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Remake of BLOODSPORT by "Salt" director Philip Noyce?


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Your just a groundhog that mumble jumbles bullshit. You don't have any evidence to back your know it all claims. You can be the condom boy if you want, and lube the cocks up while you film yourself jacking off.

I thought you guys ignored each other? One of you guys has the Trace-Buster BUSTER! :P

It was deleted by me because I realised it wasn't an uncut version.

Just watched Hard Target the other night and that movie definitely stands strong as one of Van Damme's best.

Gotcha. I thought I was going crazy. HARD TARGET is next on my re-watch list. Might take awhile since it's not on netflix. I did order the UK version of Knock Off which has a commentary and featurette I've never seen!

(if anyone owns this, PLEASE do not ruin it by telling me the commentary by Tsui Hark sucks. Let me find out for myself).

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Thanks for the info dionbrother et al... Not enough valuable posts on the forum.

The kung fu genre has picked up some of the lowest functioning film fans around; I'm talking developmental disabilities here and I'm not being dramatic.

I just watched this clip and it was a painful experience. Hard to respect anything in the guy's professional career. Enjoy some of the films for kitsch value, sure.... but this is too much.


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I just watched this clip and it was a painful experience. Hard to respect anything in the guy's professional career. Enjoy some of the films for kitsch value, sure.... but this is too much.

I see a man on top of the world FULL of confidence. Besides, it was the 90's. That was a corny decade. =D

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I don't see anything wrong with that Van Damme interview, nothing wrong with being young and confident.

Amen to that.

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One Armed Boxer
nothing wrong with being young and confident

Young & confident / arrogant & egotistical....it's a fine line, but I know which one I think that interview fell into.

Still, at least he didn't go as far as Seagal and call himself a God!

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Was I going crazy, or did you delete the original post?

91 minutes? Hmmm... I believe the R1 version is 91 minutes as well. :(


You are not going crazy as they was a post and if I recall correctly whoever posted it said the German version was 91 minutes which would be longer than the American due to PAL speed up. I did take a quick look a few days back on the German Amazon site and there's a shorter version as well. Can't recall which was which.

Hung Xin-Xin (or whatever he calls himself these days) said Van Damme was the biggest phony he ever worked with. Take that for what its worth.

Are you talking about Xin Xin Xiong the guy who played club foot in the Once Upon a Time in China sequels and series?

Anyway whoever you're talking about I can believe he is a phoney. He certainly didn't come off as genuine and that was through viewing a pro Van Damme reality series.

(if anyone owns this, PLEASE do not ruin it by telling me the commentary by Tsui Hark sucks. Let me find out for myself).

Sorry dude

only joking I didn't even know it was there I've never played the disc.:tongue:

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Your just a groundhog that mumble jumbles bullshit. You don't have any evidence to back your know it all claims. You can be the condom boy if you want, and lube the cocks up while you film yourself jacking off.

You make no sense whatsoever. I've posted informed opinions on this board for nearly a decade. Where were you 10 years ago? Watching OVER THE TOP and DEATH WARRANT for the 100th time? I even exchanged knowledge with Linn Hayes and educated him on the history of American video releases of Shaw Bros. movies, for which he was grateful. But Linn was a smart, informed poster that contributed so much to this board and made it worthwhile. Linn knew so much he could have gone pro, and there were plans for such (It was once proposed that Linn and I would be conducting commentaries on Crash Cinema releases, but Crash flaked out on both of us). Since Linn passed away, this board has dropped in quality because of slobbering fan boys like you; you don't appreciate real information, experience or wisdom. All you add to this board is racism, 9/11 Trutherism (which is just anti-semitism) and man-love for Van Damme and Sly. I can't recall you posting anything informative or interesting. You are probably the reason some of our smarter posters have left to post on their own forum. I don't blame them.

I'm sure you'll reply with another fruity fantasy about me. It's all you really have, isn't it, Troofer Boy? Go on and tell us how jet fuel can't bring down a building.

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Are you talking about Xin Xin Xiong the guy who played club foot in the Once Upon a Time in China sequels and series?

Yes. In my day of pre-Internet fanzines, we called him Hung Xin-Xin (he wanted you to call him "Yan-Yan.") Xin Xin Xiong is now the standard, I still can't call Liu Chia Liang by his Canto name of Lau Kar Leung, because I grew up with the Mandarin names on Black Belt Theater.

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Wow. You are a newjack numbskull. You don't offer food for thought on 9-11, you are offering the opinions that stupid people spout to sound smart. Instead of reading books or taking classes and gaining some intellect, you go "see Daddy, it's all a big conspiracy and I figured out that George Bush and the Jews blew up the buildings. I solved the big mystery!"

I bet you play a lot of video games.

The only fantasy I have about you is nailing your writsts to a tree in the middle of nowhere, and letting the vultures eat your eyes out.

Funny, you had three fantasies about me in the last two days:

You can be the condom boy if you want, and lube the cocks up while you film yourself jacking off.

you can suck off Stallone and Van Damme at the same time. Im sure you would love to since you know so much about their personal lives.

Van Damme may not be Jackie Chan but he could beat your ass.

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You are not going crazy as they was a post and if I recall correctly whoever posted it said the German version was 91 minutes which would be longer than the American due to PAL speed up. I did take a quick look a few days back on the German Amazon site and there's a shorter version as well. Can't recall which was which.

Thanks for that explanation. One of those most annoying things about forums is trying to find something you saw earlier - when you KNOW you saw it - and not being able to find it!

You scared me on your Knock Off DVD comment as well. :(

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dionbrother, I'm a bit surprised at you calling another poster 'racist' and whatnot, when you posted some pretty nasty views yourself in the general board recently (can't remember the thread).

You weren't the only one and the thread got locked, I believe.

I don't know why I felt I had to post that, but whatever.

I have been on the boards for years though, and it is obvious that you have a lot of knowledge as far as films are concerned and this particular genre especially.

I was kind of disappointed really to read the thread that got locked, but it is the internet, nothing should surprise anymore.

edit-when I wrote years I meant since the old board, although I registered here late.

Also, I have no interest in back and forth arguing and flaming, just making an observation.

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Phoenix, if you are talking about the Dead Bin Laden thread, I posted no racist views. I do have a negative view of factions of Islam that attempt to push Sharia Law into Europe and pockets of the US, and posted a statement or two on that thread. Islam is not a race, thus such views are not racist. The burden of proof that it is a "religion of peace" is on the Muslim religion, because I'm not impressed by what I've seen of Islam. I'm old enough to remember Muslims issuing a death warrant on Salman Rushdie for writing satire. Even as a youngster it sounded like a sick cult. If anybody wants to prove otherwise, I'm open to hearing them out.

Then again, I don't care for any religion, not even Buddhism. But Islam is on the bottom of the list.

Dragonsword posted a lot of crazy shit on that thread and my posts were lumped in with his views by people who lack reading analysis ability.

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As far as I'm aware, there is a tiny, tiny minority of extremists who want Sharia law in any western country, and anyone with any sense knows that's impossible. The right wing press gives them exposure though, for various reasons. It's an insane idea. I would compare it to those extreme 'God hates fags' Christian sects and someone thinking other Christians are like that.

Also, if Dragonsword is into 9/11 conspiracy theories, it doesn't have to follow that he is anti-semitic, surely?

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Thanks for that explanation. One of those most annoying things about forums is trying to find something you saw earlier - when you KNOW you saw it - and not being able to find it!

You scared me on your Knock Off DVD comment as well. :(

That happens to me too it's worse when you mix up forums!

yeah sorry I couldn't resist:bigsmile:

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On 5/22/2011 at 4:38 PM, dionbrother said:

You should also keep in mind that Van Damme could have had MATRIX-quality fight scenes in his early films but chose not to. A lot of Hong Kong talent worked on those films, but his ego and laziness worked against him, and he went for the slo-mo, one kick at a time crap. I know that the DOUBLE TEAM stunt team literally said to him "We can make you look better than Jackie Chan, you just have to let us work with you" and he refused. I also know from a producer that VD ignored advice to take some acting lessons. He is his own worst enemy. He could have been another Alain Delon and he totally blew it.

It's a shame that he hasn't had his second wind like Donnie Yen or Liam Neeson.

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VD claims he was blacklisted after rejecting a 3 picture deal from Universal for $12 million a movie.  He was all coked up and responded "Pay me $20 million like Jim Carrey!"  

Now that I've watched his reality show on Youtube, I'm inclined to believe him.


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BTW, I think VD comes off great on the reality show.  He shows a lot of humor and personality that his movies never allowed.  Starting to reassess his early filmography thanks to the streaming channels.  Watched CYBORG the other night and appreciated it a lot more than I did in 1989.  Of course, it lacks much of what I hate about current action cinema(CGI, capes, superheroes, etc.).

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It's a shame that he never got to try his hand at doing a proper comedy in the '90s because it might have done for him what Twins did for Arnie, but maybe Stallone's failure with Oscar and the Mom movie might have put him off from doing it. One thing that he could have done is be in a movie where he alternated between acting in French and English, so that a lot of the comedy (or even drama) comes from him tricking foreign listeners into thinking he's saying something else.

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