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Anyone watching Battlestar G?

Guest teako170

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Guest teako170

I remember the original series fairly well. It was a nice "TV fix" after Star Wars and before Empire came out. I was a bit skeptical when I first heard of the new mini-series (Starbuck a woman??) but I was quickly won over with the excellent special effects and storyline. The "camera in space" technique was something I hadn't seen before and I was glad to hear that the Sci-Fi Channel committed to a full series. Now I eagerly await each episode Friday night - the only TV series I watch regularly. (Commander Adama = Cylon?? No way!) Anyone else watch?

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Guest limubai2000

I used to say Babylon 5. Best. Sci-fi. TV. Ever.

Now that honor goes to BG. SciFi has totally outdone themselves with consistently high quality episodes that are character and story driven. Not to mention the near total mindf*ck that is going on with some characters really keeps me coming back. I care about these characters far more than I ever did with any Trek. This show is not only about scifi but exploring people and how they deal with reality, and a reality that has been really screwed.

I love it.

I really enjoy trying to figure out what exactly the Cylons are up to and the religious overtones are timely, especially the homicide bomber.

Don't be spoiling anything in this thread please for those of you a few episodes ahead!

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Guest rob g rob

BG is a good show I can't seem to turn away from sci fi on fridays because I really like stargate Alantis and BG I'm not really a fan of stargate or the original BG.

by the way limubal I think FARSCAPE was the best show ever

there never be another.

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Guest teako170

limubai --

How many episodes are you behind? They've shown 8 so far - here in the States (doesn't include mini-series). They have an excellent guide over at the Sci-Fi site with deleted scenes from each episode.

If you haven't seen it yet, the link below is for the first episode and you can choose from a 'drop-down' box which episode to go from there (so if you haven't seen a particular episode, no worries).


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Guest limubai2000

For certain stations we run 1 week behind the states, they just ran the episode where it was revealed to the fleet that the Cylons are human and Boomer/Chief broke up. Not sure what # that is but I haven't missed any eps yet. Saw the mini and the pilot, they actually broadcast those on the NBC affiliate out here and SciFi channel so I got to see them 2 times in 4 days (my gf didn't appreciate that!). I'm thinking we are 1 or 2 eps behind, so I try to be careful not to view spoilers.

I'm loving the religious angle of the Cylons and the Boomer/Helo thing is interesting on many levels. Not sure what is going to happen the Galactica Boomer as that looks interesting as well. I don't buy Adama being a Cylon but with all the mindf&cks going on I wouldn't be totally surprised.

I like Stargate but I'm so far out of the loop on the overall story arc that it's easier not to watch and slowly I'm catching up on DVD. I do like Atlantis but not as much as the original.

Rob... I do/did like Farscape but I'm not as invested in that as BG. I don't think Farscape was or is as good as B5 or BG but that's my opinion.

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Guest teako170

That was Episode 6 ("Litmus") so you've got 2 good ones to look forward to. Just read on the Sci-Fi blog (a first for me) that Season 2 has been approved and they're planning to start filming later this March. Those Cylons are "fracked" now! :lol

Stargate, for me, was "the show" the first few seasons but, like the X-men comics of yesteryears, they started drifting into too many arcs / subplots and I eventually lost interest. The 'jump-the-shark' episode was when I saw the team on a spaceship. I'm thinking .. "What the Gate is busted now?" Great film though with Kurt Russell. Can watch that over and over.

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Guest limubai2000

Yes I heard that too and was very pleased.

It would have been interesting to see where a second Stargate film would have gone because I'm think it was intended to be a little different from the what the series is/was. Still the film excels and I do like the series especially the first 3 seasons. I neglected to mention I met Richard Dean Anderson when he was on his way through Guam to Palau to scuba dive last year. I was the only person who referred to him as Col instead of "that MacGyver guy". He was impressed. Didn't ask for an autograph though afraid he was thinking I'd Ebay it. Very cool guy, very personable and friendly in person.

I did read that blog and do check it sometimes but again have to be careful for spoilers, don't want to ruin anything for myself.

While we are on the subject of scifi TV anyone else think Trek should be left off the air for a few years? I do and Ron Moore of BG and ST fame thinks so too. I think it needs a break and Berman needs to be FIRED.

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Guest limubai2000

I just watched last nights episode that aired here... talk about mindjob. Whew. My gf was even like ummm isn't that girl only in that guy's head? I was like ummm yeah, (scratch head). Really good episode and I'm really surprised there hasn't been a really weak episode yet.

The president is starting to get on my nerves alittle, she is a well written character but starting to bug me somewhat. Galactica Boomer and the Cylon fighter fetish was an interesting moment, wonder how many of her statements will turn out to be true.

The plot thickens as they say.

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Guest teako170

And it keeps getting better ...

(No Spoilers). Tonight's episode (#9) was very entertaining but it also contained some well placed comedy. The director of this episode handled it very well. I also like how each episode changes its focus to a different character - tonight's being Col. Tigh.

I don't get Number Six at all. Sometimes she appears to be helping Baltar but is it he's just a puppet on a string and she's playing God with him? And things are beginning to get [real] interesting on Caprica as well! :)

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Guest limubai2000

I just saw part 1 of the season finale... wow. Can't wait for part 2 and July with season 2 can't come soon enough!

I'm really starting to wonder what the cyclons are up to and if they really are in control of the humans or not.

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Guest teako170

Can't wait. July is just around the corner and I need my Friday night fix.

Oh, and if you liked part 1, you're gonna love part 2 :)

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Guest limubai2000

I know I will love it, I'm doing all I can to prevent myself from going to scifi.com forum and seeing what will happen!

I grabbed some notepads and I'm going to tape all the episodes as they repeat and make notes, both to see what I figure out and to note things about writing.

I think the show is slowly starting to rub off on my gf. When I basically said think Six Feet Under in space she sorta got it and I think her having a thing for Apolla prob is helping too!

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Guest Gordon Liu

I bought the complete season on DVD last fall when I saw it for sale at Media Play. I was so happy to have all those episodes on DVD.

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Guest limubai2000

Holy crapola! I watched it twice last night and still trying to really digest it all.

Of course the biggest thing has to be Adama's attempted assassination, and did that guy on the bridge hand Boomer something like it appears? Definetely not what I was expecting and a nice touch to end the season with.

I was happy to see the Pres get put in the brig, she needs to cool her jets. I'm starting to find her character annoying but maybe cuz that is because I'm more inclinded to side with the military folks. Adama redefines "cool commander".

It seems that Baltar had ended up with his own agenda, he's been on that path for awhile. But now he's really "out there".

Little tired of Starbuck getting her ass kicked, getting a tad old, though in fairness it was a cylon.

I don't mind the prophecy/religious stuff, it actually adds a whole new dimension to the show.

I think George Lucas should watch this show to learn what the words "space opera" really mean.

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Guest teako170
Of course the biggest thing has to be Adama's attempted assassination

YES! Ever since I started screenwriting, I find myself dissecting a film in an attempt to stay one step ahead of it. When I'm caught completely off-guard, I then say - WOW! The film "Usual Suspects" is a perfect example of keeping me off my toes - and when that occurs, I'm really impressed.

...and did that guy on the bridge hand Boomer something like it appears?

That I missed. Have to keep an eye out for it in the repeat.

I was happy to see the Pres get put in the brig, she needs to cool her jets.

Haha - I knew you'd like that.

Adama redefines "cool commander".

As Stan Lee stated - Nuff Said!

It seems that Baltar had ended up with his own agenda, he's been on that path for awhile. But now he's really "out there".

Yes. I'm really curious to see where this part of the storyline goes.

Little tired of Starbuck getting her ass kicked, getting a tad old, though in fairness it was a cylon.

Problem with Starbuck (for me) is she doesn't strike me as the "Ripley" type character. Sure, she has the attitude but she needs to hit the gym and buff up if we're to take her as a serious ass-kicker.

I don't mind the prophecy/religious stuff, it actually adds a whole new dimension to the show.

Definitely. This whole theme can take the series in various directions. I hope the writers develop it into something that really makes us "think."

I think George Lucas should watch this show to learn what the words "space opera" really mean.

Big fan of the original SW. First on my block as a kid to see the film. My buddy and I (after seeing another film) would then sneak into the adjoining theater to see the rest of Star Wars. We must have seen the film over 20X that year. ( It played in NYC theaters for over a year in 1977-78 ). The first two parts of the prequel have been a big letdown but recently I saw an extended trailer of the final chapter. It looked impressive and I'm hoping Lucas finally delivers with this one.

Well, only 10 weeks to July.....

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Guest limubai2000

I'm hoping I can find enough solace in reruns and DVDs to keep me held over until July! I'd wish SciFi would rerun the whole thing in order though, would make for nice repeat viewing to pick up the things we might have missed.

Is it just me or did the "thing" with the nuke in the basestar seem sexual?

Yes as a future aspiring writer I love those gotchas, and likewise when I don't see them coming I'm more impressed.

I saw Amityville Horror last night and I sat there going ok this is going to happen next and I was right. Not the way to build a good horror movie me thinks. The buildup was great but the climax was a let down though they did manage to stay away from heavy CGI at the end and just used it lightly.

I'm hoping Hitchhikers and the SW3 keeps me held over until July!

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Guest leung jarn

Watched this t'other night on SKY (UK).

I expected it to be shite (I mean, Starbuck a woman!) but I have to say it was @#%$ excellent.

Missed the last part of the mini series and never watched the first season but I am hooked and they are on order from amazon.

Did remind me a bit of Space:Above and Beyond, though.

Am I the only person that liked that one?

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