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Transformers 3


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Son Of A Gun


I don't go to Bad Boys 2 or Transformers to see a deep drama. I go to see the bad-ass action scenes accompanied by bad-ass music and effects. Thrown in some comedy aswell. :wink:

But if you ask me. Turning Transformers into a live action film couldn't have gone any better.

When I first heard they were making one I thought "how the hell can they turn a crappy little children's cartoon from the 80s into a feature length grown up movie?!" "I can imagine how boring that's gonna be and how it will be full of loads of fake looking CGI.

Boy, was I wrong?! He managed to make an old cartoon into something adults could appreciate. Even if they had to dig deep down inside and bring out their inner child. I watched it with my son so I don't know what it's like to watch on my own. :wink:

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Son Of A Gun

Can I ask, what is a hardcore fan of Transformers? Other than being a fan of the 3 films, exactly what else is there to be "hardcore" about?

An 80s children's cartoon I used to watch when I was about 7 years old and some plastic toys. Exactly what is there to be a hardcore fan about there? As an adult I mean.

And I'm wondering how you expected the Autobots to look? If they made them look crap and basic like they did in the cartoon, that wouldn't work at all. Of course they had to make them cooler for the live action films. They did an amazing job. Much better than anyone could have imagined I think. It's not the 80s any more and it's not a kids cartoon. So I'm really baffled about your problems with these movies.

Please explain.

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When I go to movies like Transformers, it's to be entertained and have fun. I know nothing about the comics and/or anime related to the Transformers except that my kids used to watch it when they were young so if the movies are true to their origins is totally irrelevant to me. Was I entertained? Yes. I liked the 1st one, the 2nd one not as much but was OK and loved the 3rd one. It's robots fighting each others with an eye candy girl in the mixture. Good enough for me!

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DragonSword: Not to go against the grain with you on this but you really didn't explain why you really didn't like these all that much, you did a good job of Ranting and I'm with you on this! I think CGI wise they did an incredible Job and I loved the 1st. Movie and I have stated before but I was disappointed with the 2nd & 3rd movie. to much Eye Candy and not enough Auto-bots! They went so far over the edge with the People Jumping out of Fucking Buildings and shit like that and not even have a Scratch on them! Come on now! This movie the Auto-bots spent more time in Car mode then anything else! And they really made Megatron into a little Bitch-Bot! I cannot say I watch them when I was younger I was more of a Voltron Fan myself.

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DragonSword: OK now that's more clear! And I do agree with you on most everything, except I did like the design of the Auto-bots myself. But Ur right these movies could've been huge hits! Still the 1st. one was the best in the series.

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Son Of A Gun

Nobody has answered my questions here yet. Please can one of you tell me what the hell a "Transformers hardcore fan" is? How can any grown man be hardcore about a simple little 80s cartoon and a few plastic toys? I'm really struggling to understand this. There's nothing there to actually get hardcore about. Please explain.

When I go to see a film like Transformers, I don't have an preconceptions about what I want to see or how I want the robots to look. 'lol Why would I?

I'm wondering why you have preferences when it comes to make believe robots that turn into vehicles. I'm wondering what kind of a world you live in where these kind of things bother you.

Please explain.

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Can I ask, what is a hardcore fan of Transformers? Other than being a fan of the 3 films, exactly what else is there to be "hardcore" about?

An 80s children's cartoon I used to watch when I was about 7 years old and some plastic toys. Exactly what is there to be a hardcore fan about there? As an adult I mean.

And I'm wondering how you expected the Autobots to look? If they made them look crap and basic like they did in the cartoon, that wouldn't work at all. Of course they had to make them cooler for the live action films. They did an amazing job. Much better than anyone could have imagined I think. It's not the 80s any more and it's not a kids cartoon. So I'm really baffled about your problems with these movies.

Please explain.

I dont like the movies at all but I am a proud hardcore fan of the Transformers toys and series. I been following it since Generation 1 debuted in 1984. For people who dont think there is anything to be a hardcore fan about then I recommend watching Transformers Beast Wars. Easily the best written, dramatic, and cohesive addition to the series.

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I'm not a hardcore fan but I think they read the comics by IDW and so forth, as a kid and like every other kid in the 80's I freaking love Transformers and Voltron... As I grew older and mature not fond of them so much maybe a nostalgia feel more than anything.. But, I think the hardcore transformers fan still follow up on the comic books and bought the 80's cartoon series on box set... So I can see how they easily get aggravated compared to the normal movie goer like myself and others...

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Son Of A Gun

Thanks Opium, for your insight. I'd like to hear from one of the so called "hardcorers" aswell.

The only way I can see it right now is that you have to be pretty seriously geeky to find a comic about alien robots changing into cars something to take seriously or even find interesting. Surely those kind of things are for children. Sure I saw the cartoon as a kid but then I went through puberty years later and matured, and I can't remember anything about the cartoons other than a few of the names. There's nothing there to get into as an adult.

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Son Of A Gun

I still don't know why you would know all this stuff about Transformers (an 80s kid's cartoon) and why you care about it. Please explain your fascination. I don't understand it atall. It all seems very childish and sad to me. How can an adult be into Transformers (other than the recent movies)? Especially as before the movies came out, it was just an old children's cartoon and toy.

I have asked this several times now. Please can one of you explain it. How you got into it. What age and why you like it so much. I don't understand this interest at all at your ages.

We're talking about a children's cartoon here. I can't get my head around it. :xd:

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Son Of A Gun

It's not a crime. I just don't get it. Those cartoons were made for kids. The storylines and dialogue were aimed at kids.

Although I don't have any interest in adult animation like the Japanese stuff either, I understand how an adult could be into that. Because the content

is adult with adult dialogue etc...

but whatever....

I guess if I was into Transformers cartoons I'd just be happy that they even made it into a big budget live action movie.

That's me done on the subject.

yes the show holds up well to this day

To kids I'm sure it does, yes. :smile:

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Just because you grow up doesn't mean you have to throw animation cartoons, most adults I find boring in their social dramas. I myself can appreciate animation, good stories, and classic characters.

DragonSword: I couldn't agree with you more on that! I still love all the classic cartoons when I was little growing up and still LMAO! I enjoy seeing these new Disney/Pixar movies more than My 8yr. Son

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Thanks Opium, for your insight. I'd like to hear from one of the so called "hardcorers" aswell.

The only way I can see it right now is that you have to be pretty seriously geeky to find a comic about alien robots changing into cars something to take seriously or even find interesting. Surely those kind of things are for children. Sure I saw the cartoon as a kid but then I went through puberty years later and matured, and I can't remember anything about the cartoons other than a few of the names. There's nothing there to get into as an adult.

You are on kung fu forum therefore it is assumed u are a fan of classic kung fu films yet u find it difficult to grasp why an adult would be a fan of a classic anime series?

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I agree with you Dragon Sword, As a hardcore fan I got plenty of gripes with these films as well. First I hate the design of many of the characters, they look like heaping piles of junk. You have a Starscream that actually serves Megatron rather than competes for leadership!! Megatron himself was non threatening, he took a backseat to other characters in each movie (Fallen, Sentinel Prime). No combiners in any of the film's (Devastator, Superion, Menosaur, Predaking, nada...)

Horrible plot device basically makes Optimus Prime a Rambo or even more devastating.....Chuck Norris! It matters not how big, powerful an enemy is, Prime kills everything, everytime while the rest of the autobots are basically standing around useless. (I haven't got into how bad the human characters are yet, patience) Hardly any reference or visions of Cybertron, why 3 movies on earth? These are robots, take it to space! I hate how Michael Bay takes an important characters like Shockwave, the Guardian of Cybertron, and reduced him to an action sequence.

In part 3, its so badly written, Shia Lebuff basically meets all the key humans good side and bad in his first 10 minutes on screen. How convenient his girlfriend works for Megatron's favorite human pawn. What a coincidence LaBuff gets a job where Decepticons are infiltrating and killing human targets. To discuss the human characters any further is a waste of time.


I guess one thing I can say is that Bay has the bots doing nothing original, he pretty much chops up different episodes of the series and plugs it into the movies. Bringing Cybertron to earth was done in the cartoon by Starscream and his human ally. The gate constructed by Sentinal prime is pretty much a Space Bridge from the series. Skyfire was a Decepticon turned Autobot, and instead of each Transformer having their own Spark (lifeforce) they just threw them all together as the All Spark??!! wtf?

Also no Autobot headquarters, no Teletran 1, no Dinobots or Insecticons (would of been better than vehicles) No explanation of where new characters came from, and why could humans survive brutal impacts but the bots couldn't? Humans can crashl through glass of a falling skyscraper and not have a scratch but bots died from getting punched?! Why couldn't Unicron show up and swallow the whole movie?!

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Son Of A Gun

One thing. Kung Fu films have humans in them, not cartoons.

But no, I'm not struggling to understand people's interest in anime at all. Because as far as I know, those animations are made for adult viewing, right? I've only ever seen bits of one so I'm not entirely sure. I'm not criticizing people either. It's just personally I'd need more mental stimulation than can be found in a kids cartoon series from the 80s.

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Son Of A Gun
Dude you are annoying. Why is it so hard for you to understand people are fans? Do you ask Trekkies and Star Wars geeks why they are so fascinated with out-dated franchises?

What are you a fan of? So I can ask you (a million times) why you are so fucking fascinated about it? You are a Michael Bay fan, so that speaks volumes about your taste in movies

The Transformers had "character" in the cartoon series. Bay completely removed that. And 2 "ghettobots" with jive-talk and gold teeth is NOT "character". And they were not just "little plastic toys". They were THE toy.

Childish and sad? Fuck you buddy, you sound like the childish one. So do you get on forums and rip everyone who is a fan of something? Again I ask, what are you a fan of? So I can rip you to shreds, for being a fan of something so "childish". Oh wait, you're a Michael Bay fan, that's "sad" enough.

These questions I have only popped up when I read that first post by you getting all bent out of shape because a Transformers movie didn't look meet your requirements. which led me to wonder why the hell someone of your age would care so much about about a damn movie about giant talking robots. 'lol I wasn't out to rip anyone. You're misunderstanding my intentions. I'm just trying to understand it.

All I can think is someone must be of low intelligence to find a children's cartoon about robots so fascinating and entertaining. So you criticising me for respecting Michael Bay as a director means nothing to me. I'm very interested in movie making and directing and cinema photography,....you name it. But I never said I was a fan of Michael Bay, I just said that he doesn't deserve those stupid comments you were making about his style. His style is his style. If you don't like it, then that's fare enough. You can't please everybody. But that doesn't make him a bad director.

I've never heard someone get so upset about the way robots speak or look in a movie before, that's all. :xd:

Come on, you gotta see how sad that comes across. Surely.

As for Trekkies and Star Wars geeks. I don't understand that obsession either, BUT, I can understand it more than children's cartoons and toys, because it atleast it has real people acting in it. There's actually something there to think about.

If Michael Bay had made the Transformers movie the way you wanted it, it would only pull in the geeks of the world and wouldn't have made enough money at the box office and probably wouldn't have a sequel. And from what I've heard, the majority of the Transformers geeks loved the movie once they saw it and took everything back that they said about Bay before they'd seen it.

Maybe you should make Transformers 4 :smile:

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Is there really a big departure between kung fu films and anime? I find it quite hard to believe that this Son of a Gun struggles to understand how adults can be fans of a series they grew up with. You do know there are plenty of adults who collect the toys and all versions of the series correct? They are called collectors, fans, enthusiasts....

Fact is, you are disrespecting the series, this is the Transformers, not the freaking Gobots. This is probably thee most popular animated series and toy line of its generation. And yes, with its stories of heroism, lost, survival, and honor it also quite possibly had an effect on our lives. So please accept this as an answer for your repeat question of why an adult would care about a movie about talking robots.

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Son Of A Gun

I'm sorry but - :xd:

It's a children's cartoon. There's no swearing, no sex, no adult humour whatsoever as far as I remember. There's nothing there for an adult with an intelligent mind to get into.

And I didn't know Transformers and Anime were the same. One's for kids, one's for adults, as far I knew.

They are called collectors, fans, enthusiasts....

Yes, I am all of these. But for more grown up things, involving humans.

Have you seen 40 year old virgin?

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I can say I wasn`t into Transformers till I saw the first movie in 2007. From then on I tried watching the Animated Series but couldn`t stand it. Maybe because the german dubbing is bad imo and very different from the Bay movie dub. But I can understand the excitement of adults being a fan of childhood animes/cartoons as I`m still a huge fan of Batman.

I started reading the old comics at the age of 7 and in `92 I watched and taped every episode of The Animated Series. Nowadays I still watch them here and then and although Christopher Nolan`s films are awesome TAS will be my favourite forever (1st Season though). I think it`s a like it or hate it thing so can`t blame the different opinions here.

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Do I really need to close this thread?

Please, everyone, take a breath. Relax. Its okay if we have different opinions --

HOWEVER the juvenile name-calling, bravado commentary, vulgar laced attacks end now.

You know who you are. Please stop now.

Not tomorrow, not after breakfast - *now*.

Thank you.

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Interesting, Markgway.

We'll see if his theory holds true for "Green Lantern".:tongue:

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I'm sorry but - :xd:

It's a children's cartoon. There's no swearing, no sex, no adult humour whatsoever as far as I remember. There's nothing there for an adult with an intelligent mind to get into.

And I didn't know Transformers and Anime were the same. One's for kids, one's for adults, as far I knew.

Yes, I am all of these. But for more grown up things, involving humans.

Have you seen 40 year old virgin?

I dont know about you but as an adult I feel I'm too old and mature to troll messageboards, but you have fun with that....

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I think the New Transformers onThe Hubb is an excellent Anime series. If you haven't watched it you don't know what ur missing better storylines then the movies!

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