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alien v/s predator

Guest zhunaid

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Guest godzillakungfu

Think Chronnicle's of Riddick. If you liked that you'll like this. For me, to many story and continuity issues. Special effects are great most of the fight scenes sucked. Especially, the main, one on one combat. What bothered me most was the acid doesn't melt the spears or small hand held knife. Yet, it melts the armor and retratctable blades (wolvewrine blades). Come on, the armor part I'll give you but your close quarters weapon (shoulder cannon, spear, and Krull Blade) melts come on. It is fun for the anticipation but doesn't deliver. There are other hockey parts.

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Guest kenichiku

Wasn't bad, expected worse. The young freshman heroine was no Ripley in the charisma department where I found the Predators had more personality (but she'll do better elsewhere). Good to see Lance Henriksen, perhaps the only thread to the past 'er future Alien episodes whom I'd expect to be a robot or conceal another corporate Alien conspiracy (but recalled previous plots devices haven't occur yet on the timeline). All in all, the newer characters who felt like global UN exchange students on a doomed ski trip, failed to engage me like the old ones. If they were better, they'd help a lot to flesh out otherwise typical special effects. Some cool visual sequences.

The much dismissed 'Alien 3', whom this film slightly resembles in pace and structure was still better. Anderson has equally a good sense for depth in sci-fi environments as Fincher did.

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I'm not a hardcore fan of either franchise, but I heartily enjoyed AVP. It certainly wasn't of the same cinematic quality as the Alien films, but on a subjective level I found it to be a fun action movie. I have to say I was expecting a lot more CGI crap, and was pleasantly surprised by the fairly extensive use of models and animatronic puppets for the Aliens. I also liked the kind of Lovecraftian plot of the pyramid at the Antarctic, and Henricksen was a big plus for the movie. I enjoyed it as a more straightforward action movie---man, those last two Alien movies were just SO gloomy and depressing---I thought this one was more fun.

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Guest TheDrunkenRabbit

AVP was fun action flick; go with the right mindset to see it and you'll like it. Of course nothing will be better than the first Predator and Alien movies.

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Guest Soda drink

c'mon guys! the first predator is what you call a fun action movie...Rocky IV is a fun movie, the lethal weapon movies is what you call a fun movie....this movie was pure @#%$! AHHHHHH!.......to each his bloody own.....

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Guest MasteroftheFlyingRecords

Everyone has a criticism about every cult move ever freaking made, some say it suck some say ok and some say it's great. Everyone has there flavor, but to critique a movie is one thing and actually filming it is another. I have a friend who is always putting down every freaking movie except probably 3 (which was Lord of the Rings) between 2003-2004. Go out and film your own movie and see if everyone likes it! On this page some one wants to know how good AVP is, well opinions very; so I'll just give you the content of the move.

One: not too much CGI but about 30%.

Two: about 4 Fight scenes (Alien and Predator's fight is good, and if not post how you would make it better!

Three: 10% gore or less (1st Predator was much bloodier)

Four: Action begins pretty quickly into the movie about 20 min.

Over all AvP was good in my opinion (not great) I think it got a PG13 rating?

I think it could have had more fighting and blood in it, but then again the humans could only do so much against these Big and powerful monsters.

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Guest ninjai

I just got to watch it last night and I thought it was pretty good, I thought the story was very well done the only things that I didn't like was the fact that at the end when the Girl & the Predator were running for there lives she was out running him, and we know they book-ass. The end could've been a little better and there should've been more with the Aliens& Predators fighting. Overall I give it 3stars.


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Guest mcentepede

A good Movie. Not Awesome or anything, but entertaining enuff for me. But then again, I have both franchises in my collection...I am a fan of both. I too found it odd that Alien's acid could melt all but the Spear. What is that stuff made out of anyways...adamantium? But I can see that maybe the Predators got those spears made especially to penetrate the Alien's hide. The female heroine is a younger, more capable foe because being a mountain climber she obviously was a better athlete than Ripley, who was originally a co-pilot. Also this heroine was in "Love and Basketball" with Omar Epps. I think she really is a natural athlete, so I believe in her abilities more than Ripley.

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Guest darkjedi69

I have not seen this yet. Just a teaser trailer, but it looks good. Does any1 know who is playing the Predator?

Also heard rumours of a Predator 3, and Alien 5, following on from the success of this movie in the USA, so I am presuming it took sH*t loads of money in the cinemas.

Can any1 shed any light on any of this?


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Guest limubai2000

I don't forsee any sequels to AVP. It didn't make alot of money and it tanked pretty quickly. This was nearly a sure thing whent he press screening was cancelled (that normally indicates the suits know they have a stinker). I don't believe it crossed the 100mil mark, though on DVD it will probably do well.

I think Anderson understands the enviroment. But I had some serious issues with the fights, some problems with the film fitting into established canon (although I liked Lance in the film), and the fact that the film contradicted itself. I cannot believe they greenlighted a weakly plotted script like this. I was/am pissed that they @#%$ up this great opportunity, this was nearly a slam dunk, I could have friggin written a better script.

Chronicles of Riddick, I did enjoy because at least it was somewhat original. "evil Star Wars" was not really a good comparison. I did like the visiual style of the film as well. I liked it better than AVP.

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Guest kungfusamurai

It was pretty bad. I haven't read any write-ups on it, so there are things about it that perplex me: Was it a prequel? It looked like it was set years before the Alien films (i.e. modern day); and what was the reason for having Lance Henriksen? Was he supposed to be the descendant of the Bishop character in the 2 earlier sequels?


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Guest limubai2000

Lance played the owner of Weyland Yutani corp. Which is who they based the look of the "artificial people" from in the later Alien movies (Aliens, Alien 3). That was straightforward and that didn't really bother me. The movie was basically a prequel of sorts to the Predator and Alien movies, that part of the film at least worked.

What bothered me is that the canon in the previous films established that Aliens could detect the larva inside people, so the queen would not have killed the final predator because he had the larva inside him. Doh!!!!

And the end was to obvious, because the film also established that Predators could detect alien larva inside people, so the Predators would not have carried their fallen comrade with the alien larva inside him onto their ship!!! Double DOH!!!

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Guest godzillakungfu

95 Mil with Advertising and Production costs. 105 Million with Internationally and Domestically I doubt there will be a sequel anytime soon. Godzilla(1998) made 379 Mil worldwide and they actually turnmed a profit. No sequel.

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Guest kungfusamurai

Godzilla was Godawful. I think that was Matthew Broderick's last major film role. He hit the stage after that stinker. Oh wait, I forgot about Inspector Gadget... :)


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Guest godzillakungfu

Yeah, I agree it was awful but we have seen movies that sucked get a sequel for no reason (Daredevil=Elektra). I mean as horrible as it is and was it still turned a profit. I mean the only good thing to come out of Gino is the way Godzilla rises out of the water and swims. Toho ate those special effects up!!

The funny thing is if they had of just created the movie and said it was a remake of The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms I probably would of enjoyed the movie. That is what I kept thinking when I was awake. Yes, I fell asleep in the theatre. I have never seen the movie all the way through.:rollin

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Guest limubai2000

I made the mistake of watching part of Alien 4 last night on HBO2. Realized how sucky that one was... it did show alot of promise until about the 30 minutes mark.

I didn't like the set design that much or the weapons and costumes in that one as much. Some of the aliens were really well done, I like the scenes with the alien(s) in the lab with scientists dude screwing with them, those were cool.

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Guest gorlank

It's an okay time waster but nothing spectacular.

BTW, watch the dvd with the audio commentary and you'll soon see that lead actress Lathan might be the stupidest person on the face of the earth. Talk about vapid! I got the feeling that Henriksen could barely restrain himself from beating her to death.

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Guest BleuVenom

I've seen all of the Alien and Predator movies. So I had to see that one too. AVP was good to me in two ways: 1. I like the action movie and the two foes battling it out, 2. I went with a group of friends and we all choose sides and made bets beforehand. I came out $20 richer.:D

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Guest sakura2004

It was entertaining enough for 2 viewings, and will watch it again when the mood swings. You just can't wait till the irritating Scotsman gets it. It was cool in the scene where the Predator showed understanding and compassion, when the girl was distraught and hesitant over having to kill the Italian. Predator was great, but P2 sucked. Alien is an absolute classic, and the sets were absolutely stunning. Aliens was a very very strong follow up. Didn't bother seeing the rest.

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Guest kenichiku

Went and bought a used copy via E-Bay for 6 bucks plus 3.5 shipping and guess what? I liked it way more as a video product with extras. Besides, I think the DVD had a few added scene extensions that made the whole thing play more fully that wasn't shown the first time I shelled out nine-fitty to see it theatrically and was neither stoked nor let down (shoulda stayed home the 1st time!)


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Guest Daisho2004

kenichiku, I agree with you on that, that's why I'm very picky about what I see in the movies, a lot of movies are really just home viewed. I'll say that there are 2 movies that I'll see in the movie theater this year coming 1-is "Batman The Beginning"

2-is Peter Jackson's remake of "King Kong"

maybe if the movie theater's didn't charge an arm & a leg more people would go instead of buying bootlegs, and the boots are getting awesome lately..........


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Guest kenichiku

Well in my environment, it's totally the opposite. With borderless e-sales and in some cases free shipping, relaxation of taxes or duties, buying legit new videos are more available & cheaper than ever before, adn then there's the secondary market like my E-Bayed 'AVP'. To think, I used to pay $39.95US in 1989 on a 12" laserdisc or a new VHS pre-record tape at Tower Records! That's 3-4 titles brand new now!

Re: the bootleg underground, right or wrong, legal or not, will always be around as long as there are willing buyers & stuff that's rare, translated, un-cut & unreleased for sale...like classic unreleased chambaras from Japan for example! ;)

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