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cult flix that fell below my expectations (LOL)

Guest BuddhasClaspedHandz

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Guest BuddhasClaspedHandz

Cannibal Ferox & Holocaust , Ichi The Killer, The Wicker Man, Men Behind The Sun, Snuff, The Untold Story, The Ring (japanese & korean versions) Cannibal the Musical, I Spit on Your Grave, Blood Diner, New York Ripper, Tenebrae, The Hills Have Eyes, Last House On the Left , OPERA, Inferno ... just to name a few

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Guest monwobobbo

CANNIBAL FEROUX? dude what did you expect. the movie is one of the most out of hand ever made? as for some of the other movies you mentioned well they don't necessarily live up to the hype. i will point out that many older films may not seem that great but were considered wild at the time they were made, you have to keep that in mind when watching.

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Cannibal Ferox & Holocaust - I dunno, I think both of these are notorious for a reason. I was raised on Cannibal Ferox under the "Make Them Die Slowly" title, when it was the most notorious thing in the video store... I know it's not a high-quality film, but as a sick-fest, it's great...

The Wicker Man - this one is over-rated, but it's not bad...

Snuff - yep, this is a gimmick with nothing to back it up...

The Ring (japanese & korean versions) - the Japanese version is good, it's just a lot "quieter" than the American remake... the climactic Sadako appearance is almost more powerful than the remake, though. The Korean Ring Virus really has nothing going for it – they fumbled everything..

Cannibal the Musical – oooo, I gotta disagree with you on this one, big time... this thing is *brilliant*! How can you not love the tap-dancing break during "Let's Build A Snowman", where the guy's waist-deep in snow so you can't see anything? Or the Japanese guys who are supposed to be "Indians"? "What tribe are you from?" "We are... Indians!" "Yes, but what tribe?" "You do not believe we are... INDIANS? We have... teepees! Look at all of the teepees we have!" And their word for white men being "assholes"? "Yesterday, many assholes - like yourselves - rode past!" And if you listen to the commentary track it gets even funnier, because the guys were saying "This is the stupiest damn movie" in Japanese when they were speaking their "Indian" language... And the whole "Sphadoinkle Day" song, and the touching love ballad (to a horse), "When I Was On Top of You"? The cyclops with the pus-spewing eye? Naaaah, this is a *great* movie! :)

I Spit on Your Grave - Yeah, I hate this one myself... I like the last half hour when she gets revenge on all the scumbags, but long protracted rape scenes really aren't my thing...

Blood Diner - dumb ripoff of Hershell Gordon Lewis movies, I don't like this one either...

New York Ripper - well, it's not Fulci's best, but it's not bad...

Tenebrae - I *love* this one... one of my favorite Argentos. There is no bad Argento... only better and worse Argento...

The Hills Have Eyes - a little over-rated but it's not bad...

Last House On the Left - crude but effective, but not pleasant viewing...

OPERA - another Argento masterpiece...

Inferno - y'know, I didn't like this a lot the first time I saw it but when I re-watched it a few times it became one of my faves... it's one of the most "Argento" of Argento's movies. Give it another shot...

Now, the stuff I didn't like:

Rocky Horror Picture Show - what complete and utter miserable dreck this thing is... it bores me beyond tears, I don't care how many people love it.

The Crawling Hand - this isn't even good-bad, it's just bad...

Guinea Pig : The Devil's Experiment - how anybody could be entertained by this thing is beyond me. Shocking, yeah, but mostly dull and sick. Extremely tedious.

A Scream in the Streets - I know people who rave about this thing but it's no big deal unless you're just crazy about nudity...

Mantis in Lace - another one with a great reputation but that's overlong and boring, mostly long shots of people "making out." Blah.

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Guest GaySerialKiller

Chalk me up as a huge fan of "Cannibal the Musical" as well. I even own the soundtrack CD. The Troma DVD is a must get DVD just for the drunken commentary alone.

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Guest rudolph

I think 99% of films are over-rated. I don't know why people do that. I saw all of John Woo's action films, except HB & ABT, and enjoyed them without having really known who he was. If a new fan would watch them today he would probably not like them as much because of the hype. A rating of 5/5 is something really, really special. But many reviews give every second film that rating and spoils the film. But what can we do? Stop reading any and all reviews? Maybe if I had never heard of Django before I'd love it to death, but alas...

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"Maybe if I had never heard of Django before I'd love it to death, but alas..."

******* I kind of "discovered" Django back in the mid-80's, and that may be why I have so much affection for it. I used to watch this obscure satellite channel called The Carribean Superstation, because they'd come up with a very strange assortment of movies... they played things in heavy rotation that I couldn't believe any TV station was showing (Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Make Them Die Slowly, Buried Alive (albeit with the nastiest parts cut out)) and a lot of Italian crime dramas, public domain stuff, obscure horror movies (stuff like The Legend of Spider Forest, House of Seven Corpses, Psycho from Texas), westerns, and kung fu movies (their lineup there was mostly The Blazing Ninja, Bruce Lee Fights Back from the Grave, Fists of Iron Feet of Steel, and the Dragon Lee "Dragon Claws" title). Most of their prints were awful, which kind of added to the ambience of everything in a strange way.

Anyway, one day they started showing Django, and they had the world's worst print - it was faded out, just barely in color (the print had turned red already), and really grainy. But it looked strange so I started watching it, and got surprised by all the violence. Yeah, there's no bullet squibs and stuff, but you've got to understand, that ear-eating and hand-crushing and stuff? Nobody was doing things like that at the time. It seems tame by today's standards, but back in the 60's, that was some extremely shocking stuff... Anyway, I had never heard of the movie before and was surprised when I eventually ran across a mention of it somewhere. So, maybe having no expectations is a factor... :)

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Guest cabezon118

i don't agree. i heard great things about django before buying it, and still loved it! prior to seeing this, i thought westerns were all about john wayne and gene autry. django was original, yes shocking, and just plain weird. this kind of stuff ain't supposed to happen in a western--til django.

ps-in about 1990, a guy named quentin raised a lot of eyebrows with a scene involving a tortured cop. this scene was effective even though no one made the cop eat his own ear! my point is that django may still be considered over the top, or ultra-shocking. even by today's standards. long live django!

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Guest BuddhasClaspedHandz

I forgot to also point out that I DO like these movies ... of all the titles i mentioned i probably liked OPERA the most

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Guest Iron_Jinon

house on the edge of park,bad taste,redneck zombies,driller killer,bloodsucking freaks,eaten alive,maniac,mutilator,nailgun massacre etc...seems "back then" almost any splatter&slasher film was hyped a lot and they failed to meet my demanding taste...some delivered like "bloody pit of horror","intruder","mardi grass massacre"...and wickerman IS lame.I have no idea what has been going on in horror scene for last 10 years:rolleyes:

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wtf, the original wicker man is classic

the thing i've noticed about a lot of famous cult movies, they sink in much better on repeated viewing. The first time you watch them, there is an expectation that 9 out of 10 times is impossible to meet built up from all those times you've heard the movie praised. On repeat viewings you are judging them on their own merit as opposed to comparing them to some fawning review.

That being said, a lot of these do only appeal to a narrow audience and their adoration does not generally translate well to other who are not 'initiated'. Rocky Horror Picture Show is one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life for example, but look at all teh people dressing up for those midnight shows

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I love Rocky Horror Picture Show...:-) That movie is absolutely lovely and the music is quite good...

But - as many other cult things - RHPS is an acquired taste... :cool:

One of those "love it or hate it" things I suppose.

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"I Spit On Your Grave," "House By The Edge Of The Park," and "Last House On The Left" are all awfully over-hyped in terms of horror. Ok, so there is gratuitous rape but otherwise they're hardly anything to be shocked by. They're nothing Rob Zombie isn't doing today. All overrated.

I totally agree on "Snuff" as well. A complete waste of time.

I was also very disappointed with "Maniac," "Nekromantik," "Aftermatch" (very gross but gets annoying quickly) and "Cannibal Apocalypse." Just because a movie has "Cannibal" in its title does not make it a gore classic.

Both "Ferox" and "Holocaust" live up to expectations in my opinion. It's, of course, the animal deaths that give them the most notoriety and I think they're hard to watch. The turtle scene being particularly graphic. Actually "Cannibal Holocaust" is actually a very well made film when thinking about it.

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I'm gonna say Keoma. The soundtrack was so annoying and I prefer flashback scenes a little more "dreamy". Plus I have something against hair (Franco Neros look was grossing me out). Still a good movie but not a fav. DId you see Rocky Horror Show at a theater? The experience is totally different! Susan Sarandon was sooo hot!!

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really you didn't like Maniac? Joe Spinell was absolutely brilliant in that i thought

It was a well acted movie but it just didn't hold my attention.

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New York Ripper - well, it's not Fulci's best, but it's not bad...

it is nowhere fulcis best but hard not to love movie where cute lady gets her tit and eye sliced by razorblade,killer quack quacks and happy end when he gets shooted to temple by gun larger than bazooka;):D

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Wow, an old topic resurrected! :)

Cult films that I dislike include:

1. Most of the italian and spanish horror films (this includes the giallo genre). I find them to be lame. People say they're so amazing and frightening, but I've only been able to enjoy maybe a few of the Argento, Fulci, Bava, etc... films. A lot of the stuff that bothers me about them is the poor continuity in these films. They'll throw in a stupid scene that's supposed to be scary that leaves one scratching their head like WTF?

2. Kill Bill Vol.2 - sucked. Too talky, and that scene where Uma runs through the front door of the trailer was the dumbest set-up job ever. A trained assassin going headfirst at another trained assassin's hide-out? Lame.

3. Rocky Horror Picture Show. I've never understood the interest in this film. In fact, I don't care for most of the 70s musicals. Does Phantom of the Paradise count? I like that one! :)

4. A lot of the 80s slasher flicks like Maniac, Martin, The Burning, etc... I love Tom Savini's work, but a lot of those films he was connected to just were terrible movies. Sleepaway Camp was another one I could think of (not Savini's work) that I don't like. And I've gotten bored of Halloween for some reason. I liked it when I saw it as a kid, but in the last 10 years, I've not found the original film as interesting to watch.

5. Of the revenge flicks like I Spit On Your Grave and Ms 45, I really liked the latter. ISOYG was poorly made. The only claim to fame that movie had was the infamous 'bobbitizing' scene.

6. Blair Witch Project was garbage. I got motion sickeness watching that film, which didn't help. They really should have put warnings on the ads for that film because of that. As far as I was concerned, it was all corporate media hype designed to sucker in as many viewers as possible to go to a film that cost nothing to make. They probably would have made a good Return On Investment if it only played in one theatre for one week.

Of the stuff people said they didn't like, I really like Wicker Man. I thought it was going to be a horror film, and usually when I watch a movie thinking it was one thing, and it turns out to be another, I end up hating it (like Fifth Element, which I didn't expect to be a comedy). But Wicker Man blind-sided me and I loved every minute of it. It's so bizarre, but well-made. And the music is really nice too.

Other cult films I like:

Deranged (the movie based on Ed Gein)

Motel Hell

Dawn of The Dead (the original; I don't really like the other movies, and I didn't like the ending of the original Night, and really hated the ending of the remake)

Planet Of The Apes (love the whole series, including the TV stuff)

Night Of The Creeps (this movie is so much fun, I wish it would come out legitimately onto DVD)

Dead Alive

Evil Dead and Army of Darkness (I don't like ED 2)

Friday The 13th series (for laughs, of course!)

Re-Animator (lots of fun, too)

Taxi Driver (does this count as a cult film?)

Midnight Cowboy (cult film?)

There are many others I can't think of right now. Most of these flicks were 70s to mid 80s releases.


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So I just watched Suspiria for the first time and was a little dissapointed. I thought the first 15 minutes or so were amazing. But it seems to me the climactic ending was in beginning instead of the end where it belongs. Very good movie I'd watch again but not quite what I was expecting.

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Righteous Master

I have to agree that 99% of all films are a disappointment. It is hard to make a great film that will stand the test of time.

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