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Skyfall (2012) - new James Bond film


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Actually, the paycheck he collected for DAF went exclusively to his charity cause.... he didn't keep a penny for himself.

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Guest Yi-Long
Actually, the paycheck he collected for DAF went exclusively to his charity cause.... he didn't keep a penny for himself.

I didn't know that, and that's great of him, but that doesn't change the fact that he gave an uninspired performance in that movie :)

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Remember that back in the 60's/early 70's there were almost NO action films, so the Bonds films were the big thing. Now there are so many action films so it's hard for the new 007 films to keep up with the competition.

On another note, I always find very funny and interesting how the James Bond films evolved since their early days. Before (haaaa Roger, Sean and Lazenby) Bond used to smack the girls (not only villains) to get respect but now "Craig" wouldn't do that. Also,

perhaps the worst of all is James Bond's new boss (since Pierce Brosnan)... it's a

woman! lol! Finally, Bond used to smoke now he doesn't anymore.

A last one: Because of product placement James Bond used to wear a Rolex, now he switched to Omega ;)

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I didn't know that, and that's great of him, but that doesn't change the fact that he gave an uninspired performance in that movie :)

No, you're right, he didn't really bring it in that one. Though Never Say never Again was even worse:cry:

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Never Say Never Again would have been decent if it was a licensed Bond product. Imagine the movie with a John Barry score and usual James Bond trademarks (barrel opening sequence, theme song)...

I'm surprised there's no fan edit of the film with these trademarks.

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IMO no fan edit could have saved that movie. It had some cool moments, but overall, I think it was pretty damn dire. The whole vibe just felt a bit off, save for a few choice scenes. Plus, Connery was way to old and slow to pull off the Bond character at that time.

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NSNA was pretty terrible.

I disagree Mark, although Sean was a tad too old (and Roger was even older in Octopussy!) there is much to enjoy. Brandeur (sp?) was an excellent Largo as was most of the supporting cast, it could have done without the 'posy' dance sequence, the computer game (very dated now) and the rather silly scene of Bond and Leiter evading the police by jogging in their undercrackers. Michel Legrand's music was uninspiring and led to a tension free 'Tears of Allah' climax. Sean still came over as a tough old SOB though!

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See Never Say Never Again was a remake of one of Connery's other James Bond movie, I forget which one it was almost a carbon copy of. And I like the new Bond Craig portrays. See I'm a huge Bond fan so I cannot wait to see this movie.

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It was Kevin McClory's 1980's take on Thunderball, But that didn't make it any better!

I actually stopped caring about new Bond flicks a long time ago, But this teaser trailer kinda piqued my interest... much more than the trailers for CR and QOS.

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Guest Markgway
Did that hurt your scotish feelings, Mark?:wink:

I just find it contemptible when he's supposed to be in the British Secret Service (we still have a union as much as some folks would prefer we didn't). Can you imagine the outrage if Sean Connery (who shamefully said much the same thing in Thudnerball) uttered the line "the things I do for Scotland". Wink. Wink. England and Britain are not the same. England is only one part of Britain. There are two others (see also Wales). And three if we're talking about the UK (Nothern Ireland).

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England and Britain are not the same. England is only one part of Britain. There are two others (see also Wales). And three if we're talking about the UK (Nothern Ireland).

That was very educational for me. I was unaware there was a distinction. Interesting to know. Cool.

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It was Kevin McClory's 1980's take on Thunderball, But that didn't make it any better!

I actually stopped caring about new Bond flicks a long time ago, But this teaser trailer kinda piqued my interest... much more than the trailers for CR and QOS.

So, you haven't seen Casino Royale? You should give it a look. It's one of the best action films of its decade.

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So, you haven't seen Casino Royale? You should give it a look. It's one of the best action films of its decade.

ToryK speaks truth. Great film. I gave up on the franchise for a while too, but CR renewed my faith!

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No I saw both Casino Royale and Quantum Of Solace. When I say I stopped caring, I meant I don't get excited about them anymore like I did in the 80's. CR was a decent action flick, didn't rock me though. QOS was kinda weak.

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What I miss about the newer Bond films is the original soundtrack theme that really made the movies! Now its really just an action movie, at least put the soundtrack theme back into the movies.

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What I miss is that they don't stand out anymore. Once upon a time, the Bond flicks were SETTING the trends, not following them. How many spy flicks and bond spoofs were made in the 60's? I don't even wanna count. But by the 70's, the franchise (though not out of steam) were starting to follow instead of lead. Live And Let Die capitalized on the blaxploitation genre and general black movement going on. Man With The Golden Gun was clearly influenced by the succes of Enter The Dragon and the whole Kung Fu boom. The Spy Who Loved Me was more of an original entry, though it looked to Jaws for some inspiration, even had a character called JAWS! And Moonraker was obviously fueled by the huge resurging interest in Sci Fi, courtesy of Close Encounters and Star Wars and the like.

In the 80's I think the series kinda found its own identity again, only problem was that Moore was way too old, and John Glen was an average director at best. Though For Your Eyes Only and Living Daylights are two of my favourites. Hell, I even love License To Kill, even if it felt more like a mish mash of Lethal Weapon and Miami Vice, and shut the series down for half a decade.

Goldeneye was a breath of fresh and much needed air for Bond fans, but then the Brosnan flicks just kept getting worse and worse, untill the final nail in the coffin that is Die Another Day (shutter).

The Craig flicks, to me, feels kinda generic since they just seem to borrow what they need from other films, and calling it Bond. A little Parkour here, a little Bourne jerkycam there and so on. Plus the whole "reboot" angle which I thought was unnecessary and stupid. Plus all this deep psychological backstory stuff, and Bond being all emotional all the time. Some of it works, some of it don't. I wish the series would just find and clearly define its own identity again. Then maybe I, as a lifelong Bond fan, would get excited about a new 007 film coming out.

Rant over.......

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What I miss is that they don't stand out anymore. Once upon a time, the Bond flicks were SETTING the trends, not following them. How many spy flicks and bond spoofs were made in the 60's? I don't even wanna count. But by the 70's, the franchise (though not out of steam) were starting to follow instead of lead. Live And Let Die capitalized on the blaxploitation genre and general black movement going on....

I'm always psyched for a new Bond film and will always go and see it in the theater, but I agree for the most part on your likes and dislikes. I loved License to Kill, Tomorrow Never Dies was significantly buoyed by Yeoh, Die Another Day wasn't total crap but The World is Not Enough certainly was. I really do enjoy the Craig ones, even though I think the Bourne films beat them to the punch on the darker/violent spy thriller.

Have you read the original books?

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I read a couple a long time ago, but they didn't really do it for me. Guess im more of a Bond movie fan, than a Bond fan as such. I obviously recognize them as great core material for the entire film series, but I started watching the Bond movies as a kid, way before I could read and comprehend litterature at that level, So I saw no point in backtracking.

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What I miss about the newer Bond films is the original soundtrack theme that really made the movies! Now its really just an action movie, at least put the soundtrack theme back into the movies.

Me too. But, you know, they were always sorta slowly bringing it upon us that this was the new Bond. Constantly teasing us with things we expect as Bond fans. We didn't hear the Bond music in CR until the last minute; and we didn't see a Gun Barrel Sequence until the end of QOS.

So maybe with Skyfall, it will be the first full blown 007 with all the fix-ins, since Craig has pretty much established himself in the last two films.

We'll see. Either way, I'm excited as fuck.

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It looks pretty Damn cool, to be honest. I can feel a little bit of the old excitement starting to stir....

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