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Miike's redoing Hara-Kiri in 3D?!


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Apparently Miikes making another Samurai film to follow up 13 Assassins. He's redoing the masterpiece Hara-Kiri in 3D!


As much as I detest redoing a pretty much perfect samurai film, I like that Miike has the balls to continue to do Samurai films in a time where they are considered ancient history. A lot of other Japanese directors these days could learn a thing or two from the old masters as Miike says in this article above.


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Apparently Miikes making another Samurai film to follow up 13 Assassins. He's redoing the masterpiece Hara-Kiri in 3D!


As much as I detest redoing a pretty much perfect samurai film, I like that Miike has the balls to continue to do Samurai films in a time where they are considered ancient history. A lot of other Japanese directors these days could learn a thing or two from the old masters as Miike says in this article above.


Jeez I don't know, I have to see 13 Assassins, but... I just saw his remake of Yakuza Graveyard and was a bit disappointed.

I do like his thoughts on Japanese cinema getting back to it's roots, but why remake such a classic? And in 3-D????? What's the fucking point of all that??? And are you going to be able to find an actor to match Tatsuya Nakadai performance? Big shoes to fill.

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And are you going to be able to find an actor to match Tatsuya Nakadai performance? Big shoes to fill

Tosh: Man you hit the nail on the head with that comment! I really don't like all this 3D shit coming out lately, mostly its just a fucking rip-off at the box office! Unless it states real 3D there is nothing great about it. And to do a remake of a great classic WOW!

But I would love to see the Samurai Genre get a major reboot! They are adding Samurai's in a lot of movies lately just not a whole film about them!

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And are you going to be able to find an actor to match Tatsuya Nakadai performance? Big shoes to fill.

Sadly, they're probably going to hire the latest new cool J-Pop idol with an astroboy haircut to play the part.

I just have in mind the style used in Sukiyaki Western Django... I really hated that movie. :sad:

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Kobayashi will be rolling in his grave........... It will be interesting to see how Miike's film compares at Cannes, considering Kobayashi's original film won the special grand jury prize at Cannes in 1963.

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Ahhh the Internet... where people bash films before they are even made :nerd:

Kind of the point of the forum isn't? I'd love nothing more than to see Miike make something on par with the original(I'm going to hold to the fact you couldn't make it better). Just don't get where the 3d would be needed, it's not speed racer:angel:

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The Amazing Psycho Per
And are you going to be able to find an actor to match Tatsuya Nakadai performance?

Sadly, they're probably going to hire the latest new cool J-Pop idol with an astroboy haircut to play the part.

From what I could find, the lead actor Ebizo Ichikawa, is a famous Kabuki actor, so I guess it's a good choice.

I too am skeptic about this one... Hara Kiri is not only one of the greatest samurai movie, and a great movie period: It's a masterpiece. Why it's shot in 3D is beyond me and I think it's what tickles me the most about the project. What's next, 12 Angry men in 3D?

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Wow..... It looks to be a shot for shot remake. I'm actually kind of happy that this approach is being taken. It is reassuring to see the amount of respect and reverence Miike obviously has for the material. I mean this film is one of Japan's finest achievements in cinema, the pressure to get this right must have been difficult to work under. I was very skeptical originally about the results, but after seeing the trailer I'm kind of routing for Miike to make this a great film.

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I know Miike had to put his own twist on it, I don't want a shot for shot remake then why bother at all then.

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Wow after watching that trailer I seriously hope I eat my words on this, Miike been more miss than hit for me but that trailer looks gorgeous, and I have to admit the actor filling Nakadai's shoes looks pretty damn convincing!

Also great to see Renji Ishibashi still acting.

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Takashi Miike, the visionary director of 2010′s 13 Assassins, returns with a remake of the 1963 Masaki Kobayashi film Harakiri. In this harrowing samurai drama, a poverty-stricken young warrior seeks an honorable death through ritual suicide. Back in 2011 this was the first 3D film to be screened at Cannes.

BREAKING NEWS:. The film will be On Demand this July 17th and in limited theatrical release on July 20th.

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OK I got to watch this on VOD last night and I thought it was a very good movie. And Honestly I cannot see why this movie was even in 3D there was absolutely nothing to hint why it would have been necessary! Miike had his own spin on it which I truly liked he didn't go for a carbon copy of the original. But don't go into this movie thinking it has a lot of action like 13 Assassins because you will truly be disappointed its more of a drama, it has some action at the end but that's about it. Overall a very good movie.

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I also watched this recently. While it's not as good as Kobayashi's version, it is still rather damn good. I liked it much more than I thought I would and this film helps place Miike as the best director of Japanese cinema today.

It's insane how direction in Japanese cinema has turned into mush into the last 10 years with a few exceptions, notably Takashi Miike. He becomes a better director with each passing films, even though I can't see him surpassing his Graveyard Of Honor.

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Was I the only viewer that was disappointed in the swordplay in this? I thought it was humdrum. Extra annoying because I thought every other element of the film was impressive.

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@Vegeta84: I'm sure the BR will be updated soon for this movie.

@KUNG FU BOB: I was hoping for more Sword Fighting as well, but even in the original there really wasn't that much. I guess after 13 Assassins we all were expecting a total Blood Bathat the end, I know I was! :xd:

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The original didn't feature much of a lengthy final battle. There are several other samurai films like this though. A majority of the film drama with a final short battle scene.

I've always been fascinated with people pointing out "how amazing the fights are in Kurosawa's films." I've personally thought Kurosawa's sword fighting choreography was lackluster compared to other Japanese directors such as Gosha. Say what you will, but the tyrant director, (Gosha) knew how to block his fights for full effect!

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@KUNG FU BOB: I was hoping for more Sword Fighting as well, but even in the original there really wasn't that much. I guess after 13 Assassins we all were expecting a total Blood Bathat the end, I know I was! :xd:

The original didn't feature much of a lengthy final battle. There are several other samurai films like this though. A majority of the film drama with a final short battle scene.

No, no no. I said I was disappointed with the QUALITY, not the quantity of the sword action. I knew what to expect from the original. But after a film's worth of build up, I expect something special.

One of my favorite samurai films is TWILIGHT SAMURAI which has only seconds of action. Another fave- SAMURAI REBELLION has the same "nothing until the climax" thing going on with the action. But when it finally came... it was AWESOME!

I've always been fascinated with people pointing out "how amazing the fights are in Kurosawa's films." I've personally thought Kurosawa's sword fighting choreography was lackluster compared to other Japanese directors such as Gosha. Say what you will, but the tyrant director, (Gosha) knew how to block his fights for full effect!

Agreed. I think the films and acting in Kurosawa's films is so good that you feel very involved in the action, though the action per say might not be as extraordinary.

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