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I Mourn Thee Stargate!

Michael L.

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It looks like MGM's financial troubles have killed the Stargate franchise entirely. It's too bad; they took a movie that I was fairly neutral towards and made a really good run with it (except the cartoon). It wasn't always great, but it usually was fairly entertaining. The perfect thing to turn on when your plans are to fold laundry or semi-nap on the couch.

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Stargate was a good series but ran on far too long. The show should have ended around series six when showtime cancelled it. Unfortunately the sci-fi channel let the far better Farscape, still in its peak, go while continuing the inferior Stargate which had already ran out of ideas. Then came Atlantis which had a good premise initially and then the writers started rehashing SG 1 stories flogging that dead horse until it was eventually cancelled. I can't comment on Universe personally but the word wasn't good about it.

Unfortunately Stargate is this generation's Star Trek just running and running because it's a big franchise and not because it's bring something fresh and interesting. Unfortunately we will probably see endless spin-offs of Battlestar Galactica now. God forbid they actually make some quality telly instead of spinning off something that should have been cancelled.

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I think Battlestar is officially dead, too. It shouldn't have ever made it past the miniseries stage in my opinion...

I don't know what is up lately with science fiction. Sanctuary seems to have already lost its way, Warehouse 13 is okay but not great and could easily lose its charm and most shows can't even get through half a season. At least there is still Doctor Who! I'm interested, but wary, of what Starz will do with Torchwood.

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Unfortunately Stargate is this generation's Star Trek

Yes, very true, every spin-off has emulated every Star Trek spin-off (DS9 = Atlantis, SGU = Voyager). I loved SG1, even the later years became very epic, my favorite episode being the 7th season finale Lost City. Atlantis was also an enjoyable show and unlike SG1, had a solid ending. Universe is basically Battlestar Galactica, but a little less...drab. Credit them for trying something different, but it didn't work. Hopefully well get another DTV movie that'll wrap things up nicely.

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I never got into these SyFy shows I heard there really good, but I'd be lost I wouldn't even know which series to watch 1st. or which was the spinoff of which one! I did hear Battlestar Galactica was great.

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Enjoyed the Stargate series at first but, as stated, it went on wayyy too long. Same with Star Trek.

Big fan of the original series and NextGen had some interesting stuff but couldn't follow beyond that.

Battlestar was a phenomenal series that lasted just the right amount of time.

They could have eeked out another season or two but always better to quit while you're ahead.

I tired watching that spin-off, Caprica, but only saw two episodes and quit.

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Hopefully well get another DTV movie that'll wrap things up nicely.

No, that's pretty much doomed because MGM is in serious money trouble and has completely pulled the plug on the franchise.

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Enjoyed the Stargate series at first but, as stated, it went on wayyy too long. Same with Star Trek.

Big fan of the original series and NextGen had some interesting stuff but couldn't follow beyond that.

Battlestar was a phenomenal series that lasted just the right amount of time.

They could have eeked out another season or two but always better to quit while you're ahead.

I tired watching that spin-off, Caprica, but only saw two episodes and quit.

I couldn't agree more about BSG..but Caprica was great...it started out slow but ended with a huge BANG and it was one of those endings that pissed me off because the show finally hit it's stride. It's only one season long...so I'd suggest giving it a try it gets way better!!! :wink:

I loved Stargate Atlantis the most out of the shows/spin offs. It was a fun, more action oriented sci fi show. I'll give Stargate Universe a try sooner or later. :angel:

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You know, Caprica was passed on a couple of times and only got made because it had ready to go scripts and the writers' strike was preventing other productions from going on. I never watched it (I hated BSG) but I'd guess it never really got a fair chance at SyFy.

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You know, Caprica was passed on a couple of times and only got made because it had ready to go scripts and the writers' strike was preventing other productions from going on. I never watched it (I hated BSG) but I'd guess it never really got a fair chance at SyFy.

Yeah I read about that. It never did get a chance and towards the end found it's voice and was getting up to par with BSG...nothing with pass BSG for me. :tongue:

As for Stargate......for those of you with streaming Netflix the entire Stargate series is available to watch in HD!!

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I think Battlestar is officially dead, too. It shouldn't have ever made it past the miniseries stage in my opinion...

I don't know what is up lately with science fiction. Sanctuary seems to have already lost its way, Warehouse 13 is okay but not great and could easily lose its charm and most shows can't even get through half a season. At least there is still Doctor Who! I'm interested, but wary, of what Starz will do with Torchwood.

Battlestar is far from dead with another spin-off planned in the near future, called blood and chrome if I recall correctly. I disagree with your comments about Battlestar Galactica I think it was awesome in the mini-series, very good during the first season, largely very good during season 2 with a few mediocre filler episodes. But for me the show died in the final two episodes of season 2 during the "new Caprica" arc. That was the jump the shark moment culminating in a dire season three. "Razor" and series 4 were much better although still pales in comparison to the beginning of the show. Battlestar Galactica began with a bang and went out with a whimper.

Warehouse 13 is just the poor man's the Lost Room (an awesome mini-series)imho. Doctor who is a frustrating series with moments of brilliance and others that of mediocrity. You never know what you're going to get. Torchwood on the other hand has never been anything but crap generally speaking or at best watchable.

I never got into these SyFy shows I heard there really good, but I'd be lost I wouldn't even know which series to watch 1st. or which was the spinoff of which one! I did hear Battlestar Galactica was great.

The best Syfy made show you could ever watch is Farscape, it takes a bit to get going but it becomes truly awesome once the production team find their feet.

Firefly is another completely amazing science-fiction show you simply must see.

Babylon 5 - an absolute classic that you really need to see every single episode in the correct viewing order and you'll see the best over arching story of any series ever. The first series can be tough work for new viewers but don't let that put you off. It's set up the foundation for the universe in which the story is told and is largely episodic, with a few story arc episodes. Then come the second season onwards be arc kicks them and the story just gets better and better. Can't recommend this enough.

Three of the best to get you started.

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Michael L.

I didn't like the Lost Room... basically, it and Warehouse 13 are just Friday the 13th The Series. The difference is that Warehouse 13 doesn't take itself seriously at all... which is good when you are treading familiar ground.

Yeah, there is a BSG pilot for Blood and Chrome coming up but I wouldn't hold my breathe... the new NBC owners aren't exactly pouring cash into science fiction (as SyFy reality shows and wrestling emphasize) and given the fact that it'll be expensive, BSG was not the success it was touted as (Atlantis had better combined numbers most of the time than BSG) and Caprica only made it one season...

I agree with you on your three picks, but I would add Doctor Who (both series).

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Me and the Mrs. recently started watching FIREFLY reruns. Only seen 2 but we have 3 backed up on the dvr. They've been pretty good so far.

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I didn't like the Lost Room... basically, it and Warehouse 13 are just Friday the 13th The Series. The difference is that Warehouse 13 doesn't take itself seriously at all... which is good when you are treading familiar ground.

Yeah, there is a BSG pilot for Blood and Chrome coming up but I wouldn't hold my breathe... the new NBC owners aren't exactly pouring cash into science fiction (as SyFy reality shows and wrestling emphasize) and given the fact that it'll be expensive, BSG was not the success it was touted as (Atlantis had better combined numbers most of the time than BSG) and Caprica only made it one season...

I agree with you on your three picks, but I would add Doctor Who (both series).

I thought the Lost Room was extremely well written, very imaginative and had a very good cast. I really enjoyed it and I do remember lots of people wanting it continued. For me warehouse 13 seemed extremely bland and the typical cheap type of show that sci-fi(Syfy) likes to make and highly disposable.

I'm sure you're right that they will be lots of cheap shows coming in the future but they will need a flagship series. Who knows it could be a new Babylon 5 spin-off? JMS - the creator of Babylon 5 - has said something is in the works but won't reveal anything until it's confirmed. Could be a big screen movie, could be a spin-off? Who knows?

Me and the Mrs. recently started watching FIREFLY reruns. Only seen 2 but we have 3 backed up on the dvr. They've been pretty good so far.

SD, if/when you have the free cash Firefly's an investment!:bigsmile:

Don't forget to watch the bigscreen movie Serenity AFTER you've seen ALL of Firefly!

Do You have a fave character yet? I gotta say Jayne is great, always so honest and blunt, so funny!

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Do You have a fave character yet? I gotta say Jayne is great, always so honest and blunt, so funny!

Nah. Book was the man.

(Though I was kind of fond of Jayne, too... All the characters in Firefly are pretty compelling. Whedon is good at that.)

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Haven't watched enough of them to say I have a favorite character yet (though I'm a Nathan Fillon fan).

I thought Summer Glau's character was supposed to be some sort of bad chick when it came to fighting. Or was that just in the movie "Serenity"? (Haven't seen that either yet.) Or am I laboring under a false assumption about all that?

Anything I've watched so far is in the middle of the series so I'm not even sure just what is going on or the underlying premise of the whole show.

Of the 2 eps I've seen the only one I really remember is the one where they return to a mining planet where Jayne (I think it's this character) is like a folk hero though in actuality he's a thief on the run.

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Nah. Book was the man.

(Though I was kind of fond of Jayne, too... All the characters in Firefly are pretty compelling. Whedon is good at that.)

I completely agree Joss Whedon is excellent at writing great characters. I also love his witty dialogue. I probably get more laughs out of Firefly or Buffy than I do from most sitcoms .

Haven't watched enough of them to say I have a favorite character yet (though I'm a Nathan Fillon fan).

I thought Summer Glau's character was supposed to be some sort of bad chick when it came to fighting. Or was that just in the movie "Serenity"? (Haven't seen that either yet.) Or am I laboring under a false assumption about all that?

Anything I've watched so far is in the middle of the series so I'm not even sure just what is going on or the underlying premise of the whole show.

Of the 2 eps I've seen the only one I really remember is the one where they return to a mining planet where Jayne (I think it's this character) is like a folk hero though in actuality he's a thief on the run.

SD, yes River is some sort of bad ass chick when it came to fighting but you never see that during Firefly. She does a fantastic job in the big screen movie Serenity having had no formal martial-arts training prior to this. I think Summer was a ballet dancer when she was younger. I would love to see what someone like Yuen Woo Ping could do with her. While she's not Jeeja good she was very good for a non-martial artist.

Ah you saw the ep "Jaynestown ". Absolutely brilliant seeing everyone think he's a good guy! They even wrote a song in his honour the Hero of Canton! so funny .:tongue:

Lots of good stuff to come SD:bigsmile:!

Out of curiosity does anyone think that Nathan Fillion would make an excellent Indiana Jones?

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IOut of curiosity does anyone think that Nathan Fillion would make an excellent Indiana Jones?

You know......I'd never thought of him in that role before. Excellent idea! He'd be brilliant!!!

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Not a No.1 for me, but definitely one of the best SF shows. Ever.

Ditto. Awesome show. Top 5 imo.:xd:

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