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Transformers 3


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If Michael Bay had made the Transformers movie the way you wanted it, it would only pull in the geeks of the world and wouldn't have made enough money at the box office and probably wouldn't have a sequel. And from what I've heard, the majority of the Transformers geeks loved the movie once they saw it and took everything back that they said about Bay before they'd seen it.


I think that is where you're wrong. It seems like mainstream audiences will watch anything as long as there's lots of impressive looking CGI action. Look at Disney films they can incorporate jokes and situations that adults can relate to while still entertaining children. Big screen movies, no blockbusters rarely seem to attempt this. Look at the Matrix, its big it's dumb its fun but the more intelligent audience can take more away from the film, Working on different levels.

Unfortunately this simplicity in films like this is designed on purpose so that audiences around the world can understand everything, right down to the dumb humour.

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i hope michael bay makes 3 more transformers movies....i go i see giant robots fight,forget about real world for 3 hours and im peacefull.Big cgi movies will always be flocked at the movies...there shouldn't be any philosophical story and amazing acting.Just blow something up for gods sake and keep me entertained.

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Whaa...? While it won't make a Top 100 films of all time list, it certainly wasn't all that bad.

Hey - you not one of those card-carrying members of ...


..are ya? :xd:

INCEPTION proved that a film needn't be dumb in order to entertain the masses.
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well we could always stay with some low bugdet crappy kung fu movie.lol

You're outnumbered in this forum buddy....:xd:

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Some of you may have found this out already, but I learned the reason why Bay reused shots from The Island in Transformers 3 from imdb.com

Michael Bay reused a car crash scene from The Island after an extra was seriously injured during the original shot for this film. It's the scene in the Highway Battle when Hatchet is thrown into a car.

Filming was temporarily delayed on September 2, 2010 in Hammond, Indiana, when an extra was seriously injured during a stunt. The accident happened when a steel cable snapped from a car being towed, owing to a failed weld, hitting the extra's car and damaging her skull. The extra, identified as Gabriella Cedillo, had to undergo brain surgery. The injury has left her permanently brain-damaged, paralyzed on her left side and her left eye stitched shut. Paramount admitted responsibility for the accident, and covered all medical costs incurred. Nevertheless, on October 5, Cedillo's family filed a lawsuit, which cites seven counts of negligence against Paramount, D.W. Studios and several other defendants (not including Michael Bay), with total damages sought in excess of $350,000.

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OpiumKungFuCracker: Don't Kill Disney for Me! Your Insolence will not be tolerated, I shall claim your Head Now! :cry:

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Why those miserable, lowlife, money-grubbing, lazy, good for nothing animators! Does Walt know about this?:tongue:

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By the way, I wanted to mention one thing I thought was brilliant in this movie. It is a big spoiler, so avert your eyes if you haven't seen. In the beginning of the film, Wheelie is watching Star Trek in Sam's apartment. The episode is Amok Time, where Spock has to fight Kirk. Wheelie comments, "Oh, this is the one where Spock goes crazy." Well, Sentinel Prime is voiced by Leonard Nimoy (Spock). So this is actually a very clever foreshadow.

Sentinel Prime also says, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." which is a reference to Star Trek II. Nice!

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