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Life is a Bet (aka 'Triad Assassinator') (1990)


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Okay.....this was either on The Deadliest Art or Top Fighter (the 2 films which document major MA stars of the time that are like 15 - 20 yrs old now). And I want to think it's on TDA.

There is a clip of what I believe was an Alexander Lo movie. It was 80's HK style MA action. He's wearing jeans, a plaid shirt, and has a pierced ear. He's fighting a dude on a construction site.

I know that's sort of vague. I have the 2 docs on vhs but my vcr is ancient and requires sacrifices be made unto it so I can't view them myself. Anyone have any info on this? Is it even an Alexander Lo film? I've watched a couple of his ninja films (meh) but this one always looked much more interesting to me. Of course, I may be completely off and this isn't even him.

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It sounds like something I saw on one of the ground zero DVDs I have as a "bonus fight". I'll have to look through them...

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Bumping this to see if anyone has a clue.

@ Morgoth Bauglir: Is your post a title?

Anyone other than Silver_Fox seen "Ninja In The USA"?

@ Jay Stone: Had a chance to do any rummaging?

Can't find a clip on youtube for "Ninja In The USA".

Found this on Amazon though. This may very well be what I'm talking about.


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Cool! Thanks for finding that, odioustrident.

Now......has anyone seen this? Is it any good? I always thought it might be.

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I think people consider this one of his better modern day films... A few good fights. If anyone has the print in that above clip.... they should probably let people know. The widely available version I've seen is a not-so-hot VHS rip.

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silver hermit

the version in the clip is the universe version


these modern stunt films don't seem to have much of a following on this site or they are just not mentioned. its nice see one get a mention for a change.

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I hate whenever I'm out for a stroll to enjoy a smoke at a steel pipe plant and I get attacked by machete-wielding goons. Happens every time.

So, are there 3 "Life Is A Bet" films? If so, why have I never heard of these? The MA doesn't look bad at all.

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Those are all scenes from the same film.

silver hermit: I think some major new wave collectors lurk on the forums... then post when they are looking for something. Its a real shame!

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silver hermit
Those are all scenes from the same film.

silver hermit: I think some major new wave collectors lurk on the forums... then post when they are looking for something. Its a real shame!

maybe if we start posting some will appear. these are some of the most funs films there are. how many times will you see a guy jump off a building and crack his back off of another building!


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Okay......more and more I'm wanting to find this movie now.

Thanks for posting these clips, silver hermit.

Anyone got this or seen it?

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One Armed Boxer
how many times will you see a guy jump off a building and crack his back off of another building!

Ever seen a Panna Rittikrai movie?:tongue:

I also love these modern day action stunt movies, I'd go so far as to say they're my favorite kind of martial arts cinema. I'm sure there are so many hidden gems out there, but as has been mentioned, they don't seem to get the same amount of coverege on the forum as say, more traditional forms or shapes movies get.

rdenn & Morgoth really seem to know their stuff when it comes to this genre.

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silver hermit
Ever seen a Panna Rittikrai movie?:tongue:

I also love these modern day action stunt movies, I'd go so far as to say they're my favorite kind of martial arts cinema. I'm sure there are so many hidden gems out there, but as has been mentioned, they don't seem to get the same amount of coverege on the forum as say, more traditional forms or shapes movies get.

rdenn & Morgoth really seem to know their stuff when it comes to this genre.

ah yah i have seen some panna films they are downright brutal!!! i think his stuntmen are one use only lol

yes it seems like like most fans like the white hair foxes but if they watched some of these they might get hooked i know i did! if anyone suffers a burnout my advice is watch a brutal stunt film and call me in the morning :tongue: when i try to post about these films i end up talking to myself :tongue:

and yeah rdenn is a don with the new wave

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silver hermit you have more moderns on youtube more than me, i did on my older channels but as i have 1 more warning from youtube (didnt know about the 1st one) i will proberly put up some on my new channel :xd:

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One Armed Boxer

I got through watching this one last night, and it's a decent enough if throwaway entry into the modern day actioner genre. Lo Rei, who seemed to spend most of the early to mid-90's featuring in similar low budget Taiwan moderns, here takes the lead as an assassin whose previous job looks like it was to raid Chow Yun Fat's 'A Better Tomorrow' wardrobe.

The movie features a heap of gun fights and a few car chases, which are all competently staged, all be it like many of these Taiwan movies, often tend to look a little rushed. The fact that they've all been sped up also adds to the frentic pace. Thankfully though Lo Rei gets to dish out his kung-fu skills at regular intervals, which are always a pleasure to watch, especially when placed in a more modern setting.

The influence of spending the previous decade working with Robert Tai shows through with the inclusion of some ridiculous wire-work for many of the flying kicks, which perhaps take the expression a little too literally, however there's enough grounded close quarter exchanges and wince worthy falls to balance things out.

All in all 'Life is a Bet' is definitely worth checking out, if only to see Lo Rei in one of his last lead roles in a modern day actioner.

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All in all 'Life is a Bet' is definitely worth checking out, if only to see Lo Rei in one of his last lead roles in a modern day actioner.

Dadgummit, I've got to stop twiddling my thumbs and place an order with Jamal.:tongue:

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One Armed Boxer
On 3/14/2015 at 1:26 PM, ShaOW!linDude said:

Dadgummit, I've got to stop twiddling my thumbs and place an order with Jamal.:tongue:

Glad to see your 5 years of thumb twiddling has come to an end dude!


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10 hours ago, One Armed Boxer said:

Glad to see your 5 years of thumb twiddling has come to an end dude!


Yeah, well, the twiddling became twaddling, which led to waffling, and then I fell into a deep procrastination.

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