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Donnie Yen aims for contemporary films


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I must admit I would rather see Jet Li fight Donnie Yen as has been mentioned without wires. Would be great if Jet Li gave us one more great grounded Martial artsmovie before he retired.

I'm not overly enthused about Jackie and Donny being in the same film. The last two were hardly great. I wish these guys would give some younger talent platform .

As much as I'd like to see Donnie vs Jet hand to hand, I doubt it will happen. Time waits for no one. It seems like Jet Li always had a relience to wires and doubles which I always found weird knowing how talented he is. Thats why Kiss of The Dragon will always remain my favorite Jet film because thats type of action he should be doing more of. :neutral:

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The Jet vs Donnie thing is getting old now. Bring in Vincent Zhao instead. That's the next person Donnie should hook up with.

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As much as I'd like to see Donnie vs Jet hand to hand, I doubt it will happen. Time waits for no one. It seems like Jet Li always had a relience to wires and doubles which I always found weird knowing how talented he is. Thats why Kiss of The Dragon will always remain my favorite Jet film because thats type of action he should be doing more of. :neutral:

Kiss of The Dragon is one of my favorites next to Danny The Dog aka Unleashed. The action in Kiss of The Dragon was grounded with very little wirework in the flim, i like the Police Station fight the best.

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As much as I'd like to see Donnie vs Jet hand to hand, I doubt it will happen. Time waits for no one. It seems like Jet Li always had a relience to wires and doubles which I always found weird knowing how talented he is. Thats why Kiss of The Dragon will always remain my favorite Jet film because thats type of action he should be doing more of. :neutral:

I know it's such a terrible shame that jet didn't make more grounded martial arts performances. Kiss of the Dragon will always be one of my favourites as well.

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I know I'm a little late to the party, but Donnie making modern action films again? I say about damn time. That is all.

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WOOO! Jackie and Donnie teaming up in a modern day action/heist film! Dream!

and if that description is right, theyll go toe to toe!

im excited....Jackies last few movies have been great imo....Karate Kid, Shaolin, and Little Big Soldier were all great!

Keep it up Jackie!

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Between Codebreaker / the remake of Mr and Mrs Smith. I want to see Codebreaker if remours are true that Jackie and Donnie will not only fight each other but act together. I'm not sold on the remake of Mr and Mrs Smith to be very honest.

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One Armed Boxer
Just came across this on Twitch. Seems like Ip Man 3 may not be totally off the table for DY. It'll be a while though.

For me personally this news is no big loss, like the majority of other people on here I consider 'Ip Man' a definitive classic in the kung-fu movie genre, and they come along once in a blue moon these days, but 'Ip Man 2' did nothing for me, and was a major let down.

I don't know what they could do with 'Ip Man 3' outside of the obvious Ip Man / Bruce Lee relationship storyline....but as for villains and every other aspect of the story (even in the second movie Ip Man's relationship with his wife was given about 10 seconds of screentime, while it was quite an integreal part of the first)...I don't know what they'd do, maybe have him beat up some more western boxers, it seems to be the traditional ending for a lot of Chinese movies these days.

He's spent the last few years concentrating on period movies, for better or worse, so let's hope he spends the next few concentrating on modern day actioners.

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I`m glad he`s going to do modern action again, i like his traditional stuff but not as much.

Ip man was great, the first half of part 2 was good then it turned into rocky 4 and killed the movie for me.

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Donnie will apparently (but not confirmed) also star in a 3D remake of Yuen Biao's Iceman Cometh.


There you go, OAB. Another modern day actioner for Yen..........which they will probably give a wire-worky wuxia theme this go-round should this actually get made.:squigglemouth:

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Sounds alright, I read on another forum that he wanted to do a Game Of Death type movie where he could show off his range of martial art styles. I was kinda hoping that would go ahead.

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man what the hell...now Jackie will only have a "Cameo" smh.....

i hope its more of a Shaolin "cameo" atleast....

damn u jackie for being so busy! make time for Donnie !

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Sounds alright, I read on another forum that he wanted to do a Game Of Death type movie where he could show off his range of martial art styles. I was kinda hoping that would go ahead.

Now that would be sweet.:bigsmile:

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I am glad he wants to take a break from the period pieces. I don't like any of the ones he has done. I only started liking him when he made SPL and Flashpoint. Those films were great and it seemed like he took things to a new level with those and then went backwards with Ip Man and started doing kung fu theater type stuff.

I am looking forward to seeing him in All's Well, End's Well 2011. He was good in the one from 2009.

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Traditional MA films ain't your cup of tea, is it? Regardless of depiction and type of action, I think Donnie has managed to take things to new levels whenever he choreographs the action himself. That's what makes him unique and interesting imo.

Despite being typical mindless Lunar New Year stuff, All's Well Ends Well 2011 was mad fun with Donnie in a refreshing non-action, against-type role. I hope Eighth Happiness 2012 will be twice as entertaining.

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More news...

Donnie is negotiating a deal with EMG to star in two films. The first one is the previously reported action comedy Thunder Cop directed by Chan Hin Kar followed by an action thriller that will be helmed by Dante Lam (Beast Cops, The Beast Stalker, The Stool Pigeon).


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Traditional MA films ain't your cup of tea, is it?

It's not that. I enjoy old-school films as long as they were made in the 70's. They have a charm about them.

I just feel things have moved on and evolved and people expect more realistic films and fight scenes.

He was cutting edge with SPL and Flashpoint. I just feel the current period/fantasy films they are making is devolution. We have seen all that a million times and I just feel it is time to move on to something else...to whatever's next.

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I just feel things have moved on and evolved and people expect more realistic films and fight scenes.

Understandable but if that's true then some people are indeed too spoiled and are taking away the universal aspect of film-making over things they just want to relate to or remind them of things they can do themselves in reality. You take things way for granted.

He was cutting edge with SPL and Flashpoint. I just feel the current period/fantasy films they are making is devolution. We have seen all that a million times and I just feel it is time to move on to something else...to whatever's next.

Devolution as in moving away from freer things to being restricted? That would lead to more of the same kind of films anyhow. Plus we have already gotten these so called realistic films too much now as well so I find it good to have a balance of different films being made. I don't believe action films has to be realistic to be impressive and refreshing. It isn't so much about keeping things real in fact but how good you execute things.

I think creating a whole new style of choreography (nothing like the films we get today) out of the blue will be something of a hinder for now so what people should do is elevate the paradigms of choreography that have already been made and successful to lead to such a thing. For Hong Kong choreography standards, I feel Donnie came close with The Lost Bladesman and Wu Xia giving something new to the wu xia genre.

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To me, the perfect action film finds a balance between realism and fantasy. If something is too realistic, then it is just brutal and violent and not fun to watch.

I feel Stallone has accomplished this balance between realism and fantasy with a lot of his films, like the Rambo series.

There is a difference between action and violence. Fighting in an action film is action. A film like Boyz in the Hood or Schindler's List is violence and it is no fun to watch someone get killed in those films.

I would like to see action and martial arts films become a bit more realistic and move away from the characters that are basically superheroes. It would be more exciting if they were more human and could really run the risk of getting hurt instead of almost being superhuman(which is something very common in both HK and Hollywood films these days).

I think it would be great to see a martial arts movie where the hero can beat guys one on one but would not be able to beat multiple attackers. That would be more realistic and bit more exciting I think.

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To me, the perfect action film finds a balance between realism and fantasy. If something is too realistic, then it is just brutal and violent and not fun to watch.

There's no such thing as perfect action films. It depends on how you see films. Films go with different approaches in depicting things. If you like something, you appreciate it. If not, you either don't understand the reason behind it or just don't like it and expect something else.

There is a difference between action and violence. Fighting in an action film is action. A film like Boyz in the Hood or Schindler's List is violence and it is no fun to watch someone get killed in those films.

That's because Boyz N The Hood and Schindler's List surround the characters in different worlds without the intent to glorify anything. Harsh, gritty and tragic occasions where violence is used as a tool to portray a genuine sense of such situations. That's beside the point anyway because we're talking different types of action films and not different styles of violence in general.

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To me, the perfect action film finds a balance between realism and fantasy. If something is too realistic, then it is just brutal and violent and not fun to watch.

I feel Stallone has accomplished this balance between realism and fantasy with a lot of his films, like the Rambo series.

There is a difference between action and violence. Fighting in an action film is action. A film like Boyz in the Hood or Schindler's List is violence and it is no fun to watch someone get killed in those films.

I would like to see action and martial arts films become a bit more realistic and move away from the characters that are basically superheroes. It would be more exciting if they were more human and could really run the risk of getting hurt instead of almost being superhuman(which is something very common in both HK and Hollywood films these days).

I think it would be great to see a martial arts movie where the hero can beat guys one on one but would not be able to beat multiple attackers. That would be more realistic and bit more exciting I think.

I completely agree with you there Travis and there's nothing more satisfying than watching the hero taking a beating along the way. I definitely subscribe to that kind of approach rather than as you called it being superhuman, which often eliminates any jeopardy the main character may have. I think that was part of the attraction in action movies in Hong Kong and Hollywood in the past as the hero's journey was never easy, picking up more cuts and bruises as the film went on and of course in the case of martial arts cinema, a suitable villain that's good enough to make you wonder will the hero triumph.

I also think that another problem is with wire work in that they make the characters more like comic book heroes. I don't so much mind enhancing a martial artist's ability, just make it look natural and believable. I love seeing incredible feats of human endurance and amazing acrobatic skills none more so than the likes of Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao, Tony Jaa and the "venoms", it's fantastic to see. But seeing a bunch of performers on wires who clearly can't do it without cheating, that's not exciting that is just crap. I don't mind the odd stunt double but there's nothing better than actually watching the performer do it, no CGI, no wires, no tricks.

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