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After III 2090 (2011)


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Muay Thai meets Sci-Fi!!!!

Twitch posted the following on this new action thriller.

After III 2090 is a Thai science fiction film that tells a story of the post apocalyptic world planet after World War III. It follows the adventures of Nakin and his battle with the black commander who rules the world.

The link includes the trailer.

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One Armed Boxer
Muay Thai meets Sci-Fi!!!!

& judging from the trailer, they are 2 genres that would have been better never meeting each other....this looks pretty bad.


I think the director must have got his hands on one of the copies of Albert Pyun's recently released 'Cyborg' directors cut and felt some kind of inspiration to create something similar, but frankly it looks misplaced.

Even the recently released Malaysian sci-fi / martial ats movie, 'Apokalips X', which I posted a trailer for in this thread - http://www.kungfucinema.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14593 - looks more promising than this movie.

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I think the director must have got his hands on one of the copies of Albert Pyun's recently released 'Cyborg' directors cut and felt some kind of inspiration to create something similar, but frankly it looks misplaced.

SLAM! Ouch.

Gotta kinda agree with this. Still, if I get a chance I'll check it out. Maybe it's just a bad trailer. Then again there were a lot of elements crammed in there: post-apocalyptic world; army men; cute chick dressed in black sporting big guns; a member of the cast of "Lost Boys"; a Cobra Commander reject; Muay Thai guy; some sort of tiger (I think).......there's more I'm leaving out I'm sure.

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One Armed Boxer
Then again there were a lot of elements crammed in there: post-apocalyptic world; army men; cute chick dressed in black sporting big guns; a member of the cast of "Lost Boys"; a Cobra Commander reject; Muay Thai guy; some sort of tiger (I think).......there's more I'm leaving out I'm sure.

No way....this is a Thai action movie, so the animal of choice always has to be an elephant, all be it in this movie it looks like a mutated post-apocalyptic elephant, but it has to be an elephant nonetheless.

Really, sci-fi & martial arts have never had a very good relationship....from stuff like 'Flash Future Kung-Fu' up to 'The Avenging Fist'....they just don't seem to match well.

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I thought "The One" was good and Cold Harvest, but that is me(probably a few others i can't think of right now.). :tongue:(ofcourse they weren't wall to wall martial arts either, but i still consider them ma movies) Sci-fi/MA still could have a great one as well i think, there are quite a few ways they could go that be good in my opinion yet. Just my 2 cents.

Although i will agree from the trailer this doesn't look like one of the good ones.

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No way....this is a Thai action movie, so the animal of choice always has to be an elephant, all be it in this movie it looks like a mutated post-apocalyptic elephant, but it has to be an elephant nonetheless.

Really, sci-fi & martial arts have never had a very good relationship....from stuff like 'Flash Future Kung-Fu' up to 'The Avenging Fist'....they just don't seem to match well.

I like Albert Pyun's work but please don't get me started on HEATSEEKER. Got good but was totally destroyed in the end for me...was expecting so much better in the fight between Keith Hirabayashi and Gary Daniels.

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I thought "The One" was good and Cold Harvest, but that is me

Me, too, especially The One. And don't forget Cyborg and Timecop.

I'm like OAB in a sense though. You'd think sci-fi and MA would make for a great movie mix but rarely if ever do they blend very well.

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One Armed Boxer

True....but still examples like 'The One' & 'Timecop' essentially frame their action within a present day environment, it is more the context of the story which is the sci-fi element.

Even a movie such as 'The Matrix', which is clearly sci-fi, has it's martial arts action scenes played out in a present day setting.

Movies such as 'Flash Future Kung-Fu' & 'The Avenging Fist' actually attemped to transfer martial arts into a futuristic world, and I would say both movies, although ambitious, failed at doing it successfully.

Perhaps it's because in sci-fi movies the viewers attention is supposed to be drawn to the futuristic visuals and ideas that are being presented, whereas in a martial arts movie the attention is mainly focused on exactly that - the fight scenes. Put the two together and there just seems to be too much of a clash of ideas going on, and one element seems to drown out the other.

I guess that's why minimalistic sci-fi movies, such as ones like 'Cyborg' which are set in a stripped down post-apocalyptic landscape, work better at combining the two elements. As for 'After III 2090'....well I'm not so sure.

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I don't know i think you could have Aliens or Avatar with a main Martial artist and still have a quality Sci-fi Martial art movie. I'd like to see like a Bionic Commando type movie with the commando being the martial artist plus he could have bionics or something with a advanced civilization on a different planet or something like that with advanced machines, soldiers,advanced martial artist people and forms , if done right that is. :P

I think it use to be cost as far as the reason, maybe even still that we haven't seen a real good Sci FI MA movie.

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You both raise good points.

If a studio is going to undertake a Sci-fi/MA they'll inevitably skimp on one or the other. If they're going to invest in any decent f/x then ultimately I think they'd prefer to make it more of an action flick (which will appeal to a broader audience) rather than a MA one since those are generally considered by many to fall into the B movie category.

I don't think that having the fights set in a modern day setting such as The Matrix and The One did take away from the fact that they're sci-fi flicks. Sci-fi movies don't have to be set in the future. They can be set in the present or the past as well. Now if you're talking sci-fi/MA films that are supposed to be set specifically in the future, okay then. And you're right, OAB, generally a minimalist post-apocalyptic setting seems to lend itself well as a fitting premise.

Aha!!!! I believe I've thought of an exception to that: Equilibrium.

It's set in the future, there's MA, and it's not post-apocalyptic. Neither the MA nor the story or setting suffer from the other IMO. Thoughts?

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One Armed Boxer
I don't think that having the fights set in a modern day setting such as The Matrix and The One did take away from the fact that they're sci-fi flicks. Sci-fi movies don't have to be set in the future. They can be set in the present or the past as well. Now if you're talking sci-fi/MA films that are supposed to be set specifically in the future, okay then.

You're right, I should have pointed out that I was specifically referencing MA sci-fi movies that are based in a futuristic environment, such as the movie in question here.

Aha!!!! I believe I've thought of an exception to that: Equilibrium.

It's set in the future, there's MA, and it's not post-apocalyptic. Neither the MA nor the story or setting suffer from the other IMO. Thoughts?

Ha ha, great minds think alike. I was actually going to bring this up in my last post as an example of a movie that does it right, but decided to leave it for my next one to save it coming across as more of an after-thought to my main point....you beat me to it!

Yeah, 'Equilibrium' balances the science fiction and martial arts factors really well. Yes it's influenced heavily by both 'Farenheit 451' and 'The Matrix', but it still does its job of delivering a solid sci-fi movie with a pretty original fighting concept.

I don't know i think you could have Aliens or Avatar with a main Martial artist and still have a quality Sci-fi Martial art movie.

What!? A kung-fu Ripley versus the queen alien!? I have this image in my head, like you see in countless classic kung-fu movies, where a pot of rice wine is thrown through the air and one of the characters smashes it to pieces mid-air with a flying kick (usually in slow motion)....only instead of some Asian guy it's Sigourney Weaver, and instead of a pot of rice wine it's a face hugger egg.

I'd like to see like a Bionic Commando type movie with the commando being the martial artist plus he could have bionics or something with a advanced civilization on a different planet or something like that with advanced machines, soldiers,advanced martial artist people and forms , if done right that is.

I believe the movie you're looking for is 'The Last Sentinel' with Don 'The Dragon' Wilson, it fits everything you're after....oh, except for your last 5 words.:tongue:


Otherwise, I'd say your best bet would be to get on the phone to Isaac Florentine.

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