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Skyfall (2012) - new James Bond film


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Any new Bond movie is an event for me.

Same here. Karlos sent me a link to that today. Craig owns me as Bond. Glad a new one is finally coming out.

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Daniel Craig is solid as Bond, Not as smooth/cool jivin like Connery but Craig brings sinister and grittiness to this Bond roll....

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Everytime they find a new Bond, the producers also find a way to delay productions so we don't get the films while the new Bond is hot.. Craig has been Bond for like seven, eight years and there's only been two films. :squigglemouth:

I remember Roger Moore as Bond seemingly twenty times..


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Well, they're bigger productions now, and they don't have the Fleming material to draw on anymore. Plus the usual hollywood bureaucracy takes about ten times longer today than it did day back then.

So yeah, they were more consistent then and quicker to ride the momentum...

The two biggest delays back then was from '74 to '77 when Saltzman went broke, and there were a lot of legal wrangling about the story/script etc.

And then the big transition gap from Dalton to Brosnan '89 to '95.

Outside of that, it was every year in the beginning, and then every two years... more or less.

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I remember reading in Entertainment Weekly, like a year ago when production for this finally kicked off, that part of the reason for the delay between this and QOS was that the Bond franchise is owned by family company (it's their only film commodity) who were on the verge of bankruptcy even though DC's 2 previous films had done so well. The studio (was it Universal or Paramount?) wouldn't have anything to do with them.

I think I'm recalling that correctly. Don't have the issue anymore. If y'all call me on it, it won't hurt my feelings none.

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Guest Markgway

Not sure I like the look of the new Q; too much like a computer geek with floppy boyband hair.

The REAL Q would have been outraged by this pretender.

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Not sure I like the look of the new Q; too much like a computer geek with floppy boyband hair.

The REAL Q would have been outraged by this pretender.

@Markgway: Listen I loved the Old Q. I'm just glad they got Q. back in ther storyline, and I kinda like the new Geeky Q. look. Lets give him a chance to see how he fits in.

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Once again, the 22 mega box set of James Bond is cheaper on Amazon.UK than it is on American shores, lol...

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Guest Markgway


Contains moderate action violence and one use of strong language

I hope that's a mistake. After 5 decades and 22 films they've NOW decided to say 'fuck' in a Bond film. Even the series' most violent entires (Licence to Kill, Casino Royale) never had strong language. Why now? I grew up watching Bond - my parents wouldn't have let me see them if they'd had the f-word. Can you imagine 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service' with a 'fuck off, Blofeld!". This spoils it for kids. Yes, I know standards have slipped thanks to the 12A certificate but it's a real shame that a long running family series in now tainted by a modern inability to hold one's tongue. I don't care if the latest Tarantino has 400 uses of the word 'fuck' - that's fine - but Bond shouldn't have any. Maybe no one else cares? We'll see...

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Agree, swearing doesn't fit with the Bond series. I think ass and piss have been used before, but that's pretty mild. Shit would fly in my book, but fuck in all its forms would just feel out of place.

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Guest Markgway

I'm more disappointed than anything else. For 50 years and 22 movies you could always rely on Bond for family entertainment (which is what the original producers intended). Who here didn't grow up on Bank Holiday TV screenings and VHS rentals? I've never complained about the series' changes in tone, attempts to 'go grittier, more dramatic', because there was always a line that wouldn't be crossed. Now it's been crossed. It's not the word - fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!! - it's the principle. It would be like putting an f-word in Indiana Jones or Batman; some things you just leave alone. The Bond producers' determination to turn this character into Jason Bourne has finally come full circle (this Bond drinks beer and looks like a thug). SKYFALL may be a terrific movie - and I hope it is - but the Bond I grew up with is sadly no longer with us. The 'one use of strong language' plastered on the poster is a cyncial marketing ploy that's been used (and overused) in a bid to say 'hey, this isn't just for kids!'. Why? Is that such a bad thing. I loved watching Bond with my parents. Wouldn't happen now. I know some parents might not care, but I'd imagine an awful lot do.

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OK I also grew up in the 70's watching the JB movies on Channel 7 ABC Network. But I do like the more grittier tone of JB now the only thing I really miss is the theme music without it doesn't feel like a JB movie at all! They need to put the music back into the movies.

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Gotta go with Markgway on this. That's a shame, truly. In trying to make the character more "real" the studios also ruin the suspension of belief to some degree. Maybe it's just me. (Sigh.) And why just "one use of strong language"? If you're going to go there, then go on. What's the point of testing the waters of offense with one word? "Oh, if we get away with it this time, they won't mind so much the next." Whatever. I seriously doubt they'd ever consider having a Bond villain who was homosexual because if 007 were to beat the living daylights:wink: out of him, it'd be considered a hate crime. Goobers.

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I guess times are different??? Back then things were simple a lot simple.. Having the new bond movie look more like a Bourne movie is really not that bad, no??? If you guys are talking family time with the bond movies it mostly father and son bonding because last I remember from my childhood my mother doesn't give two shits about watching a bond movie... My mother is more into Patrick Swayze and shit...

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I don't give a shit about swearing in real life, I have no kids, and if I did, shielding them from the horrors of onscreen nudity, violence and bad language wouldn't be very high on my list of priorities.

BUT four letter words in Bond films is just lame and out of place, no matter what time period we're in! It's just as lame as the omission of John McClane's classic catchphrase in Die Hard 4... what a pussy bitch move to sell more tickets..... makes me wanna vomit!

If the Bond producers wanna show how oh so edgy and gritty they are, then do it through character and action, not cheap cop outs like this.

Hell, why not just have Danny Dyer play Bond from now on, with his cockney slang making your ears bleed every two seconds.

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Valid points all across the board... As for the word "Fuck", Maybe he'll say it really fast and nobody notices it or he going to use the word "Fuck" in a crucial scene and use it as a punch-line, I don't know???

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Maybe it's not even him saying it, and is there actually any confirmation that it's the word fuck??

Anything less than that, i'll probably be fine with, but if it is, it seems a little desperate, and sad.

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Guest Markgway

I read that Judi Dench ('M') says it. How, when and why I don't know.

And how's this for irony: Skyfall has the 'fuck' that Die Hard 4 (theatrical) didn't. The bloody R-rated Expendables 2 had untold macho violence but no f-words. Everything's upside down.

I think when the producers rebooted Bond with Casino Royale they should have just done what they clearly wanted to do and made it an adult/older teen oriented series (probably with an 'R' if it weren't for commercial considerations). For me the traditional Bond series ran 20 films from Dr. No to Die Another Day. The last three are from a new series using the same character names and some familiar trappings. Apparently they've even shoved the gunbarrel in at the end again. Just be honest and make the film you want to make: It obviously isn't Bond as we know it.

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Funny thing is you've typed it, said it and made a deal out of it causing others to also type it all while being in an uproar about its use in a movie that kids will see. Kids come here. They'll get it more in this thread than in the movie.

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