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Skyfall (2012) - new James Bond film


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Reel Power Stunts

I'm with Mark on this one (and I liked "Skyfall", but not "QOS"). The "QOS" and "CR" fights had some good choreography ideas and were energetic.

The "Skyfall" silhouette fight was brave and ambitious to attempt, but in my opinion fell into the trap a lot of "long take" action scenes do, which is they lack energy, precision and speed. The fight started quite promisingly, with good use of the firearm, but started (to my jaded eyes) to look like an overly-rehearsed routine being performed, rather than two professionals trying to desperately destroy each other. The couple of kicks thrown in looked pulled and safe.

I fully understand why these long take scenes have shortcomings - it's harder to run a marathon than the 100m dash, and no one wants injuries. It takes time and very skilled performers to pull off such a fight. Having said that, the fight wasn't that long. In many of Lau Kar-leung's films the takes are of comparable length, and were performed with accuracy, energy and precision.:xd:

I did like the lighting, though - even if it did remind me of the Chuck Norris film "Forced Vengeance"! (watch opening below):


In general I did like "Skyfall"s stunts and action - particularly the opening. Very exciting stuff.

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My thoughts on Skyfall...

THE GOOD: I appreciate the old school vibe and the references to the older Bond flicks (i.e. when Craig steps on the animals head to escape a la Live and Let Die), even though the Aston Martin reference was pushing it. I love how they have the end set up, which will make the next film feel more like a traditional Bond movie if they play their cards right. It was nice seeing M's office again. And i have to say, Javier Bardem did a great job! Overall, great execution and style by director Sam Mendes. Come to think of it, in terms of style, it almost feels like something Quentin Tarantino would have done (he almost directed Casino Royale, but producers turned down his ideas).

THE BAD: The last action sequence piece didn't feel like a Bond movie. It felt like a cross between Straw Dogs and No Mercy (Richard Gere) and the addition of that old guy... WTF? Also, I miss the intense, Bourne-esque type fight scenes we saw in Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace. Is it me or is Adele's song overrated? It almost sounds TOO MUCH like a Bond song if that makes sense. You know, forced, in a way.

THE UGLY: Bastards still didn't put the gun barrel at the beginning of the film. For a movie that's trying to go back to the roots (references and all) and is practically a celebration of 50 years of Bond, I thought for sure they'd put it in the beginning (before the opening action sequence, as usual). Does anyone know why this even changed? Casino Royale didn't have one (save for the "kinda" one at the beginning when he kills the guy in the bathroom) and like Skyfall, Quantum of Solace had one at the end as well.

THE BOTTOM LINE: I liked Skyfall. Best Bond movie? No. Not even Craig's best Bond movie. In fact, not even his second best (I'm a Quantum fan), but still a good movie. I can see why people think of The Dark Knight (Javier Bardem is The Joker) and The Dark Knight Rises (secret character surprises...), but who cares? It's not like Bond movies have never been slightly influenced by other popular movies (Man With The Golden Gun/Enter the Dragon, Moonraker/Star Wars, The Spy Who Loved Me/Jaws).

When I watch Skyfall again, my mind can change. Until then, these are my ratings for the last three Bond flicks:

Casino Royale: A+

Quantum of Solace: B+ (Olga Kurylenko is the "+")

Skyfall: B-

By the way, does anyone have a full list of references? Only ones I caught were:

- When Craig steps on the animals head to escape: Live and Let Die)

- When Craig says "For her eyes only" is a nod to For Your Eyes Only

- Aston Martin is a reference to Goldfinger and Thunderball

There were other things I caught that could have been references, but I saw them more as 'usual' things you saw in Bond movies. (i.e. finger print operated gun, a la License To Kill)

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BTW, anyone else notice that the shot of the man falling in slo-mo that was in the trailer isn't in the film itself? It was replaced with a much more obviously CGI shot.

Wonder why they did that?

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Which is the bond film where he stepped on a bunch of gator heads to get across some pond or something???? It was a Roger Moore film???

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By the way, does anyone have a full list of references? Only ones I caught were:

- When Craig steps on the animals head to escape: Live and Let Die)

- When Craig says "For her eyes only" is a nod to For Your Eyes Only

- Aston Martin is a reference to Goldfinger and Thunderball

There were other things I caught that could have been references, but I saw them more as 'usual' things you saw in Bond movies. (i.e. finger print operated gun, a la License To Kill)

We may be spoiling it for people who haven't seen it yet, but here's another one I noticed.

Q: "Were you expecting an exploding pen?" (ref. to Goldeneye)

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Guest Markgway
The fight started quite promisingly, with good use of the firearm, but started (to my jaded eyes) to look like an overly-rehearsed routine being performed, rather than two professionals trying to desperately destroy each other. The couple of kicks thrown in looked pulled and safe.

Exactly right.

The non-fight action was well done, however (even if there wasn't enough of it).

BTW, anyone else notice that the shot of the man falling in slo-mo that was in the trailer isn't in the film itself? It was replaced with a much more obviously CGI shot.

I noticed that too.

Is it me or is Adele's song overrated?

It's rubbish. Adele is rubbish.

I'm a Quantum fan

I'm not alone! :D

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I thought Skyfall was amazing. Sam Mendes really put QoS director Marc Forster to shame (and i liked QoS). Mendes shoots long takes for the dialogue AND the action scenes. There is one fight scene that is all one take with no edits. Bond and the henchman are both in the dark, so you can't see them, but you can see the fight just fine. The longer takes during the dialogue scenes allows the actors room to, well, act. And Craig really brings it here..

And even though this isn't a direct sequel the way QoS was to CR, Bond continues to grow as a character and they set the stage brilliantly for future films. The homages are great too.

Basically, see it!

hmm you liked QOS:tongue:

Seriously though Casino Royale setup the stage and let's be honest quantum of solace didn't deliver

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Seriously though Casino Royale setup the stage and let's be honest quantum of solace didn't deliver

QofS didn't have a thing on CR, but it's not as bad as what people make it out to me. It's still 10 times better than most of the action movies coming out these days.

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Interviewer: Is Daniel Craig your hero?

Markgway: Yes.

Interviewer: Tell me what you like about him?

Markgway: He.. he... he always wins the bad guys and he's a very quick mover.

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I enjoyed "Casino Royale," found "Quantum of Solace" enjoyable but thought "Skyfall" was better than both.

I don't know, "Skyfall" just felt more focused to me. It didn't go super big and I appreciated that. I loved the nods to the franchise and thought Mendes executed tight, luscious direction all the while keeping it more of a thriller than an all out action.

Barden was the greatest villain since Ledger's Joker. Purely psychopathic and yet had an actual personality.

The only problem I found was the bad CGI in places.

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I watched SKYFALL with the terrible german dubbing and i regret it....I really liked the movie, but the dub destroyed the vibe...I will definitly pick up the Blu Ray and I'm looking forward to watch it in original language.

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Guest Markgway
Interviewer: Is Daniel Craig your hero?

Markgway: Yes.

Interviewer: Tell me what you like about him?

Markgway: He.. he... he always wins the bad guys and he's a very quick mover.

Bruce Lee the Legend. :tongue:

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OK I just got back from seeing Skyfall and I pretty much agree with mpm74review this was a good movie but the best Bond not by far as far DC's best Bond movie I also have to say no. There were times it just didn't feel like a Bond film, I enjoyed it as I do all Bond movies. And I like the throwback to the classic references, I thought that was great and I was glad they used the theme song even for a brief moment. I won't give away the ending but I heard that is what was going to happen so I expected it. My partner at work said it would be nice to see a prequel of James Bond how he got started, recruited etc to MI6 we don't really know much of his back story only that he was a Commander in the Navy and that he was Married. Overall I enjoyed it and looking forward to the next installment. Also I heard DC has signed on to 3 more movies.

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BaronK: The film went by very quickly for me!

After hearing all this talk about the silhouette fight... I'm just happy it was the same type of choreography albeit at a touch slower pace. This film was the complete package for me. It took an active approach against the franchise conventions on top of the usual poking-fun-at-itself. Bérénice Marlohe did a great job introducing her boyfriend... a slow and steady introduction to a first class villain.

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Saw it today. Time does just go by. It plays nothing like CR, which plays better on tv in my opinion.

It really didn't feel like a Bond flick. Where License To Kill didn't feel like a Bond flick but an action movie, this was different. Felt like a movie with Bond and MI6 characters, in regard to the real villain and the purpose of it all. The acting was very good. Javier brought something that you don't get in these types of pictures. The silhouette fight was nice. Long take, not so simple chor., nice.

So, of the 3, QoS is first by a mile. CR is fine as long as it's on tv. This one feels out of place as a whole, so it's a limbo kind of thing.

I must admit, I didn't see the ending with where certain characters end up and how some end up, coming. I was surprised. It closes a chapter and moves forward into the next.

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I really enjoyed Skyfall but I need to re-watch it for a clear conclusion because the movie was real different, even different from CR being different from the old movies as a reboot. Characters/acting, action, plot points/twists, direction, editing etc. This kind of direction could honestly lead to great things for the franchise. But again, I need some time with it again to appreciate the new level they are taking Bond to.

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It was a pretty cool Bond flick, I thought. In fact i think the last three Bond films are an excellent reboot to the franchise.

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Ok, it's official... Im done with Bond. To me, the worst Bond film since Die Another Day.... even Quantum Of Solace was better than this.

There's nothing left of the Bond I grew up with and loved for so many years.

I wish the filmmakers all the best with the whole reboot direction, it's just not for me anymore.

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Elemental Fist
For me classic Bond was from Dr. No to License To Kill. Never got much enjoyment out of the Brosnan era. Goldeneye wasn't too bad, but from then on they just got worse, culminating with the atrocious Die Another Day. I don't care that much about the reboot Bonds, though I wouldn't like to see them turn into the Bond equivalent of the Star Wars prequels. Respect what came before. Don't betray your characters and your universe. Set the trends, don't follow them. Are you hearing me, Bond producers?

Isn't that what they did with Live And Let Die (Blacksploitation), The Man With Golden Gun (Hong Kong kung fu feel in the Hong Kong scenes) and Moonraker?

I'll dare say that my favorite Bond film, From Russia With Love took elements from Hitchcock (who was actually Ian Fleming's dream director for a Bond film that unfortunatly never came to be)

If anything, the only Craig film that felt like a Bourne like film (as Craig detractors love to use) was QOS, Casino Royale and Skyfall still felt like Bond films.

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