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Special ID (2013)


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Things are cool for now though. Latest words from Vincent Zhao is that he's already tired of all problems and wants the scandal to end and go back to a normal life. On the side, he's facing another issue where some of his fans turned against him and said they regretted their support due to his daughter having a US pass in correlation to their insults toward Donnie being a Chinese-American. Also, his managers have recently spoken about the feud expressing that they regretted their actions that caused all this trouble and even admitted that they are now supporting Donnie.

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Well, this has just turned into a pissing contest between Yen and Zhao. Congrats, guys. You can both urinate. Could somebody make a kung fu movie now, please? A good one?

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All that suing, legal, lawyer stuff is so gay!

One ring, Donnie and Vincent, hands bound in hemp, dipped in resin and covered in broken glass.... the ancient way.... payperview..... aaaaaand FIGHT!!!!!!

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Also, his managers have recently spoken about the feud expressing that they regretted their actions that caused all this trouble and even admitted that they are now supporting Donnie.

what, Vincent's managers are supporting Donnie?

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As stated before, there's a reason why a talent individual like Zhao, with good looks to boot, has not found major success in the industry. He has only himself to blame. If he doesn't get over himself, he'll just continue to sabotage his "career."


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The film has completed shooting in Shenzhen and the crew is now in Hong Kong to complete the rest of the shooting.

Beside action Donnie will also have emotional scenes, mainly with veteran actress Pau Hei-Ching who plays his mother. Originally, Donnie was to shoot a big fight scene with Ken Lo (yep, you read right!) inside a mahjong set in Temple Street. But no owner wanted to hire any locations so the crew had to build an own mahjong set for the scene.


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shooting wrapped up in HK according to Kevin Ma's Twitter. so does this mean filming is entirely complete then, or was there another location left?

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Shenzhen was the other place but they've already completed shooting there. Overall, production has lasted for little longer than three months.

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Mainland actor Hung Bao who was in the original cast of Special Identity speaks out on the scandal.



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What's the gist? I'm curious but not enough to sit through it for 22 minutes.:tongue:

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Uh uh. Unlike Vincent, this actor makes MUCH more sense and someone who doesn't point all fingers on just one person (Donnie) to blame for all problems and mishaps that brought the scandal.

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From what I can make out of the subs (which according to a Chinese friend is pretty accurate), it doesn't seem like the actor is trying to indicate that Donnie was the sole reason for all problems that happened on set. I can see that he made comparisons with Vincent and Donnie for their personalities and that's about it but in no way does he address all negativity to Donnie, which to me makes more sense than Vincent saying the opposite thing.

Seems that there are other parties and factors to why the filming process was so troublesome in the beginning which still hasn't been made publicly. For that reason, I can't buy all publicity on Donnie being the bad guy here. Otherwise, other actors that worked with Donnie would have jumped on the same wagon years ago.

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Maybe we watched different videos because in the one I watched he called Donnie a tyrant and basically hinted that Donnie was jealous of the attention Vincent got so he changed the script.

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One Armed Boxer

Poor Donnie looks like he's wearing a t-shirt which is several sizes too big for him in the 2nd photo of post 91!:tongue:

I can't buy all publicity on Donnie being the bad guy here. Otherwise, other actors that worked with Donnie would have jumped on the same wagon years ago.

I thought Yen had similar experiences like this in the past, didn't he fall out with Yuen Woo Ping on the set of 'Wing Chun' over his control issues, which lead them to never working together again and a whole fight scene that was planned for that movie never being filmed?

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Yes but it was over creative differences. According to Bey Logan, Woo Ping handed over control to Donnie because Woo Ping was obligated to shoot Tai Chi Master with Jet Li. Donnie shot and choreographed the fight scene with Michelle Yeoh and the actor who plays Tsui Siu-Keung's brother in the film. When Woo Ping came back to the set, he took a look at the footage Donnie shot and didn't like the result. This led to Woo Ping and Donnie arguing over the choreography. But what initiated the fall-out were rumors and bad-mouthing by crew members from both Woo Ping and Donnie's side. Woo Ping heard of these and decided to leave the production because he felt things got too far at that stage.

However, Woo Ping confirmed recently that there is no bad blood between them now and they still keep in touch from time to time.

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