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Special ID (2013)


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unfortunately, it sounds like it was all true after all. Zhao is out. Hopefully Andy On or someone of an equal caliber will be replacing him.

Zhao >> On

Zhao imo is HIGHLY under-rated and one of my favorites...I really hope he still has his role in this, i was really excited to see him vs donnie

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yeah, sorry. of course Zhao is better than On, I meant someone who is at least of an equal caliber to On, I definitely didn't word that right!

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What a pity. Hopefully they can collaborate again on another project.

Oh well, I hope they bring someone else of equal skills. I'm thinking Collin Chou and Xiong Xin-Xin at the moment.

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Andy On is a great screenfighter..... And, I think, a better fit for a contempo gangster flick, than Zhao!

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Andy On is a great screenfighter..... And, I think, a better fit for a contempo gangster flick, than Zhao!

10 years after making his film debut, Andy On truly has excelled in the fight department. He is definitely one who is taking his martial arts training very seriously as he currently trains with friend and Wing Chun exponent Philip Ng.

I for one, would love to see Donnie vs. Andy

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I totally forgot about that! LOL...well, that was a period piece...it will be interesting to see them fight in a modern day flick!

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I've decided to just ignore all reports until the DVD is sitting right in front of me.

I'm with you.

What a pity. Hopefully they can collaborate again on another project.

Aren't Yen and Zhao slated to film the remake of THE ICEMAN COMETH together?

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No. Before Special Identity was announced it was rumored that they would collaborate in The Iceman Cometh remake though.

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I like Andy - he's done well in the films I've seen him appear. I particularly loved him opposite Lau Ching Wan in Mad Detective, but I've never seen his martial arts ability so I'm looking forward to that. I'm probably one of the few who hasn't seen Zhao in anything and I only know of him as one of the late Anita Mui's former boyfriends. I do believe he was in Green Snakes with Maggie Cheung, but I just haven't watched many of his films. I hear good things about his skills though so it's a surprise that he hasn't had more success in the industry.


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Check out The Blade, Fong Sai Yuk, The Blacksheep Affair, Body Weapon and Once Upon In Time In China 4 for incredible displays of his skills.

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I'm probably one of the few who hasn't seen Zhao in anything and I only know of him as one of the late Anita Mui's former boyfriends. I do believe he was in Green Snakes with Maggie Cheung, but I just haven't watched many of his films. I hear good things about his skills though so it's a surprise that he hasn't had more success in the industry.


I didn't know that he dated Anita Mui! :ooh:

Yes, he does have amazing kung fu skills.

Check out The Blade, Fong Sai Yuk, The Blacksheep Affair, Body Weapon and Once Upon In Time In China 4 for incredible displays of his skills.

Good call. I'd add MAHJONG DRAGON to that list. No one ever seems to mention it. It has a few scenes of way over the top comedy, but I still really like the characters, the actress that stars in this (I forget her name) is fantastic, and Zhen has some crazy fights in this. At the end he fights Ken Lo (when Ken was still DRUNKEN MASTER 2 good) with halved coconut shells over their fists! :tongue: Yowza!

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I didn't know that he dated Anita Mui! :ooh:

Yes, he does have amazing kung fu skills.

Good call. I'd add MAHJONG DRAGON to that list. No one ever seems to mention it. It has a few scenes of way over the top comedy, but I still really like the characters, the actress that stars in this (I forget her name) is fantastic, and Zhen has some crazy fights in this. At the end he fights Ken Lo (when Ken was still DRUNKEN MASTER 2 good) with halved coconut shells over their fists! :tongue: Yowza!

mahong dragon was a lot of fun. :) the actress in there is josephine siao, who played jet li's mother in fong sai yuk (which zhen was in too). she was just a riot in here. very cute! hehehe

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Vincent Zhao held a press conference yesterday to clarify all recent wave of rumors regarding his behavior on set, the real cause of his departure and why he doesn't want to continue his cooperation on the production.

According to him, in the early stage of the completed script Zhao and the film crew came to an agreement but for which was to end when Zhao found out there were constant script changes being done without his consent as shooting progressed and Zhao would've been required to agree with this on the director and his crew's own terms. This prompted him to leave the set refusing any more requests from the film crew. The film crew tried to persuade him to return but they failed, and as there was nothing more to do they were forced to cut the cooperation with him. Zhao also clarifies the rumored tensions between him and Donnie on set stating that there was nothing going on and that it was Donnie who recommended him to the film's investors and invited him to play a crucial part in the film. The film crew has confirmed that Zhao's role will be taken over by Andy On.

Here's a video of the conference (would appreciate to have someone translate).


http://translate.google.se/translate?hl=sv&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fent.sina.com.cn%2Fm%2Fc%2F2012-03-04%2F20393571995.shtml (translation in English)

http://ent.sina.com.cn/m/c/2012-03-04/20393571995.shtml (original source)

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Zhao shows good chops in Another Meltdown and Fist Power, too.

At first I was like "What the heck is ANOTHER MELTDOWN?", then I remembered this was the ridiculous retitling that the Zhao film BLACK SHEEP AFFAIR got here in the US. As if to infer that it was a sequel MELTDOWN (it certainly isn't), which was the equally ridiculous retitling of the Jet Li film HIGH RISK. Confusing for newbies? I think so.

mahong dragon was a lot of fun. :) the actress in there is josephine siao, who played jet li's mother in fong sai yuk (which zhen was in too). she was just a riot in here. very cute! hehehe

Josephine Siao! Of course. Thank you Shelliegal. Yes, when I first saw FONG SAI YUK in the theater back in the '90s, that's how I was first introduced to the work of Miss Siao. She left almost as big an impression on my friends and I as Jet did. She's great in MAHJONG DRAGON, except for the scene where they tried to have her recreate Jackie's awesome ladder bit from FIRST STRIKE. That was a shame. :crossedlips: But her chemistry with Zhao was very nice, and I love the scene in the beginning where she's crying and the character tells her the difference between various tears. That's a sweet moment that stuck with me.

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