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Transformers 3


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Movie clocks in @ 2hrs and 40min, really???? Michael bay ain't playin around....

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Guest Markgway

I don't know what 'off the hook' means but it's a Michael Bay movie about CGI robots battering the shit out of each other for over 2.5 hrs. Major pass.

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"Off the hook/chain" definition: good; great; fantastic; awesome; balls to the wall; full tilt boogie; totally rad; far out; wicked bad; stupendous; extraordinary; gnarly; leaves you feeling well chuffed; you ain't gonna believe it; you gotta see it; DUDE!; etc.

Hope that helps, Markgway, though you'll no doubt still consider it none of these things.:wink:

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I love these movies! OK the 2nd. one was kinda of a big let down as far as storyline goes, but the CGI is Off the Hook! Sorry Markgway for not understanding it. And Thanks ShaOW!linDude for the translation....

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Guest Markgway

No need to apologise. I'm sure there's UK/Scots slang I use that Americans find lost in translation. That said, I'd rather bang my head against a brick wall for 2 hours that sit thru a Transformers movie... lol

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They need tto give up making these movies, The first two were really bad, so the odds are this will follow suit. I think i'll pass.

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Just seen the new Transformers movie with My Son & his Friend Michael from

Our Team, they loved it! I wasn't all that thrilled with it! Since Megan Fox is gone they brought in Some new Eye Candy and half the movie was about there relationship!

Not enough Autobots fighting! And the the last 1 hour was something from Terminator and Battle L.A. with the Spaceships and everything, it had the potential to be great but it really failed! I wanted more but they really tried to much with the Humor and stuff like that! I think it really needs major overhaul! They even brought the Asian Dude in from the Hangover and gave him some of the funniest moments but to me it didn't really belong! The storyline was great but Michael Bay ruined it with this new Chick and her with the close up and all that stupid Shit!

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Thanks for that info daiso2004.... Now I have a reason not to go see it on the big screen and maybe, maybe go to a cheap matinee... Damn this summer at the movies sux ass... I should have gone to that NYAFF....

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Yeah it really was a Waste, kinda of Dragged on also, the Kids Loved it but I wanted more Action and the Hell with the Romance! The New Animated Transformers on The Hubb on Cable is a 1000xs' better

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Fantastic entertainment. as the first and second one. the third one i watched in 3D

And i really thought the movie lasted for only 1 1/2 hour..

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I'm wondering if this is the last of the Transformer movies? And I loved the 1st. movie the 2nd. one was OK this one was the worst in the entire series IMO! Yes it did have some awesome new Transformers like Shock-wave, who was totally Awesome! But Michael Bay ruined it with the Toilet Humor and all the Romance Shit! Sorry But that is really the truth! If they would've just stuck to the plot and the action scenes this would've been the Best out of all the movies! Plus most of the time the Transformers were in Car mode!

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Son Of A Gun

Why was my post removed? :tinysmile_angry2_t:

I was standing up for the movies. Is that not allowed?

Why are people complaining about comedy being in these movies? Can you imagine how boring they would be if there was no humour or hot chicks to look at? 2hrs of CGI fighting robots? No thanks. What's wrong with the brilliant character robots that they came up with for Part 2? I thought they were brilliant. Alien robots have different personalities just like humans, don't they? That's what made the film for me really.

Wheelie = "Somebody sh*t the bed this morning" :xd: Great line, with that accent.

I expect my post will have been removed by the time I come back to see any responses though. :sad:

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Yeah I just noticed that your post was removed also! Hopefully Admin can give you that answer or who was the one who deleted it & why!

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Son Of A Gun
Maybe there's an auto delete for posts that praise rubbish movies? ;)

Rubbish movies? Are you insane? Have you seen what goes into making them?! I watch all the making of footage and interviews and what not... No small feet. Takes some serious confidence and skills to make something like Transformers.

Fun for all ages as well.

Some people are just hard to please I guess. :squigglemouth: I can't stand Sci Fi/CGI films usually. But these films are summin' else! (Fat fighters!)

I agree the Mum was a bit over the top in Revenge of the Fallen and Shia Labuff is annoying after a while, but you can't have everything. There's still plenty to enjoy. Great score aswell. Really helps a movie IMO. Makes it or breaks it. And in this case... it made it. :nerd:

Michael Bay is mad but a mad genius. Did you see Bad Boys 2 at the cinema? What a mental cinema experience.

He knows how to shoot "big action."

and remember guys, Bay still has to listen to the studio when it comes to the creativity. They insist on certain elements be in the films. So don't go blaming the director for everything you don't like about his movies. They are made by a team.

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Son Of A Gun

I don't agree. Who are these twats that think they are qualified to make such stupid criticisms? They think they can do much better do they? All directors are different. If they don't like the films that he's made then they shouldn't bother watching them.

I'm actually quite shocked. I never thought I'd hear comments like this about this man. I thought he was known for being the dog's bollocks when it comes to big epic action films.

All this hatred towards him is news to me. How can people have to much hatred towards a director? :squigglemouth: If they don't like their films then just don't go and see them.

No need to go on internet sites slating the man.

Michael Bay and James Cameron have proved time and time again that they are the kings of Big Epic Movies using cutting edge movie making of technology. It's not easy to do what they do.

I'm not saying these miserable moaning nobs are wrong about Bay, but I have never looked that deeply into one of his films.'lol I just take what I see and enjoy it. He's not out to make arty films.

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Guest Markgway
I'm actually quite shocked. I never thought I'd hear comments like this about this man. I thought he was known for being the dog's bollocks when it comes to big epic action films. All this hatred towards him is news to me.


Michael Bay and James Cameron have proved time and time again that they are the kings of Big Epic Movies using cutting edge movie making of technology.

James Cameron made The Terminator, Aliens, T2 and The Abyss.

Michael Bay, er, didn't.

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Son Of A Gun

I still don't get why people are saying horrible things about him. What kind of person goes to the cinema to watch Transformers or Bad Boys 2 and then comes out and starts bashing the director? Most people come out going "Woah, that was excellent!"

It's all about adrenaline and comedy with his films it seems. If you don't like that, don't go and see 'em, I say. :bigsmile:

I have no interest in these miserable f*ckers on the internet that spend their time bashing a director just because they don't like a film they saw. I've seen many crap films in my time. None of them were Michael Bay's. But I don't choose a film by it's director usually. I choose a film by it's trailer or just what takes my fancy.

These geeks bashing Michael Bay are taking things way too seriously. It's entertainment. And he delivers. Nothing more to it than that really. And I love watching the Making of footage. Very interesting.

I wont say any more cause I'm starting to sound like a big fan of this guy. 'lol I'm not. I just think it's pathetic and pointless to get so upset about a movie not being what you wanted it to be and blaming one man.

I haven't seen Transformers 3 yet and I'm not that bothered about it. But if I see it, I'll give my honest opinion on it here. :bigsmile:

P.S - How would I know about Michael Bay being so disliked before? No one I know feels that way and I wouldn't know where else to look to find out about this dislike towards him. I don't go on Transformers forums as some might.'lol

By the way, I totally choose James Cameron over Michael Bay films. :wink:

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I can understand that some criticizing Michael bay's movies but not in a Kung fu forum LOL.. talk about a lot of incompetent movies over the years. the list is endless of movies that did not deserve the light of day. even if some are childhood memories. but on the other hand some are very good. but the amount of bad kung fu flicks beats the good ones in my opinion.

Michael Bay's movies often are totally pompous and full of clichés as well. and for me that is entertainment. I was never really bored at any of his movies, maybe a bit In despair since some times it's a overkill/overdose of nationalism and war related low intelligence behavior. but i look at the effects so i don't care much about that.

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