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Revenge of the Corpse, any one seen this?


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Seriously, Number 1 on my hitlist this. So need to see it. Was talk of some seeing the remaster, but when I badgered how got no response. If anyone's in the know let it out!

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Oh man, that looks like everything I'm hoping it will be! Can't thank you enough for that hint. Classic Sun Chung, probably Tong Gaai, looking stuff. Need a remaster of this stat! Shame Celestial/IVL didn't take Sun Chung as serious as LKL or CC/Chor Yuan, etc... otherwise we'd have this now!

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And that is just the beginning of:

'The Blood Thirsty Dead'.

Thanks RogueWarrior.

A must see.


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I adore Sun Chung. This was more horror/revenge than say Human Lanterns which had more martial action. This did not. Don't care for it. Starts off okay but doesn't pay off in any way for me. Tong Gaai really only gets to do the scene you see in the clip. It doesn't have that visual creativity and beauty that SC always brought.

Pai Piao, Lo Lieh and Linda Chu are fine, as is the set up for it all and the premise. The movie itself bores me as it has no action(which I don't really need from SC) but I didn't care for the actual movie. For Sun Chung completists, yes. A must see?

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BKarza, I'm not gonna lie, your's is & has always has been one of most trusted/respectable voices/opinions I've ever come across over the years on these forums, but I can't hear you out on this one just yet. I know this flick has to have some of the goods - the only time I've ever found myself majorly disagreeing with you was when you stated Kid With A Tat had "no SC hot stuff"; I reckon that one was loaded to the hilt with that stuff. I hope Revenge is a case of the same disagreement...

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KwaT is a funny one. I like it because it's SC but I don't like the movie. Having seen it again and now owning it, it does have some of the SC goodness. so I take that back. There is some lovely camera work, straight and action based.

I can't stand Wang Yu(unless its' Rendevouz with Death or Proud Youth) and I don't like the comedy, lighthearted SC movies as movies(KwaT, MRS).

Love the action and how its shot. Lovely stuff here.

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"Revenge of the Corpse" aka. "The Bloodthirsty Dead" is available. It is fully restored on the ZiiEagle. It is, however, a boring, uninspired little flick that defies its hype and it is one of this star director's weakest products, ever. For completists it's OK, otherwise in my humble opinion it does not deserve or warrant a DVD release.

Having said that, CP previously released crap like the Bruce Lee-clone Non-Shaw thingie, flicks like "Heaven & Hell", "Snake Prince", "Demon of the Lute", "Crazy Shaolin Disciples" and a fistful of other really awful Shaw movies. At least this one is not as bad as those titles mentioned...

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Having said that, CP previously released crap like flicks like " "Demon of the Lute", "" and a fistful of other really awful Shaw movies. At least this one is not as bad as those titles mentioned...

Aww and I just purchased that week ago...Not watched it yet tho but your comment do not give much encourage:neutral:

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If you like crazy movies like Holy Flame and Battle Wizard then you'll probably like Demon of the Lute.

I have Holy Flame but still not watched it.Battle Wizard was cool, Snakegirl and fighter ape were great...yes, your word "crazy" describes it well:tongue:

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I loved Demon of the Lute, by no means a great KF movie but for off the wall fantasy with some cool wire work you can't beat it, it's a wirlwind of a movie from one set piece to the next, plus it's cool to see the actors in different roles like Kuo Chui and Kara Hui, favorite part is the giant weapon fight with Lee Hoi San!

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I loved Demon of the Lute, by no means a great KF movie but for off the wall fantasy with some cool wire work you can't beat it, it's a wirlwind of a movie from one set piece to the next, plus it's cool to see the actors in different roles like Kuo Chui and Kara Hui, favorite part is the giant weapon fight with Lee Hoi San!

How do you think about monkey goes west or spirit of the sword?I had them ordered recently.

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Finally got my grubby mitts on the Celestial remaster of Revenge of the Corpse! Great fun, so Sun Chung-y, loads of slo-mo, loads of nice shots all sorts, good action here & there. Felt like a compendium of loads of other Shaw flicks, bit Tiger Killer, bit Deadly Secret, bit What Price, bit Kid With Tat, bit Lanterns, bit Boxers Omen, all sorts, bit like a whole bunch of them 60s Shaw horrors, all sorts - sets from Rendezvous & others all over the place - good prison grittiness etc. I'm pleased to say I disagree with BKarza again! ...& SadShawFan. It's no Human Lanterns, but it is great stuff! Will watch again & discuss more later - got to digest the SC's!

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Big thanks to peringaten on the remaster. I change some of what I said before. The version i had was The Bloodthirsty Dead and not Revenge Of The Corpse. Mine was the vhs whatever gen print. That does matter here.

What I take back is where I said the visual was not here. It is. it is. The cinematography is lovely. Lovely shots that no one else in the game was coming up with. SC really showed the sheer size of that place in many of his shots. Tracking, POV, up in the rafters. It had atmosphere and a good feel to it. I loved just watching it.

As said before, it doesn't quite turn into what it should have. All of the characters are fine in their portrayals, it just plays out too lean and ends. It doesn't get dirty enough for all that has happened to the lead character.

Also, The Bloodthirsty Dead plays differently in the beginning and end. It starts with the undertaker character sitting around telling the town kids a tale about Pai Piao's character. It ends with him wrapping up the story. Wonder why SC did 2 titles, 2 versions. RotC plays creepier as a whole without that addition.

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Revenge of the Corpse.

Another Shaw movie I have never seen.



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Revenge of the Corpse.

Another Shaw movie I have never seen.



Is that a fake cover? I thought that that was one that was never released outside the ziieagle box.

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