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Cung Le talks “Dragon Eyes” and Van Damme


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Cool interview featuring Cung Le... guy even takes a stab at Steven Seagal


In addition to “Dragon Eyes,” he’s currently working on several movie projects – including Wong Kar Wai’s “The Grandmaster” – while still keeping in top shape for his next MMA showdown.

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One Armed Boxer

Wow....so humble.:tongue:

If Van Damme taught him anything, it looks like it`s how to have an over-inflated ego.

I`ve heard other members on this forum mention in the past that that this guy is the next big Asian action star waiting in the wings, but I`ve never really been sure what these statements are based on. Sure he`s an MMA star and can speak English, but so can Randy Couture, and apart from having 2 small roles in `Bodyguards & Assassins` & `True Legend`, he doesn`t seem to have much experience to qualify the claim of being the next big thing.

Let`s see if `Dragon Eyes` can deliver the goods.

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I've got no problem with over-confidence (or some would say arrogance), as long as you can back it up. The same thing used to be labeled at Donnie Yen :angel:

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Lets hope this movie is decent, to be honest..I would love to see him in more movies. I enjoyed his small role in Pandorum!

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Guest Markgway
I actually thought it was Van Damme's movie, and Cung Le was the co-star... hmmm...

Yeah, that's disappointing if Van Damme is only support.

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Thanks for the heads up.

It's weird, I was rewatching JCVD: Behind Closed Doors just last night and found myself wondering where this film had got to.

I'm not suprised JC isn't in it that much as the behind the scenes clips on the show suggested he wasn't on set for any great length of time.

That said, I will still be picking up the BD on the day of release, laughing in the general direction of the States and yelling, suck it!! :tongue:

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St. Jude Square is a neighbourhood living in fear as duelling drug gangs and corrupt police terrorize the streets... until hope arrives in Hong (CUNG LE - FIGHTING, TEKKEN, PANDORUM ), a mysterious stranger who after release from prison decides to take a stand and fight back. Using his unparalleled martial arts skills and calling on the teachings of his ex-cell mate mentor Tiano (JEAN -CLAUDE VAN DAMME -- UNIVERSAL SOLDIER, TIMECOP ) Hong begins his savage campaign for justice, taking on the brute force of the gangs and the notorious corrupt police chief Mr V (PETER WELLER - ROBOCOP, 24 and the upcoming STAR TREK 2013 ).

A heavy handed barrage of bare knuckle street fighting and mixed martial arts, that also features UFC stars Dan Henderson, Trevor Prangley and Gilbert "EL NI ÑO" Melendez, Dragon Eyes comes to DVD & Blu-ray 9 April.

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Had a preview of this! And it's a poor film.. Good fights though great editing and swift cuts.. The training in the prison contains more kicks from jcvd than his last 20 films,,. Robocop sucked balls real bad too

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I got to see a preview of the film myself and it has its pros and cons:


Cung Le does deliver in a role similar to a wandering samurai-type character.

Larnell Stovall once again delivers in the fight choreography department.

Van Damme definitely was suited to play a "mentor" role.


Most of the secondary characters (gang leaders, even the love interest) seemed forgettable

Peter Weller kind of hams it up as the main villain "Mr. V." (I laughed at this because this was actually a nickname of my dad's in our old New York neighborhood).

So, IMO, it's worth at least a rental and judge for yourself.

I will be writing a full review this week on the main site.

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Chinatown Kid
Had a preview of this! And it's a poor film.. Good fights though great editing and swift cuts.. The training in the prison contains more kicks from jcvd than his last 20 films,,. Robocop sucked balls real bad too

I've wondered what Van Damme has been up too lately, is he a washed up has been or has he still got it in the kicking department? I know he's alot older now so can't really expect him to kick like he did in his prime...

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Guest Markgway

The Expendables 2 will be the real test. If he slam dunks that performance he'll get a second shot at the big leagues, if not it's back to DTV hell I'm afraid. Mind you, I'm one of the very few who thought that Assassination Games wasn't too bad.

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I'm currently watching this movie as I'm typing this and like some of you guys just said, it's complete dog shit of a movie... The movie looks as if it's smeared in dog feces and the lens to wipe it's ass.. Cung Le wasn't in shape to fight Silva and he's not even in shape while filming this movie, lol.. So what is the point in making this film?? Van Damme is nearly 80 years old and he is in top physical condition than Le.. '

What the fuck is Peter Weller doing in this movie?? He looks old as my ball sack.. This movie makes Bangkok K.O seemed tolerable.. I'm going to finish this movie anyways because I enjoy some of the characters mainly the crack heads in this movie named, Beenie??? Oh and the title sequence for each character is annoying as fuck... Fuck Guy Ritchie and Tarantino for influencing other Filmmakers to do this shit!!!

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Elemental Fist
I'm currently watching this movie as I'm typing this and like some of you guys just said, it's complete dog shit of a movie... The movie looks as if it's smeared in dog feces and the lens to wipe it's ass.. Cung Le wasn't in shape to fight Silva and he's not even in shape while filming this movie, lol.. So what is the point in making this film?? Van Damme is nearly 80 years old and he is in top physical condition than Le.. '

What the fuck is Peter Weller doing in this movie?? He looks old as my ball sack.. This movie makes Bangkok K.O seemed tolerable.. I'm going to finish this movie anyways because I enjoy some of the characters mainly the crack heads in this movie named, Beenie??? Oh and the title sequence for each character is annoying as fuck... Fuck Guy Ritchie and Tarantino for influencing other Filmmakers to do this shit!!!

Actually Cung Le was doing quite well against Wandy Silva right until that 2nd round

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Guest Markgway

Risible martial arts vehicle for MMA flavour Cung Le (Van Damme fans will be disappointed in that he only has a guest role here). The smash 'n' crunch fights are well enough done... but the stupid storytelling is off the chart bad. I didn't like John Hyams' Universal Soldier: Resurrection... this may be even worse. At least that movie knew it was dumb.


...and what on earth possessed the filmmakers to make our "hero" the murderer of an unarmed woman (and how did he get out of jail after what looks like a few months??)

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OK I just finished watching this movie and yes JCND is only a support actor he doesn't do any fighting what so ever! Now the movie was OK it did have a few good fight scenes but I really don't like the slow motion effect that they do. As far as the movie it was OK worth a watch, maybe I'll watch it again somewhere down the road. But honestly nothing that jumped out at me. The move did have a lot of holes in the storyline just like Markgway stated!

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sifu iron perm

so cung le was in that iron bodyguards aka fists of legends 2 flick ..he was labelled as Jet Le?

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