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Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning (2012) - Scott Adkins, JCVD, & Dolph Lundgren


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Cool. While not exactly a great movie, Regeneration was a nice return to old school beating and arcade shooting, was glad to see it in theater. Hopefully Van Damme and Lundgren will be given bigger roles this time.

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One Armed Boxer

Credit to Tigerstyles for spotting the trailer for this one -


Looks like it's gone through a name change, now being called 'Day of Reckoning', and the trailer makes no mention of the speculated 3D that the movie was being filmed in, which for me at least is a big relief.

Have to be honest & say I'm excited to see this. Against all my expectations I really enjoyed 'Regeneration'...a decent story, good action in the car chases, and a great finale with Van Damme's raid on the enemy base including some vicious knife fighting, topped off with a knock down anything goes one on one between him & Lundgren, it was good stuff.

Hyams seems to have a good eye for action, so good to see him still in the directing chair, and even if we just get a rehash of 'Regeneration', the fact that we get Scott Adkins in place of Andrei Arlovski is enough to count me in, and as a bonus the trailer also seems to imply Lundgren will be getting a lot more screen time!

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Okay.....okay.....okay. Let's hope Adkins really gets to shine in this.

So now both JCVD's and Lungren's characters are psycho?:tongue:

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Yo guys, if you are in the Philadelphia area, you are in for a treat. My bro who programs the Philadelphia Film Festival just called me up with this news: "PFF is proud to show the film in its uncut, 3D format, which won’t be released in theaters anywhere."!!! :smile::bigsmile::wink::nerd: It's playing, yes... UNCUT, at midnight tonight at The Rave (formerly The Bridge) in University City.

My son and I are going to see Don "PHANTASM" Coscarelli's new film JOHN DIES AT THE END, which will be followed by UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: DAY OF RECKONING. We are stoked! It takes a lot to get me to visit the city, especially on a Saturday night. But I didn't even hesitate for this.

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Damn Bob I wish you would have said somethig sooner I would have taken the ride up there tonight. But I'm going to see The NY Red Bulls game.

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My son and I are going to see Don "PHANTASM" Coscarelli's new film JOHN DIES AT THE END, which will be followed by UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: DAY OF RECKONING. We are stoked! It takes a lot to get me to visit the city, especially on a Saturday night. But I didn't even hesitate for this.

Dude! That's sweet! I hope this won't be a disappointing double bill for you. And even more so, I'm hoping you come back with some high praises for the MA action in US:DOR, especially Adkins.

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Damn Bob I wish you would have said somethig sooner I would have taken the ride up there tonight. But I'm going to see The NY Red Bulls game.

I posted this as soon as I found out. Usually I'm in touch with my buddy all the time and I'm ready for the festival months in advance. But he's been super busy this year and traveling a lot. He literally called me and said "You've got to come to the festival!" I said "When is it?" and he said "Right now! Get in your car and get your ass down here." LOL :tongue:

Dude! That's sweet! I hope this won't be a disappointing double bill for you. And even more so, I'm hoping you come back with some high praises for the MA action in US:DOR, especially Adkins.

I can't wait man. Even though I've had a ton of stuff to do today, the day seems like it's going in slow motion. :smile: I'll be sure to report on this tomorrow. :nerd:

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First we saw Don Coscarelli's new film JOHN DIES AT THE END- a bizarre, extremely original horror/sci-fi/mystery/comedy/thriller that really engaged the enthusiastic audience.

Next up was the completely UNCUT screening of UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: DAY OF RECKONING. This film was fantastic! It's very different from the rest of the series. There's a lot of horror film influence, and it definitely plays like mystery thriller with lots of action. There are huge nods to both MEMENTO and APOCALYPSE NOW, with Van Damme coming across (no doubt intentionally based on the way he was lit and presented in the film) like a martial arts version of Col. Kurtz! The violence was indeed shocking and frequent, and the martial arts and gun action was exquisite. Though the film is very dark in both tone and cinematography, I never, not once, found it hard to see what was going on. The action choreography ranged from very good to truly jaw-dropping. The 3D looked great. Scott Adkins proved to be a very skilled actor as well as an action man, with a wonderful, extremely humanistic performance. Van Damme was truly menacing (my son commented on his big fight 'That's the fight Sly should've had with him in EXPENDABLES 2'), and Dolph gives maybe his best acting performance yet, while also turning in one of his greatest fight scenes ever! Andrei Arlovski is a freaking monster in this too! Kristopher van Varenberg (aka "Kris Van Damme") turns up in a small role too. We absolutely loved it. :nerd:

The plot and the how, when, why, and in what context the action occurs is hard to describe without ruining the film. I implore fellow posters- PLEASE, do not spoil the plot on here!

Sadly, our great night at the movies ended terribly. As we were driving home we were struck by a speeding drunk driver and my truck was spun completely around in a circle and smashed into the wall of the overpass. Thank God my son and I survived, but we're both pretty messed up. I had to write this post a little bit at a time over the course of several hours, and very slowly as I'm on pain killers and muscle relaxers.

Drinking and driving? :neutral: Hard to believe people continue to do this. I've already lost family in the past from this- the stupidest shit ever. :tinysmile_angry2_t:

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It's great that you enjoyed the movie and I really look forward to seeing it now...

But that's nothing compared to the relief I have knowing that you guys survived. You always treat everybody here like family and we appreciate that sooo much. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your son and hope that you heal quickly.

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Drunk drivers should be prosecuted for attempted murder every time they get in a car drunk. Simple as that.

Very true.

Very glad to hear you and your son are okay, Bob. I wish you both a speedy recovery.

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Absolutely stunned to read about your accident, Bob.

Thank God you and your son are both not too badly hurt.

Hope they throw the book at the moron who caused it.

My thoughts are with you both and here's to a quick recovery.

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Absolutely stunned to read about your accident, Bob.

Thank God you and your son are both not too badly hurt.

Hope they throw the book at the moron who caused it.

My thoughts are with you both and here's to a quick recovery.

Aptly expressed and my sentiments exactly.....except in line 3 where for "moron" I'd use....something more colorful that I shouldn't say.

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Hey, a big thank you to everyone for the kind words. Really very nice! :wink: As far as drunk drivers go- I have zero tolerance. There was a second when I was facing the guy and some bad thoughts went through my head. But that would have only hurt me and my family in the long run. I managed to keep my cool. Yeah, the two of us aren't in the best of shape now, but we lived through it. I got to hug my son and tell him I love him afterwards, and he said the same. That's all that's important. The truck is just a piece of metal that can be replaced, though admittedly, I will miss it.

Anyway... I've derailed the thread enough with my life's drama. Let's get back to the topic...

Did I mention that UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: DAY OF RECKONING kicks ass?! :nerd:

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