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Guest daTOAD

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Guest venoms5

You can buy an uncut DVD of BLOODY MOON at www.xploitedcinema.com. The others are not on DVD yet that I know of but OFFERINGS, DEATH SPA and KILLER WORKOUT I have seen at a local vid store although I haven't been there in a couple of years. Never heard of TERROR NIGHT though.

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Guest daTOAD

thanks for the info:D .if you could get those and just before dawn maybe we could work something out[on a few message boards looking though,so i would prefer some kind of trade-doesnt have to be for horror films-ive all types of movies].

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Guest venoms5

I forgot to mention a rare slasher that recently made its debut on DVD. It's called UNHINGED. It was banned in Britain upon release in 1980. It's pretty good and suspensful in all the right places and has one hell of an ending you won't see coming. The only drawback is that the acting isn't that great but then again you don't watch these movies for acting. Best Buy has it for 12 bucks. DVDPlanet has it also. If you like this type of film you ought to try some asian horror. Two asian slashers are HE KILLS BY NIGHT and HEARTBEAT 100. Then there's THE UNTOLD STORY, DR. LAMB, EBOLA SYNDROME, RUN AND KILL and RED TO KILL, four of the most violent, nasty flicks ever to come out of Hong Kong.

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Guest daTOAD

i saw Unhinged at best buy a while back,but of all the reviews i read, no one reccomended it so i never got it.not to mention 1 review told me the ending and that pretty much ruined it for me.i havent heard of too many jap. slashers.i have been looking for a kor. title called Bloody Beach.ive read its a throwback to the old slashers from the 80s.ive seen most of the H.K. stuff you mentioned ,but im really not into gore, i like fun violence[if that makes sense].ive had no luck finding anybody with the titles ive been looking for and i remember you saying a local video store may have some of the films im looking for.i would definetely like to work something out if you could get copies for me.BTW did you ever find out if you had Just Before Dawn?

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Guest venoms5

8 out of 10 slasher movies aren't going to be recommended by any reviewer anyways and for 12$ it's worth it if you are a completist. I happened to enjoy it for the suspense and the story twists. If you like horror movies about families of lunatics out in the middle of nowhere terrorizing vacationers then definitely pick it up. I should be able to get over to that vid store to see if they still carry those movies you're looking for in the next couple of days. I can't find JUST BEFORE DAWN. I have sold or thrown away most of my VHS tapes however I may be able to find it at one of the local vid stores or one in the surrounding area. The only problem is most video stores do away with many of there older movies to make way for the new ones. Hopefully it will surface on DVD soon as it's really good. The new movie WRONG TURN is alot like it and another rare slasher THE FINAL TERROR(campsite massacre). BTW, I've thought of some more slashers for you to look for if you haven't already got them-THE PREY, SAVAGE WEEKEND, GROTESQUE, SILENT SCREAM, GIRLS NITE OUT, NEW YEARS EVIL, & THE TOOLBOX MURDERS. Two that come highly recommended are TOWER OF EVIL, an ahead of its time slasher with a startling amount of violence and nudity. Elite Ent. offers this in its uncut form for the first time ever. BLACK CHRISTMAS, the first real stalk and slasher, precedes HALLOWEEN by 4 years. In fact dir. Bob Clark offered the script for the sequel to John Carpenter who changed some of the details in the story which became HALLOWEEN. BC is without a doubt one of the scariest movies ever made. If you like Mario Bava you should seek out TWITCH OF THE DEATH NERVE(Bay of Blood) whose many murders served as inspiration for the FRIDAY THE 13th series and also the British movie FRIGHT about a babysitter terrorized by a psycho that's escaped from an insane asylum.

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Guest daTOAD

your right about reviews.i do like the crazy family thing.my preference is the disfigured/inbred killers.most of the movies you listed i own, and couldnt agree with you more about Black Christmas.im really curious about Savage Weekend and the Prey.Grotesgue sounds interesting.Girls Nite Out is the worst[not in a good way],and i like bad films.ive been searching the internet for a while and cant find any places that sell these movies.some new ones ive heard about are:D ead Girls,Victims!, Spine, Mirage, SledgeHammer, and Bits and Pieces. how much are the rentals there?we have a couple of stores[outside of Hollywood and Blockbusters] that rent old releases for 50 cent.id truly be in your debt if you could find some of these films for me.

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Guest venoms5

All the films I mentioned I had rented and copied at some point or another and since I've got so many DVDs now I have sold or thrown away the VHS tapes I bought or copied. A few I'll keep just in case they never surface on DVD. I'm in Eden, NC and the rentals here are from 1$ to 2.50$ for the old movies. I'll check a few of them the next couple of days. Although a couple of vid stores that I know have some of these movies won't let me rent there because I live over a 30 mile radius away. Some of the more rare ones you seek you should try a rental by mail service. If you buy FANGORIA magazine, in the back they list many different video companies that sell or rent hard to find or obscure horror, gore, exploitation. do you have any word when CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST and I DRINK YOUR BLOOD will arrive on DVD? Supposedly I DRINK... was slated for release on DVD this month but I've found nothing on DVDPlanet.com and CANNIBAL... is playing the theater rounds in New York right now but I figured it would be on DVD by now as well. This new print Sage Stallone and Bob Murawski have put together supposedly has the missing piranha scene. I don't have my bootleg of this anymore and I was tempted to by the region 2 DVD of this from xploited cinema but I was holding out for the Grindhouse Release because of the missing scene.

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Guest daTOAD

not for sure ,but it seems like ive seen both of these titles on dvd at a video store called Wild and Wooly.as i said im not sure but ill check.$1 to $2.50 is not bad.if you can get any of the movies im looking for,ill fully reemberce[spelling]you.ive my request on a few other sites,so ill also ask about the films your looking for.i think im going to pick up unhinged today.its either that or House By The Cemetary.i went to a couple sites in the back of Fangoria,but they mostly carry run of the mill stuff and its harder than i thought to find people selling copies of these out of print movies.its like everyone is waiting for the dvds and not messing with tapes at all.all though i must admit i found a lot of these movies cheap[from .75cents to $5.00] on Yahoo shopping[i think it was],but i think you have to have a credit card.i saw just before dawn for sale at rare movies .com for $1,750.that has to be a mistake.if you know of any "bootleg" sites id love to checkem out.

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Guest daTOAD

the video store i mentioned does have the dvd of Cannibal Holocaust, but I DrinknYour Blood has not been released yet.i dont know whut extras are on the disc,but its lbx.

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Guest venoms5

House By the Cemetary is Lucio Fulci's finale in his zombie quartet although not much happens till the end and it doesn't make sense some of the time. If you've not seen it it's a cross between THE SHINING and a zombie flick. Anchor Bay offers the best version although there's also a bootleg from Diamond ent. out for 5.00$ that's also LBX but the picture is better on the AB disc. Some other slasher/horror flicks I highly recommend you look for are TOWER OF EVIL, HOUSE ON SORORITY ROW,TOURIST TRAP, NEW YORK RIPPER(Probably the most violent & nasty slasher movie out there dir. by Fulci),MY BLOODY VALENTINE, DERANGED(Sadly, the MGM version is missing some of the gore present on the uncut tape that surfaced about 10 years ago), MOTEL HELL, MOTHERS DAY, THE PROWLER, SHOCK WAVES(Lotsa suspense, little gore), SPIDER BABY(the first lunatic family in the big mansion film and obviously a big inspiration for HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES), THE INCUBUS, STAGE FRIGHT(THE best Italian slasher ever), THE FUNHOUSE, HELL NIGHT, MANIAC, and MADMAN. I'm sure you have some of these I just wanted to list a few of the best old school horrors I have in my collection. I don't know what your spectrum is in terms of horror movies, I like Hammer films, Italian horrors 1960-80s, mexican horrors(B/W), various British horrors, US horror from 70s-80s, exploitation, hardcore horror(Italian cannibal-zombie films, Texas Chainsaw-Last House...). Oh forgot another one-although not a straight horror movie per se but TEN TO MIDNIGHT with Charles Bronson is an excellent slasher-thriller that is definitely worth the 10$. This just came out on LBX DVD from MGM. I'll post an email tonight or tomorrow if I find some of the movies you asked about.

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Guest daTOAD

yeah , most of those i do have.its funny you mention 10 to Midnight.me and a buddy were just talking about that flick.its one of my favorite Bronson flicks.im new to collecting the slasher flicks.i dont take it as seriously as my asian movie collection.its mostly for nostalgic purposes.ive got just about all the films ive wanted from the 70s[mostly martial arts and blacksplotation] now im moving on to some of the films i loved as a kid in the 80s- slashers.ive found a guy who has Just Before Dawn and a few other good ones i almost forgot about.Spider Baby and Stagefright sound very interesting.could you give me a little storyline about them:D

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Guest venoms5

Sorry daTOAD I've had no luck so far. There are still a few vid stores to check. It'll probably be next week before I can check them out. Regarding the two films you mentioned, SPIDER BABY is a Jack Hill flick, director of the classics COFFY, FOXY BROWN, & THE BIG BIRD CAGE. It's about a family who suffer from a rare disease that causes the individual to suffer a gradual regression to a neolithic state and eventual cannibalistic tendencies. Lon Chaney Jr. plays the chauffeur who is in charge of the last generation to suffer from the disease. The two daughters are homicidal maniacs, Sid Haig plays the retarded brother who skulks around like an animal and in the basement are several relatives who have succumbed to the disease fully and are cannibals with animalistic features who are routinely fed people who wander too close to the mansion. The only surviving member who hasn't got the disease shows up with a group of people to hear the reading of a will and they all end up having to stay in the creepy mansion all night. This movie was way ahead of its time and his highly recommended. DVDPlanet has it for 7.00$ STAGE FRIGHT is an Italian version of an american slasher movie & is better than most of them. A group of theater performers are practicing a play about a serial killer when they are locked in the playhouse by said serial killer who has escaped from an insane asylum and who has the only key. Giovanni Lombardo Radice, probably the most abused actor in Italian horror cinema also stars as one of the performers. This is also a must have. Anchor Bay put this out last year and you can find it at Best Buy or DVDPlanet. BTW, I also have about 11 or 12 Blaxploitation movies. TRUCK TURNER, BUCKTOWN, BLACK CAESAR and the two SLAUGHTER movies are some favorites.

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Guest daTOAD

thanks for the info.i also have a few blaxplotatians.i watched the EDUCATION OF SONNY CARTER[man i love this movie] last night.ill be on the look out for both of those movies,cause they sound killer[pardon the pun].ive found a lot of movies since the last time i posted.i saw Unhinged,and it was pretty creepy.thumbs up[though they should hve shown the chick masterbating instead of just the heavy breathing-it would have been a lot scarier].i also got Offerings-which is a good Halloween clone.i also picked some rare titles that id never heard of like MADHOUSE, FOREVER MINE[that couldve easily been a sequal to My Bloody Valentine with a stroke of the pen], THE NIGHT BRINGS CHARLIE[cool ass slasher with a nice twist ending], PRISON[i remeber seeing this as a kid-has Viggo Mortenson and Tiny Lester],and the PREY[damn HBO video-they had to be the first company using copy guards].ive seem to have found most of whut im looking for and some traders who have Just Before Dawn and Blood Tracks[my most sought after]. if your into any of these flicks, maybe we can work something out like some kind of trade.heres my slash list if interested:




















TRICK OR TREAT[the one with david carradine]















BLOOD SPLASH[i believe this is Nightmare unct]

FOREVER MINE[hard to find slasher from the 80s with fake title-Trapped To Kill]





can get the following:






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Guest daTOAD

BTW TRUCK TURNER is one of my favorites.have you heard of a movie called TROUBLE MAN.ISSAC HAYES did the soundtrack i believe and possibly starred in it,but cant find anywhere

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Guest venoms5

Actually, I thought UNHINGED played better by not showing anything. If they had than you would know ahead of time who the killer was. I thought it was the retarded brother. The ending was one of the most shocking I've seen for a movie like that, especially in the way the killer kept chopping away at the girl for what seemed like an eternity. Is BLOOD TRACKS the one about the people who are trapped at a snow lodge by an avalanche and are hunted down by a family of cannibals? Never heard of TROUBLE MAN but I have a friend in New York who probably would know. Blaxploitation flicks I want to get on DVD are LEGEND OF NIGGER CHARLY starring Fred Williamson & its sequel, THREE THE HARD WAY, TAKE A HARD RIDE, and MR. BIG starring Bernie Casey. Yes BLOOD SPLASH is NIGHTMARE(NIGHTMARES IN A DAMAGED BRAIN). What's interesting about that movie is Tom Savini contends he didn't do the special effects on that film but I have a book that shows behind the scenes photos and he is clearly working on the gore effects for the movie. I've never heard of FOREVER MINE but it sounds good. MY BLOODY VALENTINE is one of my favorites in the slasher genre. BTW another one to check out is SILENT RAGE with Chuck Norris. If you liked TEN TO MIDNIGHT you'll get a 'kick' out of this as Chuck takes on an insane man who is brought back from the dead by a couple of mad scientists who are testing a cell regeneration drug. Not only is the guy nuts but now he can't be killed. It's a pretty good HALLOWEEN clone laced with martial arts action.

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Guest daTOAD

Silent Rage is my favorite Chuck Norris movie.when i was a kid i loved this movie and was always waiting on a sequal[there was numerous rumors about one being made].Blood Tracks is the film you described.that is on my top 5 of slashers.havent seen it but story sounds good.found a guy that has that and Just Before Dawn along with a bunch of slashers ive never heard of.Forever Mine for some reaseon appealed to me very much. the video i got almost fooled me because the box had a couple of porn chicks posing side by side with a hook dangling in front of them.the title was changed also to Trapped To Kill.after reading the back of the box and seeing actual pictures from the film, i knew this was a lost 80s slasher.its a little slow to get to the pay off ,but its decently acted and has a few subplots to keep you in it.Trouble Man , i found out, may just be the name of an Issac Hayes album and not a soundtrack.as far as Tom and Blood Splash,it has to be him.not only did you see the picture,but this guy has trademark effects that were all through that movie.i kinda agree about Unhinged.i guess they couldnt show hear masterbating or that ruin the ending.it was ill how no one got away and the way the killer just butchered the chick at the end was quite disturbing.good reccomendation.

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Guest venoms5

Some other slashers I don't see in your list but should seriously consider seeking out to add to your already extensive collection are TERROR TRAIN(1980), ALONE IN THE DARK(1982), TOWER OF EVIL(1972) available from Elite DVD, TWITCH OF THE DEATH NERVE(1972)aka BAY OF BLOOD available from Image Entertainment. TERROR TRAIN in my opinion is one of the classiest and scary slasher movies ever. ALONE IN THE DARK is one of the wittiest and most creative slashers and stars Jack Palance, Martin Landau and Donald Pleasance. TOWER OF EVIL falls in the category of crazy families in spooky mansions only this one takes place at a fog enshrouded light house overlooking the sea. The uncut DVD features some surprising amounts of sex and gore and is pretty intense. Caught it on TV as a kid on a Saturday afternoon back in the mid80s. TWITCH... may be the first actual body count movie. The myriad 13 creative kills in the film served as inspiration for the FRIDAY THE 13th series. One of Mario Bavas best and probably his goriest movie. BTW if you're into Bava, some of his best on DVD that are must buys are THREE FACES OF FEAR aka BLACK SABBATH, MASK OF SATAN aka BLACK SUNDAY(B/W), and BARON BLOOD aka TORTURE CHAMBER OF BARON BLOOD. These are available from Image as well as another excellent horror from 1972-HORROR EXPRESS with Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and Telly Savalas. The story shares some similarities with THE THING(1982) and the less revealed about the plot the better. If you enjoy British Horror you will get a kick out of this wild flick involving aliens, zombies, secret agents, mad monks and something frozen in a block of ice. Also, another slasher that comes to mind but I don't recommend unless you're a completist is the shot on video 555 about a SERIOUSLY disturbed psycho who kills 5 women over 5 days every 5 years. He also rapes them-after he has mutilated them. The violence and gore borders on the level of NECROMANTIK. This came out in the late 80s and the cover on the vid box is very graphic-no way you'll find this at Blockbuster. There is also a KILLER NERD series of films out there from Troma although I've seen none of the three anywhere in my area. Oh, and while it's on my mind do you remember a movie called WITHOUT WARNING that came out in 1980. I saw it in the theater at 5 years of age and had nightmares as a result. PREDATOR ripped off the plot of this one about an 8 foot alien who comes to earth to hunt man using these flying discus creatures that he throws through the air that attach themselves to peoples faces and suck out there bodily fluids. It has yet to surface here on video or DVD but Midnight Video has copies of the Japanese tape for sale. It stars Jack Palance, Martin Landau and I believe David Caruso's first screen appearance as dead teenager potential.

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Guest daTOAD

i actually have Terror Train and its one of my favorites.i rented Tower of Evil but just couldnt make it through it.i see Alone in the Dark at the vid store all the time ,but somehting allways stops me from picking it up[it just seems so unappealing to my taste all though ive read good reviews about it.] Hooror Express sounds interesting,i may look for that.WITHOUT WARNING sounds very interesting.i know ive probably seen it before[sounds familar] ,but ill definitely be on the look for that one.the Bava stuff is a little too paced for me.that 555 you mentioned, was this shot on video or shot for video?sounds kinda cool.do you have any info on Killer Nerd?all i know is that its a Troma film[which could be a bad thing] and it has a sequal.have you heard of the following:THE BOARDING HOUSE, FUNERAL HOME, AMERICAN NIGHTMARE[1983], DEAD MEAT,SLEDGEHAMMER, VICTIMS, SPINE or FRAT NIGHT?im about to trade for these titles ,but cant find any info on these films.

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Guest monwobobbo

HORROR EXPRESS is well worth having brentwood has a good widescreen copy available cheap (unfortunately the other 3 movies on the set aren't that great but it's cheap) FUNERAL HOMEE sucks saw it back in the day and wouldn't watch it again if you paid me. you mihgt want to check with the folks on the message board at ZOMBIEKEEPER there are guys there that seem to have everything.

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Guest venoms5

I'm shocked you couldn't finish TOWER OF EVIL. Are you sure you didn't see the severely edited video? Image DVD has the best quality for HORROR EXPRESS. KILLER NERD has 2 sequels, and I've not seen any of them. I didn't get to check on those videos or check emails this weekend, a friend from out of town showed up unexpectedly. Never seen SLEDGEHAMMER but I did see the video box for it the same night I rented CRIMINALLY INSANE, the sleaze epic about the 250 pound psycho fat woman. AMERICAN NIGHTMARE is the original title and uncut version of COMBAT SHOCK. I think it's on Troma DVD although it's not a troma movie. It's about a vietnam vet who lives in a dirt riddled apartment with his wife and mutated Agent Orange exposed baby and his slow descent into insanity. The ending is one the nastiest gut punches you're ever likely to receive from a movie. Very depressing. If you don't like movies like CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, or LAST HOUSE ON DEAD END STREET I'd stay away. DEAD MEAT I believe is fairly new and also shot on video. Never heard of VICTIMS or SPINE. 555 is shot on video and even though it's very graphic it's pretty crappy. If you liked another shot on vid slasher made about the same time called VIDEO VIOLENCE-WHEN RENTING IS NOT ENOUGH than you'll probably like 555.

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Guest daTOAD

its possible the version of TOWER OF EVIL i saw was cut[the main thing i remeber was a naked chick in the begining].i like mostly the 80s stuff.its mostly cheese ,but its nostalgic.the AMERICAN NIGHTMARE im talking about is a Canadian slasher from 83 about this guy killing hookers.supposed to be really good.the shot on video movies im not so sure about.are these shot with a video camera or were they shot on film and made for video? i saw this cheap,cheap,cheap, slasher a while back that was shot with a video camera and could barley sit through it.as an amatuer filmaker myself ,i refuse to use the video camera unless it makes since to use it.i mean to each his own,but its too unconvincing.

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Guest venoms5

If what you rented was the tape then it was the heavily edited version. The only uncut one is the Elite DVD. The term shot on video means they shot the movie using a video camera. In other words it has the look of a home movie-some are filmed with a degree of professionalism while others are amateurishly done. Becoming a film director has been my dream for years. There is a film school in the area but I can't stop buying all the movies I want long enough to pay for classes. My tastes match those of Quentin Tarantino and Rob Zombie.

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Guest daTOAD

M.Night Shamylan, Beat Katino,T.Mikke,Tarentino,and the guy who did Momento are probably my favorite out ther right now.i like Tarrentino ,but question some of the decisions he makes[like his Pulp Fiction scene].i can watch any movie these guys make an like it.these to me are the elite.i asked abut the shot on video because there are some films out thatve been called shot on video,but when i see them they look like film[not very good film,but film].i think someone was mistaken and meant to say shot for video,meaninig made for a video release instead of theatrical distribution.i may give Tower Of Evil another try if i can find it unct.i just got JUST BEFORE DAWN and a few others today.i dont remember seeing before and was pretty good.ive been looking for these old movies partly for sentimental reasons and also to study,as im trying to make a no budget horror flick.i unfortunately have no film schools around me,but every major director ive had the pleasure to talk to[spike lee, john singleton, michael moorer...and a few more i read about] has said dont get hung up on film school.the best thing is to write evreything down and shoot[film]as much as possible.

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