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Special ID (2013)


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The supposed comedic parts in the Ken Lo fight made me cringe.

:squigglemouth::tinysmile_angry2_t::cry:..... Damn.

I haven't watched all the latest vids in this thread, as I like to go in fresh. Ignorance is bliss:bigsmile:

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Off topic, but I've just been staring at your signature for a good 30 seconds flat, without even realising. :xd:

It wasn't until one of my kids shouted at me that I knew what I was doing.

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I've learned it's rather pointless to review other people's reviews when I've yet to see the movie.

But all the reviews so far have no issue with the choreography, action, editing and cinematography.

Just sayin' :bigsmile:

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One Armed Boxer

I went to check this out on the cinema here in Sydney yesterday, where it played in its original language (Cantonese & Mandarin). Like TWC, I'm someone who only watched the first trailer, and proceeded to stay clear of watching any of the subsequent fight clips and other trailers that were released, and over the last week, have also steered clear of the reviews which are now coming forth. I wanted to go into it completely fresh, with only the feeling of anticipation that the initial trailer gave me a hell of a lot of.

Although it pains me to say it, 'Special ID' is a colossal letdown. Lets forget about the fight scenes for a minute, because everyone will talk about them. Yen as an actor here is the problem, front and center. While under the direction of people like Peter Chan & Wilson Yip he's proven to be a capable presence on screen, 'Special ID' places him about ten steps back. Yen's characters takes all of his most annoying traits from his other movies, and dials them up to 11 - the pretentious mouthing off, the overly cocky posing, the complete lack of any danger that he may lose a fight.

His character acts like a spoiled five year old for the duration of the movie, and it makes for a teeth gratingly irritating endurance test. I want to say that it's the scripts fault why he acts like such an unbearable idiot, however as the movies production woes have been well documented, it's a well known fact that Vincent Zhao, initially onboard to play the role that ended up going to Andy On, walked away after claiming Yen altered the script to ensure more focus was on his character.

Under the direction of Clarence Fok, we have a movie were if a character is happy they'll jump up and down while excitedly running circles around the nearest person, if a character is sad they'll sit in the corner alone while crying in intermittent squeaks, and if a character is angry they'll yell while gesticulating wildly. Subtlety is not an option in Fok's repertoire, and it shows in the most painful way possible.

The sad thing is 'Special ID' was probably a much better movie in it's original form. Andy On is great as the main protagonist, and he steals the show whenever he's onscreen, making a suitably intimidating foe. However the problem is, no doubt due to Yen's script changes, he's not onscreen nearly half as much as he should be, and what we're left with is Yen strutting about like a tough guy, without even the slightest hint of irony.

For the fight scenes, as predicted plenty of MMA infused grappling is used. The opening fight with Ken Lo gives us our introduction of things to come, as Yen spends over half of the fight crawling all over the floor on all fours, while cockily beckoning Lo to come down and join him, and this spells out the problem for the other couple of fight scenes Yen has as well. While they're all pretty good, usually opening with a quick flurry of punches and kicks before going to the ground, the fact that Yen insists on arrogantly taunting his opponent just becomes annoying. The second fight is an all out brawl in a restaurant when On sets his whole gang after Yen, and there's some good stuff in there, but then in the middle of it he flips the finger at a group of them while laying the beatdown on one hapless member, and again all elements of him being in any danger are completely lost.

Actress Jiang Tian has a couple of brief scuffles as well, the highlight being her trying to take down On while he's driving, which is part of a car chase sequence against Yen...and in all honesty is actually the most exciting action sequence in the movie, despite it involving two of the most blatant examples of product placement I've ever seen.

All in all I agree that a review is just a review, and I hope everyone else who's been looking forward to 'Special ID' just as much as I have will be able to find the enjoyment from it that I couldn't (DIP - I'm looking at you!), but for me at least this sadly won't be getting a rewatch.

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I remember reading the movie was going to be split into two parts.. Did the movie seem like it leaved it open for a sequal? Also didn't they say mike Tyson was approached to be apart of the second one? Wonder how Tyson would be in a action/comedy/mma hybrid movie. From the reviews and the "laughable " fight scenes.. I just can't picture Tyson apart of that.

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I remember reading the movie was going to be split into two parts.. Did the movie seem like it leaved it open for a sequal? Also didn't they say mike Tyson was approached to be apart of the second one? Wonder how Tyson would be in a action/comedy/mma hybrid movie. From the reviews and the "laughable " fight scenes.. I just can't picture Tyson apart of that.

The Iceman Cometh remake is going to be in two parts. Not this, unless I missed something.

Saw this in Sydney today. Will post some thoughts later.

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One Armed Boxer
I remember reading the movie was going to be split into two parts.. Did the movie seem like it leaved it open for a sequal? Also didn't they say mike Tyson was approached to be apart of the second one?

Asmo is correct, it's 'The Iceman Cometh' remake which is being split into two parts.

The article you've referenced is discussing Tyson being in a sequel to 'Special ID', which looks like it could be proposed if the first one is enough of a success.

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Thanks for your opinions OAB. While special ID has been the first Donnie Yen film I've been looking forward to for quite a long time, I'm sure I haven't been anticipating its release as much as most of you guys. Looks like I'll put this on the backburner until I see it cheaply.

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Sequal.. Special Id 2..Almost the same thing. Either way Mike Tyson being in number two still seems a little bit odd with this style of movie. I'm still excited to see it, but I will probably wait for a cheap dvd copy as well

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Thanks for your review OAB. Most of Donnie's recent films have been under crossfire (Twitch) yet I thoroughly enjoyed some of them. In the end, it's all subjective.

Gonna watch this regardless.

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How did this opened in Sydney before the states??? What, United States doesn't have a market for Asian films, give me a fucking break. Sydney, Australia??? Who do I need to contact about this matter?

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Wow, OAB.... ouch... appreciate the review, but damn! Obviously I will eventually see for myself, but it sounds like all my fears came true about this movie. All the things you mentioned that you didn't like, mirror my dislikes in these types of films. Man, this doesn't bode well.

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Yeah, that would be a bit of a twist. Though it wouldn't be the first time i've bet on the wrong horse.

Though despite the less than favorable reviews, I still hope to get some enjoyment out of Special ID.

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Me too, man. I was really banking on this flick...

With so few quality MA films coming from HK these days, it just kills me if this ends up as a dud. The only thing I hate more than no potential, is wasted potential.

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Some basic thoughts:

I generally agree with OAB's opinion but I still enjoyed this quite a lot. It felt kind of like a throwback to the 80's heyday (with the occasional nod to mainland China). Donnie may have regressed a little with his performance but I think this was to give it a more humourous vibe even if it wasn't overtly comedic compared to say, Flash Point. This could also be down to his script changes.

One major criticism, the action is good but Donnie spends way too much time on the ground. By that I mean he spends too much time in a ready position either taunting or waiting for his opponent to give in and go down to the ground. There's no real element of suspense for the most part, no real danger of Donnie getting disadvantaged in hand to hand combat and being forced to take things to the ground. He's just.. grounded.

Andy On was quite good as Sunny, and the other actors were good even if some of the minor players overacted a little IMO, though this may be down to mainland Chinese audience tastes.

Overall, it's enjoyable if you don't go into it expecting something groundbreaking. It's just fun, and I left happy.

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watched this last night, looks like the best bits were in the trailer in the fights, the rest was mainly on the ground, must say andy on is really good here, dont think he can be criticized anymore, he can kick really good now. as for colin his fight was a few seconds long, im thnking was vincent zhou part actually andy on or colin's ? as they are both bosses, and i remember vincent saying that he had an issue with this character being a bit camp, as colin character is a bit camp especially when he was cutting hair in the hair salon :bigsmile:, vincent zhou would look really weird doing grappling if he was in this.

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watched this last night, looks like the best bits were in the trailer in the fights, the rest was mainly on the ground, must say andy on is really good here, dont think he can be criticized anymore, he can kick really good now. as for colin his fight was a few seconds long, im thnking was vincent zhou part actually andy on or colin's ? as they are both bosses, and i remember vincent saying that he had an issue with this character being a bit camp, as colin character is a bit camp especially when he was cutting hair in the hair salon :bigsmile:, vincent zhou would look really weird doing grappling if he was in this.

Vincent Zhao was originally to play Sunny, so Andy replaced him. I'm glad to see the "Onimal" finally getting recognition. I still have yet to see "Unbeatable", where he plays a MMA fighter, but he truly has proven with patience and hard work, he can definitely help the new generation of Hong Kong action stars. He's been in the business...what 12, 13 years now?

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Both him and Phil Ng are in their mid to late 30's I believe, and they both been at it for while. Shows the limited breakout opportunuties for MA actors in HK these days.

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Me too, man. I was really banking on this flick...

With so few quality MA films coming from HK these days, it just kills me if this ends up as a dud. The only thing I hate more than no potential, is wasted potential.

Man, you said it.

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