang Baoqiang (王宝强), Eva Huang (黄圣依), and Simon Yam (任達華), The Iceman Cometh 3D is a loose adaptation of Yuen Biao’s (元彪) 1989 film of the same name. The action-packed flick centers around two Ming Dynasty guards who time travel to modern day Hong Kong.

Because the film is shooting at a snail’s pace, the film’s production budget went up from $100 million HKD to $200 million HKD. Despite having to invest on absurdly expensive technology to complement the film’s 3D cameras, the film’s producers expressed that they would rather sacrifice time over quality.

The production companies also spent another $100 million HKD to cover the film crew’s insurance. The Vice Chairman of Zhongmeng Century Media stated, “Quality is important, but our actors and crew will always be number one in the list. The actors are very professional, and many of them do not require stunt doubles. That is why we decided to add more to their insurance so the actors can work more at ease.”

Starring cast member Donnie Yen, who also serves as the film’s action choreographer, admitted that The Iceman Cometh 3D has been one of his most stressful projects in recent years. However, the Ip Man star pointed out that it is not his hectic work schedule that is giving him sleepless nights. “I take quality very seriously. I hope to provide a perfect film for the audiences to enjoy. If I was just an actor, it would not be necessary for me to appear in every shoot. Because I am both an actor and an action director, I have to be on set every time to guide others. This film is shot in 3D and every minute detail cannot be overlooked.”

Donnie added that while he feels the pressure, he has been enjoying his work. “It has been a smooth collaboration. The crew is very professional, and we get along very well. The atmosphere is great.”

Starring alongside Donnie is mainland actor Wang Baoqiang, best known for box office success, Lost in Thailand <人再囧途之泰囧>.

“I am a huge fan of Donnie. I am so happy to have the chance to work with him. It’s a dream come true!” gushed Baoqiang.

Born in Nanhe County, Hebei, Baoqiang is well-known for his rags-to-riches story in the mainland film industry. Wanting to be a martial arts film star, Baoqiang traveled to a Shaolin monastery at a young age to learn kung fu. Baoqiang never had the chance to fully flaunt his martial arts skills until The Iceman Cometh 3D.

“Donnie has choreographed a special skill for me to perform in the film,” said Baoqiang. “I am working hard on it.”

Baoqiang is thankful for Donnie’s patience in teaching him the skill, and the two actors get along really well.

“In the past, I thought if you had a kung fu background, you would be able to film a kung fu movie. It was not until now when I realized that knowing kung fu does not mean you will film a good kung fu movie. Donnie is very serious when he choreographs. Every small movement is deliberately arranged. The choreography is fascinating and beautiful to look at. I have grown quite a bit since collaborating with him. I am very thankful.”

There is currently no news on whether or not the release for The Iceman Cometh 3D will be pushed back from its originally announced late 2013 release.


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The original one wasn't about special effects or plot (which was pretty goofy, btw), it was about great action and mindblowing stunts (that high fall was sick, one of the most impressive in the history of cinema, IMO) The remake will have none of that probably, just the bunch of wires to support bloated Donnie's ego. I'm surprised that somebody is even excited about this...

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The original one wasn't about special effects or plot (which was pretty goofy, btw), it was about great action and mindblowing stunts (that high fall was sick, one of the most impressive in the history of cinema, IMO) The remake will have none of that probably, just the bunch of wires to support bloated Donnie's ego. I'm surprised that somebody is even excited about this...

Well, too bad for you then. Some people do look forward to this actually so you don't need to be surprised. Let's just wait for the trailers before we can judge anything instead of letting our predictions get ahead of us for the worse. People kept talking trash about TYG 2 for the use of wirework and 3D effects, and woala... Some people are now excited after the teaser trailer hit the net.

As for the original, it was actually about the plot and not action because there wasn't a whole deal of action (accompanied by wirework and special effects) anyway. The movie itself was more entertaining than the action imo.

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Donnie Yen’s “The Iceman Cometh 3D” to Be Introduced at Cannes Film Festival

Although The Iceman Cometh 3D <3D冰封俠> is still filming in the Changbai Mountains in China, plans are already made to introduce the new Donnie Yen (甄子丹) film at the Cannes Film Festival in May and generate wider interest in the North American and European markets.

High production costs were incurred for The Iceman Cometh 3D due to massive destructive scenes and delayed filming. However, 30 percent of its $200 million HKD production cost have already been recouped; it received good distribution sales at the recent Hong Kong industry trade show, FILMART.

Beach Party at Cannes

At the Cannes Film Festival, the film trailer for The Iceman Cometh 3D will be released, along with a press conference. The highlight will be a beach reception where guests are invited to party together with Donnie Yen and Eva Huang (黃聖依). The venue of the launch party will be transformed into a wine cellar with many Caucasians dressed in the same armor Donnie wore in the film. There will also be vaudeville performances among other entertainment, making it a grand Chinese affair. Total budgeted costs for the Cannes promotion are $500,000 HKD.

Location Filming

Previously, Donnie Yen and the production team were reportedly unhappy that the Hong Kong government had not been supportive of The Iceman Cometh 3D and took a long time in approving filming permits at local landmarks. Ironically, the crew applied for filming in mainland China’s top tourist attraction spot, the Changbai Mountains, and were quickly approved.

A few days ago, Donnie was seen with costar Wang Baoqiang (王宝强) on location filming at the snowy mountains. While hunted by Wang Baoqiang, Donnie activates a “space-time golden globe” that transports the snow-capped mountains of the Ming Dynasty to modern Hong Kong. A poignant romantic scene between Donnie and Eva Huang’s characters will also take place there. Filming at an altitude of 1,600 meters above sea level with snow depth as high as 3 meters, the actors, along with 500 extras and 50 horses, suffered the torments of the cold.

As the movie’s action choreographer, Donnie has been stressed since filming began. With filming almost complete and the sales and demand faring better than expected, Donnie can finally heave a sigh of relief. Donnie plans to bring his family, including his parents-in-law, to Cannes for a work-vacation.

Source: http://www.jaynestars.com/movies/donnie-yens-the-iceman-cometh-3d-to-be-introduced-at-cannes-film-festival/

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One Armed Boxer
The venue of the launch party will be transformed into a wine cellar with many Caucasians dressed in the same armor Donnie wore in the film.

Wow, and.....why!?:tongue:

word has reached us that the producers will be splitting the film into two, to make the best of the epic scale of the story and action shot so far

This makes me feel quite dubious about the whole thing, I appreciate the original 'Iceman Cometh' is more of a fish-out-of-water comedy than a kung-fu movie, but I still found it to be quite a plodding experience to get through.

Now we have a remake of the same movie being sprawled out over 2 parts, in the pleace of Yuen Biao's comedic flair and always jaw dropping stunt work we'll have Donnie Yen's stone face and no doubt usual display of his trademark kicks, and instead of the more intimate feel of the original it sounds like this is going more in the epic battle scene direction, which I've already seen enough of. While none of these changes are necessarily a bad thing, I'm all for reinterpretations over straight up uninspired remakes, the thought of it stretched over two movies just doesn't make me excited.

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Look out LORD OF THE RING movies. :smile:

If it turns out to be great, then I'll be happy there's more to enjoy. And if it's bad, then I won't be. But fortunately, no one will make me watch them. Though... I will. :angel: LOL

I have to agree with One Armed Boxer's assessment of the original. I watched it twice all the way through, but I've since only revisited it for action scenes.

I must say though, that for no reason in particular, I feel this one (two) is going to be pretty good.

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